use of org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.MirrorMakerConfig in project kafka by apache.
the class MirrorConnectorsIntegrationBaseTest method startClusters.
public void startClusters(Map<String, String> additionalMM2Config) throws Exception {
shuttingDown = false;
exitProcedure = (code, message) -> {
if (shuttingDown) {
// ignore this since we're shutting down Connect and Kafka and timing isn't always great
if (code != 0) {
String exitMessage = "Abrupt service exit with code " + code + " and message " + message;
throw new UngracefulShutdownException(exitMessage);
haltProcedure = (code, message) -> {
if (shuttingDown) {
// ignore this since we're shutting down Connect and Kafka and timing isn't always great
if (code != 0) {
String haltMessage = "Abrupt service halt with code " + code + " and message " + message;
throw new UngracefulShutdownException(haltMessage);
// Override the exit and halt procedure that Connect and Kafka will use. For these integration tests,
// we don't want to exit the JVM and instead simply want to fail the test
primaryBrokerProps.put("auto.create.topics.enable", "false");
backupBrokerProps.put("auto.create.topics.enable", "false");
// exclude topic config:
mm2Props.put(DefaultConfigPropertyFilter.CONFIG_PROPERTIES_EXCLUDE_CONFIG, "delete\\.retention\\..*");
mm2Config = new MirrorMakerConfig(mm2Props);
primaryWorkerProps = mm2Config.workerConfig(new SourceAndTarget(BACKUP_CLUSTER_ALIAS, PRIMARY_CLUSTER_ALIAS));
backupWorkerProps.putAll(mm2Config.workerConfig(new SourceAndTarget(PRIMARY_CLUSTER_ALIAS, BACKUP_CLUSTER_ALIAS)));
primary = new EmbeddedConnectCluster.Builder().name(PRIMARY_CLUSTER_ALIAS + "-connect-cluster").numWorkers(NUM_WORKERS).numBrokers(1).brokerProps(primaryBrokerProps).workerProps(primaryWorkerProps).maskExitProcedures(false).build();
backup = new EmbeddedConnectCluster.Builder().name(BACKUP_CLUSTER_ALIAS + "-connect-cluster").numWorkers(NUM_WORKERS).numBrokers(1).brokerProps(backupBrokerProps).workerProps(backupWorkerProps).maskExitProcedures(false).build();
primary.assertions().assertAtLeastNumWorkersAreUp(NUM_WORKERS, "Workers of " + PRIMARY_CLUSTER_ALIAS + "-connect-cluster did not start in time.");
waitForTopicCreated(primary, "mm2-status.backup.internal");
waitForTopicCreated(primary, "mm2-offsets.backup.internal");
waitForTopicCreated(primary, "mm2-configs.backup.internal");
backup.assertions().assertAtLeastNumWorkersAreUp(NUM_WORKERS, "Workers of " + BACKUP_CLUSTER_ALIAS + "-connect-cluster did not start in time.");
waitForTopicCreated(backup, "mm2-status.primary.internal");
waitForTopicCreated(backup, "mm2-offsets.primary.internal");
waitForTopicCreated(backup, "mm2-configs.primary.internal");
warmUpConsumer(Collections.singletonMap("", "consumer-group-dummy")); + " REST service: {}", primary.endpointForResource("connectors")); + " REST service: {}", backup.endpointForResource("connectors")); + " brokers: {}", primary.kafka().bootstrapServers()); + " brokers: {}", backup.kafka().bootstrapServers());
// now that the brokers are running, we can finish setting up the Connectors
mm2Props.put(PRIMARY_CLUSTER_ALIAS + ".bootstrap.servers", primary.kafka().bootstrapServers());
mm2Props.put(BACKUP_CLUSTER_ALIAS + ".bootstrap.servers", backup.kafka().bootstrapServers());
use of org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.MirrorMakerConfig in project kafka by apache.
the class MirrorConnectorsIntegrationBaseTest method testReplicationWithEmptyPartition.
