use of org.apache.nifi.dbcp.DBCPService in project nifi by apache.
the class QueryDatabaseTableTest method testOutputBatchSize.
public void testOutputBatchSize() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InitializationException, IOException {
// load test data to database
final Connection con = ((DBCPService) runner.getControllerService("dbcp")).getConnection();
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
InputStream in;
MockFlowFile mff;
try {
stmt.execute("drop table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
} catch (final SQLException sqle) {
// Ignore this error, probably a "table does not exist" since Derby doesn't yet support DROP IF EXISTS [DERBY-4842]
stmt.execute("create table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id integer not null, name varchar(100), scale float, created_on timestamp, bignum bigint default 0)");
int rowCount = 0;
// Create larger row set
for (int batch = 0; batch < 100; batch++) {
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, name, scale, created_on) VALUES (" + rowCount + ", 'Joe Smith', 1.0, '1962-09-23 03:23:34.234')");
runner.setProperty(QueryDatabaseTable.TABLE_NAME, "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
runner.setProperty(QueryDatabaseTable.MAX_VALUE_COLUMN_NAMES, "ID");
runner.setProperty(QueryDatabaseTable.MAX_ROWS_PER_FLOW_FILE, "${" + MAX_ROWS_KEY + "}");
runner.setVariable(MAX_ROWS_KEY, "7");
runner.setProperty(QueryDatabaseTable.OUTPUT_BATCH_SIZE, "${outputBatchSize}");
runner.setVariable("outputBatchSize", "4");;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(QueryDatabaseTable.REL_SUCCESS, 15);
// Ensure all but the last file have 7 records each
for (int ff = 0; ff < 14; ff++) {
mff = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(QueryDatabaseTable.REL_SUCCESS).get(ff);
in = new ByteArrayInputStream(mff.toByteArray());
assertEquals(7, getNumberOfRecordsFromStream(in));
assertEquals(Integer.toString(ff), mff.getAttribute("fragment.index"));
// No fragment.count set for flow files sent when Output Batch Size is set
// Last file should have 2 records
mff = runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(QueryDatabaseTable.REL_SUCCESS).get(14);
in = new ByteArrayInputStream(mff.toByteArray());
assertEquals(2, getNumberOfRecordsFromStream(in));
assertEquals(Integer.toString(14), mff.getAttribute("fragment.index"));
// No fragment.count set for flow files sent when Output Batch Size is set
use of org.apache.nifi.dbcp.DBCPService in project nifi by apache.
the class TestExecuteSQL method testWithNullIntColumn.
public void testWithNullIntColumn() throws SQLException {
// remove previous test database, if any
final File dbLocation = new File(DB_LOCATION);
// load test data to database
final Connection con = ((DBCPService) runner.getControllerService("dbcp")).getConnection();
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
try {
stmt.execute("drop table TEST_NULL_INT");
} catch (final SQLException sqle) {
stmt.execute("create table TEST_NULL_INT (id integer not null, val1 integer, val2 integer, constraint my_pk primary key (id))");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_NULL_INT (id, val1, val2) VALUES (0, NULL, 1)");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_NULL_INT (id, val1, val2) VALUES (1, 1, 1)");
runner.setProperty(ExecuteSQL.SQL_SELECT_QUERY, "SELECT * FROM TEST_NULL_INT");;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(ExecuteSQL.REL_SUCCESS, 1);
runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(ExecuteSQL.REL_SUCCESS).get(0).assertAttributeEquals(ExecuteSQL.RESULT_ROW_COUNT, "2");
use of org.apache.nifi.dbcp.DBCPService in project nifi by apache.
the class TestExecuteSQL method setup.
public void setup() throws InitializationException {
final DBCPService dbcp = new DBCPServiceSimpleImpl();
final Map<String, String> dbcpProperties = new HashMap<>();
runner = TestRunners.newTestRunner(ExecuteSQL.class);
runner.addControllerService("dbcp", dbcp, dbcpProperties);
runner.setProperty(ExecuteSQL.DBCP_SERVICE, "dbcp");
use of org.apache.nifi.dbcp.DBCPService in project nifi by apache.
the class TestGenerateTableFetch method testMultiplePartitionsIncomingFlowFiles.
