use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PositionDTO in project nifi by apache.
the class ProcessorResource method updateProcessor.
* Updates the specified processor with the specified values.
* @param httpServletRequest request
* @param id The id of the processor to update.
* @param requestProcessorEntity A processorEntity.
* @return A processorEntity.
* @throws InterruptedException if interrupted
@ApiOperation(value = "Updates a processor", response = ProcessorEntity.class, authorizations = { @Authorization(value = "Write - /processors/{uuid}"), @Authorization(value = "Read - any referenced Controller Services if this request changes the reference - /controller-services/{uuid}") })
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "NiFi was unable to complete the request because it was invalid. The request should not be retried without modification."), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Client could not be authenticated."), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Client is not authorized to make this request."), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "The specified resource could not be found."), @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "The request was valid but NiFi was not in the appropriate state to process it. Retrying the same request later may be successful.") })
public Response updateProcessor(@Context final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, @ApiParam(value = "The processor id.", required = true) @PathParam("id") final String id, @ApiParam(value = "The processor configuration details.", required = true) final ProcessorEntity requestProcessorEntity) throws InterruptedException {
if (requestProcessorEntity == null || requestProcessorEntity.getComponent() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Processor details must be specified.");
if (requestProcessorEntity.getRevision() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Revision must be specified.");
// ensure the same id is being used
final ProcessorDTO requestProcessorDTO = requestProcessorEntity.getComponent();
if (!id.equals(requestProcessorDTO.getId())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The processor id (%s) in the request body does " + "not equal the processor id of the requested resource (%s).", requestProcessorDTO.getId(), id));
final PositionDTO proposedPosition = requestProcessorDTO.getPosition();
if (proposedPosition != null) {
if (proposedPosition.getX() == null || proposedPosition.getY() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The x and y coordinate of the proposed position must be specified.");
if (isReplicateRequest()) {
return replicate(HttpMethod.PUT, requestProcessorEntity);
// handle expects request (usually from the cluster manager)
final Revision requestRevision = getRevision(requestProcessorEntity, id);
return withWriteLock(serviceFacade, requestProcessorEntity, requestRevision, lookup -> {
final NiFiUser user = NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser();
final ComponentAuthorizable authorizable = lookup.getProcessor(id);
authorizable.getAuthorizable().authorize(authorizer, RequestAction.WRITE, user);
final ProcessorConfigDTO config = requestProcessorDTO.getConfig();
if (config != null) {
AuthorizeControllerServiceReference.authorizeControllerServiceReferences(config.getProperties(), authorizable, authorizer, lookup);
}, () -> serviceFacade.verifyUpdateProcessor(requestProcessorDTO), (revision, processorEntity) -> {
final ProcessorDTO processorDTO = processorEntity.getComponent();
// update the processor
final ProcessorEntity entity = serviceFacade.updateProcessor(revision, processorDTO);
return generateOkResponse(entity).build();
use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PositionDTO in project nifi by apache.
the class TestFlowController method testInstantiateSnippetWithDisabledProcessor.
public void testInstantiateSnippetWithDisabledProcessor() throws ProcessorInstantiationException {
final String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final BundleCoordinate coordinate = systemBundle.getBundleDetails().getCoordinate();
final ProcessorNode processorNode = controller.createProcessor(DummyProcessor.class.getName(), id, coordinate);
// create a processor dto
final ProcessorDTO processorDTO = new ProcessorDTO();
// use a different id here
processorDTO.setPosition(new PositionDTO(new Double(0), new Double(0)));
processorDTO.setBundle(new BundleDTO(coordinate.getGroup(), coordinate.getId(), coordinate.getVersion()));
processorDTO.setRelationships(new ArrayList<>());
ProcessorConfigDTO configDTO = new ProcessorConfigDTO();
// create the snippet with the processor
final FlowSnippetDTO flowSnippetDTO = new FlowSnippetDTO();
// instantiate the snippet
assertEquals(0, controller.getRootGroup().getProcessors().size());
controller.instantiateSnippet(controller.getRootGroup(), flowSnippetDTO);
assertEquals(1, controller.getRootGroup().getProcessors().size());
use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PositionDTO in project nifi by apache.
the class PGImport method doExecute.
