use of org.apache.pig.PigServer in project hive by apache.
the class AbstractHCatStorerTest method testStoreFuncSimple.
public void testStoreFuncSimple() throws Exception {
AbstractHCatLoaderTest.dropTable("junit_unparted", driver);
AbstractHCatLoaderTest.createTable("junit_unparted", "a int, b string", null, driver, storageFormat);
int LOOP_SIZE = 3;
String[] inputData = new String[LOOP_SIZE * LOOP_SIZE];
int k = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= LOOP_SIZE; i++) {
String si = i + "";
for (int j = 1; j <= LOOP_SIZE; j++) {
inputData[k++] = si + "\t" + j;
HcatTestUtils.createTestDataFile(INPUT_FILE_NAME, inputData);
PigServer server = new PigServer(ExecType.LOCAL);
server.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE_NAME + "' as (a:int, b:chararray);");
server.registerQuery("store A into 'default.junit_unparted' using " + HCatStorer.class.getName() + "('','a:int,b:chararray');");
server.executeBatch();"select * from junit_unparted");
ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
driver.getResults(res);"drop table junit_unparted");
Iterator<String> itr = res.iterator();
for (int i = 1; i <= LOOP_SIZE; i++) {
String si = i + "";
for (int j = 1; j <= LOOP_SIZE; j++) {
assertEquals(si + "\t" + j,;
use of org.apache.pig.PigServer in project hive by apache.
the class AbstractHCatStorerTest method testPartColsInData.
public void testPartColsInData() throws Exception {
AbstractHCatLoaderTest.dropTable("junit_unparted", driver);
AbstractHCatLoaderTest.createTable("junit_unparted", "a int", "b string", driver, storageFormat);
int LOOP_SIZE = 11;
String[] input = new String[LOOP_SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_SIZE; i++) {
input[i] = i + "\t1";
HcatTestUtils.createTestDataFile(INPUT_FILE_NAME, input);
PigServer server = new PigServer(ExecType.LOCAL);
server.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE_NAME + "' as (a:int, b:chararray);");
server.registerQuery("store A into 'default.junit_unparted' using " + HCatStorer.class.getName() + "('b=1');");
server.registerQuery("B = load 'default.junit_unparted' using " + HCatLoader.class.getName() + "();");
Iterator<Tuple> itr = server.openIterator("B");
int i = 0;
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Tuple t =;
assertEquals(2, t.size());
assertEquals(t.get(0), i);
assertEquals(t.get(1), "1");
assertEquals(LOOP_SIZE, i);
use of org.apache.pig.PigServer in project hive by apache.
the class AbstractHCatStorerTest method testNoAlias.
public void testNoAlias() throws Exception {
AbstractHCatLoaderTest.dropTable("junit_parted", driver);
AbstractHCatLoaderTest.createTable("junit_parted", "a int, b string", "ds string", driver, storageFormat);
PigServer server = new PigServer(ExecType.LOCAL);
boolean errCaught = false;
try {
server.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE_NAME + "' as (a:int, b:chararray);");
server.registerQuery("B = foreach A generate a+10, b;");
server.registerQuery("store B into 'junit_parted' using " + HCatStorer.class.getName() + "('ds=20100101');");
} catch (PigException fe) {
PigException pe = LogUtils.getPigException(fe);
assertTrue(pe instanceof FrontendException);
assertEquals(PigHCatUtil.PIG_EXCEPTION_CODE, pe.getErrorCode());
assertTrue(pe.getMessage().contains("Column name for a field is not specified. Please provide the full schema as an argument to HCatStorer."));
errCaught = true;
errCaught = false;
try {
server.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE_NAME + "' as (a:int, B:chararray);");
server.registerQuery("B = foreach A generate a, B;");
server.registerQuery("store B into 'junit_parted' using " + HCatStorer.class.getName() + "('ds=20100101');");
} catch (PigException fe) {
PigException pe = LogUtils.getPigException(fe);
assertTrue(pe instanceof FrontendException);
assertEquals(PigHCatUtil.PIG_EXCEPTION_CODE, pe.getErrorCode());
assertTrue(pe.getMessage().contains("Column names should all be in lowercase. Invalid name found: B"));
errCaught = true;
}"drop table junit_parted");
use of org.apache.pig.PigServer in project hive by apache.
the class AbstractHCatStorerTest method pigValueRangeTest.
