use of org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ApiVersionsRequest in project kafka by apache.
the class SaslAuthenticatorTest method testInvalidApiVersionsRequestSequence.
* Tests that ApiVersionsRequest after Kafka SASL handshake request flow,
* but prior to actual SASL authentication, results in authentication failure.
* This is similar to {@link #testUnauthenticatedApiVersionsRequest(SecurityProtocol, short)}
* where a non-SASL client is used to send requests that are processed by
* {@link SaslServerAuthenticator} of the server prior to client authentication.
public void testInvalidApiVersionsRequestSequence() throws Exception {
SecurityProtocol securityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.SASL_PLAINTEXT;
configureMechanisms("PLAIN", Arrays.asList("PLAIN"));
server = createEchoServer(securityProtocol);
// Send handshake request followed by ApiVersionsRequest
String node1 = "invalid1";
createClientConnection(SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT, node1);
sendHandshakeRequestReceiveResponse(node1, (short) 1);
ApiVersionsRequest request = createApiVersionsRequestV0();
RequestHeader versionsHeader = new RequestHeader(ApiKeys.API_VERSIONS, request.version(), "someclient", 2);
selector.send(new NetworkSend(node1, request.toSend(versionsHeader)));
NetworkTestUtils.waitForChannelClose(selector, node1, ChannelState.READY.state());
// Test good connection still works
createAndCheckClientConnection(securityProtocol, "good1");
use of org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ApiVersionsRequest in project kafka by apache.
the class SaslServerAuthenticator method handleKafkaRequest.
private boolean handleKafkaRequest(byte[] requestBytes) throws IOException, AuthenticationException {
boolean isKafkaRequest = false;
String clientMechanism = null;
try {
ByteBuffer requestBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(requestBytes);
RequestHeader header = RequestHeader.parse(requestBuffer);
ApiKeys apiKey = header.apiKey();
// following a SaslHandshakeRequest since this is not a GSSAPI client token from a Kafka 0.9.0.x client.
if (saslState == SaslState.INITIAL_REQUEST)
isKafkaRequest = true;
// unnecessary exposure to some of the more complex schema types.
if (apiKey != ApiKeys.API_VERSIONS && apiKey != ApiKeys.SASL_HANDSHAKE)
throw new IllegalSaslStateException("Unexpected Kafka request of type " + apiKey + " during SASL handshake.");
LOG.debug("Handling Kafka request {} during {}", apiKey, reauthInfo.authenticationOrReauthenticationText());
RequestContext requestContext = new RequestContext(header, connectionId, clientAddress(), KafkaPrincipal.ANONYMOUS, listenerName, securityProtocol, ClientInformation.EMPTY, false);
RequestAndSize requestAndSize = requestContext.parseRequest(requestBuffer);
if (apiKey == ApiKeys.API_VERSIONS)
handleApiVersionsRequest(requestContext, (ApiVersionsRequest) requestAndSize.request);
clientMechanism = handleHandshakeRequest(requestContext, (SaslHandshakeRequest) requestAndSize.request);
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
if (saslState == SaslState.INITIAL_REQUEST) {
// starting with 0x60, revert to GSSAPI for both these exceptions.
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
StringBuilder tokenBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (byte b : requestBytes) {
tokenBuilder.append(String.format("%02x", b));
if (tokenBuilder.length() >= 20)
LOG.debug("Received client packet of length {} starting with bytes 0x{}, process as GSSAPI packet", requestBytes.length, tokenBuilder);
if (enabledMechanisms.contains(SaslConfigs.GSSAPI_MECHANISM)) {
LOG.debug("First client packet is not a SASL mechanism request, using default mechanism GSSAPI");
clientMechanism = SaslConfigs.GSSAPI_MECHANISM;
} else
throw new UnsupportedSaslMechanismException("Exception handling first SASL packet from client, GSSAPI is not supported by server", e);
} else
throw e;
if (clientMechanism != null && (!reauthInfo.reauthenticating() || reauthInfo.saslMechanismUnchanged(clientMechanism))) {
return isKafkaRequest;
use of org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ApiVersionsRequest in project kafka by apache.
the class SaslAuthenticatorTest method testApiVersionsRequestWithUnsupportedVersion.
* Tests that unsupported version of ApiVersionsRequest before SASL handshake request
* returns error response and does not result in authentication failure. This test
* is similar to {@link #testUnauthenticatedApiVersionsRequest(SecurityProtocol)}
* where a non-SASL client is used to send requests that are processed by
* {@link SaslServerAuthenticator} of the server prior to client authentication.
public void testApiVersionsRequestWithUnsupportedVersion() throws Exception {
SecurityProtocol securityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.SASL_PLAINTEXT;
configureMechanisms("PLAIN", Arrays.asList("PLAIN"));
server = createEchoServer(securityProtocol);
// Send ApiVersionsRequest with unsupported version and validate error response.