public void testReplicationWithEmptyPartition() throws Exception {
String consumerGroupName = "consumer-group-testReplicationWithEmptyPartition";
Map<String, Object> consumerProps = Collections.singletonMap("", consumerGroupName);
// create topic
String topic = "test-topic-with-empty-partition";
primary.kafka().createTopic(topic, NUM_PARTITIONS);
// produce to all test-topic-empty's partitions, except the last partition
produceMessages(primary, topic, NUM_PARTITIONS - 1);
// consume before starting the connectors so we don't need to wait for discovery
try (Consumer<byte[], byte[]> primaryConsumer = primary.kafka().createConsumerAndSubscribeTo(consumerProps, topic)) {
waitForConsumingAllRecords(primaryConsumer, expectedRecords);
// one way replication from primary to backup
mm2Props.put(BACKUP_CLUSTER_ALIAS + "->" + PRIMARY_CLUSTER_ALIAS + ".enabled", "false");
mm2Config = new MirrorMakerConfig(mm2Props);
// sleep few seconds to have MM2 finish replication so that "end" consumer will consume some record
String backupTopic = PRIMARY_CLUSTER_ALIAS + "." + topic;
// consume all records from backup cluster
try (Consumer<byte[], byte[]> backupConsumer = backup.kafka().createConsumerAndSubscribeTo(consumerProps, backupTopic)) {
waitForConsumingAllRecords(backupConsumer, expectedRecords);
try (Admin backupClient = backup.kafka().createAdminClient()) {
// retrieve the consumer group offset from backup cluster
Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> remoteOffsets = backupClient.listConsumerGroupOffsets(consumerGroupName).partitionsToOffsetAndMetadata().get();
// pinpoint the offset of the last partition which does not receive records
OffsetAndMetadata offset = remoteOffsets.get(new TopicPartition(backupTopic, NUM_PARTITIONS - 1));
// offset of the last partition should exist, but its value should be 0
assertNotNull(offset, "Offset of last partition was not replicated");
assertEquals(0, offset.offset(), "Offset of last partition is not zero");
use of org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.MirrorMakerConfig in project kafka by apache.
the class MirrorConnectorsIntegrationBaseTest method testOneWayReplicationWithAutoOffsetSync.
public void testOneWayReplicationWithAutoOffsetSync() throws InterruptedException {
produceMessages(primary, "test-topic-1");
String consumerGroupName = "consumer-group-testOneWayReplicationWithAutoOffsetSync";
Map<String, Object> consumerProps = new HashMap<String, Object>() {
put("", consumerGroupName);
put("auto.offset.reset", "earliest");
// create consumers before starting the connectors so we don't need to wait for discovery
try (Consumer<byte[], byte[]> primaryConsumer = primary.kafka().createConsumerAndSubscribeTo(consumerProps, "test-topic-1")) {
// we need to wait for consuming all the records for MM2 replicating the expected offsets
waitForConsumingAllRecords(primaryConsumer, NUM_RECORDS_PRODUCED);
// enable automated consumer group offset sync
mm2Props.put("", "true");
mm2Props.put("", "1");
// one way replication from primary to backup
mm2Props.put(BACKUP_CLUSTER_ALIAS + "->" + PRIMARY_CLUSTER_ALIAS + ".enabled", "false");
mm2Config = new MirrorMakerConfig(mm2Props);
// make sure the topic is created in the other cluster
waitForTopicCreated(primary, "backup.test-topic-1");
waitForTopicCreated(backup, "primary.test-topic-1");
// create a consumer at backup cluster with same consumer group Id to consume 1 topic
Consumer<byte[], byte[]> backupConsumer = backup.kafka().createConsumerAndSubscribeTo(consumerProps, "primary.test-topic-1");
waitForConsumerGroupOffsetSync(backup, backupConsumer, Collections.singletonList("primary.test-topic-1"), consumerGroupName, NUM_RECORDS_PRODUCED);
ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records = backupConsumer.poll(CONSUMER_POLL_TIMEOUT_MS);
// the size of consumer record should be zero, because the offsets of the same consumer group
// have been automatically synchronized from primary to backup by the background job, so no
// more records to consume from the replicated topic by the same consumer group at backup cluster
assertEquals(0, records.count(), "consumer record size is not zero");
// now create a new topic in primary cluster
primary.kafka().createTopic("test-topic-2", NUM_PARTITIONS);
// make sure the topic is created in backup cluster
waitForTopicCreated(backup, "primary.test-topic-2");
// produce some records to the new topic in primary cluster
produceMessages(primary, "test-topic-2");
// create a consumer at primary cluster to consume the new topic
try (Consumer<byte[], byte[]> consumer1 = primary.kafka().createConsumerAndSubscribeTo(Collections.singletonMap("", "consumer-group-1"), "test-topic-2")) {
// we need to wait for consuming all the records for MM2 replicating the expected offsets
waitForConsumingAllRecords(consumer1, NUM_RECORDS_PRODUCED);
// create a consumer at backup cluster with same consumer group Id to consume old and new topic
backupConsumer = backup.kafka().createConsumerAndSubscribeTo(Collections.singletonMap("", consumerGroupName), "primary.test-topic-1", "primary.test-topic-2");
waitForConsumerGroupOffsetSync(backup, backupConsumer, Arrays.asList("primary.test-topic-1", "primary.test-topic-2"), consumerGroupName, NUM_RECORDS_PRODUCED);
records = backupConsumer.poll(CONSUMER_POLL_TIMEOUT_MS);
// similar reasoning as above, no more records to consume by the same consumer group at backup cluster
assertEquals(0, records.count(), "consumer record size is not zero");