use of org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RetriableException in project kafka by apache.
the class Fetcher method resetOffsetsAsync.
private void resetOffsetsAsync(Map<TopicPartition, Long> partitionResetTimestamps) {
Map<Node, Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsPartition>> timestampsToSearchByNode = groupListOffsetRequests(partitionResetTimestamps, new HashSet<>());
for (Map.Entry<Node, Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsPartition>> entry : timestampsToSearchByNode.entrySet()) {
Node node = entry.getKey();
final Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsPartition> resetTimestamps = entry.getValue();
subscriptions.setNextAllowedRetry(resetTimestamps.keySet(), time.milliseconds() + requestTimeoutMs);
RequestFuture<ListOffsetResult> future = sendListOffsetRequest(node, resetTimestamps, false);
future.addListener(new RequestFutureListener<ListOffsetResult>() {
public void onSuccess(ListOffsetResult result) {
if (!result.partitionsToRetry.isEmpty()) {
subscriptions.requestFailed(result.partitionsToRetry, time.milliseconds() + retryBackoffMs);
for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, ListOffsetData> fetchedOffset : result.fetchedOffsets.entrySet()) {
TopicPartition partition = fetchedOffset.getKey();
ListOffsetData offsetData = fetchedOffset.getValue();
ListOffsetsPartition requestedReset = resetTimestamps.get(partition);
resetOffsetIfNeeded(partition, timestampToOffsetResetStrategy(requestedReset.timestamp()), offsetData);
public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) {
subscriptions.requestFailed(resetTimestamps.keySet(), time.milliseconds() + retryBackoffMs);
if (!(e instanceof RetriableException) && !cachedListOffsetsException.compareAndSet(null, e))
log.error("Discarding error in ListOffsetResponse because another error is pending", e);
use of org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RetriableException in project kafka by apache.
the class RecordCollectorImpl method recordSendError.
private void recordSendError(final String topic, final Exception exception, final ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> serializedRecord) {
String errorMessage = String.format(SEND_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE, topic, taskId, exception.toString());
if (isFatalException(exception)) {
errorMessage += "\nWritten offsets would not be recorded and no more records would be sent since this is a fatal error.";
sendException.set(new StreamsException(errorMessage, exception));
} else if (exception instanceof ProducerFencedException || exception instanceof InvalidProducerEpochException || exception instanceof OutOfOrderSequenceException) {
errorMessage += "\nWritten offsets would not be recorded and no more records would be sent since the producer is fenced, " + "indicating the task may be migrated out";
sendException.set(new TaskMigratedException(errorMessage, exception));
} else {
if (exception instanceof RetriableException) {
errorMessage += "\nThe broker is either slow or in bad state (like not having enough replicas) in responding the request, " + "or the connection to broker was interrupted sending the request or receiving the response. " + "\nConsider overwriting `` and /or " + "`` to a larger value to wait longer for such scenarios and avoid timeout errors";
sendException.set(new TaskCorruptedException(Collections.singleton(taskId)));
} else {
if (productionExceptionHandler.handle(serializedRecord, exception) == ProductionExceptionHandlerResponse.FAIL) {
errorMessage += "\nException handler choose to FAIL the processing, no more records would be sent.";
sendException.set(new StreamsException(errorMessage, exception));
} else {
errorMessage += "\nException handler choose to CONTINUE processing in spite of this error but written offsets would not be recorded.";
log.error(errorMessage, exception);
use of org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RetriableException in project kafka by apache.
the class Fetcher method getTopicMetadata.
* Get metadata for all topics present in Kafka cluster
* @param request The MetadataRequest to send
* @param timeout time for which getting topic metadata is attempted
* @return The map of topics with their partition information
public Map<String, List<PartitionInfo>> getTopicMetadata(MetadataRequest.Builder request, long timeout) {
// Save the round trip if no topics are requested.
