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Example 66 with AlreadyClosedException

use of in project crate by crate.

the class InternalEngine method index.

public IndexResult index(Index index) throws IOException {
    assert Objects.equals(index.uid().field(), IdFieldMapper.NAME) : index.uid().field();
    final boolean doThrottle = index.origin().isRecovery() == false;
    try (ReleasableLock releasableLock = readLock.acquire()) {
        assert assertIncomingSequenceNumber(index.origin(), index.seqNo());
        try (Releasable ignored = versionMap.acquireLock(index.uid().bytes());
            Releasable indexThrottle = doThrottle ? () -> {
            } : throttle.acquireThrottle()) {
            lastWriteNanos = index.startTime();
                 * if we have an autoGeneratedID that comes into the engine we can potentially optimize
                 * and just use addDocument instead of updateDocument and skip the entire version and index lookupVersion across the board.
                 * Yet, we have to deal with multiple document delivery, for this we use a property of the document that is added
                 * to detect if it has potentially been added before. We use the documents timestamp for this since it's something
                 * that:
                 *  - doesn't change per document
                 *  - is preserved in the transaction log
                 *  - and is assigned before we start to index / replicate
                 * NOTE: it's not important for this timestamp to be consistent across nodes etc. it's just a number that is in the common
                 * case increasing and can be used in the failure case when we retry and resent documents to establish a happens before
                 * relationship. For instance:
                 *  - doc A has autoGeneratedIdTimestamp = 10, isRetry = false
                 *  - doc B has autoGeneratedIdTimestamp = 9, isRetry = false
                 *  while both docs are in in flight, we disconnect on one node, reconnect and send doc A again
                 *  - now doc A' has autoGeneratedIdTimestamp = 10, isRetry = true
                 *  if A' arrives on the shard first we update maxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp to 10 and use update document. All subsequent
                 *  documents that arrive (A and B) will also use updateDocument since their timestamps are less than
                 *  maxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp. While this is not strictly needed for doc B it is just much simpler to implement since it
                 *  will just de-optimize some doc in the worst case.
                 *  if A arrives on the shard first we use addDocument since maxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp is < 10. A` will then just be skipped
                 *  or calls updateDocument.
            final IndexingStrategy plan = indexingStrategyForOperation(index);
            final IndexResult indexResult;
            if (plan.earlyResultOnPreFlightError.isPresent()) {
                indexResult = plan.earlyResultOnPreFlightError.get();
                assert indexResult.getResultType() == Result.Type.FAILURE : indexResult.getResultType();
            } else {
                // generate or register sequence number
                if (index.origin() == Operation.Origin.PRIMARY) {
                    index = new Index(index.uid(), index.parsedDoc(), generateSeqNoForOperationOnPrimary(index), index.primaryTerm(), index.version(), index.versionType(), index.origin(), index.startTime(), index.getAutoGeneratedIdTimestamp(), index.isRetry(), index.getIfSeqNo(), index.getIfPrimaryTerm());
                    final boolean toAppend = plan.indexIntoLucene && plan.useLuceneUpdateDocument == false;
                    if (toAppend == false) {
                } else {
                assert index.seqNo() >= 0 : "ops should have an assigned seq no.; origin: " + index.origin();
                if (plan.indexIntoLucene || plan.addStaleOpToLucene) {
                    indexResult = indexIntoLucene(index, plan);
                } else {
                    indexResult = new IndexResult(plan.versionForIndexing, index.primaryTerm(), index.seqNo(), plan.currentNotFoundOrDeleted);
            if (index.origin().isFromTranslog() == false) {
                final Translog.Location location;
                if (indexResult.getResultType() == Result.Type.SUCCESS) {
                    location = translog.add(new Translog.Index(index, indexResult));
                } else if (indexResult.getSeqNo() != SequenceNumbers.UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO) {
                    // if we have document failure, record it as a no-op in the translog and Lucene with the generated seq_no
                    final NoOp noOp = new NoOp(indexResult.getSeqNo(), index.primaryTerm(), index.origin(), index.startTime(), indexResult.getFailure().toString());
                    location = innerNoOp(noOp).getTranslogLocation();
                } else {
                    location = null;
            if (plan.indexIntoLucene && indexResult.getResultType() == Result.Type.SUCCESS) {
                final Translog.Location translogLocation = trackTranslogLocation.get() ? indexResult.getTranslogLocation() : null;
                versionMap.maybePutIndexUnderLock(index.uid().bytes(), new IndexVersionValue(translogLocation, plan.versionForIndexing, index.seqNo(), index.primaryTerm()));
            if (indexResult.getTranslogLocation() == null) {
                // the op is coming from the translog (and is hence persisted already) or it does not have a sequence number
                assert index.origin().isFromTranslog() || indexResult.getSeqNo() == SequenceNumbers.UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO : "version conflict: index operation not coming from translog should not have seqNo, but found [" + indexResult.getSeqNo() + "]";
            indexResult.setTook(System.nanoTime() - index.startTime());
            return indexResult;
    } catch (RuntimeException | IOException e) {
        try {
            if (e instanceof AlreadyClosedException == false && treatDocumentFailureAsTragicError(index)) {
                failEngine("index id[" + + "] origin[" + index.origin() + "] seq#[" + index.seqNo() + "]", e);
            } else {
                maybeFailEngine("index id[" + + "] origin[" + index.origin() + "] seq#[" + index.seqNo() + "]", e);
        } catch (Exception inner) {
        throw e;
Also used : IOException( AlreadyClosedException( ReleasableLock(org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ReleasableLock) AlreadyClosedException( LockObtainFailedException( TranslogCorruptedException(org.elasticsearch.index.translog.TranslogCorruptedException) IOException( Translog(org.elasticsearch.index.translog.Translog) Releasable(

