use of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PName in project phoenix by apache.
the class AlterTableWithViewsIT method testAlterPropertiesOfParentTable.
public void testAlterPropertiesOfParentTable() throws Exception {
try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
Connection viewConn = isMultiTenant ? DriverManager.getConnection(TENANT_SPECIFIC_URL1) : conn) {
String tableName = generateUniqueName();
String viewOfTable1 = tableName + "_VIEW1";
String viewOfTable2 = tableName + "_VIEW2";
String ddlFormat = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + tableName + " (" + " %s ID char(1) NOT NULL," + " COL1 integer NOT NULL," + " COL2 bigint NOT NULL," + " CONSTRAINT NAME_PK PRIMARY KEY (%s ID, COL1, COL2)" + " ) %s ";
conn.createStatement().execute(generateDDL("UPDATE_CACHE_FREQUENCY=2", ddlFormat));
viewConn.createStatement().execute("CREATE VIEW " + viewOfTable1 + " ( VIEW_COL1 DECIMAL(10,2), VIEW_COL2 VARCHAR ) AS SELECT * FROM " + tableName);
viewConn.createStatement().execute("CREATE VIEW " + viewOfTable2 + " ( VIEW_COL1 DECIMAL(10,2), VIEW_COL2 VARCHAR ) AS SELECT * FROM " + tableName);
viewConn.createStatement().execute("ALTER VIEW " + viewOfTable2 + " SET UPDATE_CACHE_FREQUENCY = 1");
PhoenixConnection phoenixConn = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
PTable table = phoenixConn.getTable(new PTableKey(null, tableName));
PName tenantId = isMultiTenant ? PNameFactory.newName("tenant1") : null;
assertEquals(2, table.getUpdateCacheFrequency());
PTable viewTable1 = viewConn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getTable(new PTableKey(tenantId, viewOfTable1));
assertEquals(2, viewTable1.getUpdateCacheFrequency());
// query the view to force the table cache to be updated
viewConn.createStatement().execute("SELECT * FROM " + viewOfTable2);
PTable viewTable2 = viewConn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getTable(new PTableKey(tenantId, viewOfTable2));
assertEquals(1, viewTable2.getUpdateCacheFrequency());
conn.createStatement().execute("ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " SET IMMUTABLE_ROWS=true, UPDATE_CACHE_FREQUENCY=3");
// query the views to force the table cache to be updated
viewConn.createStatement().execute("SELECT * FROM " + viewOfTable1);
viewConn.createStatement().execute("SELECT * FROM " + viewOfTable2);
phoenixConn = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
table = phoenixConn.getTable(new PTableKey(null, tableName));
assertEquals(3, table.getUpdateCacheFrequency());
viewTable1 = viewConn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getTable(new PTableKey(tenantId, viewOfTable1));
assertEquals(3, viewTable1.getUpdateCacheFrequency());
viewTable2 = viewConn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getTable(new PTableKey(tenantId, viewOfTable2));
// update cache frequency is not propagated to the view since it was altered on the view
assertEquals(1, viewTable2.getUpdateCacheFrequency());
use of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PName in project phoenix by apache.
the class AlterTableWithViewsIT method testAlterAppendOnlySchema.
public void testAlterAppendOnlySchema() throws Exception {
try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
Connection viewConn = isMultiTenant ? DriverManager.getConnection(TENANT_SPECIFIC_URL1) : conn) {
String baseTableName = "NONTXNTBL_" + generateUniqueName() + (isMultiTenant ? "0" : "1");
String viewOfTable = baseTableName + "_VIEW";
String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + baseTableName + " (\n" + "%s ID VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,\n" + " COL1 integer NOT NULL," + "CREATED_DATE DATE,\n" + "CONSTRAINT PK PRIMARY KEY (%s ID, COL1)) %s";
ddl = "CREATE VIEW " + viewOfTable + " AS SELECT * FROM " + baseTableName;
PhoenixConnection phoenixConn = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
PTable table = phoenixConn.getTable(new PTableKey(null, baseTableName));
PName tenantId = isMultiTenant ? PNameFactory.newName("tenant1") : null;
PTable viewTable = viewConn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getTable(new PTableKey(tenantId, viewOfTable));
try {
viewConn.createStatement().execute("ALTER VIEW " + viewOfTable + " SET APPEND_ONLY_SCHEMA = true");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertEquals(SQLExceptionCode.CANNOT_ALTER_TABLE_PROPERTY_ON_VIEW.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorCode());
conn.createStatement().execute("ALTER TABLE " + baseTableName + " SET APPEND_ONLY_SCHEMA = true");
viewConn.createStatement().execute("SELECT * FROM " + viewOfTable);
phoenixConn = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
table = phoenixConn.getTable(new PTableKey(null, baseTableName));
viewTable = viewConn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getTable(new PTableKey(tenantId, viewOfTable));
use of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PName in project phoenix by apache.
