use of org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixResultSet in project phoenix by apache.
the class MetaDataEndpointImpl method createTable.
public void createTable(RpcController controller, CreateTableRequest request, RpcCallback<MetaDataResponse> done) {
MetaDataResponse.Builder builder = MetaDataResponse.newBuilder();
byte[][] rowKeyMetaData = new byte[3][];
byte[] schemaName = null;
byte[] tableName = null;
try {
List<Mutation> tableMetadata = ProtobufUtil.getMutations(request);
MetaDataUtil.getTenantIdAndSchemaAndTableName(tableMetadata, rowKeyMetaData);
byte[] tenantIdBytes = rowKeyMetaData[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TENANT_ID_INDEX];
schemaName = rowKeyMetaData[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SCHEMA_NAME_INDEX];
tableName = rowKeyMetaData[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TABLE_NAME_INDEX];
byte[] parentSchemaName = null;
byte[] parentTableName = null;
PTableType tableType = MetaDataUtil.getTableType(tableMetadata, GenericKeyValueBuilder.INSTANCE, new ImmutableBytesWritable());
byte[] parentTableKey = null;
Mutation viewPhysicalTableRow = null;
if (tableType == PTableType.VIEW) {
byte[][] parentSchemaTableNames = new byte[2][];
* For a view, we lock the base physical table row. For a mapped view, there is
* no link present to the physical table. So the viewPhysicalTableRow is null
* in that case.
viewPhysicalTableRow = getPhysicalTableForView(tableMetadata, parentSchemaTableNames);
parentSchemaName = parentSchemaTableNames[0];
parentTableName = parentSchemaTableNames[1];
if (parentTableName != null) {
parentTableKey = SchemaUtil.getTableKey(ByteUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, parentSchemaName, parentTableName);
} else if (tableType == PTableType.INDEX) {
parentSchemaName = schemaName;
* For an index we lock the parent table's row which could be a physical table or a view.
* If the parent table is a physical table, then the tenantIdBytes is empty because
* we allow creating an index with a tenant connection only if the parent table is a view.
parentTableName = MetaDataUtil.getParentTableName(tableMetadata);
parentTableKey = SchemaUtil.getTableKey(tenantIdBytes, parentSchemaName, parentTableName);
Region region = env.getRegion();
List<RowLock> locks = Lists.newArrayList();
// Place a lock using key for the table to be created
byte[] tableKey = SchemaUtil.getTableKey(tenantIdBytes, schemaName, tableName);
try {
acquireLock(region, tableKey, locks);
// If the table key resides outside the region, return without doing anything
MetaDataMutationResult result = checkTableKeyInRegion(tableKey, region);
if (result != null) {;
long clientTimeStamp = MetaDataUtil.getClientTimeStamp(tableMetadata);
ImmutableBytesPtr parentCacheKey = null;
PTable parentTable = null;
if (parentTableName != null) {
// Check if the parent table resides in the same region. If not, don't worry about locking the parent table row
// or loading the parent table. For a view, the parent table that needs to be locked is the base physical table.
// For an index on view, the view header row needs to be locked.
result = checkTableKeyInRegion(parentTableKey, region);
if (result == null) {
acquireLock(region, parentTableKey, locks);
parentCacheKey = new ImmutableBytesPtr(parentTableKey);
parentTable = loadTable(env, parentTableKey, parentCacheKey, clientTimeStamp, clientTimeStamp);
if (parentTable == null || isTableDeleted(parentTable)) {
long parentTableSeqNumber;
if (tableType == PTableType.VIEW && viewPhysicalTableRow != null && request.hasClientVersion()) {
// Starting 4.5, the client passes the sequence number of the physical table in the table metadata.
parentTableSeqNumber = MetaDataUtil.getSequenceNumber(viewPhysicalTableRow);
} else if (tableType == PTableType.VIEW && !request.hasClientVersion()) {
// Before 4.5, due to a bug, the parent table key wasn't available.
