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Example 6 with MAPIAttribute

use of org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIAttribute in project poi by apache.

the class TestCompressedRTF method testFirstBlock.

     * Check that we can decode the first 8 codes
     * (1 flag byte + 8 codes)  
public void testFirstBlock() throws Exception {
    HMEFMessage msg = new HMEFMessage(_samples.openResourceAsStream("quick-winmail.dat"));
    MAPIAttribute attr = msg.getMessageMAPIAttribute(MAPIProperty.RTF_COMPRESSED);
    MAPIRtfAttribute rtfAttr = (MAPIRtfAttribute) attr;
    // Truncate to header + flag + data for flag
    byte[] data = new byte[16 + 12];
    System.arraycopy(rtfAttr.getRawData(), 0, data, 0, data.length);
    // Decompress it
    CompressedRTF comp = new CompressedRTF();
    byte[] decomp = comp.decompress(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
    String decompStr = new String(decomp, "ASCII");
    // Test
    assertEquals(block1.length(), decomp.length);
    assertEquals(block1, decompStr);
Also used : MAPIRtfAttribute(org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIRtfAttribute) ByteArrayInputStream( MAPIAttribute(org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIAttribute)

Example 7 with MAPIAttribute

use of org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIAttribute in project poi by apache.

the class HMEFDumper method dump.

private void dump() throws IOException {
    int level;
    int attachments = 0;
    while (true) {
        // Fetch the level
        level =;
        if (level == TNEFProperty.LEVEL_END_OF_FILE) {
        // Build the attribute
        TNEFAttribute attr = TNEFAttribute.create(inp);
        // Is it a new attachment?
        if (level == TNEFProperty.LEVEL_ATTACHMENT && attr.getProperty() == TNEFProperty.ID_ATTACHRENDERDATA) {
            System.out.println("Attachment # " + attachments);
        // Print the attribute into
        System.out.println("Level " + level + " : Type " + attr.getType() + " : ID " + attr.getProperty());
        // Print the contents
        String indent = "  ";
        if (attr instanceof TNEFStringAttribute) {
            System.out.println(indent + indent + indent + ((TNEFStringAttribute) attr).getString());
        if (attr instanceof TNEFDateAttribute) {
            System.out.println(indent + indent + indent + ((TNEFDateAttribute) attr).getDate());
        System.out.println(indent + "Data of length " + attr.getData().length);
        if (attr.getData().length > 0) {
            int len = attr.getData().length;
            if (truncatePropertyData) {
                len = Math.min(attr.getData().length, 48);
            int loops = len / 16;
            if (loops == 0)
                loops = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
                int thisLen = 16;
                int offset = i * 16;
                if (i == loops - 1) {
                    thisLen = len - offset;
                byte[] data = new byte[thisLen];
                System.arraycopy(attr.getData(), offset, data, 0, thisLen);
                System.out.print(indent + HexDump.dump(data, 0, 0));
        if (attr.getProperty() == TNEFProperty.ID_MAPIPROPERTIES || attr.getProperty() == TNEFProperty.ID_ATTACHMENT) {
            List<MAPIAttribute> attrs = MAPIAttribute.create(attr);
            for (MAPIAttribute ma : attrs) {
                System.out.println(indent + indent + ma);
Also used : TNEFAttribute(org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.TNEFAttribute) MAPIAttribute(org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIAttribute) TNEFStringAttribute(org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.TNEFStringAttribute) TNEFDateAttribute(org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.TNEFDateAttribute)

Example 8 with MAPIAttribute

use of org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIAttribute in project poi by apache.

the class HMEFFileHandler method handleFile.

public void handleFile(InputStream stream, String path) throws Exception {
    HMEFMessage msg = new HMEFMessage(stream);
    // list all properties
    StringBuilder props = new StringBuilder();
    for (MAPIAttribute att : msg.getMessageMAPIAttributes()) {
        props.append(att.getType()).append(": ").append(MAPIStringAttribute.getAsString(att)).append("\n");
    // there are two test-files that have no body...
    if (!msg.getSubject().equals("Testing TNEF Message") && !msg.getSubject().equals("TNEF test message with attachments")) {
        assertNotNull("Had: " + msg.getBody() + ", " + msg.getSubject() + ", " + msg.getAttachments() + ": " + props, msg.getBody());
    assertNotNull("Had: " + msg.getBody() + ", " + msg.getSubject() + ", " + msg.getAttachments() + ": " + props, msg.getSubject());
Also used : HMEFMessage(org.apache.poi.hmef.HMEFMessage) MAPIAttribute(org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIAttribute)

Example 9 with MAPIAttribute

use of org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIAttribute in project poi by apache.

the class TestCompressedRTF method testQuickBasics.

