use of org.apache.nifi.controller.status.ConnectionStatus in project nifi by apache.
the class NiFiFlowAnalyzer method getNextProcessComponent.
private List<String> getNextProcessComponent(NiFiFlow nifiFlow, NiFiFlowPath path, String componentId) {
final List<ConnectionStatus> outs = nifiFlow.getOutgoingConnections(componentId);
if (outs == null || outs.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
final List<String> nextProcessComponent = new ArrayList<>();
for (ConnectionStatus out : outs) {
final String destinationId = out.getDestinationId();
if (path.getProcessComponentIds().contains(destinationId)) {
// If the connection is pointing back to current path, then skip it to avoid loop.
if (nifiFlow.isProcessComponent(destinationId)) {
} else {
nextProcessComponent.addAll(getNextProcessComponent(nifiFlow, path, destinationId));
return nextProcessComponent;
use of org.apache.nifi.controller.status.ConnectionStatus in project nifi by apache.
the class NiFiFlowAnalyzer method traverse.
private void traverse(NiFiFlow nifiFlow, NiFiFlowPath path, String componentId) {
// E.g InputPort -> MergeContent, GenerateFlowFile -> InputPort.
if (path.getProcessComponentIds().size() > 0 && nifiFlow.isRootInputPort(componentId)) {
// Add known inputs/outputs to/from this processor, such as RootGroupIn/Output port
if (nifiFlow.isProcessComponent(componentId)) {
final List<ConnectionStatus> outs = nifiFlow.getOutgoingConnections(componentId);
if (outs == null || outs.isEmpty()) {
// Analyze destination process components.
final List<String> nextProcessComponents = getNextProcessComponent(nifiFlow, path, componentId);
nextProcessComponents.forEach(destPid -> {
if (path.getProcessComponentIds().contains(destPid)) {
// Avoid loop to it self.
// If the destination has more than one inputs, or there are multiple destinations,
// then it should be treated as a separate flow path.
final boolean createJointPoint = nextProcessComponents.size() > 1 || getIncomingProcessorsIds(nifiFlow, nifiFlow.getIncomingConnections(destPid)).size() > 1;
if (createJointPoint) {
final boolean alreadyTraversed = nifiFlow.isTraversedPath(destPid);
// Create an input queue DataSet because Atlas doesn't show lineage if it doesn't have in and out.
// This DataSet is also useful to link flowPaths together on Atlas lineage graph.
final Tuple<AtlasObjectId, AtlasEntity> queueTuple = nifiFlow.getOrCreateQueue(destPid);
final AtlasObjectId queueId = queueTuple.getKey();
// If the destination is already traversed once, it doesn't have to be visited again.
if (alreadyTraversed) {
// Get existing or create new one.
final NiFiFlowPath jointPoint = nifiFlow.getOrCreateFlowPath(destPid);
// Start traversing as a new joint point.
traverse(nifiFlow, jointPoint, destPid);
} else {
// Normal relation, continue digging.
traverse(nifiFlow, path, destPid);
use of org.apache.nifi.controller.status.ConnectionStatus in project nifi by apache.
the class NiFiRootGroupPort method analyze.
public DataSetRefs analyze(AnalysisContext context, ProvenanceEventRecord event) {
if (!ProvenanceEventType.SEND.equals(event.getEventType()) && !ProvenanceEventType.RECEIVE.equals(event.getEventType())) {
return null;
final boolean isInputPort = event.getComponentType().equals("Input Port");
final String type = isInputPort ? TYPE_NIFI_INPUT_PORT : TYPE_NIFI_OUTPUT_PORT;
final String rootPortId = event.getComponentId();
final S2STransitUrl s2sUrl = parseTransitURL(event.getTransitUri(), context.getClusterResolver());
// Find connections connecting to/from the remote port.
final List<ConnectionStatus> connections = isInputPort ? context.findConnectionFrom(rootPortId) : context.findConnectionTo(rootPortId);
if (connections == null || connections.isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("Connection was not found: {}", new Object[] { event });
return null;
// The name of the port can be retrieved from any connection, use the first one.
final ConnectionStatus connection = connections.get(0);
final Referenceable ref = new Referenceable(type);
ref.set(ATTR_NAME, isInputPort ? connection.getSourceName() : connection.getDestinationName());
ref.set(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME, toQualifiedName(s2sUrl.clusterName, rootPortId));
return singleDataSetRef(event.getComponentId(), event.getEventType(), ref);
use of org.apache.nifi.controller.status.ConnectionStatus in project nifi by apache.
the class SimpleFlowPathLineage method processRemotePortEvent.
* Create a flow_path entity corresponding to the target RemoteGroupPort when a SEND/RECEIVE event are received.
* Because such entity can not be created in advance while analyzing flow statically,
* as ReportingTask can not determine whether a component id is a RemoteGroupPort,
* since connectionStatus is the only available information in ReportingContext.
* ConnectionStatus only knows component id, component type is unknown.
* For example, there is no difference to tell if a connected component is a funnel or a RemoteGroupPort.
private void processRemotePortEvent(AnalysisContext analysisContext, NiFiFlow nifiFlow, ProvenanceEventRecord event, DataSetRefs analyzedRefs) {
final boolean isRemoteInputPort = "Remote Input Port".equals(event.getComponentType());
// Create a RemoteInputPort Process.
