use of org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesFormat in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestPerFieldDocValuesFormat method testTwoFieldsTwoFormats.
// just a simple trivial test
// TODO: we should come up with a test that somehow checks that segment suffix
// is respected by all codec apis (not just docvalues and postings)
public void testTwoFieldsTwoFormats() throws IOException {
Analyzer analyzer = new MockAnalyzer(random());
Directory directory = newDirectory();
// we don't use RandomIndexWriter because it might add more docvalues than we expect !!!!1
IndexWriterConfig iwc = newIndexWriterConfig(analyzer);
final DocValuesFormat fast = TestUtil.getDefaultDocValuesFormat();
final DocValuesFormat slow = DocValuesFormat.forName("Memory");
iwc.setCodec(new AssertingCodec() {
public DocValuesFormat getDocValuesFormatForField(String field) {
if ("dv1".equals(field)) {
return fast;
} else {
return slow;
IndexWriter iwriter = new IndexWriter(directory, iwc);
Document doc = new Document();
String longTerm = "longtermlongtermlongtermlongtermlongtermlongtermlongtermlongtermlongtermlongtermlongtermlongtermlongtermlongtermlongtermlongtermlongtermlongterm";
String text = "This is the text to be indexed. " + longTerm;
doc.add(newTextField("fieldname", text, Field.Store.YES));
doc.add(new NumericDocValuesField("dv1", 5));
doc.add(new BinaryDocValuesField("dv2", new BytesRef("hello world")));
// Now search the index:
// read-only=true
IndexReader ireader =;
IndexSearcher isearcher = newSearcher(ireader);
assertEquals(1, TermQuery(new Term("fieldname", longTerm)), 1).totalHits);
Query query = new TermQuery(new Term("fieldname", "text"));
TopDocs hits =, 1);
assertEquals(1, hits.totalHits);
// Iterate through the results:
for (int i = 0; i < hits.scoreDocs.length; i++) {
int hitDocID = hits.scoreDocs[i].doc;
Document hitDoc = isearcher.doc(hitDocID);
assertEquals(text, hitDoc.get("fieldname"));
assert ireader.leaves().size() == 1;
NumericDocValues dv = ireader.leaves().get(0).reader().getNumericDocValues("dv1");
assertEquals(hitDocID, dv.advance(hitDocID));
assertEquals(5, dv.longValue());
BinaryDocValues dv2 = ireader.leaves().get(0).reader().getBinaryDocValues("dv2");
assertEquals(hitDocID, dv2.advance(hitDocID));
final BytesRef term = dv2.binaryValue();
assertEquals(new BytesRef("hello world"), term);
use of org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesFormat in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestNumericDocValuesUpdates method testDifferentDVFormatPerField.
public void testDifferentDVFormatPerField() throws Exception {
// test relies on separate instances of the "same thing"
assert TestUtil.getDefaultDocValuesFormat() != TestUtil.getDefaultDocValuesFormat();
Directory dir = newDirectory();
IndexWriterConfig conf = newIndexWriterConfig(new MockAnalyzer(random()));
conf.setCodec(new AssertingCodec() {
public DocValuesFormat getDocValuesFormatForField(String field) {
return TestUtil.getDefaultDocValuesFormat();
IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, conf);
Document doc = new Document();
doc.add(new StringField("key", "doc", Store.NO));
doc.add(new NumericDocValuesField("ndv", 5));
doc.add(new SortedDocValuesField("sorted", new BytesRef("value")));
// flushed document
// in-memory document
writer.updateNumericDocValue(new Term("key", "doc"), "ndv", 17L);
final DirectoryReader reader =;
NumericDocValues ndv = MultiDocValues.getNumericValues(reader, "ndv");
SortedDocValues sdv = MultiDocValues.getSortedValues(reader, "sorted");
for (int i = 0; i < reader.maxDoc(); i++) {
assertEquals(i, ndv.nextDoc());
assertEquals(17, ndv.longValue());
assertEquals(i, sdv.nextDoc());
final BytesRef term = sdv.binaryValue();
assertEquals(new BytesRef("value"), term);
use of org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesFormat in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestRuleSetupAndRestoreClassEnv method before.
