use of org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.DataType in project nifi by apache.
the class StandardSchemaValidator method getCanonicalDataType.
private DataType getCanonicalDataType(final DataType dataType, final Object rawValue, final StandardSchemaValidationResult result, final String fieldPrefix, final RecordField field) {
final RecordFieldType fieldType = dataType.getFieldType();
final DataType canonicalDataType;
if (fieldType == RecordFieldType.CHOICE) {
canonicalDataType = DataTypeUtils.chooseDataType(rawValue, (ChoiceDataType) dataType);
if (canonicalDataType == null) {
result.addValidationError(new StandardValidationError(concat(fieldPrefix, field), rawValue, ValidationErrorType.INVALID_FIELD, "Value is of type " + rawValue.getClass().getName() + " but was expected to be of type " + dataType));
return null;
} else {
canonicalDataType = dataType;
return canonicalDataType;
use of org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.DataType in project nifi by apache.
the class StandardSchemaValidator method isTypeCorrect.
private boolean isTypeCorrect(final Object value, final DataType dataType) {
switch(dataType.getFieldType()) {
case ARRAY:
if (!(value instanceof Object[])) {
return false;
final ArrayDataType arrayDataType = (ArrayDataType) dataType;
final DataType elementType = arrayDataType.getElementType();
final Object[] array = (Object[]) value;
for (final Object arrayVal : array) {
if (!isTypeCorrect(arrayVal, elementType)) {
return false;
return true;
case MAP:
if (!(value instanceof Map)) {
return false;
final MapDataType mapDataType = (MapDataType) dataType;
final DataType valueDataType = mapDataType.getValueType();
final Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) value;
for (final Object mapValue : map.values()) {
if (!isTypeCorrect(mapValue, valueDataType)) {
return false;
return true;
case RECORD:
return value instanceof Record;
case CHOICE:
final ChoiceDataType choiceDataType = (ChoiceDataType) dataType;
for (final DataType choice : choiceDataType.getPossibleSubTypes()) {
if (isTypeCorrect(value, choice)) {
return true;
return false;
case BIGINT:
return value instanceof BigInteger;
return value instanceof Boolean;
case BYTE:
return value instanceof Byte;
case CHAR:
return value instanceof Character;
case DATE:
return value instanceof java.sql.Date;
case DOUBLE:
return value instanceof Double;
case FLOAT:
// Same goes for Short/Integer
return value instanceof Float;
case INT:
return value instanceof Integer;
case LONG:
return value instanceof Long;
case SHORT:
return value instanceof Short;
case STRING:
return value instanceof String;
case TIME:
return value instanceof java.sql.Time;
return value instanceof java.sql.Timestamp;
return false;
use of org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.DataType in project nifi by apache.
the class StandardSchemaValidator method verifyComplexType.
private void verifyComplexType(final DataType dataType, final Object rawValue, final StandardSchemaValidationResult result, final String fieldPrefix, final RecordField field) {
// If the field type is RECORD, or if the field type is a CHOICE that allows for a RECORD and the value is a RECORD, then we
// need to dig into each of the sub-fields. To do this, we first need to determine the 'canonical data type'.
final DataType canonicalDataType = getCanonicalDataType(dataType, rawValue, result, fieldPrefix, field);
if (canonicalDataType == null) {
// Now that we have the 'canonical data type', we check if it is a Record. If so, we need to validate each sub-field.
if (canonicalDataType.getFieldType() == RecordFieldType.RECORD) {
verifyChildRecord(canonicalDataType, rawValue, dataType, result, field, fieldPrefix);
if (canonicalDataType.getFieldType() == RecordFieldType.ARRAY) {
final ArrayDataType arrayDataType = (ArrayDataType) canonicalDataType;
final DataType elementType = arrayDataType.getElementType();
final Object[] arrayObject = (Object[]) rawValue;
int i = 0;
for (final Object arrayValue : arrayObject) {
verifyComplexType(elementType, arrayValue, result, fieldPrefix + "[" + i + "]", field);
use of org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.DataType in project nifi by apache.
the class StandardSchemaValidator method validate.
private SchemaValidationResult validate(final Record record, final RecordSchema schema, final String fieldPrefix) {
// Ensure that for every field in the schema, the type is correct (if we care) and that
// a value is present (unless it is nullable).
