use of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable in project phoenix by apache.
the class QueryCompilerTest method testNullAlterTableDefaultRemoved.
public void testNullAlterTableDefaultRemoved() throws Exception {
String ddl = "CREATE TABLE table_with_default (" + "pk INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)";
String ddl2 = "ALTER TABLE table_with_default " + "ADD v CHAR(3) DEFAULT null";
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
PTable table = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getMetaDataCache().getTableRef(new PTableKey(null, "TABLE_WITH_DEFAULT")).getTable();
use of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable in project phoenix by apache.
the class QueryCompilerTest method testNullDefaultRemoved.
public void testNullDefaultRemoved() throws Exception {
String ddl = "CREATE TABLE table_with_default (" + "pk INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " + "v VARCHAR DEFAULT null)";
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
PTable table = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getMetaDataCache().getTableRef(new PTableKey(null, "TABLE_WITH_DEFAULT")).getTable();
use of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable in project phoenix by apache.
the class ParallelIteratorsSplitTest method testGetSplitsWithSkipScanFilter.
public void testGetSplitsWithSkipScanFilter() throws Exception {
byte[][] splits = new byte[][] { Ka1A, Ka1B, Ka1E, Ka1G, Ka1I, Ka2A };
createTestTable(getUrl(), DDL, splits, null);
Properties props = PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES);
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), props);
PhoenixConnection pconn = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
PTable table = pconn.getTable(new PTableKey(pconn.getTenantId(), TABLE_NAME));
TableRef tableRef = new TableRef(table);
List<HRegionLocation> regions = pconn.getQueryServices().getAllTableRegions(tableRef.getTable().getPhysicalName().getBytes());
List<KeyRange> ranges = getSplits(tableRef, scan, regions, scanRanges);
assertEquals("Unexpected number of splits: " + ranges.size(), expectedSplits.size(), ranges.size());
for (int i = 0; i < expectedSplits.size(); i++) {
assertEquals(expectedSplits.get(i), ranges.get(i));
use of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable in project phoenix by apache.
the class AlterTableIT method testMetadataForMutableTable.
public void testMetadataForMutableTable() throws Exception {
String schemaName = "XYZ";
String baseTableName = generateUniqueName();
String viewName = generateUniqueName();
String fullTableName = schemaName + "." + baseTableName;
String fullViewName = schemaName + "." + viewName;
try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl())) {
PhoenixConnection phxConn = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
conn.createStatement().execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + fullTableName + " (" + " ID char(1) NOT NULL," + " COL1 integer NOT NULL," + " COL2 bigint NOT NULL," + " KV1 VARCHAR" + " CONSTRAINT NAME_PK PRIMARY KEY (ID, COL1, COL2)" + " ) " + tableDDLOptions);
PTable baseTable = phxConn.getTable(new PTableKey(phxConn.getTenantId(), fullTableName));
long initBaseTableSeqNumber = baseTable.getSequenceNumber();
// assert that the client side cache is updated.
EncodedCQCounter cqCounter = baseTable.getEncodedCQCounter();
assertEquals(columnEncoded ? (Integer) (ENCODED_CQ_COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE + 1) : null, cqCounter.getNextQualifier(QueryConstants.DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY));
// assert that the server side metadata is updated correctly.
assertEncodedCQCounter(DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY, schemaName, baseTableName, ENCODED_CQ_COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE + 1);
assertEncodedCQValue(DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY, "KV1", schemaName, baseTableName, ENCODED_CQ_COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE);
assertSequenceNumber(schemaName, baseTableName, initBaseTableSeqNumber);
// now create a view and validate client and server side metadata
String viewDDL = "CREATE VIEW " + fullViewName + " ( VIEW_COL1 INTEGER, A.VIEW_COL2 VARCHAR ) AS SELECT * FROM " + fullTableName;
baseTable = phxConn.getTable(new PTableKey(phxConn.getTenantId(), fullTableName));
PTable view = phxConn.getTable(new PTableKey(phxConn.getTenantId(), fullViewName));
// verify that the client side cache is updated. Base table's cq counters should be updated.
assertEquals(columnEncoded ? (Integer) (ENCODED_CQ_COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE + 3) : null, baseTable.getEncodedCQCounter().getNextQualifier(DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY));
assertNull("A view should always have the null cq counter", view.getEncodedCQCounter().getNextQualifier(DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY));
// assert that the server side metadata for the base table and the view is also updated correctly.