the class AlterTableWithViewsIT method testAlterTablePropertyOnView.
public void testAlterTablePropertyOnView() throws Exception {
try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
Connection viewConn = isMultiTenant ? DriverManager.getConnection(TENANT_SPECIFIC_URL1) : conn) {
String baseTableName = "NONTXNTBL_" + generateUniqueName() + (isMultiTenant ? "0" : "1");
String viewOfTable = baseTableName + "_VIEW";
String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + baseTableName + " (\n" + "%s ID VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,\n" + " COL1 integer NOT NULL," + "CREATED_DATE DATE,\n" + "CONSTRAINT PK PRIMARY KEY (%s ID, COL1)) %s";
ddl = "CREATE VIEW " + viewOfTable + " AS SELECT * FROM " + baseTableName;
try {
viewConn.createStatement().execute("ALTER VIEW " + viewOfTable + " SET IMMUTABLE_ROWS = true");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertEquals(SQLExceptionCode.CANNOT_ALTER_TABLE_PROPERTY_ON_VIEW.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorCode());
viewConn.createStatement().execute("ALTER VIEW " + viewOfTable + " SET UPDATE_CACHE_FREQUENCY = 100");
viewConn.createStatement().execute("SELECT * FROM " + viewOfTable);
PName tenantId = isMultiTenant ? PNameFactory.newName("tenant1") : null;
assertEquals(100, viewConn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getTable(new PTableKey(tenantId, viewOfTable)).getUpdateCacheFrequency());
try {
viewConn.createStatement().execute("ALTER VIEW " + viewOfTable + " SET APPEND_ONLY_SCHEMA = true");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertEquals(SQLExceptionCode.CANNOT_ALTER_TABLE_PROPERTY_ON_VIEW.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorCode());
use of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PName in project phoenix by apache.
the class DeleteCompiler method deleteRows.
private static MutationState deleteRows(StatementContext childContext, TableRef targetTableRef, List<TableRef> indexTableRefs, ResultIterator iterator, RowProjector projector, TableRef sourceTableRef) throws SQLException {
PTable table = targetTableRef.getTable();
PhoenixStatement statement = childContext.getStatement();
PhoenixConnection connection = statement.getConnection();
PName tenantId = connection.getTenantId();
byte[] tenantIdBytes = null;
if (tenantId != null) {
tenantIdBytes = ScanUtil.getTenantIdBytes(table.getRowKeySchema(), table.getBucketNum() != null, tenantId, table.getViewIndexId() != null);
final boolean isAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
ConnectionQueryServices services = connection.getQueryServices();
final int maxSize = services.getProps().getInt(QueryServices.MAX_MUTATION_SIZE_ATTRIB, QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_MUTATION_SIZE);
final int maxSizeBytes = services.getProps().getInt(QueryServices.MAX_MUTATION_SIZE_BYTES_ATTRIB, QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_MUTATION_SIZE_BYTES);
final int batchSize = Math.min(connection.getMutateBatchSize(), maxSize);
Map<ImmutableBytesPtr, RowMutationState> mutations = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(batchSize);
List<Map<ImmutableBytesPtr, RowMutationState>> indexMutations = null;
// the data table through a single query to save executing an additional one.
if (!indexTableRefs.isEmpty()) {
indexMutations = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(indexTableRefs.size());
for (int i = 0; i < indexTableRefs.size(); i++) {
indexMutations.add(Maps.<ImmutableBytesPtr, RowMutationState>newHashMapWithExpectedSize(batchSize));
List<PColumn> pkColumns = table.getPKColumns();
boolean isMultiTenant = table.isMultiTenant() && tenantIdBytes != null;
boolean isSharedViewIndex = table.getViewIndexId() != null;
int offset = (table.getBucketNum() == null ? 0 : 1);
byte[][] values = new byte[pkColumns.size()][];
if (isSharedViewIndex) {
values[offset++] = MetaDataUtil.getViewIndexIdDataType().toBytes(table.getViewIndexId());
if (isMultiTenant) {
values[offset++] = tenantIdBytes;
try (PhoenixResultSet rs = new PhoenixResultSet(iterator, projector, childContext)) {
int rowCount = 0;
while ( {
// allocate new as this is a key in a Map
ImmutableBytesPtr ptr = new ImmutableBytesPtr();
// there's no transation required.