String node = "1";
createClientConnection(SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT, node);
RequestHeader header = new RequestHeader(, Short.MAX_VALUE, "someclient", 1);
ApiVersionsRequest request = new ApiVersionsRequest.Builder().build();
selector.send(request.toSend(node, header));
ByteBuffer responseBuffer = waitForResponse();
ApiVersionsResponse response = ApiVersionsResponse.parse(responseBuffer, (short) 0);
assertEquals(Errors.UNSUPPORTED_VERSION, response.error());
// Send ApiVersionsRequest with a supported version. This should succeed.
// Test that client can authenticate successfully
use of org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ApiVersionsRequest in project apache-kafka-on-k8s by banzaicloud.
the class SaslServerAuthenticator method handleKafkaRequest.
private boolean handleKafkaRequest(byte[] requestBytes) throws IOException, AuthenticationException {
boolean isKafkaRequest = false;
String clientMechanism = null;
try {
ByteBuffer requestBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(requestBytes);
RequestHeader header = RequestHeader.parse(requestBuffer);
ApiKeys apiKey = header.apiKey();
// following a SaslHandshakeRequest since this is not a GSSAPI client token from a Kafka 0.9.0.x client.
if (saslState == SaslState.INITIAL_REQUEST)
isKafkaRequest = true;
// unnecessary exposure to some of the more complex schema types.
if (apiKey != ApiKeys.API_VERSIONS && apiKey != ApiKeys.SASL_HANDSHAKE)
throw new IllegalSaslStateException("Unexpected Kafka request of type " + apiKey + " during SASL handshake.");
LOG.debug("Handling Kafka request {}", apiKey);
RequestContext requestContext = new RequestContext(header, connectionId, clientAddress(), KafkaPrincipal.ANONYMOUS, listenerName, securityProtocol);
RequestAndSize requestAndSize = requestContext.parseRequest(requestBuffer);
if (apiKey == ApiKeys.API_VERSIONS)
handleApiVersionsRequest(requestContext, (ApiVersionsRequest) requestAndSize.request);
clientMechanism = handleHandshakeRequest(requestContext, (SaslHandshakeRequest) requestAndSize.request);
} catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
if (saslState == SaslState.INITIAL_REQUEST) {
// starting with 0x60, revert to GSSAPI for both these exceptions.
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
StringBuilder tokenBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (byte b : requestBytes) {
tokenBuilder.append(String.format("%02x", b));
if (tokenBuilder.length() >= 20)
LOG.debug("Received client packet of length {} starting with bytes 0x{}, process as GSSAPI packet", requestBytes.length, tokenBuilder);
if (enabledMechanisms.contains(SaslConfigs.GSSAPI_MECHANISM)) {
LOG.debug("First client packet is not a SASL mechanism request, using default mechanism GSSAPI");
clientMechanism = SaslConfigs.GSSAPI_MECHANISM;
} else
throw new UnsupportedSaslMechanismException("Exception handling first SASL packet from client, GSSAPI is not supported by server", e);
} else
throw e;
if (clientMechanism != null) {
return isKafkaRequest;
use of org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ApiVersionsRequest in project apache-kafka-on-k8s by banzaicloud.
the class SaslAuthenticatorTest method testInvalidApiVersionsRequestSequence.
* Tests that ApiVersionsRequest after Kafka SASL handshake request flow,
* but prior to actual SASL authentication, results in authentication failure.
* This is similar to {@link #testUnauthenticatedApiVersionsRequest(SecurityProtocol, short)}
* where a non-SASL client is used to send requests that are processed by
* {@link SaslServerAuthenticator} of the server prior to client authentication.
public void testInvalidApiVersionsRequestSequence() throws Exception {
SecurityProtocol securityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.SASL_PLAINTEXT;
configureMechanisms("PLAIN", Arrays.asList("PLAIN"));
server = createEchoServer(securityProtocol);
// Send handshake request followed by ApiVersionsRequest
String node1 = "invalid1";
createClientConnection(SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT, node1);
sendHandshakeRequestReceiveResponse(node1, (short) 1);
ApiVersionsRequest request = createApiVersionsRequestV0();
RequestHeader versionsHeader = new RequestHeader(ApiKeys.API_VERSIONS, request.version(), "someclient", 2);
selector.send(request.toSend(node1, versionsHeader));
NetworkTestUtils.waitForChannelClose(selector, node1, ChannelState.READY.state());
// Test good connection still works
createAndCheckClientConnection(securityProtocol, "good1");