use of org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.table.HTableInterfaceReference in project phoenix by apache.
the class PhoenixIndexFailurePolicy method handleFailureWithExceptions.
private long handleFailureWithExceptions(Multimap<HTableInterfaceReference, Mutation> attempted, Exception cause) throws Throwable {
Set<HTableInterfaceReference> refs = attempted.asMap().keySet();
Map<String, Long> indexTableNames = new HashMap<String, Long>(refs.size());
// start by looking at all the tables to which we attempted to write
long timestamp = 0;
boolean leaveIndexActive = blockDataTableWritesOnFailure || !disableIndexOnFailure;
for (HTableInterfaceReference ref : refs) {
long minTimeStamp = 0;
// get the minimum timestamp across all the mutations we attempted on that table
// FIXME: all cell timestamps should be the same
Collection<Mutation> mutations = attempted.get(ref);
if (mutations != null) {
for (Mutation m : mutations) {
for (List<Cell> kvs : m.getFamilyCellMap().values()) {
for (Cell kv : kvs) {
if (minTimeStamp == 0 || (kv.getTimestamp() >= 0 && minTimeStamp > kv.getTimestamp())) {
minTimeStamp = kv.getTimestamp();
timestamp = minTimeStamp;
// If the data table has local index column families then get local indexes to disable.
if (ref.getTableName().equals(env.getRegion().getTableDesc().getNameAsString()) && MetaDataUtil.hasLocalIndexColumnFamily(env.getRegion().getTableDesc())) {
for (String tableName : getLocalIndexNames(ref, mutations)) {
indexTableNames.put(tableName, minTimeStamp);
} else {
indexTableNames.put(ref.getTableName(), minTimeStamp);
// Nothing to do if we're not disabling the index and not rebuilding on failure
if (!disableIndexOnFailure && !rebuildIndexOnFailure) {
return timestamp;
PIndexState newState = disableIndexOnFailure ? PIndexState.DISABLE : PIndexState.ACTIVE;
// for all the index tables that we've found, try to disable them and if that fails, try to
for (Map.Entry<String, Long> tableTimeElement : indexTableNames.entrySet()) {
String indexTableName = tableTimeElement.getKey();
long minTimeStamp = tableTimeElement.getValue();
// time stamp to differentiate.
if (!disableIndexOnFailure && !blockDataTableWritesOnFailure) {
minTimeStamp *= -1;
// Disable the index by using the updateIndexState method of MetaDataProtocol end point coprocessor.
HTableInterface systemTable = env.getTable(SchemaUtil.getPhysicalTableName(PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME_BYTES, env.getConfiguration()));
MetaDataMutationResult result = IndexUtil.setIndexDisableTimeStamp(indexTableName, minTimeStamp, systemTable, newState);
if (result.getMutationCode() == MutationCode.TABLE_NOT_FOUND) {"Index " + indexTableName + " has been dropped. Ignore uncommitted mutations");
if (result.getMutationCode() != MutationCode.TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
if (leaveIndexActive) {
LOG.warn("Attempt to update INDEX_DISABLE_TIMESTAMP " + " failed with code = " + result.getMutationCode());
// will lead to the RS being shutdown.
if (blockDataTableWritesOnFailure) {
throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Attempt to update INDEX_DISABLE_TIMESTAMP failed.");
} else {
LOG.warn("Attempt to disable index " + indexTableName + " failed with code = " + result.getMutationCode() + ". Will use default failure policy instead.");
throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Attempt to disable " + indexTableName + " failed.");
if (leaveIndexActive)"Successfully update INDEX_DISABLE_TIMESTAMP for " + indexTableName + " due to an exception while writing updates.", cause);
else"Successfully disabled index " + indexTableName + " due to an exception while writing updates.", cause);
// Return the cell time stamp (note they should all be the same)
return timestamp;
use of org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.table.HTableInterfaceReference in project phoenix by apache.
the class TestPerRegionIndexWriteCache method testMultipleRegions.
public void testMultipleRegions() {
PerRegionIndexWriteCache cache = new PerRegionIndexWriteCache();
HTableInterfaceReference t1 = new HTableInterfaceReference(new ImmutableBytesPtr(Bytes.toBytes("t1")));
List<Mutation> mutations = Lists.<Mutation>newArrayList(p);
List<Mutation> m2 = Lists.<Mutation>newArrayList(p2);
// add each region
cache.addEdits(r1, t1, mutations);
cache.addEdits(r2, t1, m2);
// check region1
Multimap<HTableInterfaceReference, Mutation> edits = cache.getEdits(r1);
Set<Entry<HTableInterfaceReference, Collection<Mutation>>> entries = edits.asMap().entrySet();
assertEquals("Got more than one table in the the edit map!", 1, entries.size());
for (Entry<HTableInterfaceReference, Collection<Mutation>> entry : entries) {
// ensure that we are still storing a list here - otherwise it breaks the parallel writer
// implementation
final List<Mutation> stored = (List<Mutation>) entry.getValue();
assertEquals("Got an unexpected amount of mutations in the entry for region1", 1, stored.size());
assertEquals("Got an unexpected mutation in the entry for region2", p, stored.get(0));
// check region2
edits = cache.getEdits(r2);
entries = edits.asMap().entrySet();
assertEquals("Got more than one table in the the edit map!", 1, entries.size());
for (Entry<HTableInterfaceReference, Collection<Mutation>> entry : entries) {
// ensure that we are still storing a list here - otherwise it breaks the parallel writer
// implementation
final List<Mutation> stored = (List<Mutation>) entry.getValue();
assertEquals("Got an unexpected amount of mutations in the entry for region2", 1, stored.size());
assertEquals("Got an unexpected mutation in the entry for region2", p2, stored.get(0));
// ensure that a second get doesn't have any more edits. This ensures that we don't keep
// references around to these edits and have a memory leak
assertNull("Got an entry for a region we removed", cache.getEdits(r1));
use of org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.table.HTableInterfaceReference in project phoenix by apache.
