use of org.apache.openejb.jee.TldExtension$JAXB.writeTldExtension in project tomee by apache.
the class Function$JAXB method _read.
public static final Function _read(final XoXMLStreamReader reader, RuntimeContext context) throws Exception {
// Check for xsi:nil
if (reader.isXsiNil()) {
return null;
if (context == null) {
context = new RuntimeContext();
final Function function = new Function();
context.beforeUnmarshal(function, LifecycleCallback.NONE);
ArrayList<Text> descriptions = null;
ArrayList<Text> displayNames = null;
LocalCollection<Icon> icon = null;
List<TldExtension> functionExtension = null;
// Check xsi:type
final QName xsiType = reader.getXsiType();
if (xsiType != null) {
if (("functionType" != xsiType.getLocalPart()) || ("" != xsiType.getNamespaceURI())) {
return context.unexpectedXsiType(reader, Function.class);
// Read attributes
for (final Attribute attribute : reader.getAttributes()) {
if (("id" == attribute.getLocalName()) && (("" == attribute.getNamespace()) || (attribute.getNamespace() == null))) {
final String id = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(attribute.getValue());
context.addXmlId(reader, id, function); = id;
} else if (XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI != attribute.getNamespace()) {
context.unexpectedAttribute(attribute, new QName("", "id"));
// Read elements
for (final XoXMLStreamReader elementReader : reader.getChildElements()) {
if (("description" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: descriptions
final Text descriptionsItem = readText(elementReader, context);
if (descriptions == null) {
descriptions = new ArrayList<Text>();
} else if (("display-name" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: displayNames
final Text displayNamesItem = readText(elementReader, context);
if (displayNames == null) {
displayNames = new ArrayList<Text>();
} else if (("icon" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: icon
final Icon iconItem = readIcon(elementReader, context);
if (icon == null) {
icon = function.icon;
if (icon != null) {
} else {
icon = new LocalCollection<Icon>();
} else if (("name" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: name
final String nameRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String name;
try {
name = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(nameRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
} = name;
} else if (("function-class" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: functionClass
final String functionClassRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String functionClass;
try {
functionClass = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(functionClassRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
function.functionClass = functionClass;
} else if (("function-signature" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: functionSignature
final String functionSignatureRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String functionSignature;
try {
functionSignature = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(functionSignatureRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
function.functionSignature = functionSignature;
} else if (("example" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: example
final String exampleRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String example;
try {
example = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(exampleRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
function.example = example;
} else if (("function-extension" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: functionExtension
final TldExtension functionExtensionItem = readTldExtension(elementReader, context);
if (functionExtension == null) {
functionExtension = function.functionExtension;
if (functionExtension != null) {
} else {
functionExtension = new ArrayList<TldExtension>();
} else {
context.unexpectedElement(elementReader, new QName("", "description"), new QName("", "display-name"), new QName("", "icon"), new QName("", "name"), new QName("", "function-class"), new QName("", "function-signature"), new QName("", "example"), new QName("", "function-extension"));
if (descriptions != null) {
try {
function.setDescriptions(descriptions.toArray(new Text[descriptions.size()]));
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.setterError(reader, Function.class, "setDescriptions", Text[].class, e);
if (displayNames != null) {
try {
function.setDisplayNames(displayNames.toArray(new Text[displayNames.size()]));
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.setterError(reader, Function.class, "setDisplayNames", Text[].class, e);
if (icon != null) {
function.icon = icon;
if (functionExtension != null) {
function.functionExtension = functionExtension;
context.afterUnmarshal(function, LifecycleCallback.NONE);
return function;
use of org.apache.openejb.jee.TldExtension$JAXB.writeTldExtension in project tomee by apache.
the class Tag$JAXB method _read.
