use of org.apache.nifi.dbcp.DBCPService in project nifi by apache.
the class TestGenerateTableFetch method testNoDuplicateWithRightBounded.
public void testNoDuplicateWithRightBounded() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InitializationException, IOException {
// load test data to database
final Connection con = ((DBCPService) runner.getControllerService("dbcp")).getConnection();
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
try {
stmt.execute("drop table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
} catch (final SQLException sqle) {
// Ignore this error, probably a "table does not exist" since Derby doesn't yet support DROP IF EXISTS [DERBY-4842]
stmt.execute("create table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id integer not null, name varchar(100), scale float, created_on timestamp, bignum bigint default 0)");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, name, scale, created_on) VALUES (0, 'Joe Smith', 1.0, '1962-09-23 03:23:34.234')");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, name, scale, created_on) VALUES (1, 'Carrie Jones', 5.0, '2000-01-01 03:23:34.234')");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, name, scale, created_on) VALUES (2, NULL, 2.0, '2010-01-01 00:00:00')");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.TABLE_NAME, "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.MAX_VALUE_COLUMN_NAMES, "ID");;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(REL_SUCCESS, 1);
MockFlowFile flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(0);
String query = new String(flowFile.toByteArray());
// we now insert a row before the query issued by GFT is actually executed by, let's say, ExecuteSQL processor
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, name, scale, created_on) VALUES (3, 'Mary West', 15.0, '2000-01-01 03:23:34.234')");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, name, scale, created_on) VALUES (4, 'Marty Johnson', 15.0, '2011-01-01 03:23:34.234')");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, name, scale, created_on) VALUES (5, 'Marty Johnson', 15.0, '2011-01-01 03:23:34.234')");
ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(query);
// Should be three records
int numberRecordsFirstExecution = 0;
while ( {
// Run again;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(REL_SUCCESS, 1);
flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(0);
query = new String(flowFile.toByteArray());
resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(query);
// Should be three records
int numberRecordsSecondExecution = 0;
while ( {
// will fail and will be equal to 9 if right-bounded parameter is set to false.
assertEquals(numberRecordsFirstExecution + numberRecordsSecondExecution, 6);
use of org.apache.nifi.dbcp.DBCPService in project nifi by apache.
the class TestGenerateTableFetch method testBackwardsCompatibilityStateKeyDynamicTableDynamicMaxValues.
public void testBackwardsCompatibilityStateKeyDynamicTableDynamicMaxValues() throws Exception {
// load test data to database
final Connection con = ((DBCPService) runner.getControllerService("dbcp")).getConnection();
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
try {
stmt.execute("drop table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
} catch (final SQLException sqle) {
// Ignore this error, probably a "table does not exist" since Derby doesn't yet support DROP IF EXISTS [DERBY-4842]
stmt.execute("create table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id integer not null, bucket integer not null)");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, bucket) VALUES (0, 0)");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, bucket) VALUES (1, 0)");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.TABLE_NAME, "${tableName}");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.MAX_VALUE_COLUMN_NAMES, "${maxValueCol}");
runner.enqueue("".getBytes(), new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("tableName", "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
put("maxValueCol", "id");
// Pre-populate the state with a key for column name (not fully-qualified)
StateManager stateManager = runner.getStateManager();
stateManager.setState(new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("id", "0");
}, Scope.CLUSTER);
// Pre-populate the column type map with an entry for id (not fully-qualified)
processor.columnTypeMap.put("id", 4);;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(REL_SUCCESS, 1);
MockFlowFile flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(0);
// Note there is no WHERE clause here. Because we are using dynamic tables, the old state key/value is not retrieved
assertEquals("SELECT * FROM TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE WHERE id <= 1 ORDER BY id FETCH NEXT 10000 ROWS ONLY", new String(flowFile.toByteArray()));
assertEquals("TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.tableName"));
assertEquals(null, flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.columnNames"));
assertEquals("id <= 1", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.whereClause"));
assertEquals("id", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.maxColumnNames"));
assertEquals("10000", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.limit"));
assertEquals("0", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.offset"));
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, bucket) VALUES (2, 0)");
runner.enqueue("".getBytes(), new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("tableName", "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
put("maxValueCol", "id");
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(REL_SUCCESS, 1);
flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(0);
assertEquals("SELECT * FROM TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE WHERE id > 1 AND id <= 2 ORDER BY id FETCH NEXT 10000 ROWS ONLY", new String(flowFile.toByteArray()));
assertEquals("TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.tableName"));
assertEquals(null, flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.columnNames"));
assertEquals("id > 1 AND id <= 2", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.whereClause"));
assertEquals("id", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.maxColumnNames"));
assertEquals("10000", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.limit"));
assertEquals("0", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.offset"));
use of org.apache.nifi.dbcp.DBCPService in project nifi by apache.
