use of org.apache.kafka.clients.MockClient in project kafka by apache.
the class KafkaConsumerTest method testWakeupWithFetchDataAvailable.
public void testWakeupWithFetchDataAvailable() {
int rebalanceTimeoutMs = 60000;
int sessionTimeoutMs = 30000;
int heartbeatIntervalMs = 3000;
// adjust auto commit interval lower than heartbeat so we don't need to deal with
// a concurrent heartbeat request
int autoCommitIntervalMs = 1000;
Time time = new MockTime();
Cluster cluster = TestUtils.singletonCluster(topic, 1);
Node node = cluster.nodes().get(0);
Metadata metadata = new Metadata(0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
metadata.update(cluster, Collections.<String>emptySet(), time.milliseconds());
MockClient client = new MockClient(time, metadata);
PartitionAssignor assignor = new RoundRobinAssignor();
final KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = newConsumer(time, client, metadata, assignor, rebalanceTimeoutMs, sessionTimeoutMs, heartbeatIntervalMs, true, autoCommitIntervalMs);
consumer.subscribe(Arrays.asList(topic), getConsumerRebalanceListener(consumer));
prepareRebalance(client, node, assignor, Arrays.asList(tp0), null);
// respond to the outstanding fetch so that we have data available on the next poll
client.respondFrom(fetchResponse(tp0, 0, 5), node);
client.poll(0, time.milliseconds());
try {
} catch (WakeupException e) {
// make sure the position hasn't been updated
assertEquals(0, consumer.position(tp0));
// the next poll should return the completed fetch
ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(0);
assertEquals(5, records.count());
use of org.apache.kafka.clients.MockClient in project kafka by apache.
the class KafkaConsumerTest method prepareRebalance.
private Node prepareRebalance(MockClient client, Node node, final Set<String> subscribedTopics, PartitionAssignor assignor, List<TopicPartition> partitions, Node coordinator) {
if (coordinator == null) {
// lookup coordinator
client.prepareResponseFrom(new GroupCoordinatorResponse(Errors.NONE, node), node);
coordinator = new Node(Integer.MAX_VALUE -,, node.port());
// join group
client.prepareResponseFrom(new MockClient.RequestMatcher() {
public boolean matches(AbstractRequest body) {
JoinGroupRequest joinGroupRequest = (JoinGroupRequest) body;
PartitionAssignor.Subscription subscription = ConsumerProtocol.deserializeSubscription(joinGroupRequest.groupProtocols().get(0).metadata());
return subscribedTopics.equals(new HashSet<>(subscription.topics()));
}, joinGroupFollowerResponse(assignor, 1, "memberId", "leaderId", Errors.NONE), coordinator);
// sync group
client.prepareResponseFrom(syncGroupResponse(partitions, Errors.NONE), coordinator);
return coordinator;
use of org.apache.kafka.clients.MockClient in project kafka by apache.
the class KafkaConsumerTest method verifyHeartbeatSent.
public void verifyHeartbeatSent() throws Exception {
int rebalanceTimeoutMs = 60000;
int sessionTimeoutMs = 30000;
int heartbeatIntervalMs = 1000;
int autoCommitIntervalMs = 10000;
Time time = new MockTime();
Cluster cluster = TestUtils.singletonCluster(topic, 1);
Node node = cluster.nodes().get(0);
Metadata metadata = new Metadata(0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
metadata.update(cluster, Collections.<String>emptySet(), time.milliseconds());
MockClient client = new MockClient(time, metadata);
PartitionAssignor assignor = new RoundRobinAssignor();
final KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = newConsumer(time, client, metadata, assignor, rebalanceTimeoutMs, sessionTimeoutMs, heartbeatIntervalMs, true, autoCommitIntervalMs);
consumer.subscribe(Arrays.asList(topic), getConsumerRebalanceListener(consumer));
Node coordinator = prepareRebalance(client, node, assignor, Arrays.asList(tp0), null);
// initial fetch
client.prepareResponseFrom(fetchResponse(tp0, 0, 0), node);
assertEquals(Collections.singleton(tp0), consumer.assignment());
AtomicBoolean heartbeatReceived = prepareHeartbeatResponse(client, coordinator);
// heartbeat interval is 2 seconds
use of org.apache.kafka.clients.MockClient in project kafka by apache.