public StringResult doExecute(final NiFiClient client, final Properties properties) throws NiFiClientException, IOException, MissingOptionException {
final String bucketId = getRequiredArg(properties, CommandOption.BUCKET_ID);
final String flowId = getRequiredArg(properties, CommandOption.FLOW_ID);
final Integer flowVersion = getRequiredIntArg(properties, CommandOption.FLOW_VERSION);
// if a registry client is specified use it, otherwise see if there is only one available and use that,
// if more than one is available then throw an exception because we don't know which one to use
String registryId = getArg(properties, CommandOption.REGISTRY_CLIENT_ID);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(registryId)) {
final RegistryClientsEntity registries = client.getControllerClient().getRegistryClients();
final Set<RegistryClientEntity> entities = registries.getRegistries();
if (entities == null || entities.isEmpty()) {
throw new NiFiClientException("No registry clients available");
if (entities.size() == 1) {
registryId =;
} else {
throw new MissingOptionException(CommandOption.REGISTRY_CLIENT_ID.getLongName() + " must be provided when there is more than one available");
// get the optional id of the parent PG, otherwise fallback to the root group
String parentPgId = getArg(properties, CommandOption.PG_ID);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(parentPgId)) {
final FlowClient flowClient = client.getFlowClient();
parentPgId = flowClient.getRootGroupId();
final VersionControlInformationDTO versionControlInfo = new VersionControlInformationDTO();
final ProcessGroupBox pgBox = client.getFlowClient().getSuggestedProcessGroupCoordinates(parentPgId);
final PositionDTO posDto = new PositionDTO();
final ProcessGroupDTO pgDto = new ProcessGroupDTO();
final ProcessGroupEntity pgEntity = new ProcessGroupEntity();
final ProcessGroupClient pgClient = client.getProcessGroupClient();
final ProcessGroupEntity createdEntity = pgClient.createProcessGroup(parentPgId, pgEntity);
return new StringResult(createdEntity.getId(), getContext().isInteractive());
use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PositionDTO in project nifi by apache.
the class SnippetUtils method normalizeCoordinates.
* Will normalize the coordinates of the components to ensure their
* consistency across exports. It will do so by fist calculating the
* smallest X and smallest Y and then subtracting it from all X's and Y's of
* each component ensuring that coordinates are consistent across export
* while preserving relative locations set by the user.
private void normalizeCoordinates(Collection<? extends ComponentDTO> components) {
// determine the smallest x,y coordinates in the collection of components
double smallestX = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double smallestY = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (ComponentDTO component : components) {
// to check those bend points for the smallest x,y coordinates
if (component instanceof ConnectionDTO) {
final ConnectionDTO connection = (ConnectionDTO) component;
for (final PositionDTO position : connection.getBends()) {
smallestX = Math.min(smallestX, position.getX());
smallestY = Math.min(smallestY, position.getY());
} else {
smallestX = Math.min(smallestX, component.getPosition().getX());
smallestY = Math.min(smallestY, component.getPosition().getY());
// position the components accordingly
for (ComponentDTO component : components) {
if (component instanceof ConnectionDTO) {
final ConnectionDTO connection = (ConnectionDTO) component;
for (final PositionDTO position : connection.getBends()) {
position.setX(position.getX() - smallestX);
position.setY(position.getY() - smallestY);
} else {
component.getPosition().setX(component.getPosition().getX() - smallestX);
component.getPosition().setY(component.getPosition().getY() - smallestY);
use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PositionDTO in project nifi by apache.
the class SnippetUtils method getOrigin.
* Gets the origin of the bounding box of all specified component positions
* @param componentPositions position list for components
* @param connectionPositions position list for connections
* @return position
private static PositionDTO getOrigin(Collection<PositionDTO> componentPositions, Collection<List<PositionDTO>> connectionPositions) {
Double x = null;
Double y = null;
// ensure valid input
if (componentPositions.isEmpty() && connectionPositions.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to compute the origin for an empty snippet.");
// go through each component position to find the upper left most point
for (PositionDTO position : componentPositions) {
if (position != null) {
if (x == null || position.getX() < x) {
x = position.getX();
if (y == null || position.getY() < y) {
y = position.getY();
// go through each connection position to find the upper left most point
for (final List<PositionDTO> bendPoints : connectionPositions) {
for (PositionDTO point : bendPoints) {
if (x == null || point.getX() < x) {
x = point.getX();
if (y == null || point.getY() < y) {
y = point.getY();
// not null because we don't allow empty snippets...
return new PositionDTO(x, y);