use of org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo in project kafka by apache.
the class KafkaBasedLog method start.
public void start() {"Starting KafkaBasedLog with topic " + topic);
// Create the topic admin client and initialize the topic ...
// may be null
admin = topicAdminSupplier.get();
// Then create the producer and consumer
producer = createProducer();
consumer = createConsumer();
List<TopicPartition> partitions = new ArrayList<>();
// We expect that the topics will have been created either manually by the user or automatically by the herder
List<PartitionInfo> partitionInfos = consumer.partitionsFor(topic);
long started = time.nanoseconds();
long sleepMs = 100;
while (partitionInfos.isEmpty() && time.nanoseconds() - started < CREATE_TOPIC_TIMEOUT_NS) {
sleepMs = Math.min(2 * sleepMs, MAX_SLEEP_MS);
partitionInfos = consumer.partitionsFor(topic);
if (partitionInfos.isEmpty())
throw new ConnectException("Could not look up partition metadata for offset backing store topic in" + " allotted period. This could indicate a connectivity issue, unavailable topic partitions, or if" + " this is your first use of the topic it may have taken too long to create.");
for (PartitionInfo partition : partitionInfos) partitions.add(new TopicPartition(partition.topic(), partition.partition()));
partitionCount = partitions.size();
// Always consume from the beginning of all partitions. Necessary to ensure that we don't use committed offsets
// when a '' is specified (if offsets happen to have been committed unexpectedly).
thread = new WorkThread();
thread.start();"Finished reading KafkaBasedLog for topic " + topic);"Started KafkaBasedLog for topic " + topic);
use of org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo in project kafka by apache.
the class TransactionManagerTest method testRaiseErrorWhenNoPartitionsPendingOnDrain.
public void testRaiseErrorWhenNoPartitionsPendingOnDrain() throws InterruptedException {
// Don't execute transactionManager.maybeAddPartitionToTransaction(tp0). This should result in an error on drain.
Node node1 = new Node(0, "localhost", 1111);
PartitionInfo part1 = new PartitionInfo(topic, 0, node1, null, null);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(null, Collections.singletonList(node1), Collections.singletonList(part1), Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptySet());
Set<Node> nodes = new HashSet<>();
Map<Integer, List<ProducerBatch>> drainedBatches = accumulator.drain(cluster, nodes, Integer.MAX_VALUE, time.milliseconds());
// We shouldn't drain batches which haven't been added to the transaction yet.
use of org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo in project kafka by apache.
the class StickyPartitionCacheTest method unavailablePartitionsTest.
public void unavailablePartitionsTest() {
// Partition 1 in topic A and partition 0 in topic B are unavailable partitions.
List<PartitionInfo> allPartitions = asList(new PartitionInfo(TOPIC_A, 0, NODES[0], NODES, NODES), new PartitionInfo(TOPIC_A, 1, null, NODES, NODES), new PartitionInfo(TOPIC_A, 2, NODES[2], NODES, NODES), new PartitionInfo(TOPIC_B, 0, null, NODES, NODES), new PartitionInfo(TOPIC_B, 1, NODES[0], NODES, NODES), new PartitionInfo(TOPIC_C, 0, null, NODES, NODES));
Cluster testCluster = new Cluster("clusterId", asList(NODES[0], NODES[1], NODES[2]), allPartitions, Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptySet());
StickyPartitionCache stickyPartitionCache = new StickyPartitionCache();
// Assure we never choose partition 1 because it is unavailable.
int partA = stickyPartitionCache.partition(TOPIC_A, testCluster);
assertNotEquals(1, partA);
for (int aPartitions = 0; aPartitions < 100; aPartitions++) {
partA = stickyPartitionCache.nextPartition(TOPIC_A, testCluster, partA);
assertNotEquals(1, stickyPartitionCache.partition(TOPIC_A, testCluster));
// Assure we always choose partition 1 for topic B.