protected void before() throws Exception {
// we do this in beforeClass, because some tests currently disable it
if (System.getProperty("solr.directoryFactory") == null) {
System.setProperty("solr.directoryFactory", "org.apache.solr.core.MockDirectoryFactory");
// if verbose: print some debugging stuff about which codecs are loaded.
if (VERBOSE) {
System.out.println("Loaded codecs: " + Codec.availableCodecs());
System.out.println("Loaded postingsFormats: " + PostingsFormat.availablePostingsFormats());
savedInfoStream = InfoStream.getDefault();
final Random random = RandomizedContext.current().getRandom();
final boolean v = random.nextBoolean();
InfoStream.setDefault(new ThreadNameFixingPrintStreamInfoStream(System.out));
} else if (v) {
InfoStream.setDefault(new NullInfoStream());
Class<?> targetClass = RandomizedContext.current().getTargetClass();
avoidCodecs = new HashSet<>();
if (targetClass.isAnnotationPresent(SuppressCodecs.class)) {
SuppressCodecs a = targetClass.getAnnotation(SuppressCodecs.class);
savedCodec = Codec.getDefault();
int randomVal = random.nextInt(11);
if ("default".equals(TEST_CODEC)) {
// just use the default, don't randomize
codec = savedCodec;
} else if (("random".equals(TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT) == false) || ("random".equals(TEST_DOCVALUESFORMAT) == false)) {
// the user wired postings or DV: this is messy
// refactor into RandomCodec....
final PostingsFormat format;
if ("random".equals(TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT)) {
format = new AssertingPostingsFormat();
} else if ("MockRandom".equals(TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT)) {
format = new MockRandomPostingsFormat(new Random(random.nextLong()));
} else {
format = PostingsFormat.forName(TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT);
final DocValuesFormat dvFormat;
if ("random".equals(TEST_DOCVALUESFORMAT)) {
dvFormat = new AssertingDocValuesFormat();
} else {
dvFormat = DocValuesFormat.forName(TEST_DOCVALUESFORMAT);
codec = new AssertingCodec() {
public PostingsFormat getPostingsFormatForField(String field) {
return format;
public DocValuesFormat getDocValuesFormatForField(String field) {
return dvFormat;
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + ": " + format.toString() + ", " + dvFormat.toString();
} else if ("SimpleText".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && randomVal == 9 && LuceneTestCase.rarely(random) && !shouldAvoidCodec("SimpleText"))) {
codec = new SimpleTextCodec();
} else if ("CheapBastard".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && randomVal == 8 && !shouldAvoidCodec("CheapBastard") && !shouldAvoidCodec("Lucene41"))) {
// we also avoid this codec if Lucene41 is avoided, since thats the postings format it uses.
codec = new CheapBastardCodec();
} else if ("Asserting".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && randomVal == 7 && !shouldAvoidCodec("Asserting"))) {
codec = new AssertingCodec();
} else if ("Compressing".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && randomVal == 6 && !shouldAvoidCodec("Compressing"))) {
codec = CompressingCodec.randomInstance(random);
} else if ("Lucene70".equals(TEST_CODEC) || ("random".equals(TEST_CODEC) && randomVal == 5 && !shouldAvoidCodec("Lucene70"))) {
codec = new Lucene70Codec(RandomPicks.randomFrom(random, Lucene50StoredFieldsFormat.Mode.values()));
} else if (!"random".equals(TEST_CODEC)) {
codec = Codec.forName(TEST_CODEC);
} else if ("random".equals(TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT)) {
codec = new RandomCodec(random, avoidCodecs);
} else {
assert false;
// Initialize locale/ timezone.
String testLocale = System.getProperty("tests.locale", "random");
String testTimeZone = System.getProperty("tests.timezone", "random");
// Always pick a random one for consistency (whether tests.locale was specified or not).
savedLocale = Locale.getDefault();
Locale randomLocale = randomLocale(random);
locale = testLocale.equals("random") ? randomLocale : localeForLanguageTag(testLocale);
savedTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
TimeZone randomTimeZone = randomTimeZone(random());
timeZone = testTimeZone.equals("random") ? randomTimeZone : TimeZone.getTimeZone(testTimeZone);
similarity = new RandomSimilarity(random());
// Check codec restrictions once at class level.
try {
} catch (AssumptionViolatedException e) {
System.err.println("NOTE: " + e.getMessage() + " Suppressed codecs: " + Arrays.toString(avoidCodecs.toArray()));
throw e;
// We have "stickiness" so that sometimes all we do is vary the RAM buffer size, other times just the doc count to flush by, else both.
