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Example 16 with FSDirectory

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class LuceneTestCase method newDirectoryImpl.

static Directory newDirectoryImpl(Random random, String clazzName, LockFactory lf) {
    if (clazzName.equals("random")) {
        if (rarely(random)) {
            clazzName = RandomPicks.randomFrom(random, CORE_DIRECTORIES);
        } else {
            clazzName = "RAMDirectory";
    try {
        final Class<? extends Directory> clazz = CommandLineUtil.loadDirectoryClass(clazzName);
        // If it is a FSDirectory type, try its ctor(Path)
        if (FSDirectory.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
            final Path dir = createTempDir("index-" + clazzName);
            return newFSDirectoryImpl(clazz.asSubclass(FSDirectory.class), dir, lf);
        // FSDir subclass:
        try {
            Constructor<? extends Directory> pathCtor = clazz.getConstructor(Path.class, LockFactory.class);
            final Path dir = createTempDir("index");
            return pathCtor.newInstance(dir, lf);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
        // Ignore
        // the remaining dirs are no longer filesystem based, so we must check that the passedLockFactory is not file based:
        if (!(lf instanceof FSLockFactory)) {
            // try ctor with only LockFactory (e.g. RAMDirectory)
            try {
                return clazz.getConstructor(LockFactory.class).newInstance(lf);
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
            // Ignore
        // try empty ctor
        return clazz.newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // dummy to prevent compiler failure
        throw null;
Also used : FilterPath(org.apache.lucene.mockfile.FilterPath) Path(java.nio.file.Path) FSLockFactory( FSDirectory( FSLockFactory( LockFactory( PrivilegedActionException( IOException( NoSuchFileException(java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException) FileNotFoundException(

Example 17 with FSDirectory

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class TestUtil method enableVirusChecker.

public static void enableVirusChecker(Directory in) {
    Directory dir = FilterDirectory.unwrap(in);
    if (dir instanceof FSDirectory) {
        FileSystem fs = ((FSDirectory) dir).getDirectory().getFileSystem();
        while (fs instanceof FilterFileSystem) {
            FilterFileSystem ffs = (FilterFileSystem) fs;
            if (ffs.getParent() instanceof VirusCheckingFS) {
                VirusCheckingFS vfs = (VirusCheckingFS) ffs.getParent();
            fs = ffs.getDelegate();
Also used : FileSystem(java.nio.file.FileSystem) FilterFileSystem(org.apache.lucene.mockfile.FilterFileSystem) FilterFileSystem(org.apache.lucene.mockfile.FilterFileSystem) FSDirectory( VirusCheckingFS(org.apache.lucene.mockfile.VirusCheckingFS) Directory( RAMDirectory( FSDirectory( FilterDirectory(

Example 18 with FSDirectory

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class TestUtil method disableVirusChecker.

/** Returns true if VirusCheckingFS is in use and was in fact already enabled */
public static boolean disableVirusChecker(Directory in) {
    Directory dir = FilterDirectory.unwrap(in);
    if (dir instanceof FSDirectory) {
        FileSystem fs = ((FSDirectory) dir).getDirectory().getFileSystem();
        while (fs instanceof FilterFileSystem) {
            FilterFileSystem ffs = (FilterFileSystem) fs;
            if (ffs.getParent() instanceof VirusCheckingFS) {
                VirusCheckingFS vfs = (VirusCheckingFS) ffs.getParent();
                boolean isEnabled = vfs.isEnabled();
                return isEnabled;
            fs = ffs.getDelegate();
    return false;
Also used : FileSystem(java.nio.file.FileSystem) FilterFileSystem(org.apache.lucene.mockfile.FilterFileSystem) FilterFileSystem(org.apache.lucene.mockfile.FilterFileSystem) FSDirectory( VirusCheckingFS(org.apache.lucene.mockfile.VirusCheckingFS) Directory( RAMDirectory( FSDirectory( FilterDirectory(

Example 19 with FSDirectory

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class SolrDeletionPolicy method getId.

private String getId(IndexCommit commit) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    Directory dir = commit.getDirectory();
    // be the same, regardless of the Directory instance.
    if (dir instanceof FSDirectory) {
        FSDirectory fsd = (FSDirectory) dir;
        File fdir = fsd.getDirectory().toFile();
    } else {
    return sb.toString();
Also used : FSDirectory( File( Directory( FSDirectory(

Example 20 with FSDirectory

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class StandardDirectoryFactory method move.

   * Override for more efficient moves.
   * Intended for use with replication - use
   * carefully - some Directory wrappers will
   * cache files for example.
   * You should first {@link Directory#sync(java.util.Collection)} any file that will be 
   * moved or avoid cached files through settings.
   * @throws IOException
   *           If there is a low-level I/O error.
public void move(Directory fromDir, Directory toDir, String fileName, IOContext ioContext) throws IOException {
    Directory baseFromDir = getBaseDir(fromDir);
    Directory baseToDir = getBaseDir(toDir);
    if (baseFromDir instanceof FSDirectory && baseToDir instanceof FSDirectory) {
        Path path1 = ((FSDirectory) baseFromDir).getDirectory().toAbsolutePath();
        Path path2 = ((FSDirectory) baseToDir).getDirectory().toAbsolutePath();
        try {
            Files.move(path1.resolve(fileName), path2.resolve(fileName), StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
        } catch (AtomicMoveNotSupportedException e) {
            Files.move(path1.resolve(fileName), path2.resolve(fileName));
    super.move(fromDir, toDir, fileName, ioContext);
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) FSDirectory( AtomicMoveNotSupportedException(java.nio.file.AtomicMoveNotSupportedException) Directory( FSDirectory(


FSDirectory ( File ( Directory ( IOException ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)10 IndexSearcher ( FileNotFoundException ( FileSystem (java.nio.file.FileSystem)5 Document (org.apache.lucene.document.Document)5 IndexReader (org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader)5 MMapDirectory ( NIOFSDirectory ( FilterDirectory ( SimpleFSDirectory ( PrintStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 DirectoryReader (org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader)3 Term (org.apache.lucene.index.Term)3 WindowsFS (org.apache.lucene.mockfile.WindowsFS)3 TermQuery (