use of org.apache.kafka.common.utils.MockScheduler in project kafka by apache.
the class ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLoginTest method testRefresh.
public void testRefresh() throws Exception {
for (int numExpectedRefreshes : new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }) {
for (boolean clientReloginAllowedBeforeLogout : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
Subject subject = new Subject();
final LoginContext mockLoginContext = mock(LoginContext.class);
MockTime mockTime = new MockTime();
long startMs = mockTime.milliseconds();
* Identify the lifetime of each expiring credential
long lifetimeMinutes = 100L;
* Identify the point at which refresh will occur in that lifetime
long refreshEveryMinutes = 80L;
* Set an absolute last refresh time that will cause the login thread to exit
* after a certain number of re-logins (by adding an extra half of a refresh
* interval).
long absoluteLastRefreshMs = startMs + (1 + numExpectedRefreshes) * 1000 * 60 * refreshEveryMinutes - 1000 * 60 * refreshEveryMinutes / 2;
* Identify buffer time on either side for the refresh algorithm
short minPeriodSeconds = (short) 0;
short bufferSeconds = minPeriodSeconds;
* Define some listeners so we can keep track of who gets done and when. All
* added listeners should end up done except the last, extra one, which should
* not.
MockScheduler mockScheduler = new MockScheduler(mockTime);
List<KafkaFutureImpl<Long>> waiters = addWaiters(mockScheduler, 1000 * 60 * refreshEveryMinutes, numExpectedRefreshes + 1);
// Create the ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin instance under test
TestLoginContextFactory testLoginContextFactory = new TestLoginContextFactory();
TestExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin testExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin = new TestExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin(refreshConfigThatPerformsReloginEveryGivenPercentageOfLifetime(1.0 * refreshEveryMinutes / lifetimeMinutes, minPeriodSeconds, bufferSeconds, clientReloginAllowedBeforeLogout), testLoginContextFactory, mockTime, 1000 * 60 * lifetimeMinutes, absoluteLastRefreshMs, clientReloginAllowedBeforeLogout);
testLoginContextFactory.configure(mockLoginContext, testExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin);
* Perform the login, wait up to a certain amount of time for the refresher
* thread to exit, and make sure the correct calls happened at the correct times
long expectedFinalMs = startMs + numExpectedRefreshes * 1000 * 60 * refreshEveryMinutes;
testLoginContextFactory.refresherThreadDoneFuture().get(1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertEquals(expectedFinalMs, mockTime.milliseconds());
for (int i = 0; i < numExpectedRefreshes; ++i) {
KafkaFutureImpl<Long> waiter = waiters.get(i);
assertEquals((i + 1) * 1000 * 60 * refreshEveryMinutes, waiter.get().longValue() - startMs);
* We expect login() to be invoked followed by getSubject() and then ultimately followed by
* numExpectedRefreshes pairs of either login()/logout() or logout()/login() calls
InOrder inOrder = inOrder(mockLoginContext);
for (int i = 0; i < numExpectedRefreshes; ++i) {
if (clientReloginAllowedBeforeLogout) {
} else {
use of org.apache.kafka.common.utils.MockScheduler in project kafka by apache.
the class ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLoginTest method testRefreshWithPreExpirationBufferIntrusion.
public void testRefreshWithPreExpirationBufferIntrusion() throws Exception {
int numExpectedRefreshes = 1;
boolean clientReloginAllowedBeforeLogout = true;
Subject subject = new Subject();
final LoginContext mockLoginContext = mock(LoginContext.class);
MockTime mockTime = new MockTime();
long startMs = mockTime.milliseconds();
* Identify the lifetime of each expiring credential
long lifetimeMinutes = 10L;
* Identify the point at which refresh will occur in that lifetime
long refreshEveryMinutes = 8L;
* Set an absolute last refresh time that will cause the login thread to exit
* after a certain number of re-logins (by adding an extra half of a refresh
* interval).
long absoluteLastRefreshMs = startMs + (1 + numExpectedRefreshes) * 1000 * 60 * refreshEveryMinutes - 1000 * 60 * refreshEveryMinutes / 2;
* Identify a minimum period that will cause the refresh time to be delayed a
* bit.
int bufferIntrusionSeconds = 1;
short bufferSeconds = (short) ((lifetimeMinutes - refreshEveryMinutes) * 60 + bufferIntrusionSeconds);
short minPeriodSeconds = (short) 0;
* Define some listeners so we can keep track of who gets done and when. All
* added listeners should end up done except the last, extra one, which should
* not.
