use of org.apache.maven.plugins.war.stub.MavenProjectArtifactsStub in project maven-plugins by apache.
the class WarExplodedMojoTest method testExplodedWarWithOutputFileNameMappingAndDuplicateDependencies.
* @throws Exception in case of an error.
public void testExplodedWarWithOutputFileNameMappingAndDuplicateDependencies() throws Exception {
// setup test data
String testId = "ExplodedWarWithFileNameMappingAndDuplicateDependencies";
MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
File webAppDirectory = new File(getTestDirectory(), testId);
File webAppSource = createWebAppSource(testId);
File classesDir = createClassesDir(testId, true);
EJBArtifactStub ejbArtifact = new EJBArtifactStub(getBasedir());
EJBArtifactStub ejbArtifactDup = new EJBArtifactStub(getBasedir());
File ejbFile = ejbArtifact.getFile();
// ejbArtifact has a hard coded file, only one assert is needed
assertTrue("ejb not found: " + ejbFile.getAbsolutePath(), ejbFile.exists());
// configure mojo
this.configureMojo(mojo, new LinkedList<String>(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project);
// validate operation
File expectedWebSourceFile = new File(webAppDirectory, "pansit.jsp");
File expectedWebSource2File = new File(webAppDirectory, "org/web/app/last-exile.jsp");
// final name form is <artifactId>-<version>.<type>
File expectedEJBArtifact = new File(webAppDirectory, "WEB-INF/lib/org.sample.ejb-ejbartifact.jar");
File expectedEJBDupArtifact = new File(webAppDirectory, "WEB-INF/lib/org.dup.ejb-ejbartifact.jar");
assertTrue("source files not found: " + expectedWebSourceFile.toString(), expectedWebSourceFile.exists());
assertTrue("source files not found: " + expectedWebSource2File.toString(), expectedWebSource2File.exists());
assertTrue("ejb artifact not found: " + expectedEJBArtifact.toString(), expectedEJBArtifact.exists());
assertTrue("ejb dup artifact not found: " + expectedEJBDupArtifact.toString(), expectedEJBDupArtifact.exists());
// house keeping
use of org.apache.maven.plugins.war.stub.MavenProjectArtifactsStub in project maven-plugins by apache.
the class OverlayManagerTest method testSimpleOverlay.
public void testSimpleOverlay() throws Exception {
final MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
final ArtifactStub first = newWarArtifact("test", "test-webapp");
final List<Overlay> overlays = new ArrayList<Overlay>();
overlays.add(new DefaultOverlay(first));
try {
final Overlay currentProjectOverlay = Overlay.createInstance();
OverlayManager manager = new OverlayManager(overlays, project, DEFAULT_INCLUDES, DEFAULT_EXCLUDES, currentProjectOverlay);
assertEquals(2, manager.getOverlays().size());
assertEquals(Overlay.createInstance(), manager.getOverlays().get(0));
assertEquals(overlays.get(0), manager.getOverlays().get(1));
} catch (InvalidOverlayConfigurationException e) {
fail("Should not have failed to validate a valid overlay config " + e.getMessage());
use of org.apache.maven.plugins.war.stub.MavenProjectArtifactsStub in project maven-plugins by apache.
the class OverlayManagerTest method testOverlaysWithSameArtifactAndGroupId.
public void testOverlaysWithSameArtifactAndGroupId() throws Exception {
final MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
final ArtifactStub first = newWarArtifact("test", "test-webapp");
final ArtifactStub second = newWarArtifact("test", "test-webapp", "my-classifier");
final List<Overlay> overlays = new ArrayList<Overlay>();
overlays.add(new DefaultOverlay(first));
overlays.add(new DefaultOverlay(second));
try {
final Overlay currentProjectOverlay = Overlay.createInstance();
OverlayManager manager = new OverlayManager(overlays, project, DEFAULT_INCLUDES, DEFAULT_EXCLUDES, currentProjectOverlay);
assertEquals(3, manager.getOverlays().size());
assertEquals(currentProjectOverlay, manager.getOverlays().get(0));
assertEquals(overlays.get(0), manager.getOverlays().get(1));
assertEquals(overlays.get(1), manager.getOverlays().get(2));
} catch (InvalidOverlayConfigurationException e) {
fail("Should not have failed to validate a valid overlay config " + e.getMessage());
use of org.apache.maven.plugins.war.stub.MavenProjectArtifactsStub in project maven-plugins by apache.
the class WarExplodedMojoTest method testExplodedWarWithMar.
