use of org.apache.oozie.service.Services in project oozie by apache.
the class TestConfigUtils method setUp.
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
new Services().init();
use of org.apache.oozie.service.Services in project oozie by apache.
the class TestHCatURIParser method setUp.
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
services = new Services();
String HCAT_URI_REGEX_CONFIG = ConfigurationService.get("oozie.hcat.uri.regex.pattern");
use of org.apache.oozie.service.Services in project oozie by apache.
the class TestLogStreamer method testBufferLen.
public void testBufferLen() throws IOException, CommandException, ServiceException {
new Services().init();
XLogStreamer str = new XLogStreamer(null, getTestCaseDir(), "oozie.log", 1);
assertEquals(4096, str.getBufferLen());
str = new XLogErrorStreamer(null);
assertEquals(2048, str.getBufferLen());
str = new XLogAuditStreamer(null);
assertEquals(3, str.getBufferLen());
use of org.apache.oozie.service.Services in project oozie by apache.
the class TestLogStreamer method testStreamLogNoDash.
public void testStreamLogNoDash() throws IOException, CommandException, ServiceException {
new Services().init();
long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
XLogFilter xf = new XLogFilter();
xf.setParameter("JOB", "14-200904160239--example-forkjoinwf");
// Previously, a dash ("-") was always required somewhere in a line in order for that line to pass the filter; this test
// checks that this condition is no longer required
FileWriter fw1 = new FileWriter(getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log");
StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder();
sb1.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 DEBUG _L1_:323 -" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
sb1.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 DEBUG _L2_:323 +" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
sb1.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 DEBUG _L3_:323" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
sb1.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 DEBUG _L4_:323 ABC" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
sb1.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 DEBUG _L5_:323 !@#$%^&*() blah blah" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
sb1.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 WARN _L6_:323 -" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
sb1.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 WARN _L7_:323 +" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
sb1.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 WARN _L8_:323" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
sb1.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 WARN _L9_:323 ABC" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
sb1.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 WARN _L10_:323 !@#$%^&*() blah blah" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
File f1 = new File(getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log");
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
xf = new XLogFilter();
xf.setParameter("JOB", "14-200904160239--example-forkjoinwf");
XLogStreamer str = new XLogStreamer(xf, getTestCaseDir(), "oozie.log", 1);
str.streamLog(sw, null, null);
String[] out = sw.toString().split("\n");
// Check if the retrieved log content is of length five lines after filtering; we expect the first five lines because the
// filtering shouldn't care whether or not there is a dash while the last five lines don't pass the normal filtering
assertEquals(5, out.length);
// Check if the lines of the log contain the expected strings
assertEquals(true, out[0].contains("_L1_"));
assertEquals(true, out[1].contains("_L2_"));
assertEquals(true, out[2].contains("_L3_"));
assertEquals(true, out[3].contains("_L4_"));
assertEquals(true, out[4].contains("_L5_"));
use of org.apache.oozie.service.Services in project oozie by apache.
the class TestLogStreamer method testStreamLog.
public void testStreamLog() throws IOException, CommandException, ServiceException, ParseException {
new Services().init();
long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
XLogFilter xf = new XLogFilter();
xf.setParameter("JOB", "14-200904160239--example-forkjoinwf");
// This file will be included in the list of files for log retrieval, because the modification time lies
// between the start and end times of the job
FileWriter fw1 = new FileWriter(getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log");
StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder();
sb1.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 DEBUG _L1_:323 -" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
sb1.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,961 INFO _L2_:317 -" + logStatement + "[org.apache.oozie.core.command.WorkflowRunnerCallable] " + "released lock\n");
File f1 = new File(getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log");
// 9 hours ago
f1.setLastModified(currTime - 9 * 3600000);
// This file will be included in the list of files for log retrieval, provided the modification time lies
// between the start and end times of the job
FileWriter fw2 = new FileWriter(getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log.1");
StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
sb2.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,986 WARN _L3_:539 -" + logStatement + "Use GenericOptionsParser for parsing " + "the " + "arguments. " + "\n" + "_L3A_Applications " + "should implement Tool for the same. \n_L3B_Multi line test\n");
sb2.append("2009-06-24 02:43:14,431 INFO _L4_:661 -" + logStatement + "No job jar file set. User classes " + "may not be found. " + "See JobConf(Class) or JobConf#setJar(String).\n");