the class TestGenerateTableFetch method testColumnTypeMissing.
public void testColumnTypeMissing() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InitializationException, IOException {
// Load test data to database
final Connection con = ((DBCPService) runner.getControllerService("dbcp")).getConnection();
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
try {
stmt.execute("drop table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
} catch (final SQLException sqle) {
// Ignore this error, probably a "table does not exist" since Derby doesn't yet support DROP IF EXISTS [DERBY-4842]
stmt.execute("create table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id integer not null, bucket integer not null)");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, bucket) VALUES (0, 0)");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, bucket) VALUES (1, 0)");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.TABLE_NAME, "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.TABLE_NAME, "${tableName}");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.MAX_VALUE_COLUMN_NAMES, "${maxValueCol}");
runner.enqueue("".getBytes(), new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("tableName", "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
put("maxValueCol", "id");
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(REL_SUCCESS, 1);
MockFlowFile flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(0);
String query = new String(flowFile.toByteArray());
// Clear columnTypeMap to simulate it's clean after instance reboot
// Insert new records
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, bucket) VALUES (2, 0)");
// Re-launch FlowFile to se if re-cache column type works
runner.enqueue("".getBytes(), new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("tableName", "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
put("maxValueCol", "id");
// It should re-cache column type;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(REL_SUCCESS, 1);
flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(0);
query = new String(flowFile.toByteArray());
assertEquals("SELECT * FROM TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE WHERE id > 1 AND id <= 2 ORDER BY id FETCH NEXT 10000 ROWS ONLY", query);
use of org.apache.nifi.dbcp.DBCPService in project nifi by apache.
the class TestGenerateTableFetch method testBackwardsCompatibilityStateKeyVariableRegistry.
public void testBackwardsCompatibilityStateKeyVariableRegistry() throws Exception {
// load test data to database
final Connection con = ((DBCPService) runner.getControllerService("dbcp")).getConnection();
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
try {
stmt.execute("drop table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
} catch (final SQLException sqle) {
// Ignore this error, probably a "table does not exist" since Derby doesn't yet support DROP IF EXISTS [DERBY-4842]
stmt.execute("create table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id integer not null, bucket integer not null)");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, bucket) VALUES (0, 0)");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, bucket) VALUES (1, 0)");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.TABLE_NAME, "${tableName}");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.MAX_VALUE_COLUMN_NAMES, "${maxValueCol}");
runner.setVariable("tableName", "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
runner.setVariable("maxValueCol", "id");
// Pre-populate the state with a key for column name (not fully-qualified)
StateManager stateManager = runner.getStateManager();
stateManager.setState(new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("id", "0");
}, Scope.CLUSTER);
// Pre-populate the column type map with an entry for id (not fully-qualified)
processor.columnTypeMap.put("id", 4);;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(REL_SUCCESS, 1);
MockFlowFile flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(0);
// Note there is no WHERE clause here. Because we are using dynamic tables (i.e. Expression Language,
// even when not referring to flow file attributes), the old state key/value is not retrieved
assertEquals("SELECT * FROM TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE WHERE id <= 1 ORDER BY id FETCH NEXT 10000 ROWS ONLY", new String(flowFile.toByteArray()));
use of org.apache.nifi.dbcp.DBCPService in project nifi by apache.
the class TestGenerateTableFetch method testAddedRowsWithCustomWhereClause.