if (sourceTableRef.equals(targetTableRef)) {
} else {
for (int i = offset; i < values.length; i++) {
byte[] byteValue = rs.getBytes(i + 1 - offset);
// TODO: consider going under the hood and just getting the bytes
if (pkColumns.get(i).getSortOrder() == SortOrder.DESC) {
byte[] tempByteValue = Arrays.copyOf(byteValue, byteValue.length);
byteValue = SortOrder.invert(byteValue, 0, tempByteValue, 0, byteValue.length);
values[i] = byteValue;
table.newKey(ptr, values);
// When issuing deletes, we do not care about the row time ranges. Also, if the table had a row timestamp column, then the
// row key will already have its value.
mutations.put(ptr, new RowMutationState(PRow.DELETE_MARKER, statement.getConnection().getStatementExecutionCounter(), NULL_ROWTIMESTAMP_INFO, null));
for (int i = 0; i < indexTableRefs.size(); i++) {
// allocate new as this is a key in a Map
ImmutableBytesPtr indexPtr = new ImmutableBytesPtr();
indexMutations.get(i).put(indexPtr, new RowMutationState(PRow.DELETE_MARKER, statement.getConnection().getStatementExecutionCounter(), NULL_ROWTIMESTAMP_INFO, null));
if (mutations.size() > maxSize) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("MutationState size of " + mutations.size() + " is bigger than max allowed size of " + maxSize);
// Commit a batch if auto commit is true and we're at our batch size
if (isAutoCommit && rowCount % batchSize == 0) {
MutationState state = new MutationState(targetTableRef, mutations, 0, maxSize, maxSizeBytes, connection);
for (int i = 0; i < indexTableRefs.size(); i++) {
MutationState indexState = new MutationState(indexTableRefs.get(i), indexMutations.get(i), 0, maxSize, maxSizeBytes, connection);
if (indexMutations != null) {
// If auto commit is true, this last batch will be committed upon return
int nCommittedRows = isAutoCommit ? (rowCount / batchSize * batchSize) : 0;
MutationState state = new MutationState(targetTableRef, mutations, nCommittedRows, maxSize, maxSizeBytes, connection);
for (int i = 0; i < indexTableRefs.size(); i++) {
// To prevent the counting of these index rows, we have a negative for remainingRows.
MutationState indexState = new MutationState(indexTableRefs.get(i), indexMutations.get(i), 0, maxSize, maxSizeBytes, connection);
return state;
use of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PName in project phoenix by apache.
the class ConnectionlessQueryServicesImpl method updateIndexState.
public MetaDataMutationResult updateIndexState(List<Mutation> tableMetadata, String parentTableName) throws SQLException {
byte[][] rowKeyMetadata = new byte[3][];
SchemaUtil.getVarChars(tableMetadata.get(0).getRow(), rowKeyMetadata);
Mutation m = MetaDataUtil.getTableHeaderRow(tableMetadata);
ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
if (!MetaDataUtil.getMutationValue(m, INDEX_STATE_BYTES, kvBuilder, ptr)) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
PIndexState newState = PIndexState.fromSerializedValue(ptr.get()[ptr.getOffset()]);
byte[] tenantIdBytes = rowKeyMetadata[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TENANT_ID_INDEX];
String schemaName = Bytes.toString(rowKeyMetadata[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SCHEMA_NAME_INDEX]);
String indexName = Bytes.toString(rowKeyMetadata[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TABLE_NAME_INDEX]);
String indexTableName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(schemaName, indexName);
PName tenantId = tenantIdBytes.length == 0 ? null : PNameFactory.newName(tenantIdBytes);
PTable index = metaData.getTableRef(new PTableKey(tenantId, indexTableName)).getTable();
index = PTableImpl.makePTable(index, newState == PIndexState.USABLE ? PIndexState.ACTIVE : newState == PIndexState.UNUSABLE ? PIndexState.INACTIVE : newState);
return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, 0, index);