public static final Tag _read(final XoXMLStreamReader reader, RuntimeContext context) throws Exception {
// Check for xsi:nil
if (reader.isXsiNil()) {
return null;
if (context == null) {
context = new RuntimeContext();
final Tag tag = new Tag();
context.beforeUnmarshal(tag, LifecycleCallback.NONE);
ArrayList<Text> descriptions = null;
ArrayList<Text> displayNames = null;
LocalCollection<Icon> icon = null;
List<Variable> variable = null;
List<TldAttribute> attribute1 = null;
List<TldExtension> tagExtension = null;
// Check xsi:type
final QName xsiType = reader.getXsiType();
if (xsiType != null) {
if (("tagType" != xsiType.getLocalPart()) || ("" != xsiType.getNamespaceURI())) {
return context.unexpectedXsiType(reader, Tag.class);
// Read attributes
for (final Attribute attribute : reader.getAttributes()) {
if (("id" == attribute.getLocalName()) && (("" == attribute.getNamespace()) || (attribute.getNamespace() == null))) {
final String id = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(attribute.getValue());
context.addXmlId(reader, id, tag); = id;
} else if (XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI != attribute.getNamespace()) {
context.unexpectedAttribute(attribute, new QName("", "id"));
// Read elements
for (final XoXMLStreamReader elementReader : reader.getChildElements()) {
if (("description" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: descriptions
final Text descriptionsItem = readText(elementReader, context);
if (descriptions == null) {
descriptions = new ArrayList<Text>();
} else if (("display-name" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: displayNames
final Text displayNamesItem = readText(elementReader, context);
if (displayNames == null) {
displayNames = new ArrayList<Text>();
} else if (("icon" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: icon
final Icon iconItem = readIcon(elementReader, context);
if (icon == null) {
icon = tag.icon;
if (icon != null) {
} else {
icon = new LocalCollection<Icon>();
} else if (("name" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: name
final String nameRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String name;
try {
name = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(nameRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
} = name;
} else if (("tag-class" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: tagClass
final String tagClassRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String tagClass;
try {
tagClass = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(tagClassRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
tag.tagClass = tagClass;
} else if (("tei-class" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: teiClass
final String teiClassRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String teiClass;
try {
teiClass = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(teiClassRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
tag.teiClass = teiClass;
} else if (("body-content" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: bodyContent
final BodyContent bodyContent = parseBodyContent(elementReader, context, elementReader.getElementAsString());
if (bodyContent != null) {
tag.bodyContent = bodyContent;
} else if (("variable" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: variable
final Variable variableItem = readVariable(elementReader, context);
if (variable == null) {
variable = tag.variable;
if (variable != null) {
} else {
variable = new ArrayList<Variable>();
} else if (("attribute" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: attribute
final TldAttribute attributeItem = readTldAttribute(elementReader, context);
if (attribute1 == null) {
attribute1 = tag.attribute;
if (attribute1 != null) {
} else {
attribute1 = new ArrayList<TldAttribute>();
} else if (("dynamic-attributes" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: dynamicAttributes
final String dynamicAttributesRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String dynamicAttributes;
try {
dynamicAttributes = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(dynamicAttributesRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
tag.dynamicAttributes = dynamicAttributes;
} else if (("example" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: example
final String exampleRaw = elementReader.getElementAsString();
final String example;
try {
example = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.unmarshal(exampleRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(elementReader, CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
tag.example = example;
} else if (("tag-extension" == elementReader.getLocalName()) && ("" == elementReader.getNamespaceURI())) {
// ELEMENT: tagExtension
final TldExtension tagExtensionItem = readTldExtension(elementReader, context);
if (tagExtension == null) {
tagExtension = tag.tagExtension;
if (tagExtension != null) {
} else {
tagExtension = new ArrayList<TldExtension>();
} else {
context.unexpectedElement(elementReader, new QName("", "description"), new QName("", "display-name"), new QName("", "icon"), new QName("", "name"), new QName("", "tag-class"), new QName("", "tei-class"), new QName("", "body-content"), new QName("", "variable"), new QName("", "attribute"), new QName("", "dynamic-attributes"), new QName("", "example"), new QName("", "tag-extension"));
if (descriptions != null) {
try {
tag.setDescriptions(descriptions.toArray(new Text[descriptions.size()]));
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.setterError(reader, Tag.class, "setDescriptions", Text[].class, e);
if (displayNames != null) {
try {
tag.setDisplayNames(displayNames.toArray(new Text[displayNames.size()]));
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.setterError(reader, Tag.class, "setDisplayNames", Text[].class, e);
if (icon != null) {
tag.icon = icon;
if (variable != null) {
tag.variable = variable;
if (attribute1 != null) {
tag.attribute = attribute1;
if (tagExtension != null) {
tag.tagExtension = tagExtension;
context.afterUnmarshal(tag, LifecycleCallback.NONE);
return tag;
use of org.apache.openejb.jee.TldExtension$JAXB.writeTldExtension in project tomee by apache.