File f2 = new File(getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log.1");
// 8 hours ago
f2.setLastModified(currTime - 8 * 3600000);
// This file will be included in the list of files for log retrieval, provided, the modification time lies
// between the start and end times of the job
FileWriter fw3 = new FileWriter(getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log.2");
StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder();
sb3.append("2009-06-24 02:43:14,505 INFO _L5_:317 - USER[oozie] GROUP[oozie] TOKEN[-] APP[-] JOB[-] " + "ACTION[-] Released Lock\n");
sb3.append("2009-06-24 02:43:19,344 DEBUG _L6_:323 - USER[oozie] GROUP[oozie] TOKEN[MYtoken] APP[-] JOB[-] " + "ACTION[-] Number of pending signals to check [0]\n");
sb3.append("2009-06-24 02:43:29,151 DEBUG _L7_:323 -" + logStatement + "Number of pending actions [0] \n");
File f3 = new File(getTestCaseDir() + "/oozie.log.2");
// This file will not be included in the list of files for log retrieval, since the file name neither is equal
// to nor does begin with the log file pattern specified in log4j properties file. The default value is
// "oozie.log"
FileWriter fwerr = new FileWriter(getTestCaseDir() + "/testerr.log");
StringBuilder sberr = new StringBuilder();
sberr.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 WARN _L1_:323 -" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
sberr.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,961 INFO _L2_:317 -" + logStatement + "[org.apache.oozie.core.command.WorkflowRunnerCallable] " + "released lock\n");
File ferr = new File(getTestCaseDir() + "/testerr.log");
// 8 hours ago
ferr.setLastModified(currTime - 8 * 3600000);
// This GZip file would be included in list of files for log retrieval, provided, there is an overlap between
// the two time windows i) time duration during which the GZipped log file is modified ii) time window between
// start and end times of the job
// filename date below is equivalent to floor(6 hours ago)
String outFilename = "oozie.log-" + filenameDateFormatter.format(new Date(currTime - 6 * 3600000)) + ".gz";
File f = new File(getTestCaseDir() + "/" + outFilename);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 DEBUG _L8_:323 -" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
sb.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,961 INFO _L9_:317 -" + logStatement + "[org.apache.oozie.core." + "command.WorkflowRunnerCallable] " + "released lock\n");
writeToGZFile(f, sb);
// oozie.log.gz GZip file would always be included in list of files for log retrieval
outFilename = "oozie.log.gz";
f = new File(getTestCaseDir() + "/" + outFilename);
// Generate and write log content to the GZip file
sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 DEBUG _L10_:323 -" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
sb.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,961 INFO _L11_:317 -" + logStatement + "[org.apache.oozie.core." + "command.WorkflowRunnerCallable] " + "released lock\n");
writeToGZFile(f, sb);
// Test to check if an invalid GZip file(file name not in the expected format oozie.log-YYYY-MM-DD-HH.gz) is
// excluded from log retrieval
outFilename = "oozie.log-2011-12-03-15.bz2.gz";
f = new File(getTestCaseDir() + "/" + outFilename);
// Generate and write log content to the GZip file
sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,958 DEBUG _L12_:323 -" + logStatement + "End workflow state change\n");
sb.append("2009-06-24 02:43:13,961 INFO _L13_:317 -" + logStatement + "[org.apache.oozie.core." + "command.WorkflowRunnerCallable] " + "released lock\n");
writeToGZFile(f, sb);
// Test for the log retrieval of the job that began 10 hours before and ended 5 hours before current time
// respectively
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
xf = new XLogFilter();
xf.setParameter("JOB", "14-200904160239--example-forkjoinwf");
XLogStreamer str = new XLogStreamer(xf, getTestCaseDir(), "oozie.log", 1);
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(2009, Calendar.JUNE, 24, 2, 43, 0);
str.streamLog(sw, cal.getTime(), new Date(currTime - 5 * 3600000));
String[] out = sw.toString().split("\n");
// Check if the retrieved log content is of length seven lines after filtering based on time window, file name
// pattern and parameters like JobId, Username etc. and/or based on log level like INFO, DEBUG, etc.
assertEquals(7, out.length);
// Check if the lines of the log contain the expected strings
assertEquals(true, out[0].contains("_L10_"));
assertEquals(true, out[1].contains("_L11_"));
assertEquals(true, out[2].contains("_L1_"));
assertEquals(true, out[3].contains("_L2_"));
assertEquals(true, out[4].contains("_L4_"));
assertEquals(true, out[5].contains("_L8_"));
assertEquals(true, out[6].contains("_L9_"));
// Test to check if the null values for startTime and endTime are translated to 0 and current time respectively
// and corresponding log content is retrieved properly
StringWriter sw1 = new StringWriter();
xf = new XLogFilter();
xf.setParameter("JOB", "14-200904160239--example-forkjoinwf");
XLogStreamer str1 = new XLogStreamer(xf, getTestCaseDir(), "oozie.log", 1);
str1.streamLog(sw1, null, null);
out = sw1.toString().split("\n");
// Check if the retrieved log content is of length eight lines after filtering based on time window, file name
// pattern and parameters like JobId, Username etc. and/or based on log level like INFO, DEBUG, etc.
assertEquals(8, out.length);
// Check if the lines of the log contain the expected strings
assertEquals(true, out[0].contains("_L10"));
assertEquals(true, out[1].contains("_L11_"));
assertEquals(true, out[2].contains("_L1_"));
assertEquals(true, out[3].contains("_L2_"));
assertEquals(true, out[4].contains("_L4_"));
assertEquals(true, out[5].contains("_L8_"));
assertEquals(true, out[6].contains("_L9_"));
assertEquals(true, out[7].contains("_L7_"));