use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessGroupDTO in project nifi by apache.
the class SnippetUtils method resolveNameConflicts.
private void resolveNameConflicts(final FlowSnippetDTO snippetContents, final ProcessGroup group) {
// get a list of all names of ports so that we can rename the ports as needed.
final List<String> existingPortNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (final Port inputPort : group.getInputPorts()) {
for (final Port outputPort : group.getOutputPorts()) {
// rename ports
if (snippetContents.getInputPorts() != null) {
for (final PortDTO portDTO : snippetContents.getInputPorts()) {
String portName = portDTO.getName();
while (existingPortNames.contains(portName)) {
portName = "Copy of " + portName;
if (snippetContents.getOutputPorts() != null) {
for (final PortDTO portDTO : snippetContents.getOutputPorts()) {
String portName = portDTO.getName();
while (existingPortNames.contains(portName)) {
portName = "Copy of " + portName;
// get a list of all names of process groups so that we can rename as needed.
final Set<String> groupNames = new HashSet<>();
for (final ProcessGroup childGroup : group.getProcessGroups()) {
if (snippetContents.getProcessGroups() != null) {
for (final ProcessGroupDTO groupDTO : snippetContents.getProcessGroups()) {
// 'Copy of...' so we do this only if there is no Version Control Information present.
if (groupDTO.getVersionControlInformation() == null) {
String groupName = groupDTO.getName();
while (groupNames.contains(groupName)) {
groupName = "Copy of " + groupName;
use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessGroupDTO in project nifi by apache.
the class SnippetUtils method addControllerServices.
* Finds all Controller Services that are referenced in the given Process Group (and child Process Groups, recursively), and
* adds them to the given servicesByGroup map
* @param group the Process Group to start from
* @param dto the DTO representation of the Process Group
* @param allServicesReferenced a Set of all Controller Service DTO's that have already been referenced; used to dedupe services
* @param contentsByGroup a Map of Process Group ID to the Process Group's contents
* @param highestGroupId the UUID of the 'highest' process group in the snippet
private void addControllerServices(final ProcessGroup group, final ProcessGroupDTO dto, final Set<ControllerServiceDTO> allServicesReferenced, final boolean includeControllerServices, final Set<String> visitedGroupIds, final Map<String, FlowSnippetDTO> contentsByGroup, final String highestGroupId) {
final FlowSnippetDTO contents = dto.getContents();
contentsByGroup.put(dto.getId(), contents);
if (contents == null) {
// include this group in the ancestry for this snippet, services only get included if the includeControllerServices
// flag is set or if the service is defined within this groups hierarchy within the snippet
for (final ProcessorNode procNode : group.getProcessors()) {
// Include all referenced services that are not already included in this snippet.
getControllerServices(procNode.getProperties()).stream().filter(svc -> allServicesReferenced.add(svc)).filter(svc -> includeControllerServices || visitedGroupIds.contains(svc.getParentGroupId())).forEach(svc -> {
final String svcGroupId = svc.getParentGroupId();
final String destinationGroupId = contentsByGroup.containsKey(svcGroupId) ? svcGroupId : highestGroupId;
final FlowSnippetDTO snippetDto = contentsByGroup.get(destinationGroupId);
if (snippetDto != null) {
Set<ControllerServiceDTO> services = snippetDto.getControllerServices();
if (services == null) {
} else {
// Map child process group ID to the child process group for easy lookup
final Map<String, ProcessGroupDTO> childGroupMap = contents.getProcessGroups().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(childGroupDto -> childGroupDto.getId(), childGroupDto -> childGroupDto));
for (final ProcessGroup childGroup : group.getProcessGroups()) {
final ProcessGroupDTO childDto = childGroupMap.get(childGroup.getIdentifier());
if (childDto == null) {
addControllerServices(childGroup, childDto, allServicesReferenced, includeControllerServices, visitedGroupIds, contentsByGroup, highestGroupId);
use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessGroupDTO in project nifi by apache.
the class NiFiWebApiTest method populateFlow.