public void testAddedRowsWithCustomWhereClause() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InitializationException, IOException {
// load test data to database
final Connection con = ((DBCPService) runner.getControllerService("dbcp")).getConnection();
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
try {
stmt.execute("drop table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
} catch (final SQLException sqle) {
// Ignore this error, probably a "table does not exist" since Derby doesn't yet support DROP IF EXISTS [DERBY-4842]
stmt.execute("create table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id integer not null, type varchar(20), name varchar(100), scale float, created_on timestamp, bignum bigint default 0)");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, type, name, scale, created_on) VALUES (0, 'male', 'Joe Smith', 1.0, '1962-09-23 03:23:34.234')");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, type, name, scale, created_on) VALUES (1, 'female', 'Carrie Jones', 5.0, '2000-01-01 03:23:34.234')");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, type, name, scale, created_on) VALUES (2, NULL, NULL, 2.0, '2010-01-01 00:00:00')");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.TABLE_NAME, "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.WHERE_CLAUSE, "type = 'male' OR type IS NULL");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.MAX_VALUE_COLUMN_NAMES, "ID");;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(REL_SUCCESS, 1);
MockFlowFile flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(0);
String query = new String(flowFile.toByteArray());
assertEquals("SELECT * FROM TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE WHERE (type = 'male' OR type IS NULL)" + " AND ID <= 2 ORDER BY ID FETCH NEXT 10000 ROWS ONLY", query);
ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(query);
// Should be two records
// Run again, this time no flowfiles/rows should be transferred;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(REL_SUCCESS, 0);
// Add 3 new rows with a higher ID and run with a partition size of 2. Two flow files should be transferred
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, type, name, scale, created_on) VALUES (3, 'female', 'Mary West', 15.0, '2000-01-01 03:23:34.234')");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, type, name, scale, created_on) VALUES (4, 'male', 'Marty Johnson', 15.0, '2011-01-01 03:23:34.234')");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, type, name, scale, created_on) VALUES (5, 'male', 'Marty Johnson', 15.0, '2011-01-01 03:23:34.234')");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.PARTITION_SIZE, "1");;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(REL_SUCCESS, 2);
// Verify first flow file's contents
flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(0);
query = new String(flowFile.toByteArray());
assertEquals("SELECT * FROM TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE WHERE ID > 2 AND (type = 'male' OR type IS NULL)" + " AND ID <= 5 ORDER BY ID FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY", query);
resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(query);
// Should be one record
// Verify second flow file's contents
flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(1);
query = new String(flowFile.toByteArray());
assertEquals("SELECT * FROM TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE WHERE ID > 2 AND (type = 'male' OR type IS NULL)" + " AND ID <= 5 ORDER BY ID OFFSET 1 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY", query);
resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(query);
// Should be one record
// Add a new row with a higher ID and run, one flow file will be transferred
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, type, name, scale, created_on) VALUES (6, 'male', 'Mr. NiFi', 1.0, '2012-01-01 03:23:34.234')");;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(REL_SUCCESS, 1);
flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(0);
query = new String(flowFile.toByteArray());
assertEquals("SELECT * FROM TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE WHERE ID > 5 AND (type = 'male' OR type IS NULL)" + " AND ID <= 6 ORDER BY ID FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY", query);
resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(query);
// Should be one record
// Set name as the max value column name (and clear the state), all rows should be returned since the max value for name has not been set
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.MAX_VALUE_COLUMN_NAMES, "name");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.COLUMN_NAMES, "id, type, name, scale, created_on");;
// 5 records with partition size 1 means 5 generated FlowFiles
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(REL_SUCCESS, 5);
flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(0);
assertEquals("SELECT id, type, name, scale, created_on FROM TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE WHERE (type = 'male' OR type IS NULL)" + " AND name <= 'Mr. NiFi' ORDER BY name FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY", new String(flowFile.toByteArray()));
flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(1);
assertEquals("SELECT id, type, name, scale, created_on FROM TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE WHERE (type = 'male' OR type IS NULL)" + " AND name <= 'Mr. NiFi' ORDER BY name OFFSET 1 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY", new String(flowFile.toByteArray()));
flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(2);
assertEquals("SELECT id, type, name, scale, created_on FROM TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE WHERE (type = 'male' OR type IS NULL)" + " AND name <= 'Mr. NiFi' ORDER BY name OFFSET 2 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY", new String(flowFile.toByteArray()));
flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(3);
assertEquals("SELECT id, type, name, scale, created_on FROM TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE WHERE (type = 'male' OR type IS NULL)" + " AND name <= 'Mr. NiFi' ORDER BY name OFFSET 3 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY", new String(flowFile.toByteArray()));
flowFile = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(REL_SUCCESS).get(4);
assertEquals("SELECT id, type, name, scale, created_on FROM TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE WHERE (type = 'male' OR type IS NULL)" + " AND name <= 'Mr. NiFi' ORDER BY name OFFSET 4 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY", new String(flowFile.toByteArray()));
assertEquals("TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.tableName"));
assertEquals("id, type, name, scale, created_on", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.columnNames"));
assertEquals("(type = 'male' OR type IS NULL) AND name <= 'Mr. NiFi'", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.whereClause"));
assertEquals("name", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.maxColumnNames"));
assertEquals("1", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.limit"));
assertEquals("4", flowFile.getAttribute("generatetablefetch.offset"));