int partB = stickyPartitionCache.partition(TOPIC_B, testCluster);
assertEquals(1, partB);
for (int bPartitions = 0; bPartitions < 100; bPartitions++) {
partB = stickyPartitionCache.nextPartition(TOPIC_B, testCluster, partB);
assertEquals(1, stickyPartitionCache.partition(TOPIC_B, testCluster));
// Assure that we still choose the partition when there are no partitions available.
int partC = stickyPartitionCache.partition(TOPIC_C, testCluster);
assertEquals(0, partC);
partC = stickyPartitionCache.nextPartition(TOPIC_C, testCluster, partC);
assertEquals(0, partC);
use of org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo in project kafka by apache.
the class StickyPartitionCacheTest method testStickyPartitionCache.
public void testStickyPartitionCache() {
List<PartitionInfo> allPartitions = asList(new PartitionInfo(TOPIC_A, 0, NODES[0], NODES, NODES), new PartitionInfo(TOPIC_A, 1, NODES[1], NODES, NODES), new PartitionInfo(TOPIC_A, 2, NODES[2], NODES, NODES), new PartitionInfo(TOPIC_B, 0, NODES[0], NODES, NODES));
Cluster testCluster = new Cluster("clusterId", asList(NODES), allPartitions, Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptySet());
StickyPartitionCache stickyPartitionCache = new StickyPartitionCache();
int partA = stickyPartitionCache.partition(TOPIC_A, testCluster);
assertEquals(partA, stickyPartitionCache.partition(TOPIC_A, testCluster));
int partB = stickyPartitionCache.partition(TOPIC_B, testCluster);
assertEquals(partB, stickyPartitionCache.partition(TOPIC_B, testCluster));
int changedPartA = stickyPartitionCache.nextPartition(TOPIC_A, testCluster, partA);
assertEquals(changedPartA, stickyPartitionCache.partition(TOPIC_A, testCluster));
assertNotEquals(partA, changedPartA);
int changedPartA2 = stickyPartitionCache.partition(TOPIC_A, testCluster);
assertEquals(changedPartA2, changedPartA);
// We do not want to change partitions because the previous partition does not match the current sticky one.
int changedPartA3 = stickyPartitionCache.nextPartition(TOPIC_A, testCluster, partA);
assertEquals(changedPartA3, changedPartA2);
// Check that the we can still use the partitioner when there is only one partition
int changedPartB = stickyPartitionCache.nextPartition(TOPIC_B, testCluster, partB);
assertEquals(changedPartB, stickyPartitionCache.partition(TOPIC_B, testCluster));
use of org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo in project kafka by apache.
the class KafkaAdminClientTest method testListOffsetsUnsupportedNonMaxTimestamp.
public void testListOffsetsUnsupportedNonMaxTimestamp() {
Node node = new Node(0, "localhost", 8120);
List<Node> nodes = Collections.singletonList(node);
List<PartitionInfo> pInfos = new ArrayList<>();
pInfos.add(new PartitionInfo("foo", 0, node, new Node[] { node }, new Node[] { node }));
final Cluster cluster = new Cluster("mockClusterId", nodes, pInfos, Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptySet(), node);
final TopicPartition tp0 = new TopicPartition("foo", 0);
try (AdminClientUnitTestEnv env = new AdminClientUnitTestEnv(cluster, AdminClientConfig.RETRIES_CONFIG, "2")) {
env.kafkaClient().setNodeApiVersions(NodeApiVersions.create(, (short) 0, (short) 0));
env.kafkaClient().prepareResponse(prepareMetadataResponse(cluster, Errors.NONE));
// listoffsets response from broker 0
env.kafkaClient().prepareUnsupportedVersionResponse(request -> request instanceof ListOffsetsRequest);
ListOffsetsResult result = env.adminClient().listOffsets(Collections.singletonMap(tp0, OffsetSpec.latest()));
TestUtils.assertFutureThrows(result.partitionResult(tp0), UnsupportedVersionException.class);