use of org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException in project docker-maven-plugin by fabric8io.
the class DockerAssemblyManager method createAssemblyArchive.
private void createAssemblyArchive(AssemblyConfiguration assemblyConfig, MojoParameters params, BuildDirs buildDirs) throws MojoExecutionException {
DockerAssemblyConfigurationSource source = new DockerAssemblyConfigurationSource(params, buildDirs, assemblyConfig);
Assembly assembly = getAssemblyConfig(assemblyConfig, source);
AssemblyMode buildMode = assemblyConfig.getMode();
File originalArtifactFile = null;
try {
originalArtifactFile = ensureThatArtifactFileIsSet(params.getProject());
assemblyArchiver.createArchive(assembly, assemblyConfig.getName(), buildMode.getExtension(), source, false, null);
} catch (ArchiveCreationException | AssemblyFormattingException e) {
String error = "Failed to create assembly for docker image " + " (with mode '" + buildMode + "'): " + e.getMessage() + ".";
if (params.getProject().getArtifact().getFile() == null) {
error += " If you include the build artifact please ensure that you have " + "built the artifact before with 'mvn package' (should be available in the target/ dir). " + "Please see the documentation (section \"Assembly\") for more information.";
throw new MojoExecutionException(error, e);
} catch (InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(assembly, "Assembly is incorrectly configured: " + assembly.getId(), "Assembly: " + assembly.getId() + " is not configured correctly: " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
setArtifactFile(params.getProject(), originalArtifactFile);
use of org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException in project maven-plugins by apache.
the class ModuleSetAssemblyPhaseTest method testAddModuleBinaries_ShouldFailWhenOneModuleDoesntHaveAttachmentWithMatchingClassifier.
public void testAddModuleBinaries_ShouldFailWhenOneModuleDoesntHaveAttachmentWithMatchingClassifier() throws ArchiveCreationException, AssemblyFormattingException, IOException, DependencyResolutionException {
final EasyMockSupport mm = new EasyMockSupport();
final MockAndControlForAddArtifactTask macTask = new MockAndControlForAddArtifactTask(mm);
final ArtifactMock artifactMock = new ArtifactMock(mm, "group", "artifact", "version", "jar", "test", false);
final ModuleBinaries binaries = new ModuleBinaries();
final MavenProject project = createProject("group", "artifact", "version", null);
final Set<MavenProject> projects = singleton(project);
final Logger logger = new ConsoleLogger(Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG, "test");
try {
createPhase(logger, null).addModuleBinaries(null, null, binaries, projects, macTask.archiver, macTask.configSource);
fail("Should throw an invalid configuration exception because of module with missing attachment.");
} catch (final InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException e) {
// should throw this because of missing attachment.
use of org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException in project maven-plugins by apache.
the class AbstractAssemblyMojo method execute.
* Create the binary distribution.
* @throws org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
if (skipAssembly) {
getLog().info("Assemblies have been skipped per configuration of the skipAssembly parameter.");
// run only at the execution root.
if (runOnlyAtExecutionRoot && !isThisTheExecutionRoot()) {
getLog().info("Skipping the assembly in this project because it's not the Execution Root");
List<Assembly> assemblies;
try {
assemblies = assemblyReader.readAssemblies(this);
} catch (final AssemblyReadException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Error reading assemblies: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (final InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException e) {
throw new MojoFailureException(assemblyReader, e.getMessage(), "Mojo configuration is invalid: " + e.getMessage());
// TODO: include dependencies marked for distribution under certain formats
// TODO: how, might we plug this into an installer, such as NSIS?
boolean warnedAboutMainProjectArtifact = false;
for (final Assembly assembly : assemblies) {
try {
final String fullName = AssemblyFormatUtils.getDistributionName(assembly, this);
List<String> effectiveFormats = formats;
if (effectiveFormats == null || effectiveFormats.size() == 0) {
effectiveFormats = assembly.getFormats();
if (effectiveFormats == null || effectiveFormats.size() == 0) {
throw new MojoFailureException("No formats specified in the execution parameters or the assembly descriptor.");
for (final String format : effectiveFormats) {
final File destFile = assemblyArchiver.createArchive(assembly, fullName, format, this, isRecompressZippedFiles(), getMergeManifestMode());
final MavenProject project = getProject();
final String type = project.getArtifact().getType();
if (attach && destFile.isFile()) {
if (isAssemblyIdAppended()) {
projectHelper.attachArtifact(project, format, assembly.getId(), destFile);
} else if (!"pom".equals(type) && format.equals(type)) {
if (!warnedAboutMainProjectArtifact) {
final StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
message.append("Configuration option 'appendAssemblyId' is set to false.");
message.append("\nInstead of attaching the assembly file: ").append(destFile);
message.append(", it will become the file for main project artifact.");
message.append("\nNOTE: If multiple descriptors or descriptor-formats are provided " + "for this project, the value of this file will be " + "non-deterministic!");
warnedAboutMainProjectArtifact = true;
final File existingFile = project.getArtifact().getFile();
if ((existingFile != null) && existingFile.exists()) {
getLog().warn("Replacing pre-existing project main-artifact file: " + existingFile + "\nwith assembly file: " + destFile);
} else {
projectHelper.attachArtifact(project, format, null, destFile);
} else if (attach) {
getLog().warn("Assembly file: " + destFile + " is not a regular file (it may be a directory). " + "It cannot be attached to the project build for installation or " + "deployment.");
} catch (final ArchiveCreationException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Failed to create assembly: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (final AssemblyFormattingException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Failed to create assembly: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (final InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException e) {
throw new MojoFailureException(assembly, "Assembly is incorrectly configured: " + assembly.getId(), "Assembly: " + assembly.getId() + " is not configured correctly: " + e.getMessage());
use of org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException in project maven-plugins by apache.