assertEncodedCQCounter(DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY, schemaName, baseTableName, ENCODED_CQ_COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE + 3);
assertEncodedCQValue("A", "VIEW_COL2", schemaName, viewName, ENCODED_CQ_COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE + 2);
assertSequenceNumber(schemaName, baseTableName, initBaseTableSeqNumber + (columnEncoded ? 1 : 0));
assertSequenceNumber(schemaName, viewName, PTable.INITIAL_SEQ_NUM);
use of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable in project phoenix by apache.
the class AppendOnlySchemaIT method testAddColumns.
private void testAddColumns(boolean sameClient) throws Exception {
Properties props = PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES);
try (Connection conn1 = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), props);
Connection conn2 = sameClient ? conn1 : DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), props)) {
String metricTableName = generateUniqueName();
String viewName = generateUniqueName();
String metricIdSeqTableName = generateUniqueName();
// create sequence for auto partition
conn1.createStatement().execute("CREATE SEQUENCE " + metricIdSeqTableName + " CACHE 1");
// create base table
conn1.createStatement().execute("CREATE TABLE " + metricTableName + " (metricId INTEGER NOT NULL, metricVal1 DOUBLE, CONSTRAINT PK PRIMARY KEY(metricId))" + " APPEND_ONLY_SCHEMA = true, UPDATE_CACHE_FREQUENCY=1, AUTO_PARTITION_SEQ=" + metricIdSeqTableName);
// create view
String ddl = "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS " + viewName + "( hostName varchar NOT NULL," + " CONSTRAINT HOSTNAME_PK PRIMARY KEY (hostName))" + " AS SELECT * FROM " + metricTableName + " UPDATE_CACHE_FREQUENCY=300000";
conn1.createStatement().execute("UPSERT INTO " + viewName + "(hostName, metricVal1) VALUES('host1', 1.0)");
// execute ddl that creates that same view with an additional pk column and regular column
// and also changes the order of the pk columns (which is not respected since we only
// allow appending columns)
ddl = "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS " + viewName + "( instanceName varchar, hostName varchar, metricVal2 double, metricVal1 double" + " CONSTRAINT HOSTNAME_PK PRIMARY KEY (instancename, hostName))" + " AS SELECT * FROM " + metricTableName + " UPDATE_CACHE_FREQUENCY=300000";
conn2.createStatement().execute("UPSERT INTO " + viewName + "(hostName, instanceName, metricVal1, metricval2) VALUES('host2', 'instance2', 21.0, 22.0)");
conn1.createStatement().execute("UPSERT INTO " + viewName + "(hostName, metricVal1) VALUES('host3', 3.0)");
// verify data exists
ResultSet rs = conn2.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT * from " + viewName);
// verify the two columns were added correctly
PTable table = conn2.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getTable(new PTableKey(null, viewName));
List<PColumn> pkColumns = table.getPKColumns();
assertEquals(3, table.getPKColumns().size());
// even though the second create view statement changed the order of the pk, the original order is maintained
PColumn metricId = pkColumns.get(0);
assertEquals("METRICID", metricId.getName().getString());
PColumn hostName = pkColumns.get(1);
assertEquals("HOSTNAME", hostName.getName().getString());
// hostname name is not nullable even though the second create statement changed it to nullable
// since we only allow appending columns
PColumn instanceName = pkColumns.get(2);
assertEquals("INSTANCENAME", instanceName.getName().getString());
List<PColumn> columns = table.getColumns();
assertEquals("METRICID", columns.get(0).getName().getString());
assertEquals("METRICVAL1", columns.get(1).getName().getString());
assertEquals("HOSTNAME", columns.get(2).getName().getString());
assertEquals("INSTANCENAME", columns.get(3).getName().getString());
assertEquals("METRICVAL2", columns.get(4).getName().getString());
// verify the data
assertEquals(1, rs.getInt(1));
assertEquals(1.0, rs.getDouble(2), 1e-6);
assertEquals("host1", rs.getString(3));
assertEquals(null, rs.getString(4));
assertEquals(0.0, rs.getDouble(5), 1e-6);
assertEquals(1, rs.getInt(1));
assertEquals(21.0, rs.getDouble(2), 1e-6);
assertEquals("host2", rs.getString(3));
assertEquals("instance2", rs.getString(4));
assertEquals(22.0, rs.getDouble(5), 1e-6);
assertEquals(1, rs.getInt(1));
assertEquals(3.0, rs.getDouble(2), 1e-6);
assertEquals("host3", rs.getString(3));
assertEquals(null, rs.getString(4));
assertEquals(0.0, rs.getDouble(5), 1e-6);