use of org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerSerializer in project kafka by apache.
the class KTableKTableForeignKeyJoinScenarioTest method shouldUseExpectedTopicsWithSerde.
public void shouldUseExpectedTopicsWithSerde() {
final String applicationId = "ktable-ktable-joinOnForeignKey";
final Properties streamsConfig = mkProperties(mkMap(mkEntry(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, applicationId), mkEntry(StreamsConfig.STATE_DIR_CONFIG, TestUtils.tempDirectory().getPath())));
final UniqueTopicSerdeScope serdeScope = new UniqueTopicSerdeScope();
final StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
final KTable<Integer, String> left = builder.table(LEFT_TABLE, Consumed.with(serdeScope.decorateSerde(Serdes.Integer(), streamsConfig, true), serdeScope.decorateSerde(Serdes.String(), streamsConfig, false)));
final KTable<Integer, String> right = builder.table(RIGHT_TABLE, Consumed.with(serdeScope.decorateSerde(Serdes.Integer(), streamsConfig, true), serdeScope.decorateSerde(Serdes.String(), streamsConfig, false)));
left.join(right, value -> Integer.parseInt(value.split("\\|")[1]), (value1, value2) -> "(" + value1 + "," + value2 + ")", Materialized.with(null, serdeScope.decorateSerde(Serdes.String(), streamsConfig, false))).toStream().to(OUTPUT);
final Topology topology =;
try (final TopologyTestDriver driver = new TopologyTestDriver(topology, streamsConfig)) {
final TestInputTopic<Integer, String> leftInput = driver.createInputTopic(LEFT_TABLE, new IntegerSerializer(), new StringSerializer());
final TestInputTopic<Integer, String> rightInput = driver.createInputTopic(RIGHT_TABLE, new IntegerSerializer(), new StringSerializer());
leftInput.pipeInput(2, "lhsValue1|1");
rightInput.pipeInput(1, "rhsValue1");
// verifying primarily that no extra pseudo-topics were used, but it's nice to also verify the rest of the
// topics our serdes serialize data for
assertThat(serdeScope.registeredTopics(), is(mkSet(// expected pseudo-topics
applicationId + "-KTABLE-FK-JOIN-SUBSCRIPTION-REGISTRATION-0000000006-topic-fk--key", applicationId + "-KTABLE-FK-JOIN-SUBSCRIPTION-REGISTRATION-0000000006-topic-pk--key", applicationId + "-KTABLE-FK-JOIN-SUBSCRIPTION-REGISTRATION-0000000006-topic-vh--value", // internal topics
applicationId + "-KTABLE-FK-JOIN-SUBSCRIPTION-REGISTRATION-0000000006-topic--key", applicationId + "-KTABLE-FK-JOIN-SUBSCRIPTION-RESPONSE-0000000014-topic--key", applicationId + "-KTABLE-FK-JOIN-SUBSCRIPTION-RESPONSE-0000000014-topic--value", applicationId + "-left_table-STATE-STORE-0000000000-changelog--key", applicationId + "-left_table-STATE-STORE-0000000000-changelog--value", applicationId + "-right_table-STATE-STORE-0000000003-changelog--key", applicationId + "-right_table-STATE-STORE-0000000003-changelog--value", // output topics
"output-topic--key", "output-topic--value")));
use of org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerSerializer in project kafka by apache.
the class KStreamKStreamJoinTest method testJoin.
