use of org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var in project jena by apache.
the class SelectHandler method addAll.
* Add all the variables from the select handler variable.
* @param selectHandler
* The select handler to copy the variables from.
public void addAll(SelectHandler selectHandler) {
VarExprList shProjectVars = selectHandler.query.getProject();
VarExprList qProjectVars = query.getProject();
for (Var var : shProjectVars.getVars()) {
// make sure there are no duplicates
if (!qProjectVars.contains(var)) {
qProjectVars.add(var, shProjectVars.getExpr(var));
use of org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var in project jena by apache.
the class ElementRewriter method visit.
public void visit(ElementData el) {
ElementData retval = new ElementData();
Iterator<Var> vars = el.getVars().iterator();
Iterator<Binding> bindings = el.getRows().iterator();
while (vars.hasNext()) {
Var v =;
if (values.containsKey(v)) {
// skip the binding;
} else {
use of org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var in project jena by apache.
the class TransformSDB method transform.
// Now done in QueryCompilerMain at a later stage.
// @Override
// public Op transform(OpSlice opSlice, Op subOp)
// {
// if ( ! request.LimitOffsetTranslation )
// return super.transform(opSlice, subOp) ;
// // Not a slice of SQL
// if ( ! SDB_QC.isOpSQL(subOp) )
// return super.transform(opSlice, subOp) ;
// // Two cases are currently handled:
// // (slice (project (sql expression)))
// // (slice (sql expression))
// if ( isProject(opSlice.getSubOp()) )
// // This should not happen because the pre-transform done in QueryEngineMain
// // rewrites the case into the equivalent (project (slice ...))
// return transformSliceProject(opSlice, (OpSQL)subOp, ((OpSQL)subOp).getSqlNode()) ;
// // (slice (sql expression))
// return transformSlice(opSlice, ((OpSQL)subOp).getSqlNode()) ;
// }
// private Op transformSlice(OpSlice opSlice, SqlNode sqlSubOp)
// {
// SqlNode n = SqlSelectBlock.slice(request, sqlSubOp, opSlice.getStart(), opSlice.getLength()) ;
// OpSQL x = new OpSQL(n, opSlice, request) ;
// return x ;
// }
// private Op transformSliceProject(OpSlice opSlice, OpSQL subOp, SqlNode sqlOp)
// {
// // This put the LIMIT outside all the projects left joins, which is a bit of a pity.
// // Could improve by rewriting (slice (project...)) into (project (slice...)) in QueryCompilerMain
// OpSQL x = (OpSQL)transformSlice(opSlice, sqlOp) ;
// SQLBridge bridge = subOp.getBridge() ;
// return x ;
// }
// // ----
// private boolean translateConstraints = true ;
// private SDBConstraint transformFilter(OpFilter opFilter)
// {
// if ( ! translateConstraints )
// return null ;
// ExprList exprs = opFilter.getExprs() ;
// List<Expr> x = exprs.getList() ;
// for ( Expr expr : x )
// {
// ConditionCompiler cc = new RegexCompiler() ;
// SDBConstraint psc = cc.recognize(expr) ;
// if ( psc != null )
// return psc ;
// }
// return null ;
// }
// private Set<Var> getVarsInFilter(Expr expr)
// {
// Set<Var> vars = expr.getVarsMentioned() ;
// return vars ;
// }
public Op transform(OpDatasetNames opDatasetNames) {
if (false)
return super.transform(opDatasetNames);
// Basically, an implementation of "GRAPH ?g {}"
Node g = opDatasetNames.getGraphNode();
if (!Var.isVar(g))
throw new SDBInternalError("OpDatasetNames - not a variable: " + g);
Var v = Var.alloc(g);
TableDescQuads quads = request.getStore().getQuadTableDesc();
SqlTable sqlTableQ = new SqlTable(quads.getTableName());
sqlTableQ.setIdColumnForVar(v, new SqlColumn(sqlTableQ, quads.getGraphColName()));
SqlNode sqlNodeQ = SqlSelectBlock.distinct(request, sqlTableQ);
// Will have the value left join added later.
return new OpSQL(sqlNodeQ, opDatasetNames, request);
use of org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var in project jena by apache.
the class TransformSDB method transform.
public Op transform(OpLeftJoin opJoin, Op left, Op right) {
if (!request.LeftJoinTranslation)
return super.transform(opJoin, left, right);
if (!SDB_QC.isOpSQL(left) || !SDB_QC.isOpSQL(right))
return super.transform(opJoin, left, right);
// Condition(s) in the left join. Punt for now.
if (opJoin.getExprs() != null)
return super.transform(opJoin, left, right);
SqlNode sqlLeft = ((OpSQL) left).getSqlNode();
SqlNode sqlRight = ((OpSQL) right).getSqlNode();
// Check for coalesce.
// Do optional variables on the right appear only as optional variables on the left?
Set<ScopeEntry> scopes = sqlLeft.getIdScope().findScopes();
// Find optional-on-left
Set<ScopeEntry> scopes2 = toSet(filter(scopes.iterator(), ScopeEntry.OptionalFilter));
// Vars from left optionals.
Set<Var> leftOptVars = toSet(map(scopes2.iterator(), ScopeEntry::getVar));
if (false) {
Iter<ScopeEntry> iter = Iter.iter(scopes);
Set<Var> leftOptVars_ = iter.filter(ScopeEntry.OptionalFilter).map(ScopeEntry::getVar).toSet();
// Find optional-on-right (easier - it's all variables)
Set<Var> rightOptVars = sqlRight.getIdScope().getVars();
// And finally, calculate the intersection of the two.
// SetUtils extension - one side could be an iterator
Set<Var> coalesceVars = intersection(leftOptVars, rightOptVars);
if (coalesceVars.size() > 0) {
String alias = request.genId(AliasesSql.CoalesceAliasBase);
SqlNode sqlNode = SqlBuilder.leftJoinCoalesce(request, alias, sqlLeft, sqlRight, coalesceVars);
return new OpSQL(sqlNode, opJoin, request);
// Punt
//return super.transform(opJoin, left, right) ;
return new OpSQL(SqlBuilder.leftJoin(request, sqlLeft, sqlRight, null), opJoin, request);
use of org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var in project jena by apache.
the class QBR_SubProperty method rewrite.
public QuadBlock rewrite(SDBRequest request, QuadBlock quadBlock) {
if (!quadBlock.contains(null, null, rdfType, null))
return quadBlock;
quadBlock = new QuadBlock(quadBlock);
int i = 0;
// Better/clearer : do as copy over from one block to another.
while ((i = quadBlock.findFirst(i, null, null, rdfType, null)) != -1) {
// { :s rdf:type :C } => { :s rdf:type ?V . ?V rdfs:subClassOf :C }
Quad rdfTypeQuad = quadBlock.get(i);
Var var = request.genVar();
Quad q1 = new Quad(rdfTypeQuad.getGraph(), rdfTypeQuad.getSubject(), rdfType, var);
Quad q2 = new Quad(rdfTypeQuad.getGraph(), var, RDFS.subClassOf.asNode(), rdfTypeQuad.getObject());
// replace rdf:type statement
quadBlock.set(i, q1);
// add subClassOf statement
quadBlock.add(i + 1, q2);
// Skip the two statements.
i = i + 2;
return quadBlock;