use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.VersionControlInformationEntity in project nifi by apache.
the class PGChangeVersion method doExecute.
public VoidResult doExecute(final NiFiClient client, final Properties properties) throws NiFiClientException, IOException, MissingOptionException, CommandException {
final String pgId = getRequiredArg(properties, CommandOption.PG_ID);
final VersionsClient versionsClient = client.getVersionsClient();
final VersionControlInformationEntity existingVersionControlInfo = versionsClient.getVersionControlInfo(pgId);
final VersionControlInformationDTO existingVersionControlDTO = existingVersionControlInfo.getVersionControlInformation();
if (existingVersionControlDTO == null) {
throw new NiFiClientException("Process group is not under version control");
// start with the version specified in the arguments
Integer newVersion = getIntArg(properties, CommandOption.FLOW_VERSION);
// if no version was specified, automatically determine the latest and change to that
if (newVersion == null) {
newVersion = getLatestVersion(client, existingVersionControlDTO);
if (newVersion.intValue() == existingVersionControlDTO.getVersion().intValue()) {
throw new NiFiClientException("Process group already at latest version");
// update the version in the existing DTO to the new version so we can submit it back
// initiate the version change which creates an update request that must be checked for completion
final VersionedFlowUpdateRequestEntity initialUpdateRequest = versionsClient.updateVersionControlInfo(pgId, existingVersionControlInfo);
// poll the update request for up to 30 seconds to see if it has completed
// if it doesn't complete then an exception will be thrown, but in either case the request will be deleted
final String updateRequestId = initialUpdateRequest.getRequest().getRequestId();
try {
boolean completed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
final VersionedFlowUpdateRequestEntity updateRequest = versionsClient.getUpdateRequest(updateRequestId);
if (updateRequest != null && updateRequest.getRequest().isComplete()) {
completed = true;
} else {
try {
if (getContext().isInteractive()) {
println("Waiting for update request to complete...");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (!completed) {
throw new NiFiClientException("Unable to change version of process group, cancelling request");
} finally {
return VoidResult.getInstance();
use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.VersionControlInformationEntity in project nifi by apache.
the class PGGetAllVersions method doExecute.
public VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadataSetResult doExecute(final NiFiClient client, final Properties properties) throws NiFiClientException, IOException, MissingOptionException {
final String pgId = getRequiredArg(properties, CommandOption.PG_ID);
final VersionsClient versionsClient = client.getVersionsClient();
final VersionControlInformationEntity existingVersionControlInfo = versionsClient.getVersionControlInfo(pgId);
final VersionControlInformationDTO existingVersionControlDTO = existingVersionControlInfo.getVersionControlInformation();
if (existingVersionControlDTO == null) {
throw new NiFiClientException("Process group is not under version control");
final String registryId = existingVersionControlDTO.getRegistryId();
final String bucketId = existingVersionControlDTO.getBucketId();
final String flowId = existingVersionControlDTO.getFlowId();
final FlowClient flowClient = client.getFlowClient();
final VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadataSetEntity versions = flowClient.getVersions(registryId, bucketId, flowId);
if (versions.getVersionedFlowSnapshotMetadataSet() == null || versions.getVersionedFlowSnapshotMetadataSet().isEmpty()) {
throw new NiFiClientException("No versions available");
return new VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadataSetResult(getResultType(properties), versions);
use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.VersionControlInformationEntity in project nifi by apache.
the class PGGetVersion method doExecute.
public VersionControlInfoResult doExecute(final NiFiClient client, final Properties properties) throws NiFiClientException, IOException, MissingOptionException, CommandException {
final String pgId = getRequiredArg(properties, CommandOption.PG_ID);
final VersionControlInformationEntity entity = client.getVersionsClient().getVersionControlInfo(pgId);
if (entity.getVersionControlInformation() == null) {
throw new NiFiClientException("Process group is not under version control");
return new VersionControlInfoResult(getResultType(properties), entity);
use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.VersionControlInformationEntity in project nifi by apache.
the class VersionsResource method saveToFlowRegistry.
