use of org.apache.kafka.streams.state.WindowBytesStoreSupplier in project kafka by apache.
the class SlidingWindowedCogroupedKStreamImpl method materialize.
private StoreBuilder<TimestampedWindowStore<K, V>> materialize(final MaterializedInternal<K, V, WindowStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized) {
WindowBytesStoreSupplier supplier = (WindowBytesStoreSupplier) materialized.storeSupplier();
if (supplier == null) {
final long retentionPeriod = materialized.retention() != null ? materialized.retention().toMillis() : windows.gracePeriodMs() + 2 * windows.timeDifferenceMs();
if ((windows.timeDifferenceMs() * 2 + windows.gracePeriodMs()) > retentionPeriod) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The retention period of the window store " + name + " must be no smaller than 2 * time difference plus the grace period." + " Got time difference=[" + windows.timeDifferenceMs() + "]," + " grace=[" + windows.gracePeriodMs() + "]," + " retention=[" + retentionPeriod + "]");
supplier = Stores.persistentTimestampedWindowStore(materialized.storeName(), Duration.ofMillis(retentionPeriod), Duration.ofMillis(windows.timeDifferenceMs()), false);
final StoreBuilder<TimestampedWindowStore<K, V>> builder = Stores.timestampedWindowStoreBuilder(supplier, materialized.keySerde(), materialized.valueSerde());
if (materialized.loggingEnabled()) {
} else {
if (materialized.cachingEnabled()) {
} else {
return builder;
use of org.apache.kafka.streams.state.WindowBytesStoreSupplier in project kafka by apache.
the class SlidingWindowedKStreamImpl method materialize.
private <VR> StoreBuilder<TimestampedWindowStore<K, VR>> materialize(final MaterializedInternal<K, VR, WindowStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized) {
WindowBytesStoreSupplier supplier = (WindowBytesStoreSupplier) materialized.storeSupplier();
if (supplier == null) {
final long retentionPeriod = materialized.retention() != null ? materialized.retention().toMillis() : windows.gracePeriodMs() + 2 * windows.timeDifferenceMs();
// earliest window start time we could need to create corresponding right window would be recordTime - 2 * timeDifference
if ((windows.timeDifferenceMs() * 2 + windows.gracePeriodMs()) > retentionPeriod) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The retention period of the window store " + name + " must be no smaller than 2 * time difference plus the grace period." + " Got time difference=[" + windows.timeDifferenceMs() + "]," + " grace=[" + windows.gracePeriodMs() + "]," + " retention=[" + retentionPeriod + "]");
supplier = Stores.persistentTimestampedWindowStore(materialized.storeName(), Duration.ofMillis(retentionPeriod), Duration.ofMillis(windows.timeDifferenceMs()), false);
final StoreBuilder<TimestampedWindowStore<K, VR>> builder = Stores.timestampedWindowStoreBuilder(supplier, materialized.keySerde(), materialized.valueSerde());
if (materialized.loggingEnabled()) {
} else {
if (materialized.cachingEnabled()) {
} else {
return builder;
use of org.apache.kafka.streams.state.WindowBytesStoreSupplier in project kafka by apache.
the class TimeWindowedCogroupedKStreamImpl method materialize.
private StoreBuilder<TimestampedWindowStore<K, V>> materialize(final MaterializedInternal<K, V, WindowStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized) {
WindowBytesStoreSupplier supplier = (WindowBytesStoreSupplier) materialized.storeSupplier();
if (supplier == null) {
final long retentionPeriod = materialized.retention() != null ? materialized.retention().toMillis() : windows.size() + windows.gracePeriodMs();
if ((windows.size() + windows.gracePeriodMs()) > retentionPeriod) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The retention period of the window store " + name + " must be no smaller than its window size plus the grace period." + " Got size=[" + windows.size() + "]," + " grace=[" + windows.gracePeriodMs() + "]," + " retention=[" + retentionPeriod + "]");
supplier = Stores.persistentTimestampedWindowStore(materialized.storeName(), Duration.ofMillis(retentionPeriod), Duration.ofMillis(windows.size()), false);
final StoreBuilder<TimestampedWindowStore<K, V>> builder = Stores.timestampedWindowStoreBuilder(supplier, materialized.keySerde(), materialized.valueSerde());
if (materialized.loggingEnabled()) {
} else {
if (materialized.cachingEnabled()) {
return builder;
use of org.apache.kafka.streams.state.WindowBytesStoreSupplier in project kafka by apache.
the class KStreamSlidingWindowAggregateTest method testEarlyRecordsLargeInput.