public void testMultiplePartitionsIncomingFlowFiles() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InitializationException, IOException {
// load test data to database
final Connection con = ((DBCPService) runner.getControllerService("dbcp")).getConnection();
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
try {
stmt.execute("drop table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE1");
} catch (final SQLException sqle) {
// Ignore this error, probably a "table does not exist" since Derby doesn't yet support DROP IF EXISTS [DERBY-4842]
stmt.execute("create table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE1 (id integer not null, bucket integer not null)");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE1 (id, bucket) VALUES (0, 0)");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE1 (id, bucket) VALUES (1, 0)");
try {
stmt.execute("drop table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE2");
} catch (final SQLException sqle) {
// Ignore this error, probably a "table does not exist" since Derby doesn't yet support DROP IF EXISTS [DERBY-4842]
stmt.execute("create table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE2 (id integer not null, bucket integer not null)");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE2 (id, bucket) VALUES (0, 0)");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.TABLE_NAME, "${tableName}");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.PARTITION_SIZE, "${partSize}");
runner.enqueue("".getBytes(), new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("tableName", "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE1");
put("partSize", "1");
runner.enqueue("".getBytes(), new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("tableName", "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE2");
put("partSize", "2");
// The table does not exist, expect the original flow file to be routed to failure
runner.enqueue("".getBytes(), new HashMap<String, String>() {
put("tableName", "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE3");
put("partSize", "1");
runner.assertTransferCount(AbstractDatabaseFetchProcessor.REL_SUCCESS, 3);
// Two records from table 1
assertEquals(runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(AbstractDatabaseFetchProcessor.REL_SUCCESS).stream().filter((ff) -> "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE1".equals(ff.getAttribute("tableName"))).count(), 2);
// One record from table 2
assertEquals(runner.getFlowFilesForRelationship(AbstractDatabaseFetchProcessor.REL_SUCCESS).stream().filter((ff) -> "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE2".equals(ff.getAttribute("tableName"))).count(), 1);
// Table 3 doesn't exist, should be routed to failure
runner.assertTransferCount(GenerateTableFetch.REL_FAILURE, 1);
try {
stmt.execute("drop table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE1");
} catch (final SQLException sqle) {
// Ignore this error, probably a "table does not exist" since Derby doesn't yet support DROP IF EXISTS [DERBY-4842]
try {
stmt.execute("drop table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE2");
} catch (final SQLException sqle) {
// Ignore this error, probably a "table does not exist" since Derby doesn't yet support DROP IF EXISTS [DERBY-4842]
use of org.apache.nifi.dbcp.DBCPService in project nifi by apache.
the class TestGenerateTableFetch method testMultiplePartitions.
public void testMultiplePartitions() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InitializationException, IOException {
// load test data to database
final Connection con = ((DBCPService) runner.getControllerService("dbcp")).getConnection();
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
try {
stmt.execute("drop table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
} catch (final SQLException sqle) {
// Ignore this error, probably a "table does not exist" since Derby doesn't yet support DROP IF EXISTS [DERBY-4842]
stmt.execute("create table TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id integer not null, bucket integer not null)");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, bucket) VALUES (0, 0)");
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, bucket) VALUES (1, 0)");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.TABLE_NAME, "TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE");
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.MAX_VALUE_COLUMN_NAMES, "ID, BUCKET");
// Set partition size to 1 so we can compare flow files to records
runner.setProperty(GenerateTableFetch.PARTITION_SIZE, "1");;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(GenerateTableFetch.REL_SUCCESS, 2);
// Add a new row in the same bucket
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, bucket) VALUES (2, 0)");;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(GenerateTableFetch.REL_SUCCESS, 1);
// Add a new row in a new bucket
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, bucket) VALUES (3, 1)");;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(GenerateTableFetch.REL_SUCCESS, 1);
// Add a new row in an old bucket, it should not be transferred
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, bucket) VALUES (4, 0)");;
runner.assertTransferCount(GenerateTableFetch.REL_SUCCESS, 0);
// Add a new row in the second bucket, only the new row should be transferred
stmt.execute("insert into TEST_QUERY_DB_TABLE (id, bucket) VALUES (5, 1)");;
runner.assertAllFlowFilesTransferred(GenerateTableFetch.REL_SUCCESS, 1);