Example 67 with AlreadyClosedException

use of in project crate by crate.

the class InternalEngine method failOnTragicEvent.

private boolean failOnTragicEvent(AlreadyClosedException ex) {
    final boolean engineFailed;
    // but we are double-checking it's failed and closed
    if (indexWriter.isOpen() == false && indexWriter.getTragicException() != null) {
        final Exception tragicException;
        if (indexWriter.getTragicException() instanceof Exception) {
            tragicException = (Exception) indexWriter.getTragicException();
        } else {
            tragicException = new RuntimeException(indexWriter.getTragicException());
        failEngine("already closed by tragic event on the index writer", tragicException);
        engineFailed = true;
    } else if (translog.isOpen() == false && translog.getTragicException() != null) {
        failEngine("already closed by tragic event on the translog", translog.getTragicException());
        engineFailed = true;
    } else if (failedEngine.get() == null && isClosed.get() == false) {
        // a tragic event or has closed itself. if that is not the case we are in a buggy state and raise an assertion error
        throw new AssertionError("Unexpected AlreadyClosedException", ex);
    } else {
        engineFailed = false;
    return engineFailed;
Also used : AlreadyClosedException( LockObtainFailedException( TranslogCorruptedException(org.elasticsearch.index.translog.TranslogCorruptedException) IOException(

Example 68 with AlreadyClosedException

use of in project crate by crate.

the class Engine method failEngine.

 * fail engine due to some error. the engine will also be closed.
 * The underlying store is marked corrupted iff failure is caused by index corruption
public void failEngine(String reason, @Nullable Exception failure) {
    if (failure != null) {
        maybeDie(reason, failure);
    if (failEngineLock.tryLock()) {
        try {
            if (failedEngine.get() != null) {
                logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("tried to fail engine but engine is already failed. ignoring. [{}]", reason), failure);
            // this must happen before we close IW or Translog such that we can check this state to opt out of failing the engine
            // again on any caught AlreadyClosedException
            failedEngine.set((failure != null) ? failure : new IllegalStateException(reason));
            try {
                // we just go and close this engine - no way to recover
                closeNoLock("engine failed on: [" + reason + "]", closedLatch);
            } finally {
                logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("failed engine [{}]", reason), failure);
                // the shard is initializing
                if (Lucene.isCorruptionException(failure)) {
                    if (store.tryIncRef()) {
                        try {
                            store.markStoreCorrupted(new IOException("failed engine (reason: [" + reason + "])", ExceptionsHelper.unwrapCorruption(failure)));
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            logger.warn("Couldn't mark store corrupted", e);
                        } finally {
                    } else {
                        logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("tried to mark store as corrupted but store is already closed. [{}]", reason), failure);
                eventListener.onFailedEngine(reason, failure);
        } catch (Exception inner) {
            if (failure != null)
            // don't bubble up these exceptions up
            logger.warn("failEngine threw exception", inner);
    } else {
        logger.debug(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("tried to fail engine but could not acquire lock - engine should be failed by now [{}]", reason), failure);
Also used : ParameterizedMessage(org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterizedMessage) UncheckedIOException( IOException( AlreadyClosedException( UncheckedIOException( IOException(

Example 69 with AlreadyClosedException

use of in project crate by crate.

the class Engine method acquireSearcher.