* @throws Exception in case of an error.
public void testExplodedWarWithMar() throws Exception {
// setup test data
String testId = "ExplodedWarWithMar";
MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
File webAppDirectory = new File(getTestDirectory(), testId);
File webAppSource = createWebAppSource(testId);
File classesDir = createClassesDir(testId, true);
// Fake here since the mar artifact handler does not exist: no biggie
ArtifactHandler artifactHandler = (ArtifactHandler) lookup(ArtifactHandler.ROLE, "jar");
ArtifactStub marArtifact = new MarArtifactStub(getBasedir(), artifactHandler);
File marFile = marArtifact.getFile();
assertTrue("jar not found: " + marFile.toString(), marFile.exists());
// configure mojo
this.configureMojo(mojo, new LinkedList<String>(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project);
// validate operation
File expectedWebSourceFile = new File(webAppDirectory, "pansit.jsp");
File expectedWebSource2File = new File(webAppDirectory, "org/web/app/last-exile.jsp");
// final name form is <artifactId>-<version>.<type>
File expectedJarArtifact = new File(webAppDirectory, "WEB-INF/modules/marartifact-0.0-Test.jar");
assertTrue("source files not found: " + expectedWebSourceFile.toString(), expectedWebSourceFile.exists());
assertTrue("source files not found: " + expectedWebSource2File.toString(), expectedWebSource2File.exists());
assertTrue("jar artifact not found: " + expectedJarArtifact.toString(), expectedJarArtifact.exists());
// house keeping
use of org.apache.maven.plugins.war.stub.MavenProjectArtifactsStub in project maven-plugins by apache.
the class WarExplodedMojoTest method testExplodedWar_WithEJB.
// The last modified thingy behavior is not applicable anymore. This is the only test that
// has been removed.
// /**
// * Merge a dependent WAR that gets updated since the last run.
// */
// public void testExplodedWarMergeWarUpdated()
// throws Exception
// {
// // setup test data
// MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
// WarArtifactStub warArtifact = new WarArtifactStub( getBasedir() );
// String testId = "testExplodedWarMergeWarUpdated";
// File webAppDirectory = new File( getTestDirectory(), testId );
// FileUtils.deleteDirectory( webAppDirectory );
// File webAppSource = getWebAppSource( testId );
// File workDirectory = new File( getTestDirectory(), "/war/work-" + testId );
// createDir( workDirectory );
// File classesDir = createClassesDir( testId, true );
// // configure mojo
// project.addArtifact( warArtifact );
// this.configureMojo( mojo, new LinkedList(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project );
// setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "workDirectory", workDirectory );
// mojo.execute();
// // validate operation
// File expectedFile = new File( webAppDirectory, "/org/sample/company/test.jsp" );
// assertTrue( "file not found: " + expectedFile.toString(), expectedFile.exists() );
// assertEquals( "file incorrect", "", FileUtils.fileRead( expectedFile ) );
// // update file, so the local one is older
// warArtifact.setFile( new File( warArtifact.getFile().getParentFile(), "simple-updated.war" ) );
// mojo.execute();
// assertTrue( "file not found: " + expectedFile.toString(), expectedFile.exists() );
// assertEquals( "file incorrect", "updated\n", FileUtils.fileRead( expectedFile ) );
// // update file, so the local one is newer
// warArtifact.setFile( new File( warArtifact.getFile().getParentFile(), "simple.war" ) );
// mojo.execute();
// assertTrue( "file not found: " + expectedFile.toString(), expectedFile.exists() );
// assertEquals( "file incorrect", "updated\n", FileUtils.fileRead( expectedFile ) );
// // house keeping
// expectedFile.delete();
// }
* @throws Exception in case of an error.
public void testExplodedWar_WithEJB() throws Exception {
// setup test data
String testId = "ExplodedWar_WithEJB";
MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
File webAppDirectory = new File(getTestDirectory(), testId);
File webAppSource = createWebAppSource(testId);
File classesDir = createClassesDir(testId, true);
EJBArtifactStub ejbArtifact = new EJBArtifactStub(getBasedir());
File ejbFile = ejbArtifact.getFile();
assertTrue("ejb jar not found: " + ejbFile.toString(), ejbFile.exists());
// configure mojo
this.configureMojo(mojo, new LinkedList<String>(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project);
// validate operation
File expectedWebSourceFile = new File(webAppDirectory, "pansit.jsp");
File expectedWebSource2File = new File(webAppDirectory, "org/web/app/last-exile.jsp");
// final name form is <artifactId>-<version>.<type>
File expectedEJBArtifact = new File(webAppDirectory, "WEB-INF/lib/ejbartifact-0.0-Test.jar");
// File expectedEJBArtifact = new File( webAppDirectory, "WEB-INF/lib/ejbartifact-0.0-Test.jar" );
assertTrue("source files not found: " + expectedWebSourceFile.toString(), expectedWebSourceFile.exists());
assertTrue("source files not found: " + expectedWebSource2File.toString(), expectedWebSource2File.exists());
assertTrue("ejb artifact not found: " + expectedEJBArtifact.toString(), expectedEJBArtifact.exists());
// house keeping