use of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable.ImmutableStorageScheme in project phoenix by apache.
the class SingleCellColumnExpression method evaluate.
public boolean evaluate(Tuple tuple, ImmutableBytesWritable ptr) {
if (!super.evaluate(tuple, ptr)) {
return false;
} else if (ptr.getLength() == 0) {
return true;
// the first position is reserved and we offset maxEncodedColumnQualifier by ENCODED_CQ_COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE (which is the minimum encoded column qualifier)
int index = decodedColumnQualifier - QueryConstants.ENCODED_CQ_COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE + 1;
byte serializedImmutableStorageScheme = ptr.get()[ptr.getOffset() + ptr.getLength() - Bytes.SIZEOF_BYTE];
ImmutableStorageScheme immutableStorageScheme = ImmutableStorageScheme.fromSerializedValue(serializedImmutableStorageScheme);
// Given a ptr to the entire array, set ptr to point to a particular element within that array
ColumnValueDecoder encoderDecoder = immutableStorageScheme.getDecoder();
return encoderDecoder.decode(ptr, index);
use of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable.ImmutableStorageScheme in project phoenix by apache.
the class BaseResultIterators method optimizeProjection.
private static void optimizeProjection(StatementContext context, Scan scan, PTable table, FilterableStatement statement) {
Map<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> familyMap = scan.getFamilyMap();
// columnsTracker contain cf -> qualifiers which should get returned.
Map<ImmutableBytesPtr, NavigableSet<ImmutableBytesPtr>> columnsTracker = new TreeMap<ImmutableBytesPtr, NavigableSet<ImmutableBytesPtr>>();
Set<byte[]> conditionOnlyCfs = new TreeSet<byte[]>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
int referencedCfCount = familyMap.size();
QualifierEncodingScheme encodingScheme = table.getEncodingScheme();
ImmutableStorageScheme storageScheme = table.getImmutableStorageScheme();
BitSet trackedColumnsBitset = isPossibleToUseEncodedCQFilter(encodingScheme, storageScheme) && !hasDynamicColumns(table) ? new BitSet(10) : null;
boolean filteredColumnNotInProjection = false;
for (Pair<byte[], byte[]> whereCol : context.getWhereConditionColumns()) {
byte[] filteredFamily = whereCol.getFirst();
if (!(familyMap.containsKey(filteredFamily))) {
filteredColumnNotInProjection = true;
} else if (!filteredColumnNotInProjection) {
NavigableSet<byte[]> projectedColumns = familyMap.get(filteredFamily);
if (projectedColumns != null) {
byte[] filteredColumn = whereCol.getSecond();
if (filteredColumn == null) {
filteredColumnNotInProjection = true;
} else {
filteredColumnNotInProjection = !projectedColumns.contains(filteredColumn);
boolean preventSeekToColumn = false;
if (statement.getHint().hasHint(Hint.SEEK_TO_COLUMN)) {
// Allow seeking to column during filtering
preventSeekToColumn = false;
} else if (!EncodedColumnsUtil.useEncodedQualifierListOptimization(table)) {
* preventSeekToColumn cannot be true, even if hinted, when encoded qualifier list
* optimization is being used. When using the optimization, it is necessary that we
* explicitly set the column qualifiers of the column family in the scan and not just
* project the entire column family.
if (statement.getHint().hasHint(Hint.NO_SEEK_TO_COLUMN)) {
// Prevent seeking to column during filtering
preventSeekToColumn = true;
} else {
int hbaseServerVersion = context.getConnection().getQueryServices().getLowestClusterHBaseVersion();
// When only a single column family is referenced, there are no hints, and HBase server version
// is less than when the fix for HBASE-13109 went in (0.98.12), then we prevent seeking to a
// column.
preventSeekToColumn = referencedCfCount == 1 && hbaseServerVersion < MIN_SEEK_TO_COLUMN_VERSION;
for (Entry<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> entry : familyMap.entrySet()) {
ImmutableBytesPtr cf = new ImmutableBytesPtr(entry.getKey());
NavigableSet<byte[]> qs = entry.getValue();
NavigableSet<ImmutableBytesPtr> cols = null;
if (qs != null) {
cols = new TreeSet<ImmutableBytesPtr>();
for (byte[] q : qs) {
cols.add(new ImmutableBytesPtr(q));
if (trackedColumnsBitset != null) {
int qualifier = encodingScheme.decode(q);
columnsTracker.put(cf, cols);
// Making sure that where condition CFs are getting scanned at HRS.
for (Pair<byte[], byte[]> whereCol : context.getWhereConditionColumns()) {
byte[] family = whereCol.getFirst();
if (preventSeekToColumn) {
if (!(familyMap.containsKey(family))) {
} else {
if (familyMap.containsKey(family)) {
// where column's CF is present. If there are some specific columns added against this CF, we
// need to ensure this where column also getting added in it.
// If the select was like select cf1.*, then that itself will select the whole CF. So no need to
// specifically add the where column. Adding that will remove the cf1.* stuff and only this
// where condition column will get returned!
NavigableSet<byte[]> cols = familyMap.get(family);
// cols is null means the whole CF will get scanned.
if (cols != null) {
if (whereCol.getSecond() == null) {
} else {
scan.addColumn(family, whereCol.getSecond());
} else if (whereCol.getSecond() == null) {
} else {
// where column's CF itself is not present in family map. We need to add the column
scan.addColumn(family, whereCol.getSecond());
if (!columnsTracker.isEmpty()) {
if (preventSeekToColumn) {
for (ImmutableBytesPtr f : columnsTracker.keySet()) {
// This addFamily will remove explicit cols in scan familyMap and make it as entire row.
// We don't want the ExplicitColumnTracker to be used. Instead we have the ColumnProjectionFilter
// the ExplicitColumnTracker not to be used, though.
if (!statement.isAggregate() && filteredColumnNotInProjection) {
ScanUtil.andFilterAtEnd(scan, trackedColumnsBitset != null ? new EncodedQualifiersColumnProjectionFilter(SchemaUtil.getEmptyColumnFamily(table), trackedColumnsBitset, conditionOnlyCfs, table.getEncodingScheme()) : new ColumnProjectionFilter(SchemaUtil.getEmptyColumnFamily(table), columnsTracker, conditionOnlyCfs, EncodedColumnsUtil.usesEncodedColumnNames(table.getEncodingScheme())));