use of org.apache.nifi.components.ValidationResult in project nifi by apache.
the class TestStandardValidators method testTimePeriodValidator.
public void testTimePeriodValidator() {
Validator val = StandardValidators.createTimePeriodValidator(1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
ValidationResult vr;
final ValidationContext validationContext = Mockito.mock(ValidationContext.class);
vr = val.validate("TimePeriodTest", "0 sense made", validationContext);
vr = val.validate("TimePeriodTest", null, validationContext);
vr = val.validate("TimePeriodTest", "0 secs", validationContext);
vr = val.validate("TimePeriodTest", "999 millis", validationContext);
vr = val.validate("TimePeriodTest", "999999999 nanos", validationContext);
vr = val.validate("TimePeriodTest", "1 sec", validationContext);
use of org.apache.nifi.components.ValidationResult in project nifi by apache.
the class NotificationServiceManager method notify.
public void notify(final NotificationType type, final String subject, final String message) {
final List<ConfiguredNotificationService> configs = servicesByNotificationType.get(type);
if (configs == null || configs.isEmpty()) {
for (final ConfiguredNotificationService config : configs) {
final NotificationService service = config.getService();
final AtomicInteger attemptCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
notificationExecutor.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Check if the service is valid; if not, warn now so that users know this before they fail to receive notifications
final ValidationContext validationContext = new NotificationValidationContext(buildNotificationContext(config), variableRegistry);
final Collection<ValidationResult> validationResults = service.validate(validationContext);
final List<String> invalidReasons = new ArrayList<>();
for (final ValidationResult result : validationResults) {
if (!result.isValid()) {
// If the service is valid, attempt to send the notification
boolean failure = false;
if (invalidReasons.isEmpty()) {
final NotificationContext context = buildNotificationContext(config);
try {
service.notify(context, type, subject, message);"Successfully sent notification of type {} to {}", type, service);
} catch (final Throwable t) {
// keep running even if a Throwable is caught because we need to ensure that we are able to restart NiFi
logger.error("Failed to send notification of type {} to {} with Subject {} due to {}. Will ", type, service == null ? "Unknown Notification Service" : service.toString(), subject, t.toString());
logger.error("", t);
failure = true;
} else {
logger.warn("Notification Service {} is not valid for the following reasons: {}", service, invalidReasons);
failure = true;
final int attempts = attemptCount.incrementAndGet();
if (failure) {
if (attempts < maxAttempts) {"After failing to send notification to {} {} times, will attempt again in 1 minute", service, attempts);
notificationExecutor.schedule(this, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
} else {"After failing to send notification of type {} to {} {} times, will no longer attempt to send notification", type, service, attempts);
if (NotificationType.NIFI_STOPPED.equals(type)) {
// we don't want to return before the notifier has had a chance to perform its task.
while (attemptCount.get() == 0) {
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException ie) {
use of org.apache.nifi.components.ValidationResult in project nifi by apache.
the class HiveConfigurator method validate.
public Collection<ValidationResult> validate(String configFiles, String principal, String keyTab, AtomicReference<ValidationResources> validationResourceHolder, ComponentLog log) {
final List<ValidationResult> problems = new ArrayList<>();
ValidationResources resources = validationResourceHolder.get();
// then load the Configuration and set the new resources in the holder
if (resources == null || !configFiles.equals(resources.getConfigResources())) {
log.debug("Reloading validation resources");
resources = new ValidationResources(configFiles, getConfigurationFromFiles(configFiles));
final Configuration hiveConfig = resources.getConfiguration();
problems.addAll(KerberosProperties.validatePrincipalAndKeytab(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), hiveConfig, principal, keyTab, log));
return problems;
use of org.apache.nifi.components.ValidationResult in project nifi by apache.
the class HiveConnectionPool method customValidate.
protected Collection<ValidationResult> customValidate(ValidationContext validationContext) {
boolean confFileProvided = validationContext.getProperty(HIVE_CONFIGURATION_RESOURCES).isSet();
final List<ValidationResult> problems = new ArrayList<>();
if (confFileProvided) {
final String explicitPrincipal = validationContext.getProperty(kerberosProperties.getKerberosPrincipal()).evaluateAttributeExpressions().getValue();
final String explicitKeytab = validationContext.getProperty(kerberosProperties.getKerberosKeytab()).evaluateAttributeExpressions().getValue();
final KerberosCredentialsService credentialsService = validationContext.getProperty(KERBEROS_CREDENTIALS_SERVICE).asControllerService(KerberosCredentialsService.class);
final String resolvedPrincipal;
final String resolvedKeytab;
if (credentialsService == null) {
resolvedPrincipal = explicitPrincipal;
resolvedKeytab = explicitKeytab;
} else {
resolvedPrincipal = credentialsService.getPrincipal();
resolvedKeytab = credentialsService.getKeytab();
final String configFiles = validationContext.getProperty(HIVE_CONFIGURATION_RESOURCES).evaluateAttributeExpressions().getValue();
problems.addAll(hiveConfigurator.validate(configFiles, resolvedPrincipal, resolvedKeytab, validationResourceHolder, getLogger()));
if (credentialsService != null && (explicitPrincipal != null || explicitKeytab != null)) {
problems.add(new ValidationResult.Builder().subject("Kerberos Credentials").valid(false).explanation("Cannot specify both a Kerberos Credentials Service and a principal/keytab").build());
final String allowExplicitKeytabVariable = System.getenv(ALLOW_EXPLICIT_KEYTAB);
if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(allowExplicitKeytabVariable) && (explicitPrincipal != null || explicitKeytab != null)) {
problems.add(new ValidationResult.Builder().subject("Kerberos Credentials").valid(false).explanation("The '" + ALLOW_EXPLICIT_KEYTAB + "' system environment variable is configured to forbid explicitly configuring principal/keytab in processors. " + "The Kerberos Credentials Service should be used instead of setting the Kerberos Keytab or Kerberos Principal property.").build());
return problems;
use of org.apache.nifi.components.ValidationResult in project nifi by apache.
the class AbstractCredentialsStrategy method validate.
public Collection<ValidationResult> validate(final ValidationContext validationContext, final CredentialsStrategy primaryStrategy) {
boolean thisIsSelectedStrategy = this == primaryStrategy;
String requiredMessageFormat = "property %1$s must be set with %2$s";
String excludedMessageFormat = "property %1$s cannot be used with %2$s";
String failureFormat = thisIsSelectedStrategy ? requiredMessageFormat : excludedMessageFormat;
Collection<ValidationResult> validationFailureResults = null;
for (PropertyDescriptor requiredProperty : requiredProperties) {
boolean requiredPropertyIsSet = validationContext.getProperty(requiredProperty).isSet();
if (requiredPropertyIsSet != thisIsSelectedStrategy) {
String message = String.format(failureFormat, requiredProperty.getDisplayName(), primaryStrategy.getName());
if (validationFailureResults == null) {
validationFailureResults = new ArrayList<>();
validationFailureResults.add(new ValidationResult.Builder().subject(requiredProperty.getDisplayName()).valid(false).explanation(message).build());
return validationFailureResults;