     * Check that things are as we expected. If this fails,
     *  then decoding has no hope...  
public void testQuickBasics() throws Exception {
    HMEFMessage msg = new HMEFMessage(_samples.openResourceAsStream("quick-winmail.dat"));
    MAPIAttribute rtfAttr = msg.getMessageMAPIAttribute(MAPIProperty.RTF_COMPRESSED);
    assertTrue(rtfAttr instanceof MAPIRtfAttribute);
    // Check the start of the compressed version
    byte[] data = ((MAPIRtfAttribute) rtfAttr).getRawData();
    assertEquals(5907, data.length);
    // First 16 bytes is header stuff
    // Check it has the length + compressed marker
    assertEquals(5907 - 4, LittleEndian.getShort(data));
    assertEquals("LZFu", StringUtil.getFromCompressedUnicode(data, 8, 4));
    // Now Look at the code
    // Flag: cccUUUUU
    assertEquals((byte) 0x07, data[16 + 0]);
    //  c1a: offset 0 / 0x000
    assertEquals((byte) 0x00, data[16 + 1]);
    //  c1b: length 6+2  -> {\rtf1\a
    assertEquals((byte) 0x06, data[16 + 2]);
    //  c2a: offset 16 / 0x010
    assertEquals((byte) 0x01, data[16 + 3]);
    //  c2b: length 1+2  ->  def
    assertEquals((byte) 0x01, data[16 + 4]);
    //  c3a: offset 182 / 0xb6
    assertEquals((byte) 0x0b, data[16 + 5]);
    //  c3b: length 0+2  -> la 
    assertEquals((byte) 0x60, data[16 + 6]);
    // n
    assertEquals((byte) 0x6e, data[16 + 7]);
    // g
    assertEquals((byte) 0x67, data[16 + 8]);
    // 1
    assertEquals((byte) 0x31, data[16 + 9]);
    // 0
    assertEquals((byte) 0x30, data[16 + 10]);
    // 2
    assertEquals((byte) 0x32, data[16 + 11]);
    // Flag:  UccUUccU
    assertEquals((byte) 0x66, data[16 + 12]);
    // 5 
    assertEquals((byte) 0x35, data[16 + 13]);
    //  c2a: offset 6 / 0x006
    assertEquals((byte) 0x00, data[16 + 14]);
    //  c2b: length 4+2  -> \ansi\a
    assertEquals((byte) 0x64, data[16 + 15]);
    //  c3a: offset 7 / 0x007
    assertEquals((byte) 0x00, data[16 + 16]);
    //  c3b: length 2+2  -> nsi
    assertEquals((byte) 0x72, data[16 + 17]);
    // c 
    assertEquals((byte) 0x63, data[16 + 18]);
    // p
    assertEquals((byte) 0x70, data[16 + 19]);
    //  c6a: offset 221 / 0x0dd
    assertEquals((byte) 0x0d, data[16 + 20]);
    //  c6b: length 0+2  -> g1
    assertEquals((byte) 0xd0, data[16 + 21]);
    //  c7a: offset 224 / 0x0e0
    assertEquals((byte) 0x0e, data[16 + 22]);
    //  c7b: length 0+2  -> 25
    assertEquals((byte) 0x00, data[16 + 23]);
    // 2
    assertEquals((byte) 0x32, data[16 + 24]);
Also used : MAPIRtfAttribute(org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIRtfAttribute) MAPIAttribute(org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIAttribute)

Example 10 with MAPIAttribute

use of org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIAttribute in project poi by apache.

the class TestHMEFMessage method testCustomProperty.

public void testCustomProperty() throws Exception {
    HMEFMessage msg = new HMEFMessage(_samples.openResourceAsStream("quick-winmail.dat"));
    // Should have non-standard properties with IDs 0xE28 and 0xE29
    boolean hasE28 = false;
    boolean hasE29 = false;
    for (MAPIAttribute attr : msg.getMessageMAPIAttributes()) {
        if (attr.getProperty().id == 0xe28)
            hasE28