public void testJoin() {
final StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
final int[] expectedKeys = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
final KStream<Integer, String> stream1;
final KStream<Integer, String> stream2;
final KStream<Integer, String> joined;
final MockApiProcessorSupplier<Integer, String, Void, Void> supplier = new MockApiProcessorSupplier<>();
stream1 =, consumed);
stream2 =, consumed);
joined = stream1.join(stream2, MockValueJoiner.TOSTRING_JOINER, JoinWindows.ofTimeDifferenceWithNoGrace(ofMillis(100L)), StreamJoined.with(Serdes.Integer(), Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()));
final Collection<Set<String>> copartitionGroups = TopologyWrapper.getInternalTopologyBuilder(;
assertEquals(1, copartitionGroups.size());
assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(topic1, topic2)), copartitionGroups.iterator().next());
try (final TopologyTestDriver driver = new TopologyTestDriver(, props)) {
final TestInputTopic<Integer, String> inputTopic1 = driver.createInputTopic(topic1, new IntegerSerializer(), new StringSerializer(), Instant.ofEpochMilli(0L), Duration.ZERO);
final TestInputTopic<Integer, String> inputTopic2 = driver.createInputTopic(topic2, new IntegerSerializer(), new StringSerializer(), Instant.ofEpochMilli(0L), Duration.ZERO);
final MockApiProcessor<Integer, String, Void, Void> processor = supplier.theCapturedProcessor();
// w2 = {}
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
inputTopic1.pipeInput(expectedKeys[i], "A" + expectedKeys[i]);
// w2 = { 0:a0, 1:a1 }
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKeys[i], "a" + expectedKeys[i]);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "A0+a0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "A1+a1", 0L));
// w2 = { 0:a0, 1:a1 }
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic1.pipeInput(expectedKey, "B" + expectedKey);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "B0+a0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "B1+a1", 0L));
// w2 = { 0:a0, 1:a1, 0:b0, 1:b1, 2:b2, 3:b3 }
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKey, "b" + expectedKey);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "A0+b0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "B0+b0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "A1+b1", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "B1+b1", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(2, "B2+b2", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(3, "B3+b3", 0L));
// w2 = { 0:a0, 1:a1, 0:b0, 1:b1, 2:b2, 3:b3 }
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic1.pipeInput(expectedKey, "C" + expectedKey);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "C0+a0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "C0+b0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "C1+a1", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "C1+b1", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(2, "C2+b2", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(3, "C3+b3", 0L));
// w2 = { 0:a0, 1:a1, 0:b0, 1:b1, 2:b2, 3:b3, 0:c0, 1:c1 }
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKeys[i], "c" + expectedKeys[i]);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "A0+c0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "B0+c0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "C0+c0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "A1+c1", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "B1+c1", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "C1+c1", 0L));
use of org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerSerializer in project kafka by apache.
the class KStreamKStreamJoinTest method testAsymmetricWindowingBefore.
public void testAsymmetricWindowingBefore() {
final StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
final int[] expectedKeys = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
final KStream<Integer, String> stream1;
final KStream<Integer, String> stream2;
final KStream<Integer, String> joined;
final MockApiProcessorSupplier<Integer, String, Void, Void> supplier = new MockApiProcessorSupplier<>();
stream1 =, consumed);
stream2 =, consumed);
joined = stream1.join(stream2, MockValueJoiner.TOSTRING_JOINER, JoinWindows.ofTimeDifferenceWithNoGrace(ofMillis(0)).before(ofMillis(100)), StreamJoined.with(Serdes.Integer(), Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()));
final Collection<Set<String>> copartitionGroups = TopologyWrapper.getInternalTopologyBuilder(;
assertEquals(1, copartitionGroups.size());
assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(topic1, topic2)), copartitionGroups.iterator().next());
try (final TopologyTestDriver driver = new TopologyTestDriver(, props)) {
final TestInputTopic<Integer, String> inputTopic1 = driver.createInputTopic(topic1, new IntegerSerializer(), new StringSerializer(), Instant.ofEpochMilli(0L), Duration.ZERO);
final TestInputTopic<Integer, String> inputTopic2 = driver.createInputTopic(topic2, new IntegerSerializer(), new StringSerializer(), Instant.ofEpochMilli(0L), Duration.ZERO);
final MockApiProcessor<Integer, String, Void, Void> processor = supplier.theCapturedProcessor();
long time = 1000L;
// w2 = {}
for (int i = 0; i < expectedKeys.length; i++) {
inputTopic1.pipeInput(expectedKeys[i], "A" + expectedKeys[i], time + i);
// push four items with smaller timestamps (before the window) to the other stream; this should produce no items
// w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = {}
// --> w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899) }
time = 1000L - 100L - 1L;
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKey, "a" + expectedKey, time);
// push four items with increased timestamp to the other stream; this should produce one item
// w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899) }
// --> w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900) }
time += 1L;
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKey, "b" + expectedKey, time);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "A0+b0", 1000L));
// push four items with increased timestamp to the other stream; this should produce two items
// w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900) }
// --> w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901) }
time += 1L;
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKey, "c" + expectedKey, time);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "A0+c0", 1000L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "A1+c1", 1001L));
// push four items with increased timestamp to the other stream; this should produce three items
// w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901) }
// --> w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901),
// 0:d0 (ts: 902), 1:d1 (ts: 902), 2:d2 (ts: 902), 3:d3 (ts: 902) }
time += 1L;
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKey, "d" + expectedKey, time);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "A0+d0", 1000L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "A1+d1", 1001L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(2, "A2+d2", 1002L));
// push four items with increased timestamp to the other stream; this should produce four items
// w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901),
// 0:d0 (ts: 902), 1:d1 (ts: 902), 2:d2 (ts: 902), 3:d3 (ts: 902) }
// --> w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901),
// 0:d0 (ts: 902), 1:d1 (ts: 902), 2:d2 (ts: 902), 3:d3 (ts: 902),
// 0:e0 (ts: 903), 1:e1 (ts: 903), 2:e2 (ts: 903), 3:e3 (ts: 903) }
time += 1L;
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKey, "e" + expectedKey, time);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "A0+e0", 1000L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "A1+e1", 1001L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(2, "A2+e2", 1002L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(3, "A3+e3", 1003L));
// push four items with larger timestamp to the other stream; this should produce four items
// w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901),
// 0:d0 (ts: 902), 1:d1 (ts: 902), 2:d2 (ts: 902), 3:d3 (ts: 902),
// 0:e0 (ts: 903), 1:e1 (ts: 903), 2:e2 (ts: 903), 3:e3 (ts: 903) }
// --> w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901),
// 0:d0 (ts: 902), 1:d1 (ts: 902), 2:d2 (ts: 902), 3:d3 (ts: 902),
// 0:e0 (ts: 903), 1:e1 (ts: 903), 2:e2 (ts: 903), 3:e3 (ts: 903),
// 0:f0 (ts: 1000), 1:f1 (ts: 1000), 2:f2 (ts: 1000), 3:f3 (ts: 1000) }
time = 1000L;
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKey, "f" + expectedKey, time);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "A0+f0", 1000L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "A1+f1", 1001L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(2, "A2+f2", 1002L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(3, "A3+f3", 1003L));
// push four items with increase timestamp to the other stream; this should produce three items
// w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901),
// 0:d0 (ts: 902), 1:d1 (ts: 902), 2:d2 (ts: 902), 3:d3 (ts: 902),
