use of org.apache.jmeter.config.Arguments in project jmeter by apache.
the class JavaConfigGui method configureClassName.
private void configureClassName() {
String className = classNameLabeledChoice.getText().trim();
try {
JavaSamplerClient client = Class.forName(className, true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()).asSubclass(JavaSamplerClient.class).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
Arguments currArgs = new Arguments();
Map<String, String> currArgsMap = currArgs.getArgumentsAsMap();
Arguments newArgs = new Arguments();
Arguments testParams = null;
try {
testParams = client.getDefaultParameters();
} catch (AbstractMethodError e) {
log.warn("JavaSamplerClient doesn't implement " + "getDefaultParameters. Default parameters won't " + "be shown. Please update your client class: {}", className);
if (testParams != null) {
for (JMeterProperty jMeterProperty : testParams.getArguments()) {
Argument arg = (Argument) jMeterProperty.getObjectValue();
String name = arg.getName();
String value = arg.getValue();
// values that they did in the original test.
if (currArgsMap.containsKey(name)) {
String newVal = currArgsMap.get(name);
if (newVal != null && newVal.length() > 0) {
value = newVal;
newArgs.addArgument(name, value);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error getting argument list for {}", className, e);
use of org.apache.jmeter.config.Arguments in project jmeter by apache.
the class TestURLRewritingModifier method testGrabSessionIdFromForm.
public void testGrabSessionIdFromForm() throws Exception {
String[] html = new String[] { "<input name=\"sid\" value=\"myId\">", "<input name='sid' value='myId'>", "<input value=\"myId\" NAME='sid'>", "<input VALUE='myId' name=\"sid\">", "<input blah blah value=\"myId\" yoda yoda NAME='sid'>", "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"sid\" value=\"myId\">", "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"sid\"\tvalue=\"myId\">" };
for (int i = 0; i < html.length; i++) {
response = new SampleResult();
response.setResponseData(html[i], null);
URLRewritingModifier newMod = new URLRewritingModifier();
HTTPSamplerBase sampler = createSampler();
Arguments args = sampler.getArguments();
assertEquals("For case i=" + i, "myId", ((Argument) args.getArguments().get(0).getObjectValue()).getValue());
use of org.apache.jmeter.config.Arguments in project jmeter by apache.
the class TestHttpRequestHdr method testPostMultipartFileUpload.
public void testPostMultipartFileUpload() throws Exception {
String url = "http://localhost/matrix.html";
// A HTTP POST request, multipart/form-data, simple values,
String contentEncoding = "UTF-8";
String boundary = "xf8SqlDNvmn6mFYwrioJaeUR2_Z4cLRXOSmB";
String endOfLine = "\r\n";
String fileFieldValue = "test_file";
String fileName = "somefilename.txt";
String mimeType = "text/plain";
String fileContent = "somedummycontent\n\ndfgdfg\r\nfgdgdg\nContent-type:dfsfsfds";
String postBody = createMultipartFileUploadBody(fileFieldValue, fileName, mimeType, fileContent, boundary, endOfLine);
String testPostRequest = createMultipartFormRequest(url, postBody, contentEncoding, boundary, endOfLine);
HTTPSamplerBase s = getSamplerForRequest(url, testPostRequest, contentEncoding);
assertEquals(HTTPConstants.POST, s.getMethod());
assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
assertEquals("", s.getQueryString());
// Check arguments
Arguments arguments = s.getArguments();
assertEquals(0, arguments.getArgumentCount());
// Assume there's at least one file
HTTPFileArg hfa = s.getHTTPFiles()[0];
assertEquals(fileFieldValue, hfa.getParamName());
assertEquals(fileName, hfa.getPath());
assertEquals(mimeType, hfa.getMimeType());
use of org.apache.jmeter.config.Arguments in project jmeter by apache.
the class TestHttpRequestHdr method testPostMultipartFormData.