if (!request.isAllTopics() && request.topics().isEmpty())
return Collections.emptyMap();
long start = time.milliseconds();
long remaining = timeout;
do {
RequestFuture<ClientResponse> future = sendMetadataRequest(request);
client.poll(future, remaining);
if (future.failed() && !future.isRetriable())
throw future.exception();
if (future.succeeded()) {
MetadataResponse response = (MetadataResponse) future.value().responseBody();
Cluster cluster = response.cluster();
Set<String> unauthorizedTopics = cluster.unauthorizedTopics();
if (!unauthorizedTopics.isEmpty())
throw new TopicAuthorizationException(unauthorizedTopics);
boolean shouldRetry = false;
Map<String, Errors> errors = response.errors();
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
// if there were errors, we need to check whether they were fatal or whether
// we should just retry
log.debug("Topic metadata fetch included errors: {}", errors);
for (Map.Entry<String, Errors> errorEntry : errors.entrySet()) {
String topic = errorEntry.getKey();
Errors error = errorEntry.getValue();
if (error == Errors.INVALID_TOPIC_EXCEPTION)
throw new InvalidTopicException("Topic '" + topic + "' is invalid");
else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION)
// in the returned map
else if (error.exception() instanceof RetriableException)
shouldRetry = true;
throw new KafkaException("Unexpected error fetching metadata for topic " + topic, error.exception());
if (!shouldRetry) {
HashMap<String, List<PartitionInfo>> topicsPartitionInfos = new HashMap<>();
for (String topic : cluster.topics()) topicsPartitionInfos.put(topic, cluster.availablePartitionsForTopic(topic));
return topicsPartitionInfos;
long elapsed = time.milliseconds() - start;
remaining = timeout - elapsed;
if (remaining > 0) {
long backoff = Math.min(remaining, retryBackoffMs);
remaining -= backoff;
} while (remaining > 0);
throw new TimeoutException("Timeout expired while fetching topic metadata");
use of org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RetriableException in project divolte-collector by divolte.
the class KafkaFlusher method sendBatch.
protected ImmutableList<ProducerRecord<DivolteIdentifier, AvroRecordBuffer>> sendBatch(final List<ProducerRecord<DivolteIdentifier, AvroRecordBuffer>> batch) throws InterruptedException {
// First start sending the messages.
// (This will serialize them, determine the partition and then assign them to a per-partition buffer.)
final int batchSize = batch.size();
final List<Future<RecordMetadata>> sendResults = -> new ArrayList<>(batchSize)));
// Force a flush so we can check the results without blocking unnecessarily due to
// a user-configured flushing policy.
// When finished, each message can be in one of several states.
// - Completed.
// - An error occurred, but a retry may succeed.
// - A fatal error occurred.
// (In addition, we can be interrupted due to shutdown.)
final ImmutableList.Builder<ProducerRecord<DivolteIdentifier, AvroRecordBuffer>> remaining = ImmutableList.builder();
for (int i = 0; i < batchSize; ++i) {
final Future<RecordMetadata> result = sendResults.get(i);
try {
final RecordMetadata metadata = result.get();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
final ProducerRecord<DivolteIdentifier, AvroRecordBuffer> record = batch.get(i);
logger.debug("Finished sending event (partyId={}) to Kafka: topic/partition/offset = {}/{}/{}", record.key(), metadata.topic(), metadata.partition(), metadata.offset());
} catch (final ExecutionException e) {
final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
final ProducerRecord<DivolteIdentifier, AvroRecordBuffer> record = batch.get(i);
if (cause instanceof RetriableException) {
// A retry may succeed.
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Transient error sending event (partyId=" + record.key() + ") to Kafka. Will retry.", cause);
} else {
// Fatal error.
logger.error("Error sending event (partyId=" + record.key() + ") to Kafka; abandoning.", cause);
use of org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RetriableException in project apache-kafka-on-k8s by banzaicloud.
the class RecordCollectorImpl method recordSendError.
private <K, V> void recordSendError(final K key, final V value, final Long timestamp, final String topic, final Exception exception) {
String errorLogMessage = LOG_MESSAGE;
String errorMessage = EXCEPTION_MESSAGE;
if (exception instanceof RetriableException) {
errorLogMessage += PARAMETER_HINT;
errorMessage += PARAMETER_HINT;
log.error(errorLogMessage, key, value, timestamp, topic, exception.toString());
sendException = new StreamsException(String.format(errorMessage, logPrefix, "an error caught", key, value, timestamp, topic, exception.getMessage()), exception);