use of org.apache.kafka.common.errors.WakeupException in project flink by apache.
the class KafkaConsumerThread method reassignPartitions.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Reestablishes the assigned partitions for the consumer. The reassigned partitions consists of
* the provided new partitions and whatever partitions was already previously assigned to the
* consumer.
* <p>The reassignment process is protected against wakeup calls, so that after this method
* returns, the consumer is either untouched or completely reassigned with the correct offset
* positions.
* <p>If the consumer was already woken-up prior to a reassignment resulting in an interruption
* any time during the reassignment, the consumer is guaranteed to roll back as if it was
* untouched. On the other hand, if there was an attempt to wakeup the consumer during the
* reassignment, the wakeup call is "buffered" until the reassignment completes.
* <p>This method is exposed for testing purposes.
void reassignPartitions(List<KafkaTopicPartitionState<T, TopicPartition>> newPartitions) throws Exception {
if (newPartitions.size() == 0) {
hasAssignedPartitions = true;
boolean reassignmentStarted = false;
// since the reassignment may introduce several Kafka blocking calls that cannot be
// interrupted,
// the consumer needs to be isolated from external wakeup calls in setOffsetsToCommit() and
// shutdown()
// until the reassignment is complete.
final KafkaConsumer<byte[], byte[]> consumerTmp;
synchronized (consumerReassignmentLock) {
consumerTmp = this.consumer;
this.consumer = null;
final Map<TopicPartition, Long> oldPartitionAssignmentsToPosition = new HashMap<>();
try {
for (TopicPartition oldPartition : consumerTmp.assignment()) {
oldPartitionAssignmentsToPosition.put(oldPartition, consumerTmp.position(oldPartition));
final List<TopicPartition> newPartitionAssignments = new ArrayList<>(newPartitions.size() + oldPartitionAssignmentsToPosition.size());
// reassign with the new partitions
reassignmentStarted = true;
// old partitions should be seeked to their previous position
for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, Long> oldPartitionToPosition : oldPartitionAssignmentsToPosition.entrySet()) {, oldPartitionToPosition.getValue());
// replace those with actual offsets, according to what the sentinel value represent.
for (KafkaTopicPartitionState<T, TopicPartition> newPartitionState : newPartitions) {
if (newPartitionState.getOffset() == KafkaTopicPartitionStateSentinel.EARLIEST_OFFSET) {
newPartitionState.setOffset(consumerTmp.position(newPartitionState.getKafkaPartitionHandle()) - 1);
} else if (newPartitionState.getOffset() == KafkaTopicPartitionStateSentinel.LATEST_OFFSET) {
newPartitionState.setOffset(consumerTmp.position(newPartitionState.getKafkaPartitionHandle()) - 1);
} else if (newPartitionState.getOffset() == KafkaTopicPartitionStateSentinel.GROUP_OFFSET) {
// the KafkaConsumer by default will automatically seek the consumer position
// to the committed group offset, so we do not need to do it.
newPartitionState.setOffset(consumerTmp.position(newPartitionState.getKafkaPartitionHandle()) - 1);
} else {, newPartitionState.getOffset() + 1);
} catch (WakeupException e) {
synchronized (consumerReassignmentLock) {
this.consumer = consumerTmp;
// we do a full roll back so that it is as if it was left untouched
if (reassignmentStarted) {
this.consumer.assign(new ArrayList<>(oldPartitionAssignmentsToPosition.keySet()));
for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, Long> oldPartitionToPosition : oldPartitionAssignmentsToPosition.entrySet()) {, oldPartitionToPosition.getValue());
// no need to restore the wakeup state in this case,
// since only the last wakeup call is effective anyways
hasBufferedWakeup = false;
// again
for (KafkaTopicPartitionState<T, TopicPartition> newPartition : newPartitions) {
// this signals the main fetch loop to continue through the loop
throw new AbortedReassignmentException();
// reassignment complete; expose the reassigned consumer
synchronized (consumerReassignmentLock) {
this.consumer = consumerTmp;
// restore wakeup state for the consumer if necessary
if (hasBufferedWakeup) {
hasBufferedWakeup = false;