use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class WebToolsServices method entityExportAll.
public static Map<String, Object> entityExportAll(DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, ? extends Object> context) {
Delegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale");
// mandatory
String outpath = (String) context.get("outpath");
Timestamp fromDate = (Timestamp) context.get("fromDate");
Integer txTimeout = (Integer) context.get("txTimeout");
if (txTimeout == null) {
txTimeout = Integer.valueOf(7200);
List<String> results = new LinkedList<String>();
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(outpath)) {
File outdir = new File(outpath);
if (!outdir.exists()) {
if (outdir.isDirectory() && outdir.canWrite()) {
Set<String> passedEntityNames;
try {
ModelReader reader = delegator.getModelReader();
Collection<String> ec = reader.getEntityNames();
passedEntityNames = new TreeSet<String>(ec);
} catch (Exception exc) {
return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "EntityImportErrorRetrievingEntityNames", locale));
int fileNumber = 1;
for (String curEntityName : passedEntityNames) {
long numberWritten = 0;
ModelEntity me = delegator.getModelEntity(curEntityName);
if (me instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
results.add("[" + fileNumber + "] [vvv] " + curEntityName + " skipping view entity");
List<EntityCondition> conds = new LinkedList<EntityCondition>();
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(fromDate)) {
conds.add(EntityCondition.makeCondition("createdStamp", EntityOperator.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO, fromDate));
EntityQuery eq = EntityQuery.use(delegator).from(curEntityName).where(conds).orderBy(me.getPkFieldNames());
try {
boolean beganTx = TransactionUtil.begin();
// Don't bother writing the file if there's nothing to put into it
try (EntityListIterator values = eq.queryIterator()) {
GenericValue value =;
if (value != null) {
try (PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(outdir, curEntityName + ".xml")), "UTF-8")))) {
writer.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
do {
value.writeXmlText(writer, "");
if (numberWritten % 500 == 0) {
beganTx = TransactionUtil.begin();
} while ((value = != null);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException | FileNotFoundException e) {
results.add("[" + fileNumber + "] [xxx] Error when writing " + curEntityName + ": " + e);
results.add("[" + fileNumber + "] [" + numberWritten + "] " + curEntityName + " wrote " + numberWritten + " records");
} else {
results.add("[" + fileNumber + "] [---] " + curEntityName + " has no records, not writing file");
} catch (GenericEntityException entityEx) {
results.add("[" + fileNumber + "] [xxx] Error when writing " + curEntityName + ": " + entityEx);
} catch (GenericTransactionException e) {
Debug.logError(e, module);
} else {
results.add("Path not found or no write access.");
} else {
results.add("No path specified, doing nothing.");
// send the notification
Map<String, Object> resp = UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("results", results);
return resp;
use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class ServerHitBin method saveHit.
private void saveHit(HttpServletRequest request, long startTime, long runningTime, GenericValue userLogin) throws GenericEntityException {
// persist record of hit in ServerHit entity if option turned on
Delegator delegator = (Delegator) request.getAttribute("delegator");
if (EntityUtilProperties.propertyValueEqualsIgnoreCase("serverstats", "stats.persist." + ServerHitBin.typeIds[type] + ".hit", "true", delegator)) {
// persist; avoids the infinite loop and a bunch of annoying data
if (this.type == ENTITY &&"ServerHit") > 0) {
// check for type data before running.
GenericValue serverHitType = null;
serverHitType = EntityQuery.use(delegator).from("ServerHitType").where("hitTypeId", ServerHitBin.typeIds[this.type]).cache().queryOne();
if (serverHitType == null) {
// datamodel data not loaded; not storing hit.
Debug.logWarning("The datamodel data has not been loaded; cannot find hitTypeId '" + ServerHitBin.typeIds[this.type] + " not storing ServerHit.", module);
GenericValue visit = VisitHandler.getVisit(request.getSession());
if (visit == null) {
// no visit info stored, so don't store the ServerHit
Debug.logWarning("Could not find a visitId, so not storing ServerHit. This is probably a configuration error. If you turn off persistance of visits you should also turn off persistence of hits.", module);
String visitId = visit.getString("visitId");
visit = EntityQuery.use(delegator).from("Visit").where("visitId", visitId).queryOne();
if (visit == null) {
// GenericValue stored in client session does not exist in database.
