use of org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException in project kafka by apache.
the class ClientCompatibilityTest method testDescribeConfigsMethod.
private void testDescribeConfigsMethod(final Admin client) throws Throwable {
tryFeature("describeConfigsSupported", testConfig.describeConfigsSupported, () -> {
try {
Collection<Node> nodes = client.describeCluster().nodes().get();
final ConfigResource configResource = new ConfigResource(ConfigResource.Type.BROKER, nodes.iterator().next().idString());
Map<ConfigResource, Config> brokerConfig = client.describeConfigs(Collections.singleton(configResource)).all().get();
if (brokerConfig.get(configResource).entries().isEmpty()) {
throw new KafkaException("Expected to see config entries, but got zero entries");
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw e.getCause();
use of org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException in project kafka by apache.
the class TopicBasedRemoteLogMetadataManagerHarness method initializeRemoteLogMetadataManager.
public void initializeRemoteLogMetadataManager(Set<TopicIdPartition> topicIdPartitions, boolean startConsumerThread) {
String logDir = TestUtils.tempDirectory("rlmm_segs_").getAbsolutePath();
topicBasedRemoteLogMetadataManager = new TopicBasedRemoteLogMetadataManager(startConsumerThread) {
public void onPartitionLeadershipChanges(Set<TopicIdPartition> leaderPartitions, Set<TopicIdPartition> followerPartitions) {
Set<TopicIdPartition> allReplicas = new HashSet<>(leaderPartitions);
// Make sure the topic partition dirs exist as the topics might not have been created on this broker.
for (TopicIdPartition topicIdPartition : allReplicas) {
// Create partition directory in the log directory created by topicBasedRemoteLogMetadataManager.
File partitionDir = new File(new File(config().logDir()), topicIdPartition.topicPartition().topic() + "-" + topicIdPartition.topicPartition().partition());
if (!partitionDir.exists()) {
throw new KafkaException("Partition directory:[" + partitionDir + "] could not be created successfully.");
super.onPartitionLeadershipChanges(leaderPartitions, followerPartitions);
// Initialize TopicBasedRemoteLogMetadataManager.
Map<String, Object> configs = new HashMap<>();
configs.put(REMOTE_LOG_METADATA_COMMON_CLIENT_PREFIX + CommonClientConfigs.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapServers(listenerName()));
configs.put(BROKER_ID, 0);
configs.put(LOG_DIR, logDir);
log.debug("TopicBasedRemoteLogMetadataManager configs before adding overridden properties: {}", configs);
// Add override properties.
log.debug("TopicBasedRemoteLogMetadataManager configs after adding overridden properties: {}", configs);
try {
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
throw new KafkaException(e);
topicBasedRemoteLogMetadataManager.onPartitionLeadershipChanges(topicIdPartitions, Collections.emptySet());
use of org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException in project kafka by apache.
the class ConsumerTask method maybeWaitForPartitionsAssignment.
private void maybeWaitForPartitionsAssignment() {
Set<Integer> assignedMetaPartitionsSnapshot = Collections.emptySet();
synchronized (assignPartitionsLock) {
// in close() method with in the same lock to avoid any race conditions.
if (closing) {
while (assignedMetaPartitions.isEmpty()) {
// If no partitions are assigned, wait until they are assigned.
log.debug("Waiting for assigned remote log metadata partitions..");
try {
// No timeout is set here, as it is always notified. Even when it is closed, the race can happen
// between the thread calling this method and the thread calling close(). We should have a check
// for closing as that might have been set and notified with assignPartitionsLock by `close`
// method.
if (closing) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new KafkaException(e);
if (assignPartitions) {
assignedMetaPartitionsSnapshot = new HashSet<>(assignedMetaPartitions);
// Removing unassigned meta partitions from partitionToConsumedOffsets and partitionToCommittedOffsets
partitionToConsumedOffsets.entrySet().removeIf(entry -> !assignedMetaPartitions.contains(entry.getKey()));
assignPartitions = false;
if (!assignedMetaPartitionsSnapshot.isEmpty()) {
use of org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException in project kafka by apache.
the class ConsumerManager method startConsumerThread.
public void startConsumerThread() {
try {
// Start a thread to continuously consume records from topic partitions.
consumerTaskThread.start();"RLMM Consumer task thread is started");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new KafkaException("Error encountered while initializing and scheduling ConsumerTask thread", e);
use of org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException in project kafka by apache.
the class ConsumerTask method maybeSyncCommittedDataAndOffsets.
private void maybeSyncCommittedDataAndOffsets(boolean forceSync) {
// Return immediately if there is no consumption from last time.
boolean noConsumedOffsetUpdates = partitionToConsumedOffsets.equals(lastSyncedPartitionToConsumedOffsets);
if (noConsumedOffsetUpdates || !forceSync && time.milliseconds() - lastSyncedTimeMs < committedOffsetSyncIntervalMs) {
log.debug("Skip syncing committed offsets, noConsumedOffsetUpdates: {}, forceSync: {}", noConsumedOffsetUpdates, forceSync);
try {
// get updated by other threads.
synchronized (assignPartitionsLock) {
for (TopicIdPartition topicIdPartition : assignedTopicPartitions) {
int metadataPartition = topicPartitioner.metadataPartition(topicIdPartition);
Long offset = partitionToConsumedOffsets.get(metadataPartition);
if (offset != null) {
remotePartitionMetadataEventHandler.syncLogMetadataSnapshot(topicIdPartition, metadataPartition, offset);
} else {
log.debug("Skipping syncup of the remote-log-metadata-file for partition:{} , with remote log metadata partition{}, and no offset", topicIdPartition, metadataPartition);
// Write partitionToConsumedOffsets into committed offsets file as we do not want to process them again
// in case of restarts.
lastSyncedPartitionToConsumedOffsets = new HashMap<>(partitionToConsumedOffsets);
lastSyncedTimeMs = time.milliseconds();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new KafkaException("Error encountered while writing committed offsets to a local file", e);