// event.getComponentId returns UUID for RemoteGroupPort as a client of S2S, and it's different from a remote port UUID (portDataSetid).
// See NIFI-4571 for detail.
final Referenceable remotePortDataSet = isRemoteInputPort ? analyzedRefs.getOutputs().iterator().next() : analyzedRefs.getInputs().iterator().next();
final String portProcessId = event.getComponentId();
final NiFiFlowPath remotePortProcess = new NiFiFlowPath(portProcessId);
// That is only possible by calling lineage API.
if (isRemoteInputPort) {
final ProvenanceEventRecord previousEvent = findPreviousProvenanceEvent(analysisContext, event);
if (previousEvent == null) {
logger.warn("Previous event was not found: {}", new Object[] { event });
// Set groupId from incoming connection if available.
final List<ConnectionStatus> incomingConnections = nifiFlow.getIncomingConnections(portProcessId);
if (incomingConnections == null || incomingConnections.isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("Incoming relationship was not found: {}", new Object[] { event });
final ConnectionStatus connection = incomingConnections.get(0);
final Referenceable remotePortProcessRef = toReferenceable(remotePortProcess, nifiFlow);
// Create a queue.
Referenceable queueFromStaticFlowPathToRemotePortProcess = new Referenceable(TYPE_NIFI_QUEUE);
queueFromStaticFlowPathToRemotePortProcess.set(ATTR_NAME, "queue");
queueFromStaticFlowPathToRemotePortProcess.set(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME, nifiFlow.toQualifiedName(portProcessId));
// Create lineage: Static flow_path -> queue
DataSetRefs staticFlowPathRefs = new DataSetRefs(previousEvent.getComponentId());
addDataSetRefs(nifiFlow, staticFlowPathRefs);
// Create lineage: Queue -> RemoteInputPort process -> RemoteInputPort dataSet
DataSetRefs remotePortRefs = new DataSetRefs(portProcessId);
addDataSetRefs(remotePortRefs, remotePortProcessRef);
} else {
// For RemoteOutputPort, it's possible that multiple processors are connected.
// In that case, the received FlowFile is cloned and passed to each connection.
// So we need to create multiple DataSetRefs.
final List<ConnectionStatus> connections = nifiFlow.getOutgoingConnections(portProcessId);
if (connections == null || connections.isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("Incoming connection was not found: {}", new Object[] { event });
// Set group id from outgoing connection if available.
final Referenceable remotePortProcessRef = toReferenceable(remotePortProcess, nifiFlow);
// Create lineage: RemoteOutputPort dataSet -> RemoteOutputPort process
DataSetRefs remotePortRefs = new DataSetRefs(portProcessId);
addDataSetRefs(remotePortRefs, remotePortProcessRef);
for (ConnectionStatus connection : connections) {
final String destinationId = connection.getDestinationId();
final NiFiFlowPath destFlowPath = nifiFlow.findPath(destinationId);
if (destFlowPath == null) {
// as a queue will be created by the connected RemoteInputPort to connect this RemoteOutputPort.
// Create a queue.
Referenceable queueFromRemotePortProcessToStaticFlowPath = new Referenceable(TYPE_NIFI_QUEUE);
queueFromRemotePortProcessToStaticFlowPath.set(ATTR_NAME, "queue");
queueFromRemotePortProcessToStaticFlowPath.set(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME, nifiFlow.toQualifiedName(destinationId));
// Create lineage: Queue -> Static flow_path
DataSetRefs staticFlowPathRefs = new DataSetRefs(destinationId);
addDataSetRefs(nifiFlow, staticFlowPathRefs);
// Create lineage: RemoteOutputPort dataSet -> RemoteOutputPort process -> Queue
addDataSetRefs(remotePortRefs, remotePortProcessRef);
// Add RemoteOutputPort process, so that it can be found even if it is connected to RemoteInputPort directory without any processor in between.
nifiFlow.getFlowPaths().put(remotePortProcess.getId(), remotePortProcess);
use of org.apache.nifi.controller.status.ConnectionStatus in project nifi by apache.
the class TestNiFiRemotePort method testRemoteOutputPort.
public void testRemoteOutputPort() {
final String componentType = "Remote Output Port";
final String transitUri = "";
final ProvenanceEventRecord record = Mockito.mock(ProvenanceEventRecord.class);
final ClusterResolvers clusterResolvers = Mockito.mock(ClusterResolvers.class);
final List<ConnectionStatus> connections = new ArrayList<>();
final ConnectionStatus connection = new ConnectionStatus();
final AnalysisContext context = Mockito.mock(AnalysisContext.class);
final NiFiProvenanceEventAnalyzer analyzer = NiFiProvenanceEventAnalyzerFactory.getAnalyzer(componentType, transitUri, record.getEventType());
final DataSetRefs refs = analyzer.analyze(context, record);
assertEquals(1, refs.getInputs().size());
assertEquals(0, refs.getOutputs().size());
Referenceable ref = refs.getInputs().iterator().next();
assertEquals(TYPE_NIFI_OUTPUT_PORT, ref.getTypeName());
assertEquals("outputPortA", ref.get(ATTR_NAME));
assertEquals("port-guid@cluster1", ref.get(ATTR_QUALIFIED_NAME));