use of org.apache.phoenix.query.ConnectionQueryServices in project phoenix by apache.
the class SkipScanAfterManualSplitIT method testManualSplit.
public void testManualSplit() throws Exception {
String tableName = generateUniqueName();
byte[] tableNameBytes = Bytes.toBytes(tableName);
Connection conn = getConnection();
ConnectionQueryServices services = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getQueryServices();
int nRegions = services.getAllTableRegions(tableNameBytes).size();
int nInitialRegions = nRegions;
HBaseAdmin admin = services.getAdmin();
try {
int nTries = 0;
while (nRegions == nInitialRegions && nTries < 10) {
nRegions = services.getAllTableRegions(tableNameBytes).size();
// Split finished by this time, but cache isn't updated until
// table is accessed
assertEquals(nRegions, nInitialRegions);
int nRows = 2;
String query = "SELECT count(*) FROM " + tableName + " WHERE a IN ('tl','jt',' a',' b',' c',' d')";
ResultSet rs1 = conn.createStatement().executeQuery(query);
nRegions = services.getAllTableRegions(tableNameBytes).size();
// Region cache has been updated, as there are more regions now
assertNotEquals(nRegions, nInitialRegions);
if (nRows != rs1.getInt(1)) {
// Run the same query again and it always passes now
// (as region cache is up-to-date)
ResultSet r2 = conn.createStatement().executeQuery(query);
assertEquals(nRows, r2.getInt(1));
assertEquals(nRows, rs1.getInt(1));
} finally {
use of org.apache.phoenix.query.ConnectionQueryServices in project phoenix by apache.
the class ScanPlan method getEstimateOfDataSizeToScanIfWithinThreshold.
* @return Pair of numbers in which the first part is estimated number of bytes that will be
* scanned and the second part is estimated number of rows. Returned value is null if
* estimated size of data to scan is beyond a threshold.
* @throws SQLException
private static Pair<Long, Long> getEstimateOfDataSizeToScanIfWithinThreshold(StatementContext context, PTable table, Integer perScanLimit) throws SQLException {
Scan scan = context.getScan();
ConnectionQueryServices services = context.getConnection().getQueryServices();
long estRowSize = SchemaUtil.estimateRowSize(table);
long regionSize = services.getProps().getLong(HConstants.HREGION_MAX_FILESIZE, HConstants.DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE);
if (perScanLimit == null || scan.getFilter() != null) {
* If a limit is not provided or if we have a filter, then we are not able to decide whether
* the amount of data we need to scan is less than the threshold.
return null;
float factor = services.getProps().getFloat(QueryServices.LIMITED_QUERY_SERIAL_THRESHOLD, QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_LIMITED_QUERY_SERIAL_THRESHOLD);
long threshold = (long) (factor * regionSize);
long estimatedBytes = perScanLimit * estRowSize;
long estimatedRows = perScanLimit;
return (perScanLimit * estRowSize < threshold) ? new Pair<>(estimatedBytes, estimatedRows) : null;
use of org.apache.phoenix.query.ConnectionQueryServices in project phoenix by apache.
the class PhoenixRecordReader method initialize.