public void testPostMultipartFormData() throws Exception {
String url = "http://localhost/matrix.html";
// A HTTP POST request, multipart/form-data, simple values,
String contentEncoding = "UTF-8";
String boundary = "xf8SqlDNvmn6mFYwrioJaeUR2_Z4cLRXOSmB";
String endOfLine = "\r\n";
String titleValue = "mytitle";
String descriptionValue = "mydescription";
String postBody = createMultipartFormBody(titleValue, descriptionValue, contentEncoding, true, boundary, endOfLine);
String testPostRequest = createMultipartFormRequest(url, postBody, contentEncoding, boundary, endOfLine);
HTTPSamplerBase s = getSamplerForRequest(url, testPostRequest, contentEncoding);
assertEquals(HTTPConstants.POST, s.getMethod());
assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
// Check arguments
Arguments arguments = s.getArguments();
assertEquals(2, arguments.getArgumentCount());
checkArgument((HTTPArgument) arguments.getArgument(0), "title", titleValue, titleValue, contentEncoding, false);
checkArgument((HTTPArgument) arguments.getArgument(1), "description", descriptionValue, descriptionValue, contentEncoding, false);
// A HTTP POST request, multipart/form-data, simple values,
// with \r\n as end of line, which is according to spec,
// and with more headers in each multipart
endOfLine = "\r\n";
titleValue = "mytitle";
descriptionValue = "mydescription";
postBody = createMultipartFormBody(titleValue, descriptionValue, contentEncoding, true, boundary, endOfLine);
testPostRequest = createMultipartFormRequest(url, postBody, contentEncoding, boundary, endOfLine);
s = getSamplerForRequest(url, testPostRequest, contentEncoding);
assertEquals(HTTPConstants.POST, s.getMethod());
assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
// Check arguments
arguments = s.getArguments();
assertEquals(2, arguments.getArgumentCount());
checkArgument((HTTPArgument) arguments.getArgument(0), "title", titleValue, titleValue, contentEncoding, false);
checkArgument((HTTPArgument) arguments.getArgument(1), "description", descriptionValue, descriptionValue, contentEncoding, false);
// A HTTP POST request, multipart/form-data, simple values,
// with \n as end of line, which should also be handled,
// and with more headers in each multipart
endOfLine = "\n";
titleValue = "mytitle";
descriptionValue = "mydescription";
postBody = createMultipartFormBody(titleValue, descriptionValue, contentEncoding, true, boundary, endOfLine);
testPostRequest = createMultipartFormRequest(url, postBody, contentEncoding, boundary, endOfLine);
s = getSamplerForRequest(url, testPostRequest, contentEncoding);
assertEquals(HTTPConstants.POST, s.getMethod());
assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
// Check arguments
arguments = s.getArguments();
assertEquals(2, arguments.getArgumentCount());
checkArgument((HTTPArgument) arguments.getArgument(0), "title", titleValue, titleValue, contentEncoding, false);
checkArgument((HTTPArgument) arguments.getArgument(1), "description", descriptionValue, descriptionValue, contentEncoding, false);
// A HTTP POST request, multipart/form-data, with value that will change
// if they are url encoded
// Values are similar to __VIEWSTATE parameter that .net uses
endOfLine = "\r\n";
titleValue = "/wEPDwULLTE2MzM2OTA0NTYPZBYCAgMPZ/rA+8DZ2dnZ2dnZ2d/GNDar6OshPwdJc=";
descriptionValue = "mydescription";
postBody = createMultipartFormBody(titleValue, descriptionValue, contentEncoding, true, boundary, endOfLine);
testPostRequest = createMultipartFormRequest(url, postBody, contentEncoding, boundary, endOfLine);
s = getSamplerForRequest(url, testPostRequest, contentEncoding);
assertEquals(HTTPConstants.POST, s.getMethod());
assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
// Check arguments
arguments = s.getArguments();
assertEquals(2, arguments.getArgumentCount());
checkArgument((HTTPArgument) arguments.getArgument(0), "title", titleValue, titleValue, contentEncoding, false);
checkArgument((HTTPArgument) arguments.getArgument(1), "description", descriptionValue, descriptionValue, contentEncoding, false);
use of org.apache.jmeter.config.Arguments in project jmeter by apache.