// This way the assertMemory in DocumentsWriterFlushControl sometimes runs (when we always flush by RAM).
LiveIWCFlushMode flushMode;
switch(random().nextInt(3)) {
case 0:
flushMode = LiveIWCFlushMode.BY_RAM;
case 1:
flushMode = LiveIWCFlushMode.BY_DOCS;
case 2:
flushMode = LiveIWCFlushMode.EITHER;
throw new AssertionError();
initialized = true;
use of org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesFormat in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class TestBinaryDocValuesUpdates method testDifferentDVFormatPerField.
public void testDifferentDVFormatPerField() throws Exception {
// test relies on separate instances of "same thing"
assert TestUtil.getDefaultDocValuesFormat() != TestUtil.getDefaultDocValuesFormat();
Directory dir = newDirectory();
IndexWriterConfig conf = newIndexWriterConfig(new MockAnalyzer(random()));
conf.setCodec(new AssertingCodec() {
public DocValuesFormat getDocValuesFormatForField(String field) {
return TestUtil.getDefaultDocValuesFormat();
IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, conf);
Document doc = new Document();
doc.add(new StringField("key", "doc", Store.NO));
doc.add(new BinaryDocValuesField("bdv", toBytes(5L)));
doc.add(new SortedDocValuesField("sorted", new BytesRef("value")));
// flushed document
// in-memory document
writer.updateBinaryDocValue(new Term("key", "doc"), "bdv", toBytes(17L));
final DirectoryReader reader =;
BinaryDocValues bdv = MultiDocValues.getBinaryValues(reader, "bdv");
SortedDocValues sdv = MultiDocValues.getSortedValues(reader, "sorted");
for (int i = 0; i < reader.maxDoc(); i++) {
assertEquals(i, bdv.nextDoc());
assertEquals(17, getValue(bdv));
assertEquals(i, sdv.nextDoc());
BytesRef term = sdv.binaryValue();
assertEquals(new BytesRef("value"), term);
use of org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesFormat in project lucene-solr by apache.
the class DefaultIndexingChain method writeDocValues.
/** Writes all buffered doc values (called from {@link #flush}). */
private void writeDocValues(SegmentWriteState state, Sorter.DocMap sortMap) throws IOException {
int maxDoc = state.segmentInfo.maxDoc();
DocValuesConsumer dvConsumer = null;
boolean success = false;
try {
for (int i = 0; i < fieldHash.length; i++) {
PerField perField = fieldHash[i];
while (perField != null) {
if (perField.docValuesWriter != null) {
if (perField.fieldInfo.getDocValuesType() == DocValuesType.NONE) {
// BUG
throw new AssertionError("segment=" + state.segmentInfo + ": field=\"" + + "\" has no docValues but wrote them");
if (dvConsumer == null) {
// lazy init
DocValuesFormat fmt = state.segmentInfo.getCodec().docValuesFormat();
dvConsumer = fmt.fieldsConsumer(state);
if (finishedDocValues.contains( == false) {
perField.docValuesWriter.flush(state, sortMap, dvConsumer);
perField.docValuesWriter = null;
} else if (perField.fieldInfo.getDocValuesType() != DocValuesType.NONE) {
// BUG
throw new AssertionError("segment=" + state.segmentInfo + ": field=\"" + + "\" has docValues but did not write them");
perField =;
// TODO: catch missing DV fields here? else we have
// null/"" depending on how docs landed in segments?
// but we can't detect all cases, and we should leave
// this behavior undefined. dv is not "schemaless": it's column-stride.
success = true;
} finally {
if (success) {
} else {
if (state.fieldInfos.hasDocValues() == false) {
if (dvConsumer != null) {
// BUG
throw new AssertionError("segment=" + state.segmentInfo + ": fieldInfos has no docValues but wrote them");
} else if (dvConsumer == null) {
// BUG
throw new AssertionError("segment=" + state.segmentInfo + ": fieldInfos has docValues but did not wrote them");