use of org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuildingRequest in project maven-dependency-plugin by apache.
the class GetMojo method execute.
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
if (isSkip()) {
getLog().info("Skipping plugin execution");
if (coordinate.getArtifactId() == null && artifact == null) {
throw new MojoFailureException("You must specify an artifact, " + "e.g. -Dartifact=org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-downloader-plugin:1.0");
if (artifact != null) {
String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(artifact, ":");
if (tokens.length < 3 || tokens.length > 5) {
throw new MojoFailureException("Invalid artifact, you must specify " + "groupId:artifactId:version[:packaging[:classifier]] " + artifact);
if (tokens.length >= 4) {
if (tokens.length == 5) {
ArtifactRepositoryPolicy always = new ArtifactRepositoryPolicy(true, ArtifactRepositoryPolicy.UPDATE_POLICY_ALWAYS, ArtifactRepositoryPolicy.CHECKSUM_POLICY_WARN);
List<ArtifactRepository> repoList = new ArrayList<ArtifactRepository>();
if (pomRemoteRepositories != null) {
if (remoteRepositories != null) {
// Use the same format as in the deploy plugin id::layout::url
List<String> repos = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(remoteRepositories, ","));
for (String repo : repos) {
repoList.add(parseRepository(repo, always));
try {
ProjectBuildingRequest buildingRequest = new DefaultProjectBuildingRequest(session.getProjectBuildingRequest());
if (transitive) {
getLog().info("Resolving " + coordinate + " with transitive dependencies");
dependencyResolver.resolveDependencies(buildingRequest, coordinate, null);
} else {
getLog().info("Resolving " + coordinate);
artifactResolver.resolveArtifact(buildingRequest, toArtifactCoordinate(coordinate));
} catch (ArtifactResolverException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Couldn't download artifact: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (DependencyResolverException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Couldn't download artifact: " + e.getMessage(), e);
use of org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuildingRequest in project spring-cloud-function by spring-cloud.
the class DependencyResolutionModule method getProjectBuildingRequest.
private ProjectBuildingRequest getProjectBuildingRequest(Properties properties) throws NoLocalRepositoryManagerException {
DefaultProjectBuildingRequest projectBuildingRequest = new DefaultProjectBuildingRequest();
DefaultRepositorySystemSession session = createSession(properties);
projectBuildingRequest.setBuildStartTime(new Date());
return projectBuildingRequest;
use of org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuildingRequest in project maven-plugins by apache.
the class ResolvePluginsMojo method resolvePluginArtifacts.
* This method resolves the plugin artifacts from the project.
* @return set of resolved plugin artifacts.
* @throws ArtifactFilterException in case of an error.
* @throws ArtifactResolverException in case of an error.
protected Set<Artifact> resolvePluginArtifacts() throws ArtifactFilterException, ArtifactResolverException {
final Set<Artifact> plugins = getProject().getPluginArtifacts();
final Set<Artifact> reports = getProject().getReportArtifacts();
Set<Artifact> artifacts = new LinkedHashSet<Artifact>();
final FilterArtifacts filter = getPluginArtifactsFilter();
artifacts = filter.filter(artifacts);
Set<Artifact> resolvedArtifacts = new LinkedHashSet<Artifact>(artifacts.size());
// final ArtifactFilter filter = getPluginFilter();
for (final Artifact artifact : new LinkedHashSet<Artifact>(artifacts)) {
// if ( !filter.include( artifact ) )
// {
// final String logStr =
// String.format( " Plugin SKIPPED: %s", DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, false ) );
// if ( !silent )
// {
// this.getLog().info( logStr );
// }
// artifacts.remove( artifact );
// continue;
// }
ProjectBuildingRequest buildingRequest = new DefaultProjectBuildingRequest(session.getProjectBuildingRequest());
// resolve the new artifact
resolvedArtifacts.add(getArtifactResolver().resolveArtifact(buildingRequest, artifact).getArtifact());
return artifacts;
use of org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuildingRequest in project maven-plugins by apache.
the class TreeMojo method execute.
// Mojo methods -----------------------------------------------------------
* @see org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo#execute()
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
if (isSkip()) {
getLog().info("Skipping plugin execution");
try {
String dependencyTreeString;
// TODO: note that filter does not get applied due to MSHARED-4
ArtifactFilter artifactFilter = createResolvingArtifactFilter();
if (verbose) {
// To fix we probably need a different DependencyCollector in Aether, which doesn't remove nodes which
// have already been resolved.
getLog().info("Verbose not supported since maven-dependency-plugin 3.0");
ProjectBuildingRequest buildingRequest = new DefaultProjectBuildingRequest(session.getProjectBuildingRequest());
// non-verbose mode use dependency graph component, which gives consistent results with Maven version
// running
rootNode = dependencyGraphBuilder.buildDependencyGraph(buildingRequest, artifactFilter, reactorProjects);
dependencyTreeString = serializeDependencyTree(rootNode);
if (outputFile != null) {
DependencyUtil.write(dependencyTreeString, outputFile, this.appendOutput, getLog());
getLog().info("Wrote dependency tree to: " + outputFile);
} else {
DependencyUtil.log(dependencyTreeString, getLog());
} catch (DependencyGraphBuilderException exception) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Cannot build project dependency graph", exception);
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Cannot serialise project dependency graph", exception);
use of org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuildingRequest in project maven-plugins by apache.
the class DeployFileMojo method createMavenProject.
* Creates a Maven project in-memory from the user-supplied groupId, artifactId and version. When a classifier is
* supplied, the packaging must be POM because the project with only have attachments. This project serves as basis
* to attach the artifacts to deploy to.
* @return The created Maven project, never <code>null</code>.
* @throws MojoExecutionException When the model of the project could not be built.
* @throws MojoFailureException When building the project failed.
private MavenProject createMavenProject() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
if (groupId == null || artifactId == null || version == null || packaging == null) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("The artifact information is incomplete: 'groupId', 'artifactId', " + "'version' and 'packaging' are required.");
ModelSource modelSource = new StringModelSource("<project>" + "<modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>" + "<groupId>" + groupId + "</groupId>" + "<artifactId>" + artifactId + "</artifactId>" + "<version>" + version + "</version>" + "<packaging>" + (classifier == null ? packaging : "pom") + "</packaging>" + "</project>");
DefaultProjectBuildingRequest buildingRequest = new DefaultProjectBuildingRequest(getSession().getProjectBuildingRequest());
try {
return, buildingRequest).getProject();
} catch (ProjectBuildingException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof ModelBuildingException) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("The artifact information is not valid:" + Os.LINE_SEP + e.getCause().getMessage());
throw new MojoFailureException("Unable to create the project.", e);