use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class EventProviderImpl method isValueInstanceOfDefinedClass.
private boolean isValueInstanceOfDefinedClass(QName qname, Serializable value) {
final PortletDefinition portletDefinition = this.portletWindow.getPlutoPortletWindow().getPortletDefinition();
final PortletApplicationDefinition app = portletDefinition.getApplication();
final List<? extends EventDefinition> events = app.getEventDefinitions();
if (events == null) {
return true;
final String defaultNamespace = app.getDefaultNamespace();
for (final EventDefinition eventDefinition : events) {
if (eventDefinition.getQName() != null) {
if (eventDefinition.getQName().equals(qname)) {
final Class<? extends Serializable> valueClass = value.getClass();
return valueClass.getName().equals(eventDefinition.getValueType());
} else {
final QName tmp = new QName(defaultNamespace, eventDefinition.getName());
if (tmp.equals(qname)) {
final Class<? extends Serializable> valueClass = value.getClass();
return valueClass.getName().equals(eventDefinition.getValueType());
// event not declared
return true;
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class PortletAdministrationHelper method loadDefaultsFromPortletDefinitionIfNew.
* Pre-populate a new {@link PortletDefinitionForm} with information from the {@link
* PortletDefinition}.
* @param form
public void loadDefaultsFromPortletDefinitionIfNew(PortletDefinitionForm form) {
if (!form.isNew()) {
// Get out; we only prepopulate new portlets
// appName/portletName must be set at this point
Validate.notBlank(form.getApplicationId(), "ApplicationId not set");
Validate.notBlank(form.getPortletName(), "PortletName not set");
final PortletRegistryService portletRegistryService = portalDriverContainerServices.getPortletRegistryService();
final PortletDefinition portletDef;
try {
portletDef = portletRegistryService.getPortlet(form.getApplicationId(), form.getPortletName());
} catch (PortletContainerException e) {
this.logger.warn("Failed to load portlet descriptor for appId='" + form.getApplicationId() + "', portletName='" + form.getPortletName() + "'", e);
for (Supports supports : portletDef.getSupports()) {
for (String mode : supports.getPortletModes()) {
if ("edit".equalsIgnoreCase(mode)) {
} else if ("help".equalsIgnoreCase(mode)) {
} else if ("config".equalsIgnoreCase(mode)) {
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class PortletEventCoordinatationService method unmarshall.
protected Event unmarshall(IPortletWindow portletWindow, Event event) {
//TODO make two types of Event impls, one for marshalled data and one for unmarshalled data
String value = (String) event.getValue();
final XMLInputFactory xmlInputFactory = this.xmlUtilities.getXmlInputFactory();
final XMLStreamReader xml;
try {
xml = xmlInputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(value));
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create XMLStreamReader for portlet event: " + event, e);
// now test if object is jaxb
final EventDefinition eventDefinitionDD = getEventDefintion(portletWindow, event.getQName());
final PortletDefinition portletDefinition = portletWindow.getPlutoPortletWindow().getPortletDefinition();
final PortletApplicationDefinition application = portletDefinition.getApplication();
final String portletApplicationName = application.getName();
final ClassLoader loader;
try {
loader = portletContextService.getClassLoader(portletApplicationName);
} catch (PortletContainerException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to get ClassLoader for portlet application: " + portletApplicationName, e);
final String eventType = eventDefinitionDD.getValueType();
final Class<? extends Serializable> clazz;
try {
clazz = loader.loadClass(eventType).asSubclass(Serializable.class);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Declared event type '" + eventType + "' cannot be found in portlet application: " + portletApplicationName, e);
//TODO cache JAXBContext in registered portlet application
final JAXBElement<? extends Serializable> result;
try {
final JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(clazz);
final Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
result = unmarshaller.unmarshal(xml, clazz);
} catch (JAXBException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create JAXBContext for event type '" + eventType + "' from portlet application: " + portletApplicationName, e);
return new EventImpl(event.getQName(), result.getValue());
use of in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class PortletEventCoordinatationService method resolvePortletEvents.
public void resolvePortletEvents(HttpServletRequest request, PortletEventQueue portletEventQueue) {
final Queue<QueuedEvent> events = portletEventQueue.getUnresolvedEvents();
//Skip all processing if there are no new events.