MockScheduler mockScheduler = new MockScheduler(mockTime);
List<KafkaFutureImpl<Long>> waiters = addWaiters(mockScheduler, 1000 * (60 * refreshEveryMinutes - bufferIntrusionSeconds), numExpectedRefreshes + 1);
// Create the ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin instance under test
TestLoginContextFactory testLoginContextFactory = new TestLoginContextFactory();
TestExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin testExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin = new TestExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin(refreshConfigThatPerformsReloginEveryGivenPercentageOfLifetime(1.0 * refreshEveryMinutes / lifetimeMinutes, minPeriodSeconds, bufferSeconds, clientReloginAllowedBeforeLogout), testLoginContextFactory, mockTime, 1000 * 60 * lifetimeMinutes, absoluteLastRefreshMs, clientReloginAllowedBeforeLogout);
testLoginContextFactory.configure(mockLoginContext, testExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin);
* Perform the login, wait up to a certain amount of time for the refresher
* thread to exit, and make sure the correct calls happened at the correct times
long expectedFinalMs = startMs + numExpectedRefreshes * 1000 * (60 * refreshEveryMinutes - bufferIntrusionSeconds);
testLoginContextFactory.refresherThreadDoneFuture().get(1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertEquals(expectedFinalMs, mockTime.milliseconds());
for (int i = 0; i < numExpectedRefreshes; ++i) {
KafkaFutureImpl<Long> waiter = waiters.get(i);
assertEquals((i + 1) * 1000 * (60 * refreshEveryMinutes - bufferIntrusionSeconds), waiter.get().longValue() - startMs);
InOrder inOrder = inOrder(mockLoginContext);
for (int i = 0; i < numExpectedRefreshes; ++i) {
use of org.apache.kafka.common.utils.MockScheduler in project kafka by apache.
the class ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLoginTest method testRefreshWithExpirationSmallerThanConfiguredBuffersAndOlderCreateTime.
public void testRefreshWithExpirationSmallerThanConfiguredBuffersAndOlderCreateTime() throws Exception {
int numExpectedRefreshes = 1;
boolean clientReloginAllowedBeforeLogout = true;
final LoginContext mockLoginContext = mock(LoginContext.class);
Subject subject = new Subject();
MockTime mockTime = new MockTime();
long startMs = mockTime.milliseconds();
* Identify the lifetime of each expiring credential
long lifetimeMinutes = 10L;
* Identify the point at which refresh will occur in that lifetime
long refreshEveryMinutes = 8L;
* Set an absolute last refresh time that will cause the login thread to exit
* after a certain number of re-logins (by adding an extra half of a refresh
* interval).
long absoluteLastRefreshMs = startMs + (1 + numExpectedRefreshes) * 1000 * 60 * refreshEveryMinutes - 1000 * 60 * refreshEveryMinutes / 2;
* Identify buffer time on either side for the refresh algorithm that will cause
* the entire lifetime to be taken up. In other words, make sure there is no way
* to honor the buffers.
short minPeriodSeconds = (short) (1 + lifetimeMinutes * 60 / 2);
short bufferSeconds = minPeriodSeconds;
* Define some listeners so we can keep track of who gets done and when. All
* added listeners should end up done except the last, extra one, which should
* not.