 * Returns a new searcher instance. The consumer of this
 * API is responsible for releasing the returned searcher in a
 * safe manner, preferably in a try/finally block.
 * @param source the source API or routing that triggers this searcher acquire
 * @param scope the scope of this searcher ie. if the searcher will be used for get or search purposes
 * @see Searcher#close()
public Searcher acquireSearcher(String source, SearcherScope scope) throws EngineException {
    /* Acquire order here is store -> manager since we need
         * to make sure that the store is not closed before
         * the searcher is acquired. */
    if (store.tryIncRef() == false) {
        throw new AlreadyClosedException(shardId + " store is closed", failedEngine.get());
    Releasable releasable = store::decRef;
    try {
        ReferenceManager<ElasticsearchDirectoryReader> referenceManager = getReferenceManager(scope);
        final ElasticsearchDirectoryReader acquire = referenceManager.acquire();
        AtomicBoolean released = new AtomicBoolean(false);
        Searcher engineSearcher = new Searcher(source, acquire, engineConfig.getQueryCache(), engineConfig.getQueryCachingPolicy(), () -> {
            if (released.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
                try {
                } finally {
            } else {
                            * In general, readers should never be released twice or this would break
                            * reference counting. There is one rare case when it might happen though: when
                            * the request and the Reaper thread would both try to release it in a very
                            * short amount of time, this is why we only log a warning instead of throwing
                            * an exception.
                logger.warn("Searcher was released twice", new IllegalStateException("Double release"));
        // success - hand over the reference to the engine reader
        releasable = null;
        return engineSearcher;
    } catch (AlreadyClosedException ex) {
        throw ex;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        maybeFailEngine("acquire_searcher", ex);
        // throw EngineCloseException here if we are already closed
        logger.error(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("failed to acquire searcher, source {}", source), ex);
        throw new EngineException(shardId, "failed to acquire searcher, source " + source, ex);
    } finally {
Also used : AtomicBoolean(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean) ElasticsearchDirectoryReader(org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.index.ElasticsearchDirectoryReader) IndexSearcher( Releasable( ParameterizedMessage(org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterizedMessage) AlreadyClosedException( AlreadyClosedException( UncheckedIOException( IOException(

Example 70 with AlreadyClosedException

use of in project crate by crate.

the class InternalEngine method forceMerge.

public void forceMerge(final boolean flush, int maxNumSegments, boolean onlyExpungeDeletes, final boolean upgrade, final boolean upgradeOnlyAncientSegments, String forceMergeUUID) throws EngineException, IOException {
         * We do NOT acquire the readlock here since we are waiting on the merges to finish
         * that's fine since the IW.rollback should stop all the threads and trigger an IOException
         * causing us to fail the forceMerge
         * The way we implement upgrades is a bit hackish in the sense that we set an instance
         * variable and that this setting will thus apply to the next forced merge that will be run.
         * This is ok because (1) this is the only place we call forceMerge, (2) we have a single
         * thread for optimize, and the 'optimizeLock' guarding this code, and (3) ConcurrentMergeScheduler
         * syncs calls to findForcedMerges.
    assert indexWriter.getConfig().getMergePolicy() instanceof ElasticsearchMergePolicy : "MergePolicy is " + indexWriter.getConfig().getMergePolicy().getClass().getName();
    ElasticsearchMergePolicy mp = (ElasticsearchMergePolicy) indexWriter.getConfig().getMergePolicy();
    try {
        if (upgrade) {
  "starting segment upgrade upgradeOnlyAncientSegments={}", upgradeOnlyAncientSegments);
            mp.setUpgradeInProgress(true, upgradeOnlyAncientSegments);
        // increment the ref just to ensure nobody closes the store while we optimize
        try {
            if (onlyExpungeDeletes) {
                assert upgrade == false;
            } else if (maxNumSegments <= 0) {
                assert upgrade == false;
            } else {
                indexWriter.forceMerge(maxNumSegments, true);
                this.forceMergeUUID = forceMergeUUID;
            if (flush) {
                if (tryRenewSyncCommit() == false) {
                    flush(false, true);
            if (upgrade) {
      "finished segment upgrade");
        } finally {
    } catch (AlreadyClosedException ex) {
        /* in this case we first check if the engine is still open. If so this exception is just fine
             * and expected. We don't hold any locks while we block on forceMerge otherwise it would block
             * closing the engine as well. If we are not closed we pass it on to failOnTragicEvent which ensures
             * we are handling a tragic even exception here */
        throw ex;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            maybeFailEngine("force merge", e);
        } catch (Exception inner) {
        throw e;
    } finally {
        try {
            // reset it just to make sure we reset it in a case of an error
            mp.setUpgradeInProgress(false, false);
        } finally {
Also used : AlreadyClosedException( AlreadyClosedException( LockObtainFailedException( TranslogCorruptedException(org.elasticsearch.index.translog.TranslogCorruptedException) IOException( ElasticsearchMergePolicy(org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ElasticsearchMergePolicy)


AlreadyClosedException ( IOException ( LockObtainFailedException ( CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)15 MockDirectoryWrapper ( TranslogCorruptedException (org.elasticsearch.index.translog.TranslogCorruptedException)13 MockAnalyzer (org.apache.lucene.analysis.MockAnalyzer)12 AtomicBoolean (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean)11 Document (org.apache.lucene.document.Document)11 ElasticsearchException (org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException)11 ReleasableLock (org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ReleasableLock)10 UncheckedIOException ( ParsedDocument (org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.ParsedDocument)9 EOFException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 FileNotFoundException ( FileAlreadyExistsException (java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException)6 NoSuchFileException (java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException)6 BrokenBarrierException (java.util.concurrent.BrokenBarrierException)6 CopyOnWriteArrayList (java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList)6