use of org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.TopicDescription in project apache-kafka-on-k8s by banzaicloud.
the class WorkerUtils method verifyTopics.
* Verifies that topics in 'topicsToVerify' list have the same number of partitions as
* described in 'topicsInfo'
* @param log The logger to use
* @param adminClient AdminClient
* @param topicsToVerify List of topics to verify
* @param topicsInfo Map of topic name to topic description, which includes topics in
* 'topicsToVerify' list.
* @throws RuntimeException If one or more topics have different number of partitions than
* described in 'topicsInfo'
private static void verifyTopics(Logger log, AdminClient adminClient, Collection<String> topicsToVerify, Map<String, NewTopic> topicsInfo) throws Throwable {
DescribeTopicsResult topicsResult = adminClient.describeTopics(topicsToVerify, new DescribeTopicsOptions().timeoutMs(CREATE_TOPICS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT));
Map<String, TopicDescription> topicDescriptionMap = topicsResult.all().get();
for (TopicDescription desc : topicDescriptionMap.values()) {
// map will always contain the topic since all topics in 'topicsExists' are in given
// 'topics' map
int partitions = topicsInfo.get(;
if (desc.partitions().size() != partitions) {
String str = "Topic '" + + "' exists, but has " + desc.partitions().size() + " partitions, while requested " + " number of partitions is " + partitions;
throw new RuntimeException(str);
use of org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.TopicDescription in project strimzi by strimzi.
the class Utils method getTopicMetadata.
public static TopicMetadata getTopicMetadata(Topic kubeTopic) {
List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int nodeId = 0; nodeId < kubeTopic.getNumReplicas(); nodeId++) {
nodes.add(new Node(nodeId, "localhost", 9092 + nodeId));
List<TopicPartitionInfo> partitions = new ArrayList<>();
for (int partitionId = 0; partitionId < kubeTopic.getNumPartitions(); partitionId++) {
partitions.add(new TopicPartitionInfo(partitionId, nodes.get(0), nodes, nodes));
List<ConfigEntry> configs = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : kubeTopic.getConfig().entrySet()) {
configs.add(new ConfigEntry(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
return new TopicMetadata(new TopicDescription(kubeTopic.getTopicName().toString(), false, partitions), new Config(configs));
use of org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.TopicDescription in project strimzi by strimzi.
the class Utils method getTopicMetadata.
public static TopicMetadata getTopicMetadata(String topicName, Config config) {
Node node0 = new Node(0, "host0", 1234);
Node node1 = new Node(1, "host1", 1234);
Node node2 = new Node(2, "host2", 1234);
List<Node> nodes02 = asList(node0, node1, node2);
TopicDescription desc = new TopicDescription(topicName, false, asList(new TopicPartitionInfo(0, node0, nodes02, nodes02), new TopicPartitionInfo(1, node0, nodes02, nodes02)));
// org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.Config config = new Config(configs);
return new TopicMetadata(desc, config);
use of org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.TopicDescription in project cruise-control by linkedin.
the class ExecutorTest method testMoveNonExistingPartition.
public void testMoveNonExistingPartition() throws InterruptedException {
ZkUtils zkUtils = KafkaCruiseControlUnitTestUtils.zkUtils(zookeeper().getConnectionString());
AdminClient adminClient = getAdminClient(broker(0).getPlaintextAddr());
adminClient.createTopics(Arrays.asList(new NewTopic(TOPIC_0, 1, (short) 1), new NewTopic(TOPIC_1, 1, (short) 2)));
Map<String, TopicDescription> topicDescriptions = createTopics();
int initialLeader0 = topicDescriptions.get(TOPIC_0).partitions().get(0).leader().id();
int initialLeader1 = topicDescriptions.get(TOPIC_1).partitions().get(0).leader().id();
ExecutionProposal proposal0 = new ExecutionProposal(TP0, 0, initialLeader0, Collections.singletonList(initialLeader0), Collections.singletonList(initialLeader0 == 0 ? 1 : 0));
ExecutionProposal proposal1 = new ExecutionProposal(TP1, 0, initialLeader1, Arrays.asList(initialLeader1, initialLeader1 == 0 ? 1 : 0), Arrays.asList(initialLeader1 == 0 ? 1 : 0, initialLeader1));
ExecutionProposal proposal2 = new ExecutionProposal(TP2, 0, initialLeader0, Collections.singletonList(initialLeader0), Collections.singletonList(initialLeader0 == 0 ? 1 : 0));
ExecutionProposal proposal3 = new ExecutionProposal(TP3, 0, initialLeader1, Arrays.asList(initialLeader1, initialLeader1 == 0 ? 1 : 0), Arrays.asList(initialLeader1 == 0 ? 1 : 0, initialLeader1));
Collection<ExecutionProposal> proposalsToExecute = Arrays.asList(proposal0, proposal1, proposal2, proposal3);
Collection<ExecutionProposal> proposalsToCheck = Arrays.asList(proposal0, proposal1);
executeAndVerifyProposals(zkUtils, proposalsToExecute, proposalsToCheck);
use of org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.TopicDescription in project cruise-control by linkedin.
the class ExecutorTest method createTopics.
private Map<String, TopicDescription> createTopics() throws InterruptedException {
AdminClient adminClient = getAdminClient(broker(0).getPlaintextAddr());
adminClient.createTopics(Arrays.asList(new NewTopic(TOPIC_0, 1, (short) 1), new NewTopic(TOPIC_1, 1, (short) 2)));
// We need to use the admin clients to query the metadata from two different brokers to make sure that
// both brokers have the latest metadata. Otherwise the Executor may get confused when it does not
// see expected topics in the metadata.
Map<String, TopicDescription> topicDescriptions0 = null;
Map<String, TopicDescription> topicDescriptions1 = null;
do {
try (AdminClient adminClient0 = getAdminClient(broker(0).getPlaintextAddr());
AdminClient adminClient1 = getAdminClient(broker(1).getPlaintextAddr())) {
topicDescriptions0 = adminClient0.describeTopics(Arrays.asList(TOPIC_0, TOPIC_1)).all().get();
topicDescriptions1 = adminClient1.describeTopics(Arrays.asList(TOPIC_0, TOPIC_1)).all().get();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException ee) {
// Let it go.
} while (topicDescriptions0 == null || topicDescriptions0.size() < 2 || topicDescriptions1 == null || topicDescriptions1.size() < 2);
return topicDescriptions0;