@ApiOperation(value = "Save the Process Group with the given ID", response = VersionControlInformationEntity.class, notes = "Begins version controlling the Process Group with the given ID or commits changes to the Versioned Flow, " + "depending on if the provided VersionControlInformation includes a flowId. " + NON_GUARANTEED_ENDPOINT, authorizations = { @Authorization(value = "Read - /process-groups/{uuid}"), @Authorization(value = "Write - /process-groups/{uuid}"), @Authorization(value = "Read - /{component-type}/{uuid} - For all encapsulated components"), @Authorization(value = "Read - any referenced Controller Services by any encapsulated components - /controller-services/{uuid}") })
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "NiFi was unable to complete the request because it was invalid. The request should not be retried without modification."), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Client could not be authenticated."), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Client is not authorized to make this request."), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "The specified resource could not be found."), @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "The request was valid but NiFi was not in the appropriate state to process it. Retrying the same request later may be successful.") })
public Response saveToFlowRegistry(@ApiParam("The process group id.") @PathParam("id") final String groupId, @ApiParam(value = "The versioned flow details.", required = true) final StartVersionControlRequestEntity requestEntity) {
// Verify the request
final RevisionDTO revisionDto = requestEntity.getProcessGroupRevision();
if (revisionDto == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Process Group Revision must be specified");
final VersionedFlowDTO versionedFlowDto = requestEntity.getVersionedFlow();
if (versionedFlowDto == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Version Control Information must be supplied.");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(versionedFlowDto.getBucketId())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Bucket ID must be supplied.");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(versionedFlowDto.getFlowName()) && StringUtils.isEmpty(versionedFlowDto.getFlowId())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Flow Name or Flow ID must be supplied.");
if (versionedFlowDto.getFlowName() != null && versionedFlowDto.getFlowName().length() > 1000) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Flow Name cannot exceed 1,000 characters");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(versionedFlowDto.getRegistryId())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Registry ID must be supplied.");
if (versionedFlowDto.getDescription() != null && versionedFlowDto.getDescription().length() > 65535) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Flow Description cannot exceed 65,535 characters");
if (versionedFlowDto.getComments() != null && versionedFlowDto.getComments().length() > 65535) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Comments cannot exceed 65,535 characters");
// ensure we're not attempting to version the root group
final ProcessGroupEntity root = serviceFacade.getProcessGroup(FlowController.ROOT_GROUP_ID_ALIAS);
if (root.getId().equals(groupId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Root Process Group cannot be versioned.");
if (isReplicateRequest()) {
// We first have to obtain a "lock" on all nodes in the cluster so that multiple Version Control requests
// are not being made simultaneously. We do this by making a POST to /nifi-api/versions/active-requests.
// The Response gives us back the Request ID.
final URI requestUri;
try {
final URI originalUri = getAbsolutePath();
final String requestId = lockVersionControl(originalUri, groupId);
requestUri = new URI(originalUri.getScheme(), originalUri.getUserInfo(), originalUri.getHost(), originalUri.getPort(), "/nifi-api/versions/active-requests/" + requestId, null, originalUri.getFragment());
} catch (final URISyntaxException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Finally, we can delete the Request.
try {
final VersionControlComponentMappingEntity mappingEntity = serviceFacade.registerFlowWithFlowRegistry(groupId, requestEntity);
replicateVersionControlMapping(mappingEntity, requestEntity, requestUri, groupId);
final VersionControlInformationEntity responseEntity = serviceFacade.getVersionControlInformation(groupId);
return generateOkResponse(responseEntity).build();
} finally {
unlockVersionControl(requestUri, groupId);
// Perform local task. If running in a cluster environment, we will never get to this point. This is because
// in the above block, we check if (isReplicate()) and if true, we implement the 'cluster logic', but this
// does not involve replicating the actual request, because we only want a single node to handle the logic of
// creating the flow in the Registry.
final Revision groupRevision = new Revision(revisionDto.getVersion(), revisionDto.getClientId(), groupId);
return withWriteLock(serviceFacade, requestEntity, groupRevision, lookup -> {
final ProcessGroupAuthorizable groupAuthorizable = lookup.getProcessGroup(groupId);
final Authorizable processGroup = groupAuthorizable.getAuthorizable();
// require write to this group
processGroup.authorize(authorizer, RequestAction.WRITE, NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser());
// require read to this group and all descendants
authorizeProcessGroup(groupAuthorizable, authorizer, lookup, RequestAction.READ, true, false, true, true);
}, () -> {
final VersionedFlowDTO versionedFlow = requestEntity.getVersionedFlow();
final String registryId = versionedFlow.getRegistryId();
final String bucketId = versionedFlow.getBucketId();
final String flowId = versionedFlow.getFlowId();
serviceFacade.verifyCanSaveToFlowRegistry(groupId, registryId, bucketId, flowId);
}, (rev, flowEntity) -> {
// Register the current flow with the Flow Registry.
final VersionControlComponentMappingEntity mappingEntity = serviceFacade.registerFlowWithFlowRegistry(groupId, flowEntity);
// Update the Process Group's Version Control Information
final VersionControlInformationEntity responseEntity = serviceFacade.setVersionControlInformation(rev, groupId, mappingEntity.getVersionControlInformation(), mappingEntity.getVersionControlComponentMapping());
return generateOkResponse(responseEntity).build();
use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.VersionControlInformationEntity in project nifi by apache.
the class VersionsResource method deleteRequest.
private Response deleteRequest(final String requestType, final String requestId) {
if (requestId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Request ID must be specified.");
final NiFiUser user = NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser();
// request manager will ensure that the current is the user that submitted this request
final AsynchronousWebRequest<VersionControlInformationEntity> asyncRequest = requestManager.removeRequest(requestType, requestId, user);
if (asyncRequest == null) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Could not find request of type " + requestType + " with ID " + requestId);
if (!asyncRequest.isComplete()) {
final VersionedFlowUpdateRequestDTO updateRequestDto = new VersionedFlowUpdateRequestDTO();
updateRequestDto.setUri(generateResourceUri("versions", requestType, requestId));
if (updateRequestDto.isComplete()) {
final VersionControlInformationEntity vciEntity = serviceFacade.getVersionControlInformation(asyncRequest.getProcessGroupId());
updateRequestDto.setVersionControlInformation(vciEntity == null ? null : vciEntity.getVersionControlInformation());
final RevisionDTO groupRevision = serviceFacade.getProcessGroup(asyncRequest.getProcessGroupId()).getRevision();
final VersionedFlowUpdateRequestEntity updateRequestEntity = new VersionedFlowUpdateRequestEntity();
return generateOkResponse(updateRequestEntity).build();