if (events.isEmpty()) {
//Get all the portlets the user is subscribed to
final IUserInstance userInstance = this.userInstanceManager.getUserInstance(request);
final IUserPreferencesManager preferencesManager = userInstance.getPreferencesManager();
final IUserLayoutManager userLayoutManager = preferencesManager.getUserLayoutManager();
//Make a local copy so we can remove data from it
final Set<String> allLayoutNodeIds = new LinkedHashSet<String>(userLayoutManager.getAllSubscribedChannels());
final Map<String, IPortletEntity> portletEntityCache = new LinkedHashMap<String, IPortletEntity>();
while (!events.isEmpty()) {
final QueuedEvent queuedEvent = events.poll();
if (queuedEvent == null) {
//no more queued events, done resolving
final IPortletWindowId sourceWindowId = queuedEvent.getPortletWindowId();
final Event event = queuedEvent.getEvent();
final boolean globalEvent = isGlobalEvent(request, sourceWindowId, event);
final Set<IPortletDefinition> portletDefinitions = new LinkedHashSet<IPortletDefinition>();
if (globalEvent) {
//Check each subscription to see what events it is registered to see
for (final Iterator<String> layoutNodeIdItr = allLayoutNodeIds.iterator(); layoutNodeIdItr.hasNext(); ) {
final String layoutNodeId =;
IPortletEntity portletEntity = portletEntityCache.get(layoutNodeId);
if (portletEntity == null) {
portletEntity = this.portletEntityRegistry.getOrCreatePortletEntity(request, userInstance, layoutNodeId);
// if portlet entity registry returned null, then portlet has been deleted - remove it (see UP-3378)
if (portletEntity == null) {
final IPortletDefinitionId portletDefinitionId = portletEntity.getPortletDefinitionId();
final PortletDefinition portletDescriptor = this.portletDefinitionRegistry.getParentPortletDescriptor(portletDefinitionId);
if (portletDescriptor == null) {
//Missconfigured portlet, remove it from the list so we don't check again and ignore it
final List<? extends EventDefinitionReference> supportedProcessingEvents = portletDescriptor.getSupportedProcessingEvents();
//Skip portlets that don't handle any events and remove them from the set so they are not checked again
if (supportedProcessingEvents == null || supportedProcessingEvents.size() == 0) {
portletEntityCache.put(layoutNodeId, portletEntity);
final IPortletDefinition portletDefinition = portletEntity.getPortletDefinition();
final IPortletDefinitionId portletDefinitionId = portletDefinition.getPortletDefinitionId();
if (this.supportsEvent(event, portletDefinitionId)) {
this.logger.debug("{} supports event {}", portletDefinition, event);
//If this is the default portlet entity remove the definition from the all defs set to avoid duplicate processing
final IPortletEntity defaultPortletEntity = this.portletEntityRegistry.getOrCreateDefaultPortletEntity(request, portletDefinitionId);
if (defaultPortletEntity.equals(portletEntity)) {
// Is this portlet permitted to receive events? (Or is it disablePortletEvents=true?)
IPortletDefinitionParameter disablePortletEvents = portletDefinition.getParameter(PortletExecutionManager.DISABLE_PORTLET_EVENTS_PARAMETER);
if (disablePortletEvents != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(disablePortletEvents.getValue())) {"Ignoring portlet events for portlet '{}' because they have been disabled.", portletDefinition.getFName());
final IPortletEntityId portletEntityId = portletEntity.getPortletEntityId();
final Set<IPortletWindow> portletWindows = this.portletWindowRegistry.getAllPortletWindowsForEntity(request, portletEntityId);
for (final IPortletWindow portletWindow : portletWindows) {
this.logger.debug("{} resolved target {}", event, portletWindow);
final IPortletWindowId portletWindowId = portletWindow.getPortletWindowId();
final Event unmarshalledEvent = this.unmarshall(portletWindow, event);
portletEventQueue.offerEvent(portletWindowId, new QueuedEvent(sourceWindowId, unmarshalledEvent));
} else {
if (!portletDefinitions.isEmpty()) {
final IPerson user = userInstance.getPerson();
final EntityIdentifier ei = user.getEntityIdentifier();
final IAuthorizationPrincipal ap = AuthorizationService.instance().newPrincipal(ei.getKey(), ei.getType());
//If the event is global there might still be portlet definitions that need targeting
for (final IPortletDefinition portletDefinition : portletDefinitions) {
// Is this portlet permitted to receive events? (Or is it disablePortletEvents=true?)
IPortletDefinitionParameter disablePortletEvents = portletDefinition.getParameter(PortletExecutionManager.DISABLE_PORTLET_EVENTS_PARAMETER);
if (disablePortletEvents != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(disablePortletEvents.getValue())) {"Ignoring portlet events for portlet '{}' because they have been disabled.", portletDefinition.getFName());
final IPortletDefinitionId portletDefinitionId = portletDefinition.getPortletDefinitionId();
//Check if the user can render the portlet definition before doing event tests
if (ap.canRender(portletDefinitionId.getStringId())) {
if (this.supportsEvent(event, portletDefinitionId)) {
this.logger.debug("{} supports event {}", portletDefinition, event);
final IPortletEntity portletEntity = this.portletEntityRegistry.getOrCreateDefaultPortletEntity(request, portletDefinitionId);
final IPortletEntityId portletEntityId = portletEntity.getPortletEntityId();
final Set<IPortletWindow> portletWindows = this.portletWindowRegistry.getAllPortletWindowsForEntity(request, portletEntityId);
for (final IPortletWindow portletWindow : portletWindows) {
this.logger.debug("{} resolved target {}", event, portletWindow);
final IPortletWindowId portletWindowId = portletWindow.getPortletWindowId();
final Event unmarshalledEvent = this.unmarshall(portletWindow, event);
portletEventQueue.offerEvent(portletWindowId, new QueuedEvent(sourceWindowId, unmarshalledEvent));