the class TagFile$JAXB method _write.
public static final void _write(final XoXMLStreamWriter writer, final TagFile tagFile, RuntimeContext context) throws Exception {
if (tagFile == null) {
if (context == null) {
context = new RuntimeContext();
final String prefix = writer.getUniquePrefix("");
if (TagFile.class != tagFile.getClass()) {
context.unexpectedSubclass(writer, tagFile, TagFile.class);
context.beforeMarshal(tagFile, LifecycleCallback.NONE);
final String idRaw =;
if (idRaw != null) {
String id = null;
try {
id = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.marshal(idRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(tagFile, "id", CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
writer.writeAttribute("", "", "id", id);
// ELEMENT: descriptions
Text[] descriptions = null;
try {
descriptions = tagFile.getDescriptions();
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.getterError(tagFile, "descriptions", TagFile.class, "getDescriptions", e);
if (descriptions != null) {
for (final Text descriptionsItem : descriptions) {
if (descriptionsItem != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "description", "");
writeText(writer, descriptionsItem, context);
} else {
context.unexpectedNullValue(tagFile, "descriptions");
// ELEMENT: displayNames
Text[] displayNames = null;
try {
displayNames = tagFile.getDisplayNames();
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.getterError(tagFile, "displayNames", TagFile.class, "getDisplayNames", e);
if (displayNames != null) {
for (final Text displayNamesItem : displayNames) {
if (displayNamesItem != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "display-name", "");
writeText(writer, displayNamesItem, context);
} else {
context.unexpectedNullValue(tagFile, "displayNames");
// ELEMENT: icon
final LocalCollection<Icon> icon = tagFile.icon;
if (icon != null) {
for (final Icon iconItem : icon) {
if (iconItem != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "icon", "");
writeIcon(writer, iconItem, context);
} else {
context.unexpectedNullValue(tagFile, "icon");
// ELEMENT: name
final String nameRaw =;
String name = null;
try {
name = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.marshal(nameRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(tagFile, "name", CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
if (name != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "name", "");
} else {
context.unexpectedNullValue(tagFile, "name");
// ELEMENT: path
final String pathRaw = tagFile.path;
String path = null;
try {
path = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.marshal(pathRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(tagFile, "path", CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
if (path != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "path", "");
} else {
context.unexpectedNullValue(tagFile, "path");
// ELEMENT: example
final String exampleRaw = tagFile.example;
String example = null;
try {
example = Adapters.collapsedStringAdapterAdapter.marshal(exampleRaw);
} catch (final Exception e) {
context.xmlAdapterError(tagFile, "example", CollapsedStringAdapter.class, String.class, String.class, e);
if (example != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "example", "");
// ELEMENT: tagExtension
final List<TldExtension> tagExtension = tagFile.tagExtension;
if (tagExtension != null) {
for (final TldExtension tagExtensionItem : tagExtension) {
if (tagExtensionItem != null) {
writer.writeStartElement(prefix, "tag-extension", "");
writeTldExtension(writer, tagExtensionItem, context);
context.afterMarshal(tagFile, LifecycleCallback.NONE);