// 0:e0 (ts: 903), 1:e1 (ts: 903), 2:e2 (ts: 903), 3:e3 (ts: 903),
// 0:f0 (ts: 1000), 1:f1 (ts: 1000), 2:f2 (ts: 1000), 3:f3 (ts: 1000) }
// --> w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901),
// 0:d0 (ts: 902), 1:d1 (ts: 902), 2:d2 (ts: 902), 3:d3 (ts: 902),
// 0:e0 (ts: 903), 1:e1 (ts: 903), 2:e2 (ts: 903), 3:e3 (ts: 903),
// 0:f0 (ts: 1000), 1:f1 (ts: 1000), 2:f2 (ts: 1000), 3:f3 (ts: 1000),
// 0:g0 (ts: 1001), 1:g1 (ts: 1001), 2:g2 (ts: 1001), 3:g3 (ts: 1001) }
time += 1L;
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKey, "g" + expectedKey, time);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "A1+g1", 1001L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(2, "A2+g2", 1002L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(3, "A3+g3", 1003L));
// push four items with increase timestamp to the other stream; this should produce two items
// w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901),
// 0:d0 (ts: 902), 1:d1 (ts: 902), 2:d2 (ts: 902), 3:d3 (ts: 902),
// 0:e0 (ts: 903), 1:e1 (ts: 903), 2:e2 (ts: 903), 3:e3 (ts: 903),
// 0:f0 (ts: 1000), 1:f1 (ts: 1000), 2:f2 (ts: 1000), 3:f3 (ts: 1000),
// 0:g0 (ts: 1001), 1:g1 (ts: 1001), 2:g2 (ts: 1001), 3:g3 (ts: 1001) }
// --> w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901),
// 0:d0 (ts: 902), 1:d1 (ts: 902), 2:d2 (ts: 902), 3:d3 (ts: 902),
// 0:e0 (ts: 903), 1:e1 (ts: 903), 2:e2 (ts: 903), 3:e3 (ts: 903),
// 0:f0 (ts: 1000), 1:f1 (ts: 1000), 2:f2 (ts: 1000), 3:f3 (ts: 1000),
// 0:g0 (ts: 1001), 1:g1 (ts: 1001), 2:g2 (ts: 1001), 3:g3 (ts: 1001),
// 0:h0 (ts: 1002), 1:h1 (ts: 1002), 2:h2 (ts: 1002), 3:h3 (ts: 1002) }
time += 1L;
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKey, "h" + expectedKey, time);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(2, "A2+h2", 1002L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(3, "A3+h3", 1003L));
// push four items with increase timestamp to the other stream; this should produce one item
// w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901),
// 0:d0 (ts: 902), 1:d1 (ts: 902), 2:d2 (ts: 902), 3:d3 (ts: 902),
// 0:e0 (ts: 903), 1:e1 (ts: 903), 2:e2 (ts: 903), 3:e3 (ts: 903),
// 0:f0 (ts: 1000), 1:f1 (ts: 1000), 2:f2 (ts: 1000), 3:f3 (ts: 1000),
// 0:g0 (ts: 1001), 1:g1 (ts: 1001), 2:g2 (ts: 1001), 3:g3 (ts: 1001),
// 0:h0 (ts: 1002), 1:h1 (ts: 1002), 2:h2 (ts: 1002), 3:h3 (ts: 1002) }
// --> w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901),
// 0:d0 (ts: 902), 1:d1 (ts: 902), 2:d2 (ts: 902), 3:d3 (ts: 902),
// 0:e0 (ts: 903), 1:e1 (ts: 903), 2:e2 (ts: 903), 3:e3 (ts: 903),
// 0:f0 (ts: 1000), 1:f1 (ts: 1000), 2:f2 (ts: 1000), 3:f3 (ts: 1000),
// 0:g0 (ts: 1001), 1:g1 (ts: 1001), 2:g2 (ts: 1001), 3:g3 (ts: 1001),
// 0:h0 (ts: 1002), 1:h1 (ts: 1002), 2:h2 (ts: 1002), 3:h3 (ts: 1002),
// 0:i0 (ts: 1003), 1:i1 (ts: 1003), 2:i2 (ts: 1003), 3:i3 (ts: 1003) }
time += 1L;
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKey, "i" + expectedKey, time);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(3, "A3+i3", 1003L));
// push four items with increase timestamp (no out of window) to the other stream; this should produce no items
// w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901),
// 0:d0 (ts: 902), 1:d1 (ts: 902), 2:d2 (ts: 902), 3:d3 (ts: 902),
// 0:e0 (ts: 903), 1:e1 (ts: 903), 2:e2 (ts: 903), 3:e3 (ts: 903),
// 0:f0 (ts: 1000), 1:f1 (ts: 1000), 2:f2 (ts: 1000), 3:f3 (ts: 1000),
// 0:g0 (ts: 1001), 1:g1 (ts: 1001), 2:g2 (ts: 1001), 3:g3 (ts: 1001),
// 0:h0 (ts: 1002), 1:h1 (ts: 1002), 2:h2 (ts: 1002), 3:h3 (ts: 1002),
// 0:i0 (ts: 1003), 1:i1 (ts: 1003), 2:i2 (ts: 1003), 3:i3 (ts: 1003) }
// --> w1 = { 0:A0 (ts: 1000), 1:A1 (ts: 1001), 2:A2 (ts: 1002), 3:A3 (ts: 1003) }
// w2 = { 0:a0 (ts: 899), 1:a1 (ts: 899), 2:a2 (ts: 899), 3:a3 (ts: 899),
// 0:b0 (ts: 900), 1:b1 (ts: 900), 2:b2 (ts: 900), 3:b3 (ts: 900),
// 0:c0 (ts: 901), 1:c1 (ts: 901), 2:c2 (ts: 901), 3:c3 (ts: 901),
// 0:d0 (ts: 902), 1:d1 (ts: 902), 2:d2 (ts: 902), 3:d3 (ts: 902),
// 0:e0 (ts: 903), 1:e1 (ts: 903), 2:e2 (ts: 903), 3:e3 (ts: 903),
// 0:f0 (ts: 1000), 1:f1 (ts: 1000), 2:f2 (ts: 1000), 3:f3 (ts: 1000),
// 0:g0 (ts: 1001), 1:g1 (ts: 1001), 2:g2 (ts: 1001), 3:g3 (ts: 1001),
// 0:h0 (ts: 1002), 1:h1 (ts: 1002), 2:h2 (ts: 1002), 3:h3 (ts: 1002),
// 0:i0 (ts: 1003), 1:i1 (ts: 1003), 2:i2 (ts: 1003), 3:i3 (ts: 1003),
// 0:j0 (ts: 1004), 1:j1 (ts: 1004), 2:j2 (ts: 1004), 3:j3 (ts: 1004) }
time += 1L;
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKey, "j" + expectedKey, time);
use of org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerSerializer in project kafka by apache.