// So don't do anything and prevent the exception from being thrown.
parentTableSeqNumber = parentTable.getSequenceNumber();
} else {
parentTableSeqNumber = MetaDataUtil.getParentSequenceNumber(tableMetadata);
// If parent table isn't at the expected sequence number, then return
if (parentTable.getSequenceNumber() != parentTableSeqNumber) {
// Load child table next
ImmutableBytesPtr cacheKey = new ImmutableBytesPtr(tableKey);
// Get as of latest timestamp so we can detect if we have a newer table that already
// exists without making an additional query
PTable table = loadTable(env, tableKey, cacheKey, clientTimeStamp, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
if (table != null) {
if (table.getTimeStamp() < clientTimeStamp) {
// continue
if (!isTableDeleted(table)) {
} else {
// sends over depending on its base physical table.
if (tableType != PTableType.VIEW) {
UpgradeUtil.addRowKeyOrderOptimizableCell(tableMetadata, tableKey, clientTimeStamp);
// tableMetadata and set the view statement and partition column correctly
if (parentTable != null && parentTable.getAutoPartitionSeqName() != null) {
long autoPartitionNum = 1;
try (PhoenixConnection connection = QueryUtil.getConnectionOnServer(env.getConfiguration()).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement()) {
String seqName = parentTable.getAutoPartitionSeqName();
// Not going through the standard route of using statement.execute() as that code path
// is blocked if the metadata hasn't been been upgraded to the new minor release.
String seqNextValueSql = String.format("SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR %s", seqName);
PhoenixStatement ps = stmt.unwrap(PhoenixStatement.class);
QueryPlan plan = ps.compileQuery(seqNextValueSql);
ResultIterator resultIterator = plan.iterator();
PhoenixResultSet rs = ps.newResultSet(resultIterator, plan.getProjector(), plan.getContext());;
autoPartitionNum = rs.getLong(1);
} catch (SequenceNotFoundException e) {
PColumn autoPartitionCol = parentTable.getPKColumns().get(MetaDataUtil.getAutoPartitionColIndex(parentTable));
if (!PLong.INSTANCE.isCoercibleTo(autoPartitionCol.getDataType(), autoPartitionNum)) {
// set the VIEW STATEMENT column of the header row
Put tableHeaderPut = MetaDataUtil.getPutOnlyTableHeaderRow(tableMetadata);
NavigableMap<byte[], List<Cell>> familyCellMap = tableHeaderPut.getFamilyCellMap();
List<Cell> cells = familyCellMap.get(TABLE_FAMILY_BYTES);
Cell cell = cells.get(0);
String autoPartitionWhere = QueryUtil.getViewPartitionClause(MetaDataUtil.getAutoPartitionColumnName(parentTable), autoPartitionNum);
String hbaseVersion = VersionInfo.getVersion();
ImmutableBytesPtr ptr = new ImmutableBytesPtr();
KeyValueBuilder kvBuilder = KeyValueBuilder.get(hbaseVersion);
MetaDataUtil.getMutationValue(tableHeaderPut, VIEW_STATEMENT_BYTES, kvBuilder, ptr);
byte[] value = ptr.copyBytesIfNecessary();
byte[] viewStatement = null;
// if we have an existing where clause add the auto partition where clause to it
if (!Bytes.equals(value, QueryConstants.EMPTY_COLUMN_VALUE_BYTES)) {
viewStatement = Bytes.add(value, Bytes.toBytes(" AND "), Bytes.toBytes(autoPartitionWhere));
} else {
viewStatement = Bytes.toBytes(QueryUtil.getViewStatement(parentTable.getSchemaName().getString(), parentTable.getTableName().getString(), autoPartitionWhere));
Cell viewStatementCell = new KeyValue(cell.getRow(), cell.getFamily(), VIEW_STATEMENT_BYTES, cell.getTimestamp(), Type.codeToType(cell.getTypeByte()), viewStatement);
// set the IS_VIEW_REFERENCED column of the auto partition column row
Put autoPartitionPut = MetaDataUtil.getPutOnlyAutoPartitionColumn(parentTable, tableMetadata);
familyCellMap = autoPartitionPut.getFamilyCellMap();
cells = familyCellMap.get(TABLE_FAMILY_BYTES);
cell = cells.get(0);
PDataType dataType = autoPartitionCol.getDataType();
Object val = dataType.toObject(autoPartitionNum, PLong.INSTANCE);
byte[] bytes = new byte[dataType.getByteSize() + 1];
dataType.toBytes(val, bytes, 0);
Cell viewConstantCell = new KeyValue(cell.getRow(), cell.getFamily(), VIEW_CONSTANT_BYTES, cell.getTimestamp(), Type.codeToType(cell.getTypeByte()), bytes);
Short indexId = null;
if (request.hasAllocateIndexId() && request.getAllocateIndexId()) {
String tenantIdStr = tenantIdBytes.length == 0 ? null : Bytes.toString(tenantIdBytes);
try (PhoenixConnection connection = QueryUtil.getConnectionOnServer(env.getConfiguration()).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class)) {
PName physicalName = parentTable.getPhysicalName();
int nSequenceSaltBuckets = connection.getQueryServices().getSequenceSaltBuckets();
SequenceKey key = MetaDataUtil.getViewIndexSequenceKey(tenantIdStr, physicalName, nSequenceSaltBuckets, parentTable.isNamespaceMapped());
// TODO Review Earlier sequence was created at (SCN-1/LATEST_TIMESTAMP) and incremented at the client max(SCN,dataTable.getTimestamp), but it seems we should
// use always LATEST_TIMESTAMP to avoid seeing wrong sequence values by different connection having SCN
// or not.
long sequenceTimestamp = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
try {
connection.getQueryServices().createSequence(key.getTenantId(), key.getSchemaName(), key.getSequenceName(), Short.MIN_VALUE, 1, 1, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE, false, sequenceTimestamp);
} catch (SequenceAlreadyExistsException e) {
long[] seqValues = new long[1];
SQLException[] sqlExceptions = new SQLException[1];
connection.getQueryServices().incrementSequences(Collections.singletonList(new SequenceAllocation(key, 1)), HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP, seqValues, sqlExceptions);
if (sqlExceptions[0] != null) {
throw sqlExceptions[0];
long seqValue = seqValues[0];
if (seqValue > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
Put tableHeaderPut = MetaDataUtil.getPutOnlyTableHeaderRow(tableMetadata);
NavigableMap<byte[], List<Cell>> familyCellMap = tableHeaderPut.getFamilyCellMap();
List<Cell> cells = familyCellMap.get(TABLE_FAMILY_BYTES);
Cell cell = cells.get(0);
PDataType dataType = MetaDataUtil.getViewIndexIdDataType();
Object val = dataType.toObject(seqValue, PLong.INSTANCE);
byte[] bytes = new byte[dataType.getByteSize() + 1];
dataType.toBytes(val, bytes, 0);
Cell indexIdCell = new KeyValue(cell.getRow(), cell.getFamily(), VIEW_INDEX_ID_BYTES, cell.getTimestamp(), Type.codeToType(cell.getTypeByte()), bytes);
indexId = (short) seqValue;
// TODO: Switch this to HRegion#batchMutate when we want to support indexes on the
// system table. Basically, we get all the locks that we don't already hold for all the
// tableMetadata rows. This ensures we don't have deadlock situations (ensuring
// primary and then index table locks are held, in that order). For now, we just don't support
// indexing on the system table. This is an issue because of the way we manage batch mutation
// in the Indexer.
region.mutateRowsWithLocks(tableMetadata, Collections.<byte[]>emptySet(), HConstants.NO_NONCE, HConstants.NO_NONCE);
// Invalidate the cache - the next getTable call will add it
// TODO: consider loading the table that was just created here, patching up the parent table, and updating the cache
Cache<ImmutableBytesPtr, PMetaDataEntity> metaDataCache = GlobalCache.getInstance(this.env).getMetaDataCache();
if (parentCacheKey != null) {
// Get timeStamp from mutations - the above method sets it if it's unset
long currentTimeStamp = MetaDataUtil.getClientTimeStamp(tableMetadata);
if (indexId != null) {
} finally {
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("createTable failed", t);
ProtobufUtil.setControllerException(controller, ServerUtil.createIOException(SchemaUtil.getTableName(schemaName, tableName), t));
use of org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixResultSet in project phoenix by apache.
the class PhoenixMetricsIT method testReadMetricsForSelect.
public void testReadMetricsForSelect() throws Exception {
String tableName = generateUniqueName();
long numSaltBuckets = 6;
String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (K VARCHAR NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, V VARCHAR)" + " SALT_BUCKETS = " + numSaltBuckets;
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
long numRows = 1000;
long numExpectedTasks = numSaltBuckets;
insertRowsInTable(tableName, numRows);
String query = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName;
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
PhoenixResultSet resultSetBeingTested = rs.unwrap(PhoenixResultSet.class);
while ( {
Set<String> expectedTableNames = Sets.newHashSet(tableName);
assertReadMetricValuesForSelectSql(Lists.newArrayList(numRows), Lists.newArrayList(numExpectedTasks), resultSetBeingTested, expectedTableNames);