the class FilterUtils method filterArtifacts.
public static void filterArtifacts(final Set<Artifact> artifacts, final List<String> includes, final List<String> excludes, final boolean strictFiltering, final boolean actTransitively, final Logger logger, final ArtifactFilter... additionalFilters) throws InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException {
final List<ArtifactFilter> allFilters = new ArrayList<ArtifactFilter>();
final AndArtifactFilter filter = new AndArtifactFilter();
if (additionalFilters != null && additionalFilters.length > 0) {
for (final ArtifactFilter additionalFilter : additionalFilters) {
if (additionalFilter != null) {
if (!includes.isEmpty()) {
final ArtifactFilter includeFilter = new PatternIncludesArtifactFilter(includes, actTransitively);
if (!excludes.isEmpty()) {
final ArtifactFilter excludeFilter = new PatternExcludesArtifactFilter(excludes, actTransitively);
for (final Iterator<Artifact> it = artifacts.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
final Artifact artifact =;
if (!filter.include(artifact)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(artifact.getId() + " was removed by one or more filters.");
reportFilteringStatistics(allFilters, logger);
for (final ArtifactFilter f : allFilters) {
if (f instanceof StatisticsReportingArtifactFilter) {
final StatisticsReportingArtifactFilter sFilter = (StatisticsReportingArtifactFilter) f;
if (strictFiltering && sFilter.hasMissedCriteria()) {
throw new InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException("One or more filters had unmatched criteria. Check debug log for more information.");
use of org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException in project maven-plugins by apache.
the class ModuleSetAssemblyPhase method addModuleBinaries.
void addModuleBinaries(final Assembly assembly, ModuleSet moduleSet, final ModuleBinaries binaries, final Set<MavenProject> projects, final Archiver archiver, final AssemblerConfigurationSource configSource) throws ArchiveCreationException, AssemblyFormattingException, InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException, DependencyResolutionException {
if (binaries == null) {
final Set<MavenProject> moduleProjects = new LinkedHashSet<MavenProject>();, "pom", log(getLogger()), addTo(moduleProjects));
final String classifier = binaries.getAttachmentClassifier();
final Map<MavenProject, Artifact> chosenModuleArtifacts = new HashMap<MavenProject, Artifact>();
for (final MavenProject project : moduleProjects) {
Artifact artifact;
if (classifier == null) {
getLogger().debug("Processing binary artifact for module project: " + project.getId());
artifact = project.getArtifact();
} else {
getLogger().debug("Processing binary attachment: " + classifier + " for module project: " + project.getId());
artifact = MavenProjects.findArtifactByClassifier(project, classifier);
if (artifact == null) {
throw new InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException("Cannot find attachment with classifier: " + classifier + " in module project: " + project.getId() + ". Please exclude this module from the module-set.");
chosenModuleArtifacts.put(project, artifact);
addModuleArtifact(artifact, project, archiver, configSource, binaries);
final List<DependencySet> depSets = getDependencySets(binaries);
if (depSets != null) {
Map<DependencySet, Set<Artifact>> dependencySetSetMap = dependencyResolver.resolveDependencySets(assembly, moduleSet, configSource, depSets);
for (final DependencySet ds : depSets) {
// NOTE: Disabling useProjectArtifact flag, since module artifact has already been handled!
// TODO: The following should be moved into a shared component, cause this
// test is the same as in maven-enforce rules ReactorModuleConvergence.
List<MavenProject> validateModuleVersions = validateModuleVersions(moduleProjects);
if (!validateModuleVersions.isEmpty()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("The current modules seemed to be having different versions.");
for (MavenProject mavenProject : validateModuleVersions) {
sb.append(" --> ");
for (final MavenProject moduleProject : moduleProjects) {
getLogger().debug("Processing binary dependencies for module project: " + moduleProject.getId());
for (Map.Entry<DependencySet, Set<Artifact>> dependencySetSetEntry : dependencySetSetMap.entrySet()) {
final AddDependencySetsTask task = new AddDependencySetsTask(Collections.singletonList(dependencySetSetEntry.getKey()), dependencySetSetEntry.getValue(), moduleProject, projectBuilder, getLogger());
task.execute(archiver, configSource);