use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityListIterator in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class EntityQueryTestSuite method testCursorScrollInSensitive.
* cursorScrollInSensitive(): ResultSet object's cursor is scrollable but generally not sensitive to changes to the data that underlies the ResultSet.
* assert: Compared first record found by both the iterators.
public void testCursorScrollInSensitive() throws GenericEntityException {
List<GenericValue> testingTypes = new LinkedList<>();
testingTypes.add(delegator.makeValue("TestingType", "testingTypeId", "scrollInSensitive-1", "description", "cursorScrollInSensitive One"));
testingTypes.add(delegator.makeValue("TestingType", "testingTypeId", "scrollInSensitive-2", "description", "cursorScrollInSensitive Two"));
testingTypes.add(delegator.makeValue("TestingType", "testingTypeId", "scrollInSensitive-3", "description", "cursorScrollInSensitive Three"));
boolean transactionStarted = false;
try {
transactionStarted = TransactionUtil.begin();
EntityListIterator eliByEntityEngine = null;
EntityListIterator eliByEntityQuery = null;
EntityFindOptions findOptions = new EntityFindOptions();
eliByEntityEngine = delegator.find("TestingType", null, null, null, null, findOptions);
eliByEntityQuery = EntityQuery.use(delegator).from("TestingType").cursorScrollInsensitive().queryIterator();
GenericValue nextRecordByDelegator =;
GenericValue nextRecordByEntityQuery =;
assertEquals("cursorScrollInSensitive(): Records by delegator method and by EntityQuery method matched", nextRecordByDelegator, nextRecordByEntityQuery);
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
TransactionUtil.rollback(transactionStarted, "Transaction is Rolled Back", e);
use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityListIterator in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class EntityQueryTestSuite method testCursorForwardOnly.
* cursorForwardOnly(): Indicate that the ResultSet object's cursor may move only forward
* assert: Compared first record found by both the iterator.
public void testCursorForwardOnly() throws GenericEntityException {
List<GenericValue> testingTypes = new LinkedList<>();
testingTypes.add(delegator.makeValue("TestingType", "testingTypeId", "cursorForwardOnly-1", "description", "cursorForwardOnly One"));
testingTypes.add(delegator.makeValue("TestingType", "testingTypeId", "cursorForwardOnly-2", "description", "cursorForwardOnly Two"));
testingTypes.add(delegator.makeValue("TestingType", "testingTypeId", "cursorForwardOnly-3", "description", "cursorForwardOnly Three"));
boolean transactionStarted = false;
try {
transactionStarted = TransactionUtil.begin();
EntityListIterator eliByEntityEngine = null;
EntityListIterator eliByEntityQuery = null;
EntityFindOptions findOptions = new EntityFindOptions();
eliByEntityEngine = delegator.find("TestingType", null, null, null, null, findOptions);
eliByEntityQuery = EntityQuery.use(delegator).from("TestingType").cursorForwardOnly().queryIterator();
GenericValue nextRecordByEntityEngine =;
GenericValue nextRecordByEntityQuery =;
assertEquals("cursorForwardOnly(): Value of first record pointed by both iterators matched", nextRecordByEntityEngine, nextRecordByEntityQuery);
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
TransactionUtil.rollback(transactionStarted, "Transaction is Rolled Back", e);
use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityListIterator in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class EntityQueryTestSuite method testCursorScrollSensitive.
* cursorScrollSensitive(): ResultSet object's cursor is scrollable but generally sensitive to changes to the data that underlies the ResultSet.
* assert: Compared first record found by both the iterators.
public void testCursorScrollSensitive() throws GenericEntityException {
List<GenericValue> testingTypes = new LinkedList<>();
testingTypes.add(delegator.makeValue("TestingType", "testingTypeId", "scrollSensitive-1", "description", "cursorScrollSensitive One"));
testingTypes.add(delegator.makeValue("TestingType", "testingTypeId", "scrollSensitive-2", "description", "cursorScrollSensitive Two"));
testingTypes.add(delegator.makeValue("TestingType", "testingTypeId", "scrollSensitive-3", "description", "cursorScrollSensitive Three"));
boolean transactionStarted = false;
try {
transactionStarted = TransactionUtil.begin();
EntityListIterator eliByEntityEngine = null;
EntityListIterator eliByEntityQuery = null;
EntityFindOptions findOptions = new EntityFindOptions();
eliByEntityEngine = delegator.find("TestingType", null, null, null, null, findOptions);
eliByEntityQuery = EntityQuery.use(delegator).from("TestingType").cursorScrollSensitive().queryIterator();
GenericValue nextRecordByDelegator =;
GenericValue nextRecordByEntityQuery =;
assertEquals("cursorScrollSensitive(): Records by delegator method and by EntityQuery method matched", nextRecordByDelegator, nextRecordByEntityQuery);
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
TransactionUtil.rollback(transactionStarted, "Transaction is Rolled Back", e);
use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityListIterator in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class ListFinder method runFind.
