use of org.apache.nifi.authorization.RequestAction in project nifi by apache.
the class TestRangerNiFiAuthorizer method testApprovedWithDirectAccess.
public void testApprovedWithDirectAccess() {
final String systemResource = "/system";
final RequestAction action = RequestAction.WRITE;
final String user = "admin";
final String clientIp = "";
final Map<String, String> userContext = new HashMap<>();
userContext.put(, clientIp);
// the incoming NiFi request to test
final AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest.Builder().resource(new MockResource(systemResource, systemResource)).action(action).identity(user).resourceContext(new HashMap<>()).userContext(userContext).accessAttempt(true).anonymous(false).build();
// the expected Ranger resource and request that are created
final RangerAccessResourceImpl resource = new RangerAccessResourceImpl();
resource.setValue(RangerNiFiAuthorizer.RANGER_NIFI_RESOURCE_NAME, systemResource);
final RangerAccessRequestImpl expectedRangerRequest = new RangerAccessRequestImpl();
// a non-null result processor should be used for direct access
when(rangerBasePlugin.isAccessAllowed(argThat(new RangerAccessRequestMatcher(expectedRangerRequest)))).thenReturn(allowedResult);
final AuthorizationResult result = authorizer.authorize(request);
assertEquals(AuthorizationResult.approved().getResult(), result.getResult());
use of org.apache.nifi.authorization.RequestAction in project nifi by apache.
the class TestRangerNiFiAuthorizer method testApprovedWithNonDirectAccess.
public void testApprovedWithNonDirectAccess() {
final String systemResource = "/system";
final RequestAction action = RequestAction.WRITE;
final String user = "admin";
// the incoming NiFi request to test
final AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest.Builder().resource(new MockResource(systemResource, systemResource)).action(action).identity(user).resourceContext(new HashMap<>()).accessAttempt(false).anonymous(false).build();
// the expected Ranger resource and request that are created
final RangerAccessResourceImpl resource = new RangerAccessResourceImpl();
resource.setValue(RangerNiFiAuthorizer.RANGER_NIFI_RESOURCE_NAME, systemResource);
final RangerAccessRequestImpl expectedRangerRequest = new RangerAccessRequestImpl();
// no result processor should be provided used non-direct access
when(rangerBasePlugin.isAccessAllowed(argThat(new RangerAccessRequestMatcher(expectedRangerRequest)))).thenReturn(allowedResult);
final AuthorizationResult result = authorizer.authorize(request);
assertEquals(AuthorizationResult.approved().getResult(), result.getResult());
use of org.apache.nifi.authorization.RequestAction in project nifi by apache.
the class AccessPolicyResource method getAccessPolicyForResource.
// -----------------
// get access policy
// -----------------
* Retrieves the specified access policy.
* @return An accessPolicyEntity.
@Path("{action}/{resource: .+}")
@ApiOperation(value = "Gets an access policy for the specified action and resource", notes = "Will return the effective policy if no component specific policy exists for the specified action and resource. " + "Must have Read permissions to the policy with the desired action and resource. Permissions for the policy that is " + "returned will be indicated in the response. This means the client could be authorized to get the policy for a " + "given component but the effective policy may be inherited from an ancestor Process Group. If the client does not " + "have permissions to that policy, the response will not include the policy and the permissions in the response " + "will be marked accordingly. If the client does not have permissions to the policy of the desired action and resource " + "a 403 response will be returned.", response = AccessPolicyEntity.class, authorizations = { @Authorization(value = "Read - /policies/{resource}") })
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "NiFi was unable to complete the request because it was invalid. The request should not be retried without modification."), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Client could not be authenticated."), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Client is not authorized to make this request."), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "The specified resource could not be found."), @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "The request was valid but NiFi was not in the appropriate state to process it. Retrying the same request later may be successful.") })
public Response getAccessPolicyForResource(@ApiParam(value = "The request action.", allowableValues = "read, write", required = true) @PathParam("action") final String action, @ApiParam(value = "The resource of the policy.", required = true) @PathParam("resource") String rawResource) {
// ensure we're running with a configurable authorizer
if (!AuthorizerCapabilityDetection.isManagedAuthorizer(authorizer)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(AccessPolicyDAO.MSG_NON_MANAGED_AUTHORIZER);
// parse the action and resource type
final RequestAction requestAction = RequestAction.valueOfValue(action);
final String resource = "/" + rawResource;
if (isReplicateRequest()) {
return replicate(HttpMethod.GET);
// authorize access
serviceFacade.authorizeAccess(lookup -> {
final Authorizable accessPolicy = lookup.getAccessPolicyByResource(resource);
accessPolicy.authorize(authorizer, RequestAction.READ, NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser());
// get the access policy
final AccessPolicyEntity entity = serviceFacade.getAccessPolicy(requestAction, resource);
return generateOkResponse(entity).build();
use of org.apache.nifi.authorization.RequestAction in project nifi by apache.