the class TestPerRegionIndexWriteCache method testAddRemoveSingleRegion.
public void testAddRemoveSingleRegion() {
PerRegionIndexWriteCache cache = new PerRegionIndexWriteCache();
HTableInterfaceReference t1 = new HTableInterfaceReference(new ImmutableBytesPtr(Bytes.toBytes("t1")));
List<Mutation> mutations = new ArrayList<Mutation>();
cache.addEdits(r1, t1, mutations);
Multimap<HTableInterfaceReference, Mutation> edits = cache.getEdits(r1);
Set<Entry<HTableInterfaceReference, Collection<Mutation>>> entries = edits.asMap().entrySet();
assertEquals("Got more than one table in the the edit map!", 1, entries.size());
for (Entry<HTableInterfaceReference, Collection<Mutation>> entry : entries) {
//ensure that we are still storing a list here - otherwise it breaks the parallel writer implementation
final List<Mutation> stored = (List<Mutation>) entry.getValue();
assertEquals("Got an unexpected amount of mutations in the entry", 1, stored.size());
assertEquals("Got an unexpected mutation in the entry", p, stored.get(0));
// ensure that a second get doesn't have any more edits. This ensures that we don't keep
// references around to these edits and have a memory leak
assertNull("Got an entry for a region we removed", cache.getEdits(r1));
use of org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.table.HTableInterfaceReference in project phoenix by apache.
the class TestPerRegionIndexWriteCache method testMultipleAddsForSingleRegion.
public void testMultipleAddsForSingleRegion() {
PerRegionIndexWriteCache cache = new PerRegionIndexWriteCache();
HTableInterfaceReference t1 = new HTableInterfaceReference(new ImmutableBytesPtr(Bytes.toBytes("t1")));
List<Mutation> mutations = Lists.<Mutation>newArrayList(p);
cache.addEdits(r1, t1, mutations);
// add a second set
mutations = Lists.<Mutation>newArrayList(p2);
cache.addEdits(r1, t1, mutations);
Multimap<HTableInterfaceReference, Mutation> edits = cache.getEdits(r1);
Set<Entry<HTableInterfaceReference, Collection<Mutation>>> entries = edits.asMap().entrySet();
assertEquals("Got more than one table in the the edit map!", 1, entries.size());
for (Entry<HTableInterfaceReference, Collection<Mutation>> entry : entries) {
// ensure that we are still storing a list here - otherwise it breaks the parallel writer
// implementation
final List<Mutation> stored = (List<Mutation>) entry.getValue();
assertEquals("Got an unexpected amount of mutations in the entry", 2, stored.size());
assertEquals("Got an unexpected mutation in the entry", p, stored.get(0));
assertEquals("Got an unexpected mutation in the entry", p2, stored.get(1));
use of org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.table.HTableInterfaceReference in project phoenix by apache.
the class TestParalleWriterIndexCommitter method testSynchronouslyCompletesAllWrites.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" })
public void testSynchronouslyCompletesAllWrites() throws Exception {"Starting " + test.getTableNameString());"Current thread is interrupted: " + Thread.interrupted());
Abortable abort = new StubAbortable();
RegionCoprocessorEnvironment e = Mockito.mock(RegionCoprocessorEnvironment.class);
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
Mockito.when(e.getSharedData()).thenReturn(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>());
Stoppable stop = Mockito.mock(Stoppable.class);
ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
Map<ImmutableBytesPtr, HTableInterface> tables = new HashMap<ImmutableBytesPtr, HTableInterface>();
FakeTableFactory factory = new FakeTableFactory(tables);
ImmutableBytesPtr tableName = new ImmutableBytesPtr(this.test.getTableName());
Put m = new Put(row);
m.add(Bytes.toBytes("family"), Bytes.toBytes("qual"), null);
Multimap<HTableInterfaceReference, Mutation> indexUpdates = ArrayListMultimap.<HTableInterfaceReference, Mutation>create();
indexUpdates.put(new HTableInterfaceReference(tableName), m);
HTableInterface table = Mockito.mock(HTableInterface.class);
final boolean[] completed = new boolean[] { false };
Mockito.when(table.batch(Mockito.anyList())).thenAnswer(new Answer<Void>() {
public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
// just keep track that it was called
completed[0] = true;
return null;
// add the table to the set of tables, so its returned to the writer
tables.put(tableName, table);
// setup the writer and failure policy
ParallelWriterIndexCommitter writer = new ParallelWriterIndexCommitter(VersionInfo.getVersion());
writer.setup(factory, exec, abort, stop, 1, e);
writer.write(indexUpdates, true);
assertTrue("Writer returned before the table batch completed! Likely a race condition tripped", completed[0]);
writer.stop(this.test.getTableNameString() + " finished");
assertTrue("Factory didn't get shutdown after writer#stop!", factory.shutdown);
assertTrue("ExectorService isn't terminated after writer#stop!", exec.isShutdown());