use of in project openolat by klemens.
the class SearchResultsImpl method doHighlight.
* Highlight (bold,color) query words in result-document. Set HighlightResult for content or description.
* @param query
* @param analyzer
* @param doc
* @param resultDocument
* @throws IOException
private void doHighlight(Query query, Analyzer analyzer, Document doc, ResultDocument resultDocument) throws IOException {
Highlighter highlighter = new Highlighter(new SimpleHTMLFormatter(HIGHLIGHT_PRE_TAG, HIGHLIGHT_POST_TAG), new SimpleHTMLEncoder(), new QueryScorer(query));
// Get 3 best fragments of content and seperate with a "..."
try {
// highlight content
String content = doc.get(AbstractOlatDocument.CONTENT_FIELD_NAME);
TokenStream tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream(AbstractOlatDocument.CONTENT_FIELD_NAME, new StringReader(content));
String highlightResult = highlighter.getBestFragments(tokenStream, content, 3, HIGHLIGHT_SEPARATOR);
// if no highlightResult is in content => look in description
if (highlightResult.length() == 0) {
String description = doc.get(AbstractOlatDocument.DESCRIPTION_FIELD_NAME);
tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream(AbstractOlatDocument.DESCRIPTION_FIELD_NAME, new StringReader(description));
highlightResult = highlighter.getBestFragments(tokenStream, description, 3, HIGHLIGHT_SEPARATOR);
// highlight title
String title = doc.get(AbstractOlatDocument.TITLE_FIELD_NAME);
title = title.trim();
if (title.length() > 128) {
title = FilterFactory.getHtmlTagAndDescapingFilter().filter(title);
title = Formatter.truncate(title, 128);
tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream(AbstractOlatDocument.TITLE_FIELD_NAME, new StringReader(title));
String highlightTitle = highlighter.getBestFragments(tokenStream, title, 3, " ");
} catch (InvalidTokenOffsetsException e) {
log.warn("", e);