the class SnippetUtils method rollbackClonedPolicy.
* Attempts to roll back all policies for the specified component. This includes the component resource, data resource
* for the component, data transfer resource for the component, and policy resource for the component.
* @param componentResource component resource
private void rollbackClonedPolicy(final Resource componentResource) {
if (!accessPolicyDAO.supportsConfigurableAuthorizer()) {
final List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<>();
for (final Resource resource : resources) {
for (final RequestAction action : RequestAction.values()) {
final AccessPolicy accessPolicy = accessPolicyDAO.getAccessPolicy(action, resource.getIdentifier());
if (accessPolicy != null) {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
logger.warn(String.format("Unable to clean up cloned access policy for %s %s after failed copy/paste action.", action, componentResource.getIdentifier()), e);
use of org.apache.nifi.authorization.RequestAction in project nifi by apache.
the class SnippetUtils method cloneComponentSpecificPolicies.
* Clones all the component specified policies for the specified original component. This will include the component resource, data resource
* for the component, data transfer resource for the component, and policy resource for the component.
* @param originalComponentResource original component resource
* @param clonedComponentResource cloned component resource
* @param idGenerationSeed id generation seed
private void cloneComponentSpecificPolicies(final Resource originalComponentResource, final Resource clonedComponentResource, final String idGenerationSeed) {
if (!accessPolicyDAO.supportsConfigurableAuthorizer()) {
final Map<Resource, Resource> resources = new HashMap<>();
resources.put(originalComponentResource, clonedComponentResource);
resources.put(ResourceFactory.getDataResource(originalComponentResource), ResourceFactory.getDataResource(clonedComponentResource));
resources.put(ResourceFactory.getDataTransferResource(originalComponentResource), ResourceFactory.getDataTransferResource(clonedComponentResource));
resources.put(ResourceFactory.getPolicyResource(originalComponentResource), ResourceFactory.getPolicyResource(clonedComponentResource));
for (final Entry<Resource, Resource> entry : resources.entrySet()) {
final Resource originalResource = entry.getKey();
final Resource cloneResource = entry.getValue();
for (final RequestAction action : RequestAction.values()) {
final AccessPolicy accessPolicy = accessPolicyDAO.getAccessPolicy(action, originalResource.getIdentifier());
// if there is a component specific policy we want to clone it for the new component
if (accessPolicy != null) {
final AccessPolicyDTO cloneAccessPolicy = new AccessPolicyDTO();
cloneAccessPolicy.setId(generateId(accessPolicy.getIdentifier(), idGenerationSeed, true));
final Set<TenantEntity> users = new HashSet<>();
accessPolicy.getUsers().forEach(userId -> {
final TenantEntity entity = new TenantEntity();
final Set<TenantEntity> groups = new HashSet<>();
accessPolicy.getGroups().forEach(groupId -> {
final TenantEntity entity = new TenantEntity();
// create the access policy for the cloned policy