Debug.logInfo("The Visit GenericValue stored in the client session does not exist in the database, not storing server hit.", module);
Debug.logInfo("Visit delegatorName=" + visit.getDelegator().getDelegatorName() + ", ServerHitBin delegatorName=" + this.delegator.getDelegatorName(), module);
GenericValue serverHit = delegator.makeValue("ServerHit");
serverHit.set("visitId", visitId);
serverHit.set("hitStartDateTime", new java.sql.Timestamp(startTime));
serverHit.set("hitTypeId", ServerHitBin.typeIds[this.type]);
if (userLogin != null) {
serverHit.set("userLoginId", userLogin.get("userLoginId"));
ModelEntity modelUserLogin = userLogin.getModelEntity();
if (modelUserLogin.isField("partyId")) {
serverHit.set("partyId", userLogin.get("partyId"));
serverHit.set("runningTimeMillis", Long.valueOf(runningTime));
String fullRequestUrl = UtilHttp.getFullRequestUrl(request);
serverHit.set("requestUrl", fullRequestUrl.length() > 250 ? fullRequestUrl.substring(0, 250) : fullRequestUrl);
String referrerUrl = request.getHeader("Referer") != null ? request.getHeader("Referer") : "";
serverHit.set("referrerUrl", referrerUrl.length() > 250 ? referrerUrl.substring(0, 250) : referrerUrl);
// get localhost ip address and hostname to store
if (VisitHandler.address != null) {
serverHit.set("serverIpAddress", VisitHandler.address.getHostAddress());
serverHit.set("serverHostName", VisitHandler.address.getHostName());
// The problem with
// serverHit.create();
// is that if there are two requests with the same startTime (this should only happen with MySQL see
// then this will go wrong and abort the actual
// transaction we are interested in.
// Another way instead of using create is to store or update,
// that is overwrite in case there already was an entry, thus
// avoiding the transaction being aborted which is not
// less desirable than having multiple requests with the
// same startTime overwriting each other.
// This may not satisfy those who want to record each and
// every server hit even with equal startTimes but that could be
// solved adding a counter to the ServerHit's PK (a counter
// counting multiple hits at the same startTime).
use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class VisitHandler method setUserLogin.
public static void setUserLogin(HttpSession session, GenericValue userLogin, boolean userCreated) {
if (userLogin == null)
ModelEntity modelUserLogin = userLogin.getModelEntity();
GenericValue visitor = (GenericValue) session.getAttribute("visitor");
if (visitor != null) {
visitor.set("userLoginId", userLogin.get("userLoginId"));
if (modelUserLogin.isField("partyId")) {
visitor.set("partyId", userLogin.get("partyId"));
try {;
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Could not update visitor: ", module);
GenericValue visit = getVisit(session);
if (visit != null) {
visit.set("userLoginId", userLogin.get("userLoginId"));
if (modelUserLogin.isField("partyId")) {
visit.set("partyId", userLogin.get("partyId"));
visit.set("userCreated", Boolean.valueOf(userCreated));
// make sure the visitorId is still in place
if (visitor != null) {
visit.set("visitorId", visitor.get("visitorId"));
try {;
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Could not update visit: ", module);
use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class DatabaseUtil method repairColumnSizeChanges.
public void repairColumnSizeChanges(Map<String, ModelEntity> modelEntities, List<String> fieldsWrongSize, List<String> messages) {
if (modelEntities == null || UtilValidate.isEmpty(fieldsWrongSize)) {
messages.add("No fields to repair");
if (messages == null)
messages = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String fieldInfo : fieldsWrongSize) {
String entityName = fieldInfo.substring(0, fieldInfo.indexOf('.'));
String fieldName = fieldInfo.substring(fieldInfo.indexOf('.') + 1);
ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
ModelField modelField = modelEntity.getField(fieldName);
repairColumnSize(modelEntity, modelField, messages);
use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class DatabaseUtil method checkDb.