public static void populateFlow(Client client, String baseUrl, NiFiTestUser user, String clientId) throws Exception {
// -----------------------------------------------
// Create a source processor
// -----------------------------------------------
// create the local selection processor
ProcessorDTO processorDTO = new ProcessorDTO();
processorDTO.setName("Pick up");
// create the revision
final RevisionDTO revision = new RevisionDTO();
// create the local selection processor entity
ProcessorEntity processorEntity = new ProcessorEntity();
// add the processor
Response response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/processors", processorEntity);
// ensure a successful response
if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
// since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
// error message from the response body
final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
// get the processors id
processorEntity = response.readEntity(ProcessorEntity.class);
processorDTO = processorEntity.getComponent();
String localSelectionId = processorDTO.getId();
String localSelectionGroupId = processorDTO.getParentGroupId();
// -----------------------------------------------
// Create a termination processor
// -----------------------------------------------
// create the termination processor
processorDTO = new ProcessorDTO();
// create the termination processor entity
processorEntity = new ProcessorEntity();
// add the processor
response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/processors", processorEntity);
// ensure a successful response
if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
// since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
// error message from the response body
final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
// get the processors id
processorEntity = response.readEntity(ProcessorEntity.class);
processorDTO = processorEntity.getComponent();
String terminationId = processorDTO.getId();
String terminationGroupId = processorDTO.getParentGroupId();
// -----------------------------------------------
// Connect the two processors
// -----------------------------------------------
ConnectableDTO source = new ConnectableDTO();
ConnectableDTO target = new ConnectableDTO();
// create the relationships
Set<String> relationships = new HashSet<>();
// create the connection
ConnectionDTO connectionDTO = new ConnectionDTO();
// create the connection entity
ConnectionEntity connectionEntity = new ConnectionEntity();
// add the processor
response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/connections", connectionEntity);
// ensure a successful response
if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
// since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
// error message from the response body
final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
// -----------------------------------------------
// Create a label
// -----------------------------------------------
// create the label
LabelDTO labelDTO = new LabelDTO();
labelDTO.setLabel("Test label");
// create the label entity
LabelEntity labelEntity = new LabelEntity();
// add the label
response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/labels", labelEntity);
// ensure a successful response
if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
// since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
// error message from the response body
final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
// -----------------------------------------------
// Create a funnel
// -----------------------------------------------
// create the funnel
FunnelDTO funnelDTO = new FunnelDTO();
// create the funnel entity
FunnelEntity funnelEntity = new FunnelEntity();
// add the funnel
response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/funnels", funnelEntity);
// ensure a successful response
if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
// since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
// error message from the response body
final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
// -----------------------------------------------
// Create a process group
// -----------------------------------------------
// create the process group
ProcessGroupDTO processGroup = new ProcessGroupDTO();
processGroup.setName("group name");
// create the process group entity
ProcessGroupEntity processGroupEntity = new ProcessGroupEntity();
// add the process group
response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/process-groups", processGroupEntity);
// ensure a successful response
if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
// since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
// error message from the response body
final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
// -----------------------------------------------
// Create an input port
// -----------------------------------------------
// create the input port
PortDTO inputPort = new PortDTO();
// create the input port entity
PortEntity inputPortEntity = new PortEntity();
// add the input port
response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/input-ports", inputPortEntity);
// ensure a successful response
if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
// since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
// error message from the response body
final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
// -----------------------------------------------
// Create a output ports
// -----------------------------------------------
// create the process group
PortDTO outputPort = new PortDTO();
// create the process group entity
PortEntity outputPortEntity = new PortEntity();
// add the output port
response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/output-ports", outputPortEntity);
// ensure a successful response
if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
// since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
// error message from the response body
final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessGroupDTO in project nifi by apache.
the class ITProcessGroupAccessControl method createProcessGroup.
private ProcessGroupEntity createProcessGroup(final String name) throws Exception {
String url = helper.getBaseUrl() + "/process-groups/root/process-groups";
final String updatedName = name + count++;
// create the process group
ProcessGroupDTO processor = new ProcessGroupDTO();
// create the revision
final RevisionDTO revision = new RevisionDTO();
// create the entity body
ProcessGroupEntity entity = new ProcessGroupEntity();
// perform the request
Response response = helper.getReadWriteUser().testPost(url, entity);
// ensure the request is successful
assertEquals(201, response.getStatus());
// get the entity body
entity = response.readEntity(ProcessGroupEntity.class);
// verify creation
processor = entity.getComponent();
assertEquals(updatedName, processor.getName());
// get the processor
return entity;
use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessGroupDTO in project nifi by apache.
the class SnippetUtils method findAllVersionControlInfo.
private static void findAllVersionControlInfo(final ProcessGroupDTO dto, final List<VersionControlInformationDTO> found) {
final VersionControlInformationDTO vci = dto.getVersionControlInformation();
if (vci != null) {
final FlowSnippetDTO contents = dto.getContents();
if (contents != null) {
for (final ProcessGroupDTO child : contents.getProcessGroups()) {
findAllVersionControlInfo(child, found);