the class KafkaConsumerTest method testCommitsFetchedDuringAssign.
public void testCommitsFetchedDuringAssign() {
long offset1 = 10000;
long offset2 = 20000;
int rebalanceTimeoutMs = 6000;
int sessionTimeoutMs = 3000;
int heartbeatIntervalMs = 2000;
int autoCommitIntervalMs = 1000;
Time time = new MockTime();
Cluster cluster = TestUtils.singletonCluster(topic, 1);
Node node = cluster.nodes().get(0);
Metadata metadata = new Metadata(0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
metadata.update(cluster, Collections.<String>emptySet(), time.milliseconds());
MockClient client = new MockClient(time, metadata);
PartitionAssignor assignor = new RoundRobinAssignor();
final KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = newConsumer(time, client, metadata, assignor, rebalanceTimeoutMs, sessionTimeoutMs, heartbeatIntervalMs, true, autoCommitIntervalMs);
// lookup coordinator
client.prepareResponseFrom(new GroupCoordinatorResponse(Errors.NONE, node), node);
Node coordinator = new Node(Integer.MAX_VALUE -,, node.port());
// fetch offset for one topic
client.prepareResponseFrom(offsetResponse(Collections.singletonMap(tp0, offset1), Errors.NONE), coordinator);
assertEquals(offset1, consumer.committed(tp0).offset());
consumer.assign(Arrays.asList(tp0, tp1));
// fetch offset for two topics
Map<TopicPartition, Long> offsets = new HashMap<>();
offsets.put(tp0, offset1);
offsets.put(tp1, offset2);
client.prepareResponseFrom(offsetResponse(offsets, Errors.NONE), coordinator);
assertEquals(offset1, consumer.committed(tp0).offset());
assertEquals(offset2, consumer.committed(tp1).offset());
use of org.apache.kafka.clients.MockClient in project kafka by apache.
the class KafkaConsumerTest method testAutoCommitSentBeforePositionUpdate.
public void testAutoCommitSentBeforePositionUpdate() {
int rebalanceTimeoutMs = 60000;
int sessionTimeoutMs = 30000;
int heartbeatIntervalMs = 3000;
// adjust auto commit interval lower than heartbeat so we don't need to deal with
// a concurrent heartbeat request
int autoCommitIntervalMs = 1000;
Time time = new MockTime();
Cluster cluster = TestUtils.singletonCluster(topic, 1);
Node node = cluster.nodes().get(0);
Metadata metadata = new Metadata(0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
metadata.update(cluster, Collections.<String>emptySet(), time.milliseconds());
MockClient client = new MockClient(time, metadata);
PartitionAssignor assignor = new RoundRobinAssignor();
final KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = newConsumer(time, client, metadata, assignor, rebalanceTimeoutMs, sessionTimeoutMs, heartbeatIntervalMs, true, autoCommitIntervalMs);
consumer.subscribe(Arrays.asList(topic), getConsumerRebalanceListener(consumer));
Node coordinator = prepareRebalance(client, node, assignor, Arrays.asList(tp0), null);
// respond to the outstanding fetch so that we have data available on the next poll
client.respondFrom(fetchResponse(tp0, 0, 5), node);
client.poll(0, time.milliseconds());
client.prepareResponseFrom(fetchResponse(tp0, 5, 0), node);
// no data has been returned to the user yet, so the committed offset should be 0
AtomicBoolean commitReceived = prepareOffsetCommitResponse(client, coordinator, tp0, 0);