public void checkDb(Map<String, ModelEntity> modelEntities, List<String> colWrongSize, List<String> messages, boolean checkPks, boolean checkFks, boolean checkFkIdx, boolean addMissing) {
if (isLegacy) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot run checkDb on a legacy database connection; configure a database helper (entityengine.xml)");
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(datasourceInfo.getMaxWorkerPoolSize());
UtilTimer timer = new UtilTimer();
timer.timerString("Start - Before Get Database Meta Data");
// get ALL tables from this database
TreeSet<String> tableNames = this.getTableNames(messages);
TreeSet<String> fkTableNames = tableNames == null ? null : new TreeSet<String>(tableNames);
TreeSet<String> indexTableNames = tableNames == null ? null : new TreeSet<String>(tableNames);
if (tableNames == null) {
String message = "Could not get table name information from the database, aborting.";
if (messages != null)
Debug.logError(message, module);
timer.timerString("After Get All Table Names");
// get ALL column info, put into hashmap by table name
Map<String, Map<String, ColumnCheckInfo>> colInfo = getColumnInfo(tableNames, checkPks, messages, executor);
if (colInfo == null) {
String message = "Could not get column information from the database, aborting.";
if (messages != null)
Debug.logError(message, module);
timer.timerString("After Get All Column Info");
// -make sure all entities have a corresponding table
// -list all tables that do not have a corresponding entity
// -display message if number of table columns does not match number of entity fields
// -list all columns that do not have a corresponding field
// -make sure each corresponding column is of the correct type
// -list all fields that do not have a corresponding column
timer.timerString("Before Individual Table/Column Check");
List<ModelEntity> modelEntityList = new ArrayList<ModelEntity>(modelEntities.values());
// sort using compareTo method on ModelEntity
int curEnt = 0;
int totalEnt = modelEntityList.size();
List<ModelEntity> entitiesAdded = new LinkedList<ModelEntity>();
String schemaName;
try {
schemaName = getSchemaName(messages);
} catch (SQLException e) {
String message = "Could not get schema name the database, aborting.";
if (messages != null)
Debug.logError(message, module);
List<Future<CreateTableCallable>> tableFutures = new LinkedList<Future<CreateTableCallable>>();
for (ModelEntity entity : modelEntityList) {
// if this is a view entity, do not check it...
if (entity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
String entMessage = "(" + timer.timeSinceLast() + "ms) NOT Checking #" + curEnt + "/" + totalEnt + " View Entity " + entity.getEntityName();
Debug.logVerbose(entMessage, module);
if (messages != null)
// if never-check is set then don't check it either
} else if (entity.getNeverCheck()) {
String entMessage = "(" + timer.timeSinceLast() + "ms) NOT Checking #" + curEnt + "/" + totalEnt + " Entity " + entity.getEntityName();
Debug.logVerbose(entMessage, module);
if (messages != null)
String plainTableName = entity.getPlainTableName();
String tableName;
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(schemaName)) {
tableName = schemaName + "." + plainTableName;
} else {
tableName = plainTableName;
String entMessage = "(" + timer.timeSinceLast() + "ms) Checking #" + curEnt + "/" + totalEnt + " Entity " + entity.getEntityName() + " with table " + tableName;
Debug.logVerbose(entMessage, module);
if (messages != null)
// -make sure all entities have a corresponding table
if (tableNames.contains(tableName)) {
if (colInfo != null) {
Map<String, ModelField> fieldColNames = new HashMap<String, ModelField>();
Iterator<ModelField> fieldIter = entity.getFieldsIterator();
while (fieldIter.hasNext()) {
ModelField field =;
fieldColNames.put(field.getColName(), field);
Map<String, ColumnCheckInfo> colMap = colInfo.get(tableName);
if (colMap != null) {
for (ColumnCheckInfo ccInfo : colMap.values()) {
// -list all columns that do not have a corresponding field
if (fieldColNames.containsKey(ccInfo.columnName)) {
ModelField field = null;
field = fieldColNames.remove(ccInfo.columnName);
ModelFieldType modelFieldType = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(field.getType());
if (modelFieldType != null) {
// make sure each corresponding column is of the correct type
String fullTypeStr = modelFieldType.getSqlType();
String typeName;
int columnSize = -1;
int decimalDigits = -1;
int openParen = fullTypeStr.indexOf('(');
