use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.
the class OakDirectoryTest method testOverflow.
public void testOverflow() throws Exception {
Directory dir = createDir(builder, false, "/foo");
NodeBuilder file = builder.child(INDEX_DATA_CHILD_NAME).child("test.txt");
int blobSize = 32768;
int dataSize = 90844;
file.setProperty(OakDirectory.PROP_BLOB_SIZE, blobSize);
List<? super Blob> blobs = new ArrayList<Blob>(dataSize);
for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) {
blobs.add(new ArrayBasedBlob(new byte[0]));
file.setProperty(PropertyStates.createProperty("jcr:data", blobs, Type.BINARIES));
IndexInput input = dir.openInput("test.txt", IOContext.DEFAULT);
assertEquals((long) blobSize * (dataSize - 1), input.length());
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class Checkpoint method read.
public static Checkpoint read(Path path) throws IOException {
try (Directory dir = new SimpleFSDirectory(path.getParent())) {
try (IndexInput indexInput = dir.openInput(path.getFileName().toString(), IOContext.DEFAULT)) {
// We checksum the entire file before we even go and parse it. If it's corrupted we barf right here.
final int fileVersion = CodecUtil.checkHeader(indexInput, CHECKPOINT_CODEC, INITIAL_VERSION, CURRENT_VERSION);
if (fileVersion == INITIAL_VERSION) {
assert indexInput.length() == V1_FILE_SIZE : indexInput.length();
return Checkpoint.readCheckpointV5_0_0(indexInput);
} else {
assert fileVersion == CURRENT_VERSION : fileVersion;
assert indexInput.length() == FILE_SIZE : indexInput.length();
return Checkpoint.readCheckpointV6_0_0(indexInput);
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class InputStreamIndexInputTests method testReadMultiTwoBytesLimit1.
public void testReadMultiTwoBytesLimit1() throws IOException {
RAMDirectory dir = new RAMDirectory();
IndexOutput output = dir.createOutput("test", IOContext.DEFAULT);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
output.writeByte((byte) 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
output.writeByte((byte) 2);
IndexInput input = dir.openInput("test", IOContext.DEFAULT);
byte[] read = new byte[2];
assertThat(input.getFilePointer(), lessThan(input.length()));
InputStreamIndexInput is = new InputStreamIndexInput(input, 2);
assertThat(is.actualSizeToRead(), equalTo(2L));
assertThat(, equalTo(2));
assertThat(read[0], equalTo((byte) 1));
assertThat(read[1], equalTo((byte) 1));
assertThat(input.getFilePointer(), lessThan(input.length()));
is = new InputStreamIndexInput(input, 2);
assertThat(is.actualSizeToRead(), equalTo(2L));
assertThat(, equalTo(2));
assertThat(read[0], equalTo((byte) 1));
assertThat(read[1], equalTo((byte) 2));
assertThat(input.getFilePointer(), lessThan(input.length()));
is = new InputStreamIndexInput(input, 2);
assertThat(is.actualSizeToRead(), equalTo(2L));
assertThat(, equalTo(2));
assertThat(read[0], equalTo((byte) 2));
assertThat(read[1], equalTo((byte) 2));
assertThat(input.getFilePointer(), equalTo(input.length()));
is = new InputStreamIndexInput(input, 2);
assertThat(is.actualSizeToRead(), equalTo(0L));
assertThat(, equalTo(-1));
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class ByteArrayIndexInputTests method randomReadAndSlice.
private byte[] randomReadAndSlice(IndexInput indexInput, int length) throws IOException {
int readPos = (int) indexInput.getFilePointer();
byte[] output = new byte[length];
while (readPos < length) {
switch(randomIntBetween(0, 3)) {
case 0:
// Read by one byte at a time
output[readPos++] = indexInput.readByte();
case 1:
// Read several bytes into target
int len = randomIntBetween(1, length - readPos);
indexInput.readBytes(output, readPos, len);
readPos += len;
case 2:
// Read several bytes into 0-offset target
len = randomIntBetween(1, length - readPos);
byte[] temp = new byte[len];
indexInput.readBytes(temp, 0, len);
System.arraycopy(temp, 0, output, readPos, len);
readPos += len;
case 3:
// Read using slice
len = randomIntBetween(1, length - readPos);
IndexInput slice = indexInput.slice("slice (" + readPos + ", " + len + ") of " + indexInput.toString(), readPos, len);
temp = randomReadAndSlice(slice, len);
// assert that position in the original input didn't change
assertEquals(readPos, indexInput.getFilePointer());
System.arraycopy(temp, 0, output, readPos, len);
readPos += len;;
assertEquals(readPos, indexInput.getFilePointer());
assertEquals(readPos, indexInput.getFilePointer());
return output;
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class InputStreamIndexInputTests method testReadMultiSingleByteLimit1.
public void testReadMultiSingleByteLimit1() throws IOException {
RAMDirectory dir = new RAMDirectory();
IndexOutput output = dir.createOutput("test", IOContext.DEFAULT);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
output.writeByte((byte) 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
output.writeByte((byte) 2);
IndexInput input = dir.openInput("test", IOContext.DEFAULT);
byte[] read = new byte[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
assertThat(input.getFilePointer(), lessThan(input.length()));
InputStreamIndexInput is = new InputStreamIndexInput(input, 1);
assertThat(is.actualSizeToRead(), equalTo(1L));
assertThat(, equalTo(1));
assertThat(read[0], equalTo((byte) 1));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
assertThat(input.getFilePointer(), lessThan(input.length()));
InputStreamIndexInput is = new InputStreamIndexInput(input, 1);
assertThat(is.actualSizeToRead(), equalTo(1L));
assertThat(, equalTo(1));
assertThat(read[0], equalTo((byte) 2));
assertThat(input.getFilePointer(), equalTo(input.length()));
InputStreamIndexInput is = new InputStreamIndexInput(input, 1);
assertThat(is.actualSizeToRead(), equalTo(0L));
assertThat(, equalTo(-1));