the class KStreamKStreamJoinTest method testOuterJoin.
public void testOuterJoin() {
final StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
final int[] expectedKeys = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
final KStream<Integer, String> stream1;
final KStream<Integer, String> stream2;
final KStream<Integer, String> joined;
final MockApiProcessorSupplier<Integer, String, Void, Void> supplier = new MockApiProcessorSupplier<>();
stream1 =, consumed);
stream2 =, consumed);
joined = stream1.outerJoin(stream2, MockValueJoiner.TOSTRING_JOINER, JoinWindows.ofTimeDifferenceAndGrace(ofMillis(100L), ofHours(24L)), StreamJoined.with(Serdes.Integer(), Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()));
final Collection<Set<String>> copartitionGroups = TopologyWrapper.getInternalTopologyBuilder(;
assertEquals(1, copartitionGroups.size());
assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(topic1, topic2)), copartitionGroups.iterator().next());
try (final TopologyTestDriver driver = new TopologyTestDriver(, props)) {
final TestInputTopic<Integer, String> inputTopic1 = driver.createInputTopic(topic1, new IntegerSerializer(), new StringSerializer(), Instant.ofEpochMilli(0L), Duration.ZERO);
final TestInputTopic<Integer, String> inputTopic2 = driver.createInputTopic(topic2, new IntegerSerializer(), new StringSerializer(), Instant.ofEpochMilli(0L), Duration.ZERO);
final MockApiProcessor<Integer, String, Void, Void> processor = supplier.theCapturedProcessor();
// w2 = {}
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
inputTopic1.pipeInput(expectedKeys[i], "A" + expectedKeys[i]);
// w2 = { 0:a0, 1:a1 }
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKeys[i], "a" + expectedKeys[i]);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "A0+a0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "A1+a1", 0L));
// w2 = { 0:a0, 1:a1 }
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic1.pipeInput(expectedKey, "B" + expectedKey);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "B0+a0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "B1+a1", 0L));
// w2 = { 0:a0, 1:a1, 0:b0, 0:b0, 1:b1, 2:b2, 3:b3 }
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKey, "b" + expectedKey);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "A0+b0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "B0+b0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "A1+b1", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "B1+b1", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(2, "B2+b2", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(3, "B3+b3", 0L));
// w2 = { 0:a0, 1:a1, 0:b0, 0:b0, 1:b1, 2:b2, 3:b3 }
for (final int expectedKey : expectedKeys) {
inputTopic1.pipeInput(expectedKey, "C" + expectedKey);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "C0+a0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "C0+b0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "C1+a1", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "C1+b1", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(2, "C2+b2", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(3, "C3+b3", 0L));
// w2 = { 0:a0, 1:a1, 0:b0, 0:b0, 1:b1, 2:b2, 3:b3, 0:c0, 1:c1 }
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
inputTopic2.pipeInput(expectedKeys[i], "c" + expectedKeys[i]);
processor.checkAndClearProcessResult(new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "A0+c0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "B0+c0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(0, "C0+c0", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "A1+c1", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "B1+c1", 0L), new KeyValueTimestamp<>(1, "C1+c1", 0L));
use of org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerSerializer in project kafka by apache.
the class KStreamKStreamJoinTest method shouldLogAndMeterOnSkippedRecordsWithNullValueWithBuiltInMetricsVersionLatest.
public void shouldLogAndMeterOnSkippedRecordsWithNullValueWithBuiltInMetricsVersionLatest() {
final StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
final KStream<String, Integer> left ="left", Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.Integer()));
final KStream<String, Integer> right ="right", Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.Integer()));
left.join(right, Integer::sum, JoinWindows.ofTimeDifferenceWithNoGrace(ofMillis(100)), StreamJoined.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.Integer(), Serdes.Integer()));
props.setProperty(StreamsConfig.BUILT_IN_METRICS_VERSION_CONFIG, StreamsConfig.METRICS_LATEST);
try (final LogCaptureAppender appender = LogCaptureAppender.createAndRegister(KStreamKStreamJoin.class);
final TopologyTestDriver driver = new TopologyTestDriver(, props)) {
final TestInputTopic<String, Integer> inputTopic = driver.createInputTopic("left", new StringSerializer(), new IntegerSerializer());
inputTopic.pipeInput("A", null);
assertThat(appender.getMessages(), hasItem("Skipping record due to null key or value. topic=[left] partition=[0] offset=[0]"));