final StandardSchemaValidationResult result = new StandardSchemaValidationResult();
for (final RecordField field : schema.getFields()) {
final Object rawValue = record.getValue(field);
// If there is no value, then it is always valid unless the field is required.
if (rawValue == null) {
if (!field.isNullable() && field.getDefaultValue() == null) {
result.addValidationError(new StandardValidationError(concat(fieldPrefix, field), ValidationErrorType.MISSING_FIELD, "Field is required"));
// Check that the type is correct.
final DataType dataType = field.getDataType();
if (validationContext.isStrictTypeChecking()) {
if (!isTypeCorrect(rawValue, dataType)) {
result.addValidationError(new StandardValidationError(concat(fieldPrefix, field), rawValue, ValidationErrorType.INVALID_FIELD, "Value is of type " + rawValue.getClass().getName() + " but was expected to be of type " + dataType));
} else {
// but will be false if the value is "123" and should be an Array or Record.
if (!DataTypeUtils.isCompatibleDataType(rawValue, dataType)) {
result.addValidationError(new StandardValidationError(concat(fieldPrefix, field), rawValue, ValidationErrorType.INVALID_FIELD, "Value is of type " + rawValue.getClass().getName() + " but was expected to be of type " + dataType));
// If the field type is RECORD, or if the field type is a CHOICE that allows for a RECORD and the value is a RECORD, then we
// need to dig into each of the sub-fields. To do this, we first need to determine the 'canonical data type'.
final DataType canonicalDataType = getCanonicalDataType(dataType, rawValue, result, fieldPrefix, field);
if (canonicalDataType == null) {
// Now that we have the 'canonical data type', we check if it is a Record. If so, we need to validate each sub-field.
verifyComplexType(dataType, rawValue, result, fieldPrefix, field);
if (!validationContext.isExtraFieldAllowed()) {
for (final String fieldName : record.getRawFieldNames()) {
if (!schema.getDataType(fieldName).isPresent()) {
result.addValidationError(new StandardValidationError(fieldPrefix + "/" + fieldName, ValidationErrorType.EXTRA_FIELD, "Field is not present in the schema"));
return result;
use of org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.DataType in project nifi by apache.
the class TestStandardSchemaValidator method testValidateCorrectSimpleTypesStrictValidation.
public void testValidateCorrectSimpleTypesStrictValidation() throws ParseException {
final List<RecordField> fields = new ArrayList<>();
for (final RecordFieldType fieldType : RecordFieldType.values()) {
if (fieldType == RecordFieldType.CHOICE) {
final List<DataType> possibleTypes = new ArrayList<>();
fields.add(new RecordField(, fieldType.getChoiceDataType(possibleTypes)));
} else if (fieldType == RecordFieldType.MAP) {
fields.add(new RecordField(, fieldType.getMapDataType(RecordFieldType.INT.getDataType())));
} else {
fields.add(new RecordField(, fieldType.getDataType()));
final DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");
final long time = df.parse("2017/01/01 17:00:00.000").getTime();
final Map<String, Object> intMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
intMap.put("height", 48);
intMap.put("width", 96);
final RecordSchema schema = new SimpleRecordSchema(fields);
final Map<String, Object> valueMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
valueMap.put("string", "string");
valueMap.put("boolean", true);
valueMap.put("byte", (byte) 1);
valueMap.put("char", 'c');
valueMap.put("short", (short) 8);
valueMap.put("int", 9);
valueMap.put("bigint", BigInteger.valueOf(8L));
valueMap.put("long", 8L);
valueMap.put("float", 8.0F);
valueMap.put("double", 8.0D);
valueMap.put("date", new Date(time));
valueMap.put("time", new Time(time));
valueMap.put("timestamp", new Timestamp(time));
valueMap.put("record", null);
valueMap.put("array", null);
valueMap.put("choice", 48L);
valueMap.put("map", intMap);
final Record record = new MapRecord(schema, valueMap);
final SchemaValidationContext validationContext = new SchemaValidationContext(schema, false, true);
final StandardSchemaValidator validator = new StandardSchemaValidator(validationContext);
final SchemaValidationResult result = validator.validate(record);