use of org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.CharacterRunAutomaton in project crate by crate.
the class XContentMapValues method filter.
private static Map<String, Object> filter(Map<String, ?> map, CharacterRunAutomaton includeAutomaton, int initialIncludeState, CharacterRunAutomaton excludeAutomaton, int initialExcludeState, CharacterRunAutomaton matchAllAutomaton) {
Map<String, Object> filtered = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
int includeState = step(includeAutomaton, key, initialIncludeState);
if (includeState == -1) {
int excludeState = step(excludeAutomaton, key, initialExcludeState);
if (excludeState != -1 && excludeAutomaton.isAccept(excludeState)) {
Object value = entry.getValue();
CharacterRunAutomaton subIncludeAutomaton = includeAutomaton;
int subIncludeState = includeState;
if (includeAutomaton.isAccept(includeState)) {
if (excludeState == -1 || excludeAutomaton.step(excludeState, '.') == -1) {
// the exclude has no chances to match inner properties
filtered.put(key, value);
} else {
// the object matched, so consider that the include matches every inner property
// we only care about excludes now
subIncludeAutomaton = matchAllAutomaton;
subIncludeState = 0;
if (value instanceof Map) {
subIncludeState = subIncludeAutomaton.step(subIncludeState, '.');
if (subIncludeState == -1) {
if (excludeState != -1) {
excludeState = excludeAutomaton.step(excludeState, '.');
Map<String, Object> valueAsMap = (Map<String, Object>) value;
Map<String, Object> filteredValue = filter(valueAsMap, subIncludeAutomaton, subIncludeState, excludeAutomaton, excludeState, matchAllAutomaton);
if (includeAutomaton.isAccept(includeState) || filteredValue.isEmpty() == false) {
filtered.put(key, filteredValue);
} else if (value instanceof Iterable) {
List<Object> filteredValue = filter((Iterable<?>) value, subIncludeAutomaton, subIncludeState, excludeAutomaton, excludeState, matchAllAutomaton);
if (filteredValue.isEmpty() == false) {
filtered.put(key, filteredValue);
} else {
// leaf property
if (includeAutomaton.isAccept(includeState) && (excludeState == -1 || excludeAutomaton.isAccept(excludeState) == false)) {
filtered.put(key, value);
return filtered;