MockScheduler mockScheduler = new MockScheduler(mockTime);
List<KafkaFutureImpl<Long>> waiters = addWaiters(mockScheduler, 1000 * 60 * refreshEveryMinutes, numExpectedRefreshes + 1);
// Create the ExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin instance under test
TestLoginContextFactory testLoginContextFactory = new TestLoginContextFactory();
TestExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin testExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin = new TestExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin(refreshConfigThatPerformsReloginEveryGivenPercentageOfLifetime(1.0 * refreshEveryMinutes / lifetimeMinutes, minPeriodSeconds, bufferSeconds, clientReloginAllowedBeforeLogout), testLoginContextFactory, mockTime, 1000 * 60 * lifetimeMinutes, absoluteLastRefreshMs, clientReloginAllowedBeforeLogout) {
public long getCreateMs() {
// distant past
return super.getCreateMs() - 1000 * 60 * 60;
testLoginContextFactory.configure(mockLoginContext, testExpiringCredentialRefreshingLogin);
* Perform the login, wait up to a certain amount of time for the refresher
* thread to exit, and make sure the correct calls happened at the correct times
long expectedFinalMs = startMs + numExpectedRefreshes * 1000 * 60 * refreshEveryMinutes;
testLoginContextFactory.refresherThreadDoneFuture().get(1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertEquals(expectedFinalMs, mockTime.milliseconds());
for (int i = 0; i < numExpectedRefreshes; ++i) {
KafkaFutureImpl<Long> waiter = waiters.get(i);
assertEquals((i + 1) * 1000 * 60 * refreshEveryMinutes, waiter.get().longValue() - startMs);
InOrder inOrder = inOrder(mockLoginContext);
for (int i = 0; i < numExpectedRefreshes; ++i) {
use of org.apache.kafka.common.utils.MockScheduler in project kafka by apache.
the class CoordinatorTest method testCreateTask.
public void testCreateTask() throws Exception {
MockTime time = new MockTime(0, 0, 0);
Scheduler scheduler = new MockScheduler(time);
try (MiniTrogdorCluster cluster = new MiniTrogdorCluster.Builder().addCoordinator("node01").addAgent("node02").scheduler(scheduler).build()) {
new ExpectedTasks().waitFor(cluster.coordinatorClient());
NoOpTaskSpec fooSpec = new NoOpTaskSpec(1, 2);
cluster.coordinatorClient().createTask(new CreateTaskRequest("foo", fooSpec));
new ExpectedTasks().addTask(new ExpectedTaskBuilder("foo").taskState(new TaskPending(fooSpec)).build()).waitFor(cluster.coordinatorClient());
// Re-creating a task with the same arguments is not an error.
cluster.coordinatorClient().createTask(new CreateTaskRequest("foo", fooSpec));
// Re-creating a task with different arguments gives a RequestConflictException.
NoOpTaskSpec barSpec = new NoOpTaskSpec(1000, 2000);
assertThrows(RequestConflictException.class, () -> cluster.coordinatorClient().createTask(new CreateTaskRequest("foo", barSpec)), "Recreating task with different task spec is not allowed");
new ExpectedTasks().addTask(new ExpectedTaskBuilder("foo").taskState(new TaskRunning(fooSpec, 2, new TextNode("active"))).workerState(new WorkerRunning("foo", fooSpec, 2, new TextNode("active"))).build()).waitFor(cluster.coordinatorClient()).waitFor(cluster.agentClient("node02"));
new ExpectedTasks().addTask(new ExpectedTaskBuilder("foo").taskState(new TaskDone(fooSpec, 2, 5, "", false, new TextNode("done"))).build()).waitFor(cluster.coordinatorClient());
use of org.apache.kafka.common.utils.MockScheduler in project kafka by apache.
the class AgentTest method testAgentGetUptime.
public void testAgentGetUptime() throws Exception {
MockTime time = new MockTime(0, 111, 0);
MockScheduler scheduler = new MockScheduler(time);
Agent agent = createAgent(scheduler);
AgentClient client = new AgentClient.Builder().maxTries(10).target("localhost", agent.port()).build();
UptimeResponse uptime = client.uptime();
assertEquals(agent.uptime(), uptime);
assertNotEquals(agent.uptime(), uptime);