public void testEarlyRecordsLargeInput() {
final StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
final String topic = "topic";
final WindowBytesStoreSupplier storeSupplier = inOrderIterator ? new InOrderMemoryWindowStoreSupplier("InOrder", 50000L, 10L, false) : Stores.inMemoryWindowStore("Reverse", Duration.ofMillis(50000), Duration.ofMillis(10), false);
final KTable<Windowed<String>, String> table2 =, Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String())).groupByKey(Grouped.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String())).windowedBy(SlidingWindows.ofTimeDifferenceAndGrace(ofMillis(10), ofMillis(50))).aggregate(MockInitializer.STRING_INIT, MockAggregator.TOSTRING_ADDER,;
final MockApiProcessorSupplier<Windowed<String>, String, Void, Void> supplier = new MockApiProcessorSupplier<>();
try (final TopologyTestDriver driver = new TopologyTestDriver(, props)) {
final TestInputTopic<String, String> inputTopic1 = driver.createInputTopic(topic, new StringSerializer(), new StringSerializer());
inputTopic1.pipeInput("E", "1", 0L);
inputTopic1.pipeInput("E", "3", 5L);
inputTopic1.pipeInput("E", "4", 6L);
inputTopic1.pipeInput("E", "2", 3L);
inputTopic1.pipeInput("E", "6", 13L);
inputTopic1.pipeInput("E", "5", 10L);
inputTopic1.pipeInput("E", "7", 4L);
inputTopic1.pipeInput("E", "8", 2L);
inputTopic1.pipeInput("E", "9", 15L);
final Comparator<KeyValueTimestamp<Windowed<String>, String>> comparator = Comparator.comparing((KeyValueTimestamp<Windowed<String>, String> o) -> o.key().key()).thenComparing((KeyValueTimestamp<Windowed<String>, String> o) -> o.key().window().start());
final ArrayList<KeyValueTimestamp<Windowed<String>, String>> actual = supplier.theCapturedProcessor().processed();
assertEquals(asList(// E@0
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(0, 10)), "0+1", 0), // E@5
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(0, 10)), "0+1+3", 5), // E@6
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(0, 10)), "0+1+3+4", 6), // E@3
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(0, 10)), "0+1+3+4+2", 6), // E@10
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(0, 10)), "0+1+3+4+2+5", 10), // E@4
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(0, 10)), "0+1+3+4+2+5+7", 10), // E@2
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(0, 10)), "0+1+3+4+2+5+7+8", 10), // E@5
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(1, 11)), "0+3", 5), // E@6
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(1, 11)), "0+3+4", 6), // E@3
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(1, 11)), "0+3+4+2", 6), // E@10
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(1, 11)), "0+3+4+2+5", 10), // E@4
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(1, 11)), "0+3+4+2+5+7", 10), // E@2
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(1, 11)), "0+3+4+2+5+7+8", 10), // E@13
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(3, 13)), "0+3+4+2+6", 13), // E@10
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(3, 13)), "0+3+4+2+6+5", 13), // E@4
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(3, 13)), "0+3+4+2+6+5+7", 13), // E@3
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(4, 14)), "0+3+4", 6), // E@13
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(4, 14)), "0+3+4+6", 13), // E@10
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(4, 14)), "0+3+4+6+5", 13), // E@4
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(4, 14)), "0+3+4+6+5+7", 13), // E@4
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(5, 15)), "0+3+4+6+5", 13), // E@15
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(5, 15)), "0+3+4+6+5+9", 15), // E@6
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(6, 16)), "0+4", 6), // E@13
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(6, 16)), "0+4+6", 13), // E@10
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(6, 16)), "0+4+6+5", 13), // E@15
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(6, 16)), "0+4+6+5+9", 15), // E@13
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(7, 17)), "0+6", 13), // E@10
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(7, 17)), "0+6+5", 13), // E@15
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(7, 17)), "0+6+5+9", 15), // E@10
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(11, 21)), "0+6", 13), // E@15
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(11, 21)), "0+6+9", 15), // E@15
new KeyValueTimestamp<>(new Windowed<>("E", new TimeWindow(14, 24)), "0+9", 15)), actual);
use of org.apache.kafka.streams.state.WindowBytesStoreSupplier in project kafka by apache.
the class KStreamSlidingWindowAggregateTest method testAggregateRandomInput.
public void testAggregateRandomInput() {
final StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
final String topic1 = "topic1";
final WindowBytesStoreSupplier storeSupplier = inOrderIterator ? new InOrderMemoryWindowStoreSupplier("InOrder", 50000L, 10L, false) : Stores.inMemoryWindowStore("Reverse", Duration.ofMillis(50000), Duration.ofMillis(10), false);
final KTable<Windowed<String>, String> table =, Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String())).groupByKey(Grouped.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String())).windowedBy(SlidingWindows.ofTimeDifferenceAndGrace(ofMillis(10), ofMillis(10000))).aggregate(() -> "", (key, value, aggregate) -> {
aggregate += value;
final char[] ch = aggregate.toCharArray();
aggregate = String.valueOf(ch);
return aggregate;
final MockApiProcessorSupplier<Windowed<String>, String, Void, Void> supplier = new MockApiProcessorSupplier<>();
final long seed = new Random().nextLong();
final Random shuffle = new Random(seed);
try {
final List<ValueAndTimestamp<String>> input = Arrays.asList(ValueAndTimestamp.make("A", 10L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("B", 15L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("C", 16L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("D", 18L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("E", 30L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("F", 40L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("G", 55L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("H", 56L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("I", 58L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("J", 58L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("K", 62L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("L", 63L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("M", 63L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("N", 63L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("O", 76L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("P", 77L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("Q", 80L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("R", 2L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("S", 3L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("T", 5L), ValueAndTimestamp.make("U", 8L));
Collections.shuffle(input, shuffle);
try (final TopologyTestDriver driver = new TopologyTestDriver(, props)) {
final TestInputTopic<String, String> inputTopic1 = driver.createInputTopic(topic1, new StringSerializer(), new StringSerializer());
for (final ValueAndTimestamp<String> i : input) {
inputTopic1.pipeInput("A", i.value(), i.timestamp());
final Map<Long, ValueAndTimestamp<String>> results = new HashMap<>();
for (final KeyValueTimestamp<Windowed<String>, String> entry : supplier.theCapturedProcessor().processed()) {
final Windowed<String> window = entry.key();
final Long start = window.window().start();
final ValueAndTimestamp<String> valueAndTimestamp = ValueAndTimestamp.make(entry.value(), entry.timestamp());
if (results.putIfAbsent(start, valueAndTimestamp) != null) {
results.replace(start, valueAndTimestamp);
} catch (final AssertionError t) {
throw new AssertionError("Assertion failed in randomized test. Reproduce with seed: " + seed + ".", t);
} catch (final Throwable t) {
final String msg = "Exception in randomized scenario. Reproduce with seed: " + seed + ".";
throw new AssertionError(msg, t);