* This is used to test how Pig values of various data types which are out of range for Hive
* target column are handled. Currently the options are to raise an error or write NULL. 1. create
* a data file with 1 column, 1 row 2. load into pig 3. use pig to store into Hive table 4. read
* from Hive table using Pig 5. check that read value is what is expected
* @param tblName Hive table name to create
* @param hiveType datatype to use for the single column in table
* @param pigType corresponding Pig type when loading file into Pig
* @param goal how out-of-range values from Pig are handled by HCat, may be {@code null}
* @param inputValue written to file which is read by Pig, thus must be something Pig can read
* (e.g. DateTime.toString(), rather than java.sql.Date)
* @param expectedValue what Pig should see when reading Hive table
* @param format date format to use for comparison of values since default DateTime.toString()
* includes TZ which is meaningless for Hive DATE type
void pigValueRangeTest(String tblName, String hiveType, String pigType, HCatBaseStorer.OOR_VALUE_OPT_VALUES goal, String inputValue, String expectedValue, String format) throws Exception {
AbstractHCatLoaderTest.dropTable(tblName, driver);
final String field = "f1";
AbstractHCatLoaderTest.createTable(tblName, field + " " + hiveType, null, driver, storageFormat);
HcatTestUtils.createTestDataFile(INPUT_FILE_NAME, new String[] { inputValue });
LOG.debug("File=" + INPUT_FILE_NAME);
PigServer server = createPigServer(true);
int queryNumber = 1;
logAndRegister(server, "A = load '" + INPUT_FILE_NAME + "' as (" + field + ":" + pigType + ");", queryNumber++);
Iterator<Tuple> firstLoad = server.openIterator("A");
if (goal == null) {
logAndRegister(server, "store A into '" + tblName + "' using " + HCatStorer.class.getName() + "();", queryNumber++);
} else {
FrontendException fe = null;
try {
logAndRegister(server, "store A into '" + tblName + "' using " + HCatStorer.class.getName() + "('','','-" + HCatStorer.ON_OOR_VALUE_OPT + " " + goal + "');", queryNumber++);
} catch (FrontendException e) {
fe = e;
switch(goal) {
case Null:
// do nothing, fall through and verify the data
case Throw:
assertTrue("Expected a FrontendException", fe != null);
assertEquals("Expected a different FrontendException.", fe.getMessage(), "Unable to store alias A");
// this test is done
assertFalse("Unexpected goal: " + goal, 1 == 1);
logAndRegister(server, "B = load '" + tblName + "' using " + HCatLoader.class.getName() + "();", queryNumber);
CommandProcessorResponse cpr ="select * from " + tblName);
LOG.debug("cpr.respCode=" + cpr.getResponseCode() + " cpr.errMsg=" + cpr.getErrorMessage() + " for table " + tblName);
List l = new ArrayList();
LOG.debug("Dumping rows via SQL from " + tblName);
for (Object t : l) {
LOG.debug(t == null ? null : t.toString() + " t.class=" + t.getClass());
Iterator<Tuple> itr = server.openIterator("B");
int numRowsRead = 0;
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Tuple t =;
if ("date".equals(hiveType)) {
DateTime dateTime = (DateTime) t.get(0);
assertTrue(format != null);
assertEquals("Comparing Pig to Raw data for table " + tblName, expectedValue, dateTime == null ? null : dateTime.toString(format));
} else {
assertEquals("Comparing Pig to Raw data for table " + tblName, expectedValue, t.isNull(0) ? null : t.get(0).toString());
// see comment at "Dumping rows via SQL..." for why this doesn't work
// assertEquals("Comparing Pig to Hive", t.get(0), l.get(0));
assertEquals("Expected " + 1 + " rows; got " + numRowsRead + " file=" + INPUT_FILE_NAME + "; table " + tblName, 1, numRowsRead);
* Misc notes: Unfortunately Timestamp.toString() adjusts the value for local TZ and 't' is a
* String thus the timestamp in 't' doesn't match rawData
use of org.apache.pig.PigServer in project Resource by lovelifeming.
the class PigOperator method excutePig.
public static void excutePig(String execTypeString, String jarPath, String input, String output) throws IOException {
PigServer pigServer = new PigServer(execTypeString);
// String input = "/opt/sf/input.txt";
// String output = "/opt/sf/output.txt";
pigServer.registerQuery("A = load'" + input + "' using TextLoader();");
pigServer.registerQuery("B = foreach A generate flatten(tokenize($0));");
pigServer.registerQuery("C = group B by $1");
pigServer.registerQuery("D = foreach C generate flatten(group),COUNT(B.$0)");"D", output);