use of org.apache.logging.log4j.core.test.appender.rolling.action.DummyFileAttributes in project logging-log4j2 by apache.
the class IfAccumulatedFileSizeTest method testNotAcceptIfBelowThreshold.
public void testNotAcceptIfBelowThreshold() {
final String[] sizes = { "2KB", "3MB", "4GB", "5TB" };
for (final String size : sizes) {
final IfAccumulatedFileSize condition = IfAccumulatedFileSize.createFileSizeCondition(size);
final DummyFileAttributes attribs = new DummyFileAttributes();
attribs.size = condition.getThresholdBytes() - 1;
assertFalse(condition.accept(null, null, attribs));
use of org.apache.logging.log4j.core.test.appender.rolling.action.DummyFileAttributes in project logging-log4j2 by apache.
the class IfAccumulatedFileSizeTest method testNotAcceptOnExactMatch.
public void testNotAcceptOnExactMatch() {
final String[] sizes = { "2KB", "3MB", "4GB", "5TB" };
for (final String size : sizes) {
final IfAccumulatedFileSize condition = IfAccumulatedFileSize.createFileSizeCondition(size);
final DummyFileAttributes attribs = new DummyFileAttributes();
attribs.size = condition.getThresholdBytes();
assertFalse(condition.accept(null, null, attribs));
use of org.apache.logging.log4j.core.test.appender.rolling.action.DummyFileAttributes in project logging-log4j2 by apache.
the class ScriptConditionTest method testSelectFilesToDelete3.
public void testSelectFilesToDelete3() {
final Configuration config = new DefaultConfiguration();
// creates the ScriptManager
final List<PathWithAttributes> pathList = new ArrayList<>();
pathList.add(new PathWithAttributes(Paths.get("/path/1/abc/a.txt"), new DummyFileAttributes()));
pathList.add(new PathWithAttributes(Paths.get("/path/2/abc/bbb.txt"), new DummyFileAttributes()));
pathList.add(new PathWithAttributes(Paths.get("/path/3/abc/c.txt"), new DummyFileAttributes()));
final String scriptText = //
"" + //
"import java.nio.file.*;" + //
"def pattern = ~/(\\d*)[\\/\\\\]abc[\\/\\\\].*\\.txt/;" + //
"assert pattern.getClass() == java.util.regex.Pattern;" + "def copy = pathList.collect{it};" + //
"pathList.each { pathWithAttribs -> \n" + //
" def relative = basePath.relativize pathWithAttribs.path;" + //
" println 'relative path: ' + relative;" + " def str = relative.toString();" + //
" def m = pattern.matcher(str);" + //
" if (m.find()) {" + //
" def index = as int;" + //
" println 'extracted index: ' + index;" + " def isOdd = (index % 2) == 1;" + //
" println 'is odd: ' + isOdd;" + " if (isOdd) { copy.remove pathWithAttribs}" + //
" }" + //
"}" + "println copy;" + "copy;";
final ScriptPlugin script = new ScriptPlugin("test", "groovy", scriptText);
final ScriptCondition condition = ScriptCondition.createCondition(script, config);
final Path base = Paths.get("/path");
final List<PathWithAttributes> result = condition.selectFilesToDelete(base, pathList);
assertEquals(1, result.size());
assertEquals(Paths.get("/path/2/abc/bbb.txt"), result.get(0).getPath());
use of org.apache.logging.log4j.core.test.appender.rolling.action.DummyFileAttributes in project logging-log4j2 by apache.
the class ScriptConditionTest method testSelectFilesToDelete2.
public void testSelectFilesToDelete2() {
final Configuration config = new DefaultConfiguration();
// creates the ScriptManager
final List<PathWithAttributes> pathList = new ArrayList<>();
pathList.add(new PathWithAttributes(Paths.get("/path/1"), new DummyFileAttributes()));
pathList.add(new PathWithAttributes(Paths.get("/path/2"), new DummyFileAttributes()));
pathList.add(new PathWithAttributes(Paths.get("/path/3"), new DummyFileAttributes()));
final String scriptText = //
"pathList.remove(1);" + "pathList;";
final ScriptPlugin script = new ScriptPlugin("test", "javascript", scriptText);
final ScriptCondition condition = ScriptCondition.createCondition(script, config);
final Path base = Paths.get("baseDirectory");
final List<PathWithAttributes> result = condition.selectFilesToDelete(base, pathList);
assertSame(result, pathList);
assertEquals(2, result.size());
assertEquals(Paths.get("/path/1"), result.get(0).getPath());
assertEquals(Paths.get("/path/3"), result.get(1).getPath());
use of org.apache.logging.log4j.core.test.appender.rolling.action.DummyFileAttributes in project logging-log4j2 by apache.
the class PathSortByModificationTimeTest method testCompareRecentLast.
public void testCompareRecentLast() {
final PathSorter sorter = PathSortByModificationTime.createSorter(false);
final Path p1 = Paths.get("aaa");
final Path p2 = Paths.get("bbb");
final DummyFileAttributes a1 = new DummyFileAttributes();
final DummyFileAttributes a2 = new DummyFileAttributes();
a1.lastModified = FileTime.fromMillis(100);
a2.lastModified = FileTime.fromMillis(222);
assertEquals(-1,, a1), path(p1, a2)), "same path, 2nd more recent");
assertEquals(-1,, a1), path(p2, a2)), "path ignored, 2nd more recent");
assertEquals(-1,, a1), path(p1, a2)), "path ignored, 2nd more recent");
assertEquals(1,, a2), path(p1, a1)), "same path, 1st more recent");
assertEquals(1,, a2), path(p2, a1)), "path ignored, 1st more recent");
assertEquals(1,, a2), path(p1, a1)), "path ignored, 1st more recent");
assertEquals(0,, a1), path(p1, a1)), "same path, same time");
assertEquals(-1,, a1), path(p2, a1)), "p1 < p2, same time");
assertEquals(1,, a1), path(p1, a1)), "p1 < p2, same time");