the class TestHttpRequestHdr method testPostRequestEncodings.
public void testPostRequestEncodings() throws Exception {
String url = "http://localhost/matrix.html";
// A HTTP POST request, with encoding not known
String contentEncoding = "";
String param1Value = "yes";
String param2Value = "0+5 -\u00c5%C3%85";
String param2ValueEncoded = URLEncoder.encode(param2Value, "UTF-8");
String postBody = "param1=" + param1Value + "¶m2=" + param2ValueEncoded + "\r\n";
String testPostRequest = "POST " + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Content-type: " + HTTPConstants.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED + "\r\n" + "Content-length: " + getBodyLength(postBody, contentEncoding) + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + postBody;
// Use null for url and contentEncoding, to simulate that HttpRequestHdr do not
// know the encoding for the page
HTTPSamplerBase s = getSamplerForRequest(null, testPostRequest, null);
assertEquals(HTTPConstants.POST, s.getMethod());
assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
// Check arguments
Arguments arguments = s.getArguments();
assertEquals(2, arguments.getArgumentCount());
checkArgument((HTTPArgument) arguments.getArgument(0), "param1", param1Value, param1Value, contentEncoding, false);
// When the encoding is not known, the argument will get the encoded value, and the "encode?" set to false
checkArgument((HTTPArgument) arguments.getArgument(1), "param2", param2ValueEncoded, param2ValueEncoded, contentEncoding, false);
// A HTTP POST request, with UTF-8 encoding
contentEncoding = "UTF-8";
param1Value = "yes";
param2Value = "0+5 -\u007c\u2aa1\u266a\u0153\u20a1\u0115\u0364\u00c5\u2052\uc385%C3%85";
param2ValueEncoded = URLEncoder.encode(param2Value, contentEncoding);
postBody = "param1=" + param1Value + "¶m2=" + param2ValueEncoded + "\r\n";
testPostRequest = "POST " + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Content-type: " + HTTPConstants.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED + "\r\n" + "Content-length: " + getBodyLength(postBody, contentEncoding) + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + postBody;
s = getSamplerForRequest(url, testPostRequest, contentEncoding);
assertEquals(HTTPConstants.POST, s.getMethod());
assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
// Check arguments
arguments = s.getArguments();
assertEquals(2, arguments.getArgumentCount());
checkArgument((HTTPArgument) arguments.getArgument(0), "param1", param1Value, param1Value, contentEncoding, false);
checkArgument((HTTPArgument) arguments.getArgument(1), "param2", param2Value, param2ValueEncoded, contentEncoding, true);
// A HTTP POST request, with ISO-8859-1 encoding
contentEncoding = "ISO-8859-1";
param1Value = "yes";
param2Value = "0+5 -\u00c5%C3%85";
param2ValueEncoded = URLEncoder.encode(param2Value, contentEncoding);
postBody = "param1=" + param1Value + "¶m2=" + param2ValueEncoded + "\r\n";
testPostRequest = "POST " + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Content-type: " + HTTPConstants.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED + "\r\n" + "Content-length: " + getBodyLength(postBody, contentEncoding) + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + postBody;
s = getSamplerForRequest(url, testPostRequest, contentEncoding);
assertEquals(HTTPConstants.POST, s.getMethod());
assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
// Check arguments
arguments = s.getArguments();
assertEquals(2, arguments.getArgumentCount());
checkArgument((HTTPArgument) arguments.getArgument(0), "param1", param1Value, param1Value, contentEncoding, false);
checkArgument((HTTPArgument) arguments.getArgument(1), "param2", param2Value, param2ValueEncoded, contentEncoding, true);