use of org.apache.pivot.wtk.Checkbox in project pivot by apache.
the class TerraCheckboxSkin method getBaseline.
public int getBaseline(int width, int height) {
Checkbox checkbox = (Checkbox) getComponent();
int baseline = -1;
Button.DataRenderer dataRenderer = checkbox.getDataRenderer();
dataRenderer.render(checkbox.getButtonData(), checkbox, false);
int clientWidth = Math.max(width - (CHECKBOX_SIZE + spacing), 0);
baseline = dataRenderer.getBaseline(clientWidth, height);
return baseline;
use of org.apache.pivot.wtk.Checkbox in project pivot by apache.
the class TerraCheckboxSkin method getPreferredHeight.
public int getPreferredHeight(int width) {
Checkbox checkbox = (Checkbox) getComponent();
Button.DataRenderer dataRenderer = checkbox.getDataRenderer();
int preferredHeight = CHECKBOX_SIZE;
Object buttonData = checkbox.getButtonData();
if (buttonData != null) {
if (width != -1) {
width = Math.max(width - (CHECKBOX_SIZE + spacing), 0);
dataRenderer.render(checkbox.getButtonData(), checkbox, false);
preferredHeight = Math.max(preferredHeight, dataRenderer.getPreferredHeight(width));
return preferredHeight;
use of org.apache.pivot.wtk.Checkbox in project pivot by apache.
the class FileBrowserWithCharsetTest method startup.
public void startup(Display display, Map<String, String> properties) throws Exception {
BoxPane windowContent = new BoxPane();
windowContent.getStyles().put(Style.verticalAlignment, VerticalAlignment.CENTER);
final Checkbox showHiddenCheckbox = new Checkbox("Show hidden files");
PushButton button = new PushButton("Open File Browser");
button.getStyles().put(Style.padding, "[2, 4, 2, 4]");
button.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
public void buttonPressed(Button buttonArgument) {
final Window window = Window.getActiveWindow();
final FileBrowserWithCharsetTest fileBrowserSheet = new FileBrowserWithCharsetTest(FileBrowserSheet.Mode.OPEN);
fileBrowserSheet.getStyles().put(Style.showHiddenFiles, showHiddenCheckbox.isSelected());, new SheetCloseListener() {
public void sheetClosed(Sheet sheet) {
if (sheet.getResult()) {
Sequence<File> selectedFiles = fileBrowserSheet.getSelectedFiles();
ListView listView = new ListView();
listView.setListData(new ArrayList<>(selectedFiles));
listView.getStyles().put(Style.backgroundColor, null);
Alert.alert(MessageType.INFO, "You selected (charset " + fileBrowserSheet.getCharsetName() + "):", listView, window);
} else {
Alert.alert(MessageType.INFO, "You didn't select anything.", window);
frame = new Frame(windowContent);
use of org.apache.pivot.wtk.Checkbox in project pivot by apache.
the class VFSBrowserTest method startup.
public void startup(final Display display, final Map<String, String> properties) throws Exception {
BoxPane windowContent = new BoxPane();
windowContent.getStyles().put(Style.verticalAlignment, VerticalAlignment.CENTER);
final Checkbox showHiddenCheckbox = new Checkbox("Show hidden files");
PushButton button = new PushButton("Open File Browser");
button.getStyles().put(Style.padding, "[2, 4, 2, 4]");
button.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
public void buttonPressed(final Button buttonArgument) {
try {
final VFSBrowserSheet vfsBrowserSheet = new VFSBrowserSheet(VFSBrowserSheet.Mode.OPEN);
vfsBrowserSheet.getStyles().put(Style.showHiddenFiles, showHiddenCheckbox.isSelected());, new SheetCloseListener() {
public void sheetClosed(final Sheet sheet) {
if (sheet.getResult()) {
Sequence<FileObject> selectedFiles = vfsBrowserSheet.getSelectedFiles();
ListView listView = new ListView();
listView.setListData(new ArrayList<>(selectedFiles));
listView.getStyles().put(Style.backgroundColor, null);
Alert.alert(MessageType.INFO, "You selected:", listView, frame);
} else {
Alert.alert(MessageType.INFO, "You didn't select anything.", frame);
} catch (FileSystemException fse) {
Alert.alert(MessageType.ERROR, String.format("File System Exception: %1$s", fse.getMessage()), frame);
frame = new Frame(windowContent);
use of org.apache.pivot.wtk.Checkbox in project pivot by apache.
the class CheckboxSkin method mouseClick.
public boolean mouseClick(Component component, Mouse.Button button, int x, int y, int count) {
boolean consumed = super.mouseClick(component, button, x, y, count);
Checkbox checkbox = (Checkbox) getComponent();
return consumed;