use of org.apache.jena.sparql.path.P_Link in project jena by apache.
the class SparqlValidation method validateMap.
* return true if the validation is "conforms"
private static boolean validateMap(ValidationContext vCxt, Graph data, Shape shape, Node focusNode, Path path, Node valueNode, Query _query, Map<Parameter, Node> parameterMap, String violationTemplate, Constraint reportConstraint) {
Model model = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(data);
QueryExecution qExec;
Query query = _query;
// If path is not a simple link, rewrite the query.
if (path != null && !(path instanceof P_Link))
query = QueryTransformOps.transform(query, new ElementTransformPath(SparqlConstraint.varPath, path));
if (USE_QueryTransformOps) {
// Done with QueryTransformOps.transform
Map<Var, Node> substitutions = parameterMapToSyntaxSubstitutions(parameterMap, focusNode, path);
if (query.isAskType())
addSubstition(substitutions, "value", valueNode);
Query query2 = QueryTransformOps.transform(query, substitutions);
qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query2, model);
} else {
// Done with pre-binding.
QuerySolutionMap qsm = parameterMapToPreBinding(parameterMap, focusNode, path, model);
if (query.isAskType())
qsm.add("value", ModelUtils.convertGraphNodeToRDFNode(valueNode, model));
qExec = QueryExecution.create().query(query).model(model).initialBinding(qsm).build();
// ASK validator.
if (qExec.getQuery().isAskType()) {
boolean b = qExec.execAsk();
if (!b) {
String msg = (violationTemplate == null) ? "SPARQL ASK constraint for " + ShLib.displayStr(valueNode) + " returns false" : substitute(violationTemplate, parameterMap, focusNode, path, valueNode);
vCxt.reportEntry(msg, shape, focusNode, path, valueNode, reportConstraint);
return b;
ResultSet rs = qExec.execSelect();
if (!rs.hasNext())
return true;
while (rs.hasNext()) {
Binding row = rs.nextBinding();
Node value = row.get(SparqlConstraint.varValue);
if (value == null)
value = valueNode;
String msg;
if (violationTemplate == null) {
if (value != null)
msg = "SPARQL SELECT constraint for " + ShLib.displayStr(valueNode) + " returns " + ShLib.displayStr(value);
msg = "SPARQL SELECT constraint for " + ShLib.displayStr(valueNode) + " returns row " + row;
} else {
msg = substitute(violationTemplate, row);
Path rPath = path;
if (rPath == null) {
Node qPath = row.get(SparqlConstraint.varPath);
if (qPath != null)
rPath = PathFactory.pathLink(qPath);
vCxt.reportEntry(msg, shape, focusNode, rPath, value, reportConstraint);
return false;
use of org.apache.jena.sparql.path.P_Link in project jena by apache.
the class WhereClauseTest method testSetVarsInOptional.
public void testSetVarsInOptional() {
Var v = Var.alloc("v");
WhereClause<?> whereClause = getProducer().newInstance();
AbstractQueryBuilder<?> builder = whereClause.addOptional(new Triple(NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), v));
ElementPathBlock epb = new ElementPathBlock();
ElementOptional optional = new ElementOptional(epb);
TriplePath tp = new TriplePath(NodeFactory.createURI("one"), new P_Link(NodeFactory.createURI("two")), v);
WhereValidator visitor = new WhereValidator(optional);;
builder.setVar(v, NodeFactory.createURI("three"));
epb = new ElementPathBlock();
optional = new ElementOptional(epb);
Triple t = new Triple(NodeFactory.createURI("one"), NodeFactory.createURI("two"), NodeFactory.createURI("three"));
visitor = new WhereValidator(optional);;
use of org.apache.jena.sparql.path.P_Link in project jena by apache.
the class WhereQuadHolderTest method anonymousTest.
public void anonymousTest() {
holder = new WhereQuadHolder(new PrefixHandler());
List<Triple> tLst = new ArrayList<Triple>();
Node s = NodeFactory.createURI("s");
Node p = NodeFactory.createURI("p");
Node o = NodeFactory.createURI("o");
tLst.add(new Triple(s, p, o));
holder.addWhere(new TriplePath(s, new P_Link(p), o));
Node s2 = NodeFactory.createURI("s2");
Node p2 = NodeFactory.createURI("p2");
Node o2 = NodeFactory.createURI("o2");
tLst.add(new Triple(s2, p2, o2));
holder.addWhere(new TriplePath(s2, new P_Link(p2), o2));
List<Quad> lst = holder.getQuads().toList();
assertEquals(2, lst.size());
assertEquals(new Quad(Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated, tLst.get(0)), lst.get(0));
assertEquals(new Quad(Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated, tLst.get(1)), lst.get(1));
use of org.apache.jena.sparql.path.P_Link in project jena by apache.
the class WhereQuadHolderTest method anonymousTest_Var.
public void anonymousTest_Var() {
holder = new WhereQuadHolder(new PrefixHandler());
List<Triple> tLst = new ArrayList<Triple>();
Node s = NodeFactory.createURI("s");
Node p = NodeFactory.createVariable("p");
Node o = NodeFactory.createURI("o");
holder.addWhere(new TriplePath(s, new P_Link(p), o));
Node s2 = NodeFactory.createURI("s2");
Node p2 = NodeFactory.createURI("p2");
Node o2 = NodeFactory.createURI("o2");
tLst.add(new Triple(s, p2, o));
tLst.add(new Triple(s2, p2, o2));
holder.addWhere(new TriplePath(s2, new P_Link(p), o2));
Map<Var, Node> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(Var.alloc(p), p2);
List<Quad> lst = holder.getQuads().toList();
assertEquals(2, lst.size());
assertEquals(new Quad(Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated, tLst.get(0)), lst.get(0));
assertEquals(new Quad(Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated, tLst.get(1)), lst.get(1));
use of org.apache.jena.sparql.path.P_Link in project jena by apache.
the class WhereQuadHolderTest method namedTest.
public void namedTest() {
holder = new WhereQuadHolder(new PrefixHandler());
Node g = NodeFactory.createURI("g");
List<Triple> tLst = new ArrayList<Triple>();
Node s = NodeFactory.createURI("s");
Node p = NodeFactory.createURI("p");
Node o = NodeFactory.createURI("o");
tLst.add(new Triple(s, p, o));
WhereHandler whereHandler = new WhereHandler();
whereHandler.addWhere(new TriplePath(s, new P_Link(p), o));
holder.addGraph(g, whereHandler);
Node s2 = NodeFactory.createURI("s2");
Node p2 = NodeFactory.createURI("p2");
Node o2 = NodeFactory.createURI("o2");
tLst.add(new Triple(s2, p2, o2));
whereHandler = new WhereHandler();
whereHandler.addWhere(new TriplePath(s2, new P_Link(p2), o2));
holder.addGraph(g, whereHandler);
List<Quad> lst = holder.getQuads().toList();
assertEquals(2, lst.size());
assertEquals(new Quad(g, tLst.get(0)), lst.get(0));
assertEquals(new Quad(g, tLst.get(1)), lst.get(1));