public void initialize(InputSplit split, TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final PhoenixInputSplit pSplit = (PhoenixInputSplit) split;
final List<Scan> scans = pSplit.getScans();
try {
List<PeekingResultIterator> iterators = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(scans.size());
StatementContext ctx = queryPlan.getContext();
ReadMetricQueue readMetrics = ctx.getReadMetricsQueue();
String tableName = queryPlan.getTableRef().getTable().getPhysicalName().getString();
String snapshotName = this.configuration.get(PhoenixConfigurationUtil.SNAPSHOT_NAME_KEY);
// Clear the table region boundary cache to make sure long running jobs stay up to date
byte[] tableNameBytes = queryPlan.getTableRef().getTable().getPhysicalName().getBytes();
ConnectionQueryServices services = queryPlan.getContext().getConnection().getQueryServices();
long renewScannerLeaseThreshold = queryPlan.getContext().getConnection().getQueryServices().getRenewLeaseThresholdMilliSeconds();
boolean isRequestMetricsEnabled = readMetrics.isRequestMetricsEnabled();
for (Scan scan : scans) {
// For MR, skip the region boundary check exception if we encounter a split. ref: PHOENIX-2599
scan.setAttribute(BaseScannerRegionObserver.SKIP_REGION_BOUNDARY_CHECK, Bytes.toBytes(true));
PeekingResultIterator peekingResultIterator;
ScanMetricsHolder scanMetricsHolder = ScanMetricsHolder.getInstance(readMetrics, tableName, scan, isRequestMetricsEnabled);
if (snapshotName != null) {
// result iterator to read snapshots
final TableSnapshotResultIterator tableSnapshotResultIterator = new TableSnapshotResultIterator(configuration, scan, scanMetricsHolder);
peekingResultIterator = LookAheadResultIterator.wrap(tableSnapshotResultIterator);
} else {
final TableResultIterator tableResultIterator = new TableResultIterator(queryPlan.getContext().getConnection().getMutationState(), scan, scanMetricsHolder, renewScannerLeaseThreshold, queryPlan, MapReduceParallelScanGrouper.getInstance());
peekingResultIterator = LookAheadResultIterator.wrap(tableResultIterator);
ResultIterator iterator = queryPlan.useRoundRobinIterator() ? RoundRobinResultIterator.newIterator(iterators, queryPlan) : ConcatResultIterator.newIterator(iterators);
if (queryPlan.getContext().getSequenceManager().getSequenceCount() > 0) {
iterator = new SequenceResultIterator(iterator, queryPlan.getContext().getSequenceManager());
this.resultIterator = iterator;
// Clone the row projector as it's not thread safe and would be used simultaneously by
// multiple threads otherwise.
this.resultSet = new PhoenixResultSet(this.resultIterator, queryPlan.getProjector().cloneIfNecessary(), queryPlan.getContext());
} catch (SQLException e) {
LOG.error(String.format(" Error [%s] initializing PhoenixRecordReader. ", e.getMessage()));
use of org.apache.phoenix.query.ConnectionQueryServices in project phoenix by apache.
the class MetaDataClient method updateCache.
private MetaDataMutationResult updateCache(PName origTenantId, String schemaName, String tableName, boolean alwaysHitServer, Long resolvedTimestamp) throws SQLException {
// TODO: pass byte[] herez
boolean systemTable = SYSTEM_CATALOG_SCHEMA.equals(schemaName);
// System tables must always have a null tenantId
PName tenantId = systemTable ? null : origTenantId;
PTable table = null;
PTableRef tableRef = null;
String fullTableName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(schemaName, tableName);
long tableTimestamp = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
long tableResolvedTimestamp = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
try {
tableRef = connection.getTableRef(new PTableKey(tenantId, fullTableName));
table = tableRef.getTable();
tableTimestamp = table.getTimeStamp();
tableResolvedTimestamp = tableRef.getResolvedTimeStamp();
} catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
boolean defaultTransactional = connection.getQueryServices().getProps().getBoolean(QueryServices.DEFAULT_TABLE_ISTRANSACTIONAL_ATTRIB, QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_TRANSACTIONAL);
// start a txn if all table are transactional by default or if we found the table in the cache and it is transactional
// TODO if system tables become transactional remove the check
boolean isTransactional = defaultTransactional || (table != null && table.isTransactional());
if (!systemTable && isTransactional && !connection.getMutationState().isTransactionStarted()) {
resolvedTimestamp = resolvedTimestamp == null ? TransactionUtil.getResolvedTimestamp(connection, isTransactional, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP) : resolvedTimestamp;