int closeParen = fullTypeStr.indexOf(')');
int comma = fullTypeStr.indexOf(',');
if (openParen > 0 && closeParen > 0 && closeParen > openParen) {
typeName = fullTypeStr.substring(0, openParen);
if (!("DATETIME".equals(typeName) || "TIME".equals(typeName))) {
// for DATETIME and TIME fields the number within the parenthesis doesn't represent the column size
if (comma > 0 && comma > openParen && comma < closeParen) {
String csStr = fullTypeStr.substring(openParen + 1, comma);
try {
columnSize = Integer.parseInt(csStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Debug.logError(e, module);
String ddStr = fullTypeStr.substring(comma + 1, closeParen);
try {
decimalDigits = Integer.parseInt(ddStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Debug.logError(e, module);
} else if (openParen + 1 < closeParen) {
String csStr = fullTypeStr.substring(openParen + 1, closeParen);
try {
columnSize = Integer.parseInt(csStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Debug.logError(e, module);
} else {
typeName = fullTypeStr;
// override the default typeName with the sqlTypeAlias if it is specified
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(modelFieldType.getSqlTypeAlias())) {
typeName = modelFieldType.getSqlTypeAlias();
// NOTE: this may need a toUpperCase in some cases, keep an eye on it, okay just compare with ignore case
if (!ccInfo.typeName.equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) {
String message = "Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + tableName + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] is of type [" + ccInfo.typeName + "] in the database, but is defined as type [" + typeName + "] in the entity definition.";
Debug.logError(message, module);
if (messages != null)
if (columnSize != -1 && ccInfo.columnSize != -1 && columnSize != ccInfo.columnSize && (columnSize * 3) != ccInfo.columnSize) {
String message = "Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + tableName + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] has a column size of [" + ccInfo.columnSize + "] in the database, but is defined to have a column size of [" + columnSize + "] in the entity definition.";
Debug.logWarning(message, module);
if (messages != null)
if (columnSize > ccInfo.columnSize && colWrongSize != null) {
// add item to list of wrong sized columns; only if the entity is larger
colWrongSize.add(entity.getEntityName() + "." + field.getName());
if (decimalDigits != -1 && decimalDigits != ccInfo.decimalDigits) {
String message = "Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + tableName + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] has a decimalDigits of [" + ccInfo.decimalDigits + "] in the database, but is defined to have a decimalDigits of [" + decimalDigits + "] in the entity definition.";
Debug.logWarning(message, module);
if (messages != null)
// do primary key matching check
if (checkPks && ccInfo.isPk && !field.getIsPk()) {
String message = "Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + tableName + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] IS a primary key in the database, but IS NOT a primary key in the entity definition. The primary key for this table needs to be re-created or modified so that this column is NOT part of the primary key.";
Debug.logError(message, module);
if (messages != null)
if (checkPks && !ccInfo.isPk && field.getIsPk()) {
String message = "Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + tableName + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] IS NOT a primary key in the database, but IS a primary key in the entity definition. The primary key for this table needs to be re-created or modified to add this column to the primary key. Note that data may need to be added first as a primary key column cannot have an null values.";
Debug.logError(message, module);
if (messages != null)
} else {
String message = "Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + tableName + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] has a field type name of [" + field.getType() + "] which is not found in the field type definitions";
Debug.logError(message, module);
if (messages != null)
} else {
String message = "Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + tableName + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] exists in the database but has no corresponding field" + ((checkPks && ccInfo.isPk) ? " (and it is a PRIMARY KEY COLUMN)" : "");
Debug.logWarning(message, module);
if (messages != null)
// -display message if number of table columns does not match number of entity fields
if (colMap.size() != entity.getFieldsSize()) {
String message = "Entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] has " + entity.getFieldsSize() + " fields but table [" + tableName + "] has " + colMap.size() + " columns.";
Debug.logWarning(message, module);
if (messages != null)
// -list all fields that do not have a corresponding column
for (ModelField field : fieldColNames.values()) {
String message = "Field [" + field.getName() + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] is missing its corresponding column [" + field.getColName() + "]" + (field.getIsPk() ? " (and it is a PRIMARY KEY FIELD)" : "");
Debug.logWarning(message, module);
if (messages != null)
if (addMissing) {
// add the column
String errMsg = addColumn(entity, field);
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(errMsg)) {
message = "Could not add column [" + field.getColName() + "] to table [" + tableName + "]: " + errMsg;
Debug.logError(message, module);
if (messages != null)
} else {
message = "Added column [" + field.getColName() + "] to table [" + tableName + "]" + (field.getIsPk() ? " (NOTE: this is a PRIMARY KEY FIELD, but the primary key was not updated automatically (not considered a safe operation), be sure to fill in any needed data and re-create the primary key)" : "");
Debug.logImportant(message, module);
if (messages != null)
} else {
String message = "Entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] has no table in the database";
Debug.logWarning(message, module);
if (messages != null)
if (addMissing) {
// create the table
tableFutures.add(executor.submit(new CreateTableCallable(entity, modelEntities, tableName)));
for (CreateTableCallable tableCallable : ExecutionPool.getAllFutures(tableFutures)) {
tableCallable.updateData(messages, entitiesAdded);
timer.timerString("After Individual Table/Column Check");
// -list all tables that do not have a corresponding entity
for (String tableName : tableNames) {
String message = "Table named [" + tableName + "] exists in the database but has no corresponding entity";
Debug.logWarning(message, module);
if (messages != null)
// for each newly added table, add fk indices
if (datasourceInfo.getUseForeignKeyIndices()) {
int totalFkIndices = 0;
List<Future<AbstractCountingCallable>> fkIndicesFutures = new LinkedList<Future<AbstractCountingCallable>>();
for (ModelEntity curEntity : entitiesAdded) {
if (curEntity.getRelationsOneSize() > 0) {
fkIndicesFutures.add(executor.submit(new AbstractCountingCallable(curEntity, modelEntities) {
public AbstractCountingCallable call() throws Exception {
count = createForeignKeyIndices(entity, datasourceInfo.getConstraintNameClipLength(), messages);
return this;
for (AbstractCountingCallable fkIndicesCallable : ExecutionPool.getAllFutures(fkIndicesFutures)) {
totalFkIndices += fkIndicesCallable.updateData(messages);
if (totalFkIndices > 0)
Debug.logImportant("==== TOTAL Foreign Key Indices Created: " + totalFkIndices, module);
// for each newly added table, add fks
if (datasourceInfo.getUseForeignKeys()) {
int totalFks = 0;
for (ModelEntity curEntity : entitiesAdded) {
totalFks += this.createForeignKeys(curEntity, modelEntities, datasourceInfo.getConstraintNameClipLength(), datasourceInfo.getFkStyle(), datasourceInfo.getUseFkInitiallyDeferred(), messages);
if (totalFks > 0)
Debug.logImportant("==== TOTAL Foreign Keys Created: " + totalFks, module);
// for each newly added table, add declared indexes
if (datasourceInfo.getUseIndices()) {
int totalDis = 0;
List<Future<AbstractCountingCallable>> disFutures = new LinkedList<Future<AbstractCountingCallable>>();
for (ModelEntity curEntity : entitiesAdded) {
if (curEntity.getIndexesSize() > 0) {
disFutures.add(executor.submit(new AbstractCountingCallable(curEntity, modelEntities) {
public AbstractCountingCallable call() throws Exception {
count = createDeclaredIndices(entity, messages);
return this;
for (AbstractCountingCallable disCallable : ExecutionPool.getAllFutures(disFutures)) {
totalDis += disCallable.updateData(messages);
if (totalDis > 0)
Debug.logImportant("==== TOTAL Declared Indices Created: " + totalDis, module);
// make sure each one-relation has an FK
if (checkFks) {
// if (!justColumns && datasourceInfo.getUseForeignKeys() && datasourceInfo.checkForeignKeysOnStart) {
// NOTE: This ISN'T working for Postgres or MySQL, who knows about others, may be from JDBC driver bugs...
int numFksCreated = 0;
// TODO: check each key-map to make sure it exists in the FK, if any differences warn and then remove FK and recreate it
// get ALL column info, put into hashmap by table name
Map<String, Map<String, ReferenceCheckInfo>> refTableInfoMap = this.getReferenceInfo(fkTableNames, messages);
if (refTableInfoMap == null) {
// uh oh, something happened while getting info...
if (Debug.verboseOn())
Debug.logVerbose("Ref Table Info Map is null", module);
} else {
for (ModelEntity entity : modelEntityList) {
String entityName = entity.getEntityName();
// if this is a view entity, do not check it...
if (entity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
String entMessage = "NOT Checking View Entity " + entity.getEntityName();
Debug.logVerbose(entMessage, module);
if (messages != null) {
// get existing FK map for this table
Map<String, ReferenceCheckInfo> rcInfoMap = refTableInfoMap.get(entity.getTableName(datasourceInfo));
// Debug.logVerbose("Got ref info for table " + entity.getTableName(datasourceInfo) + ": " + rcInfoMap, module);
// go through each relation to see if an FK already exists
Iterator<ModelRelation> relations = entity.getRelationsIterator();
boolean createdConstraints = false;
while (relations.hasNext()) {
ModelRelation modelRelation =;
if (!"one".equals(modelRelation.getType())) {
ModelEntity relModelEntity = modelEntities.get(modelRelation.getRelEntityName());
if (relModelEntity == null) {
Debug.logError("No such relation: " + entity.getEntityName() + " -> " + modelRelation.getRelEntityName(), module);
String relConstraintName = makeFkConstraintName(modelRelation, datasourceInfo.getConstraintNameClipLength());
ReferenceCheckInfo rcInfo = null;
if (rcInfoMap != null) {
rcInfo = rcInfoMap.get(relConstraintName);
if (rcInfo != null) {
} else {
// if not, create one
String noFkMessage = "No Foreign Key Constraint [" + relConstraintName + "] found for entity [" + entityName + "]";
if (messages != null)
if (Debug.infoOn())
Debug.logInfo(noFkMessage, module);
if (addMissing) {
String errMsg = createForeignKey(entity, modelRelation, relModelEntity, datasourceInfo.getConstraintNameClipLength(), datasourceInfo.getFkStyle(), datasourceInfo.getUseFkInitiallyDeferred());
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(errMsg)) {
String message = "Could not create foreign key " + relConstraintName + " for entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "]: " + errMsg;
Debug.logError(message, module);
if (messages != null)
} else {
String message = "Created foreign key " + relConstraintName + " for entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "]";
Debug.logVerbose(message, module);
if (messages != null)
createdConstraints = true;
if (createdConstraints) {
String message = "Created foreign key(s) for entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "]";
Debug.logImportant(message, module);
if (messages != null)
// show foreign key references that exist but are unknown
if (rcInfoMap != null) {
for (String rcKeyLeft : rcInfoMap.keySet()) {
String message = "Unknown Foreign Key Constraint " + rcKeyLeft + " found in table " + entity.getTableName(datasourceInfo);
Debug.logImportant(message, module);
if (messages != null)
if (Debug.infoOn())
Debug.logInfo("Created " + numFksCreated + " fk refs", module);
// make sure each one-relation has an index
if (checkFkIdx || datasourceInfo.getCheckIndicesOnStart()) {
// if (!justColumns && datasourceInfo.getUseForeignKeyIndices() && datasourceInfo.checkFkIndicesOnStart) {
int numIndicesCreated = 0;
// TODO: check each key-map to make sure it exists in the index, if any differences warn and then remove the index and recreate it
// get ALL column info, put into hashmap by table name
boolean[] needsUpperCase = new boolean[1];
Map<String, Set<String>> tableIndexListMap = this.getIndexInfo(indexTableNames, messages, needsUpperCase);
if (tableIndexListMap == null) {
// uh oh, something happened while getting info...
if (Debug.verboseOn())
Debug.logVerbose("Ref Table Info Map is null", module);
} else {
for (ModelEntity entity : modelEntityList) {
String entityName = entity.getEntityName();
// if this is a view entity, do not check it...
if (entity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
String entMessage = "NOT Checking View Entity " + entity.getEntityName();
Debug.logVerbose(entMessage, module);
if (messages != null)
// get existing index list for this table
Set<String> tableIndexList = tableIndexListMap.get(entity.getTableName(datasourceInfo));
if (tableIndexList == null) {
// evidently no indexes in the database for this table, do the create all
if (checkFkIdx) {
this.createForeignKeyIndices(entity, datasourceInfo.getConstraintNameClipLength(), messages);
if (datasourceInfo.getCheckIndicesOnStart()) {
this.createDeclaredIndices(entity, messages);
// go through each relation to see if an FK already exists
boolean createdConstraints = false;
Iterator<ModelRelation> relations = entity.getRelationsIterator();
while (relations.hasNext()) {
ModelRelation modelRelation =;
if (!"one".equals(modelRelation.getType())) {
String relConstraintName = makeFkConstraintName(modelRelation, datasourceInfo.getConstraintNameClipLength());
if (tableIndexList.contains(relConstraintName)) {
} else {
if (checkFkIdx) {
// if not, create one
String noIdxMessage = "No Index [" + relConstraintName + "] found for entity [" + entityName + "]";
if (messages != null)
if (Debug.infoOn())
Debug.logInfo(noIdxMessage, module);
if (addMissing) {
String errMsg = createForeignKeyIndex(entity, modelRelation, datasourceInfo.getConstraintNameClipLength());
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(errMsg)) {
String message = "Could not create foreign key index " + relConstraintName + " for entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "]: " + errMsg;
Debug.logError(message, module);
if (messages != null)
} else {
String message = "Created foreign key index " + relConstraintName + " for entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "]";
Debug.logVerbose(message, module);
if (messages != null)
createdConstraints = true;
if (createdConstraints) {
String message = "Created foreign key index/indices for entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "]";
Debug.logImportant(message, module);
if (messages != null)
// go through each indice to see if an indice already exists
boolean createdIndexes = false;
Iterator<ModelIndex> indexes = entity.getIndexesIterator();
while (indexes.hasNext()) {
ModelIndex modelIndex =;
String relIndexName = makeIndexName(modelIndex, datasourceInfo.getConstraintNameClipLength());
String checkIndexName = needsUpperCase[0] ? relIndexName.toUpperCase() : relIndexName;
if (tableIndexList.contains(checkIndexName)) {
} else {
if (datasourceInfo.getCheckIndicesOnStart()) {
// if not, create one
String noIdxMessage = "No Index [" + relIndexName + "] found for entity [" + entityName + "]";
if (messages != null)
if (Debug.infoOn())
Debug.logInfo(noIdxMessage, module);
if (addMissing) {
String errMsg = createDeclaredIndex(entity, modelIndex);
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(errMsg)) {
String message = "Could not create index " + relIndexName + " for entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "]: " + errMsg;
Debug.logError(message, module);
if (messages != null)
} else {
String message = "Created index " + relIndexName + " for entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "]";
Debug.logVerbose(message, module);
if (messages != null)
createdIndexes = true;
if (createdIndexes) {
String message = "Created declared index/indices for entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "]";
Debug.logImportant(message, module);
if (messages != null)
// show index key references that exist but are unknown
if (tableIndexList != null) {
for (String indexLeft : tableIndexList) {
String message = "Unknown Index " + indexLeft + " found in table " + entity.getTableName(datasourceInfo);
Debug.logImportant(message, module);
if (messages != null)
if (numIndicesCreated > 0 && Debug.infoOn())
Debug.logInfo("Created " + numIndicesCreated + " indices", module);
timer.timerString("Finished Checking Entity Database");