use of in project apache-kafka-on-k8s by banzaicloud.
the class JsonConverterTest method longToConnect.
public void longToConnect() {
assertEquals(new SchemaAndValue(Schema.INT64_SCHEMA, 12L), converter.toConnectData(TOPIC, "{ \"schema\": { \"type\": \"int64\" }, \"payload\": 12 }".getBytes()));
assertEquals(new SchemaAndValue(Schema.INT64_SCHEMA, 4398046511104L), converter.toConnectData(TOPIC, "{ \"schema\": { \"type\": \"int64\" }, \"payload\": 4398046511104 }".getBytes()));
use of in project apache-kafka-on-k8s by banzaicloud.
the class JsonConverterTest method decimalToConnect.
public void decimalToConnect() {
Schema schema = Decimal.schema(2);
BigDecimal reference = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger("156"), 2);
// Payload is base64 encoded byte[]{0, -100}, which is the two's complement encoding of 156.
String msg = "{ \"schema\": { \"type\": \"bytes\", \"name\": \"\", \"version\": 1, \"parameters\": { \"scale\": \"2\" } }, \"payload\": \"AJw=\" }";
SchemaAndValue schemaAndValue = converter.toConnectData(TOPIC, msg.getBytes());
BigDecimal converted = (BigDecimal) schemaAndValue.value();
assertEquals(schema, schemaAndValue.schema());
assertEquals(reference, converted);
use of in project apache-kafka-on-k8s by banzaicloud.
the class JsonConverterTest method dateToConnectOptional.
public void dateToConnectOptional() {
Schema schema = Date.builder().optional().schema();
String msg = "{ \"schema\": { \"type\": \"int32\", \"name\": \"\", \"version\": 1, \"optional\": true }, \"payload\": null }";
SchemaAndValue schemaAndValue = converter.toConnectData(TOPIC, msg.getBytes());
assertEquals(schema, schemaAndValue.schema());
use of in project apache-kafka-on-k8s by banzaicloud.
the class JsonConverterTest method structToConnect.
public void structToConnect() {
byte[] structJson = "{ \"schema\": { \"type\": \"struct\", \"fields\": [{ \"field\": \"field1\", \"type\": \"boolean\" }, { \"field\": \"field2\", \"type\": \"string\" }] }, \"payload\": { \"field1\": true, \"field2\": \"string\" } }".getBytes();
Schema expectedSchema = SchemaBuilder.struct().field("field1", Schema.BOOLEAN_SCHEMA).field("field2", Schema.STRING_SCHEMA).build();
Struct expected = new Struct(expectedSchema).put("field1", true).put("field2", "string");
SchemaAndValue converted = converter.toConnectData(TOPIC, structJson);
assertEquals(new SchemaAndValue(expectedSchema, expected), converted);
use of in project apache-kafka-on-k8s by banzaicloud.
the class JsonConverterTest method nullSchemaPrimitiveToConnect.
public void nullSchemaPrimitiveToConnect() {
SchemaAndValue converted = converter.toConnectData(TOPIC, "{ \"schema\": null, \"payload\": null }".getBytes());
assertEquals(SchemaAndValue.NULL, converted);
converted = converter.toConnectData(TOPIC, "{ \"schema\": null, \"payload\": true }".getBytes());
assertEquals(new SchemaAndValue(null, true), converted);
// Integers: Connect has more data types, and JSON unfortunately mixes all number types. We try to preserve
// info as best we can, so we always use the largest integer and floating point numbers we can and have Jackson
// determine if it's an integer or not
converted = converter.toConnectData(TOPIC, "{ \"schema\": null, \"payload\": 12 }".getBytes());
assertEquals(new SchemaAndValue(null, 12L), converted);
converted = converter.toConnectData(TOPIC, "{ \"schema\": null, \"payload\": 12.24 }".getBytes());
assertEquals(new SchemaAndValue(null, 12.24), converted);
converted = converter.toConnectData(TOPIC, "{ \"schema\": null, \"payload\": \"a string\" }".getBytes());
assertEquals(new SchemaAndValue(null, "a string"), converted);
converted = converter.toConnectData(TOPIC, "{ \"schema\": null, \"payload\": [1, \"2\", 3] }".getBytes());
assertEquals(new SchemaAndValue(null, Arrays.asList(1L, "2", 3L)), converted);
converted = converter.toConnectData(TOPIC, "{ \"schema\": null, \"payload\": { \"field1\": 1, \"field2\": 2} }".getBytes());
Map<String, Long> obj = new HashMap<>();
obj.put("field1", 1L);
obj.put("field2", 2L);
assertEquals(new SchemaAndValue(null, obj), converted);