public void runFind(Map<String, Object> context, Delegator delegator) throws GeneralException {
String entityName = this.entityNameExdr.expandString(context);
String useCacheStr = this.useCacheStrExdr.expandString(context);
String filterByDateStr = this.filterByDateStrExdr.expandString(context);
String distinctStr = this.distinctStrExdr.expandString(context);
String delegatorName = this.delegatorNameExdr.expandString(context);
ModelEntity modelEntity = delegator.getModelEntity(entityName);
String resultSetTypeString = this.resultSetTypeExdr.expandString(context);
if (modelEntity == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("In find entity by " + label + " could not find definition for entity with name [" + entityName + "].");
boolean useCache = "true".equals(useCacheStr);
boolean filterByDate = "true".equals(filterByDateStr);
boolean distinct = "true".equals(distinctStr);
int resultSetType = ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE;
if ("forward".equals(resultSetTypeString)) {
resultSetType = ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY;
if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(delegatorName)) {
delegator = DelegatorFactory.getDelegator(delegatorName);
EntityCondition whereEntityCondition = getWhereEntityCondition(context, modelEntity, delegator.getModelFieldTypeReader(modelEntity));
EntityCondition havingEntityCondition = getHavingEntityCondition(context, modelEntity, delegator.getModelFieldTypeReader(modelEntity));
if (useCache) {
// if useCache == true && outputHandler instanceof UseIterator, throw exception; not a valid combination
if (outputHandler instanceof UseIterator) {
Debug.logWarning("In find entity by " + label + " cannot have use-cache set to true " + label + " select use-iterator for the output type. Using cache and ignoring use-iterator setting.", module);
outputHandler = new GetAll();
if (distinct) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("In find entity by " + label + " cannot have use-cache set to true " + label + " set distinct to true.");
if (havingEntityCondition != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("In find entity by " + label + " cannot have use-cache set to true and specify a having-condition-list (can only use a where condition with condition-expr or condition-list).");
// get the list of fieldsToSelect from selectFieldExpanderList
Set<String> fieldsToSelect = EntityFinderUtil.makeFieldsToSelect(selectFieldExpanderList, context);
// if fieldsToSelect != null and useCacheBool is true, throw an error
if (fieldsToSelect != null && useCache) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in entity query by " + label + " definition, cannot specify select-field elements when use-cache is set to true");
// get the list of orderByFields from orderByExpanderList
List<String> orderByFields = EntityFinderUtil.makeOrderByFieldList(this.orderByExpanderList, context);
try {
// if filterByDate, do a date filter on the results based on the now-timestamp
if (filterByDate && !useCache) {
EntityCondition filterByDateCondition = EntityUtil.getFilterByDateExpr();
if (whereEntityCondition != null) {
whereEntityCondition = EntityCondition.makeCondition(UtilMisc.toList(whereEntityCondition, filterByDateCondition));
} else {
whereEntityCondition = filterByDateCondition;
if (useCache) {
List<GenericValue> results = delegator.findList(entityName, whereEntityCondition, fieldsToSelect, orderByFields, null, true);
if (filterByDate) {
results = EntityUtil.filterByDate(results);
this.outputHandler.handleOutput(results, context, listAcsr);
} else {
boolean useTransaction = true;
if (this.outputHandler instanceof UseIterator && !TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()) {
Exception newE = new Exception("Stack Trace");
Debug.logError(newE, "ERROR: Cannot do a by " + label + " find that returns an EntityListIterator with no transaction in place. Wrap this call in a transaction.", module);
useTransaction = false;
EntityFindOptions options = new EntityFindOptions();
if (outputHandler instanceof LimitRange) {
LimitRange limitRange = (LimitRange) outputHandler;
int start = limitRange.getStart(context);
int size = limitRange.getSize(context);
options.setMaxRows(start + size);
} else if (outputHandler instanceof LimitView) {
LimitView limitView = (LimitView) outputHandler;
int index = limitView.getIndex(context);
int size = limitView.getSize(context);
options.setMaxRows(size * (index + 1));
boolean beganTransaction = false;
try {
if (useTransaction) {
beganTransaction = TransactionUtil.begin();
EntityListIterator eli = delegator.find(entityName, whereEntityCondition, havingEntityCondition, fieldsToSelect, orderByFields, options);
this.outputHandler.handleOutput(eli, context, listAcsr);
// NOTE: the eli EntityListIterator is not closed here. It SHOULD be closed later after the returned list will be used (eg see EntityAnd.getChildren() in
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
String errMsg = "Failure in by " + label + " find operation, rolling back transaction";
Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
try {
// only rollback the transaction if we started one...
TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTransaction, errMsg, e);
} catch (GenericEntityException e2) {
Debug.logError(e2, "Could not rollback transaction: " + e2.toString(), module);
// after rolling back, rethrow the exception
throw e;
} finally {
// only commit the transaction if we started one... this will throw an exception if it fails
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
String errMsg = "Error doing find by " + label + ": " + e.toString();
Debug.logError(e, module);
throw new GeneralException(errMsg, e);
use of org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityListIterator in project ofbiz-framework by apache.
the class OrderServices method runSubscriptionAutoReorders.
public static Map<String, Object> runSubscriptionAutoReorders(DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, ? extends Object> context) {
LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher();
Delegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin");
Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale");
int count = 0;
Map<String, Object> result = null;
boolean beganTransaction = false;
List<EntityExpr> exprs = UtilMisc.toList(EntityCondition.makeCondition("automaticExtend", EntityOperator.EQUALS, "Y"), EntityCondition.makeCondition("orderId", EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL, null), EntityCondition.makeCondition("productId", EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL, null));
try {
beganTransaction = TransactionUtil.begin();
} catch (GenericTransactionException e1) {
Debug.logError(e1, "[Delegator] Could not begin transaction: " + e1.toString(), module);
try (EntityListIterator eli = EntityQuery.use(delegator).from("Subscription").where(exprs).queryIterator()) {
if (eli != null) {
GenericValue subscription;
while (((subscription = != null)) {
Calendar endDate = Calendar.getInstance();
// Check if today date + cancel period (if provided) is earlier than the thrudate
int field = Calendar.MONTH;
if (subscription.get("canclAutmExtTime") != null && subscription.get("canclAutmExtTimeUomId") != null) {
if ("TF_day".equals(subscription.getString("canclAutmExtTimeUomId"))) {
field = Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR;
} else if ("TF_wk".equals(subscription.getString("canclAutmExtTimeUomId"))) {
field = Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR;
} else if ("TF_mon".equals(subscription.getString("canclAutmExtTimeUomId"))) {
field = Calendar.MONTH;
} else if ("TF_yr".equals(subscription.getString("canclAutmExtTimeUomId"))) {
field = Calendar.YEAR;
} else {
Debug.logWarning("Don't know anything about canclAutmExtTimeUomId [" + subscription.getString("canclAutmExtTimeUomId") + "], defaulting to month", module);
endDate.add(field, Integer.parseInt(subscription.getString("canclAutmExtTime")));
Calendar endDateSubscription = Calendar.getInstance();
if (endDate.before(endDateSubscription)) {
// nor expired yet.....
result = dispatcher.runSync("loadCartFromOrder", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", subscription.get("orderId"), "userLogin", userLogin));
if (ServiceUtil.isError(result)) {
return ServiceUtil.returnError(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(result));
ShoppingCart cart = (ShoppingCart) result.get("shoppingCart");
// remove former orderId from cart (would cause duplicate entry).
// orderId is set by order-creation services (including store-specific prefixes, e.g.)
// only keep the orderitem with the related product.
List<ShoppingCartItem> cartItems = cart.items();
for (ShoppingCartItem shoppingCartItem : cartItems) {
if (!subscription.get("productId").equals(shoppingCartItem.getProductId())) {
cart.removeCartItem(shoppingCartItem, dispatcher);
CheckOutHelper helper = new CheckOutHelper(dispatcher, delegator, cart);
// store the order
Map<String, Object> createResp = helper.createOrder(userLogin);
if (createResp != null && ServiceUtil.isError(createResp)) {
Debug.logError("Cannot create order for shopping list - " + subscription, module);
} else {
String orderId = (String) createResp.get("orderId");
// authorize the payments
Map<String, Object> payRes = null;
try {
payRes = helper.processPayment(ProductStoreWorker.getProductStore(cart.getProductStoreId(), delegator), userLogin);
} catch (GeneralException e) {
Debug.logError(e, module);
if (payRes != null && ServiceUtil.isError(payRes)) {
Debug.logError("Payment processing problems with shopping list - " + subscription, module);
// remove the automatic extension flag
subscription.put("automaticExtend", "N");;
// send notification
if (orderId != null) {
dispatcher.runAsync("sendOrderPayRetryNotification", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));
} catch (GenericServiceException e) {
Debug.logError("Could call service to create cart", module);
return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.toString());
} catch (CartItemModifyException e) {
Debug.logError("Could not modify cart: " + e.toString(), module);
return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.toString());
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
try {
// only rollback the transaction if we started one...
TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTransaction, "Error creating subscription auto-reorders", e);
} catch (GenericEntityException e2) {
Debug.logError(e2, "[Delegator] Could not rollback transaction: " + e2.toString(), module);
Debug.logError(e, "Error while creating new shopping list based automatic reorder" + e.toString(), module);
return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "OrderShoppingListCreationError", UtilMisc.toMap("errorString", e.toString()), locale));
} finally {
try {
// only commit the transaction if we started one... this will throw an exception if it fails
} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
Debug.logError(e, "Could not commit transaction for creating new shopping list based automatic reorder", module);
return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "OrderRunSubscriptionAutoReorders", UtilMisc.toMap("count", count), locale));