// 2. table was already resolved as of that timestamp
if (table != null && !alwaysHitServer && (systemTable || resolvedTimestamp == tableResolvedTimestamp || connection.getMetaDataCache().getAge(tableRef) < table.getUpdateCacheFrequency())) {
return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, QueryConstants.UNSET_TIMESTAMP, table);
int maxTryCount = tenantId == null ? 1 : 2;
int tryCount = 0;
MetaDataMutationResult result;
do {
final byte[] schemaBytes = PVarchar.INSTANCE.toBytes(schemaName);
final byte[] tableBytes = PVarchar.INSTANCE.toBytes(tableName);
ConnectionQueryServices queryServices = connection.getQueryServices();
result = queryServices.getTable(tenantId, schemaBytes, tableBytes, tableTimestamp, resolvedTimestamp);
// if the table was assumed to be transactional, but is actually not transactional then re-resolve as of the right timestamp (and vice versa)
if (table == null && result.getTable() != null && result.getTable().isTransactional() != isTransactional) {
result = queryServices.getTable(tenantId, schemaBytes, tableBytes, tableTimestamp, TransactionUtil.getResolvedTimestamp(connection, result.getTable().isTransactional(), HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP));
if (SYSTEM_CATALOG_SCHEMA.equals(schemaName)) {
return result;
MutationCode code = result.getMutationCode();
PTable resultTable = result.getTable();
// We found an updated table, so update our cache
if (resultTable != null) {
// Cache table, even if multi-tenant table found for null tenant_id
// These may be accessed by tenant-specific connections, as the
// tenant_id will always be added to mask other tenants data.
// Otherwise, a tenant would be required to create a VIEW first
// which is not really necessary unless you want to filter or add
// columns
return result;
} else {
// server again.
if (table != null) {
// Ensures that table in result is set to table found in our cache.
if (code == MutationCode.TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
// Although this table is up-to-date, the parent table may not be.
// In this case, we update the parent table which may in turn pull
// in indexes to add to this table.
long resolvedTime = TransactionUtil.getResolvedTime(connection, result);
if (addIndexesFromParentTable(result, resolvedTimestamp)) {
connection.addTable(result.getTable(), resolvedTime);
} else {
// if we aren't adding the table, we still need to update the resolved time of the table
connection.updateResolvedTimestamp(table, resolvedTime);
return result;
// Otherwise, we're up to date, so there's nothing to do.
if (code == MutationCode.TABLE_NOT_FOUND && tryCount + 1 == maxTryCount) {
connection.removeTable(origTenantId, fullTableName, table.getParentName() == null ? null : table.getParentName().getString(), table.getTimeStamp());
// Try again with global tenantId
tenantId = null;
} while (++tryCount < maxTryCount);
return result;
use of org.apache.phoenix.query.ConnectionQueryServices in project phoenix by apache.
the class QueryTimeoutIT method testSetRPCTimeOnConnection.
public void testSetRPCTimeOnConnection() throws Exception {
Properties overriddenProps = PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES);
overriddenProps.put(QueryServices.EXTRA_JDBC_ARGUMENTS_ATTRIB, QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_EXTRA_JDBC_ARGUMENTS);
overriddenProps.setProperty("hbase.rpc.timeout", Long.toString(100));
String url = QueryUtil.getConnectionUrl(overriddenProps, config, "longRunning");
Connection conn1 = DriverManager.getConnection(url, overriddenProps);
ConnectionQueryServices s1 = conn1.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getQueryServices();
ReadOnlyProps configProps = s1.getProps();
assertEquals("100", configProps.get("hbase.rpc.timeout"));
Properties props = PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES);
Connection conn2 = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), props);
ConnectionQueryServices s2 = conn2.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getQueryServices();
assertFalse(s1 == s2);
Connection conn3 = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), props);
ConnectionQueryServices s3 = conn3.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getQueryServices();
assertTrue(s2 == s3);
Connection conn4 = DriverManager.getConnection(url, overriddenProps);
ConnectionQueryServices s4 = conn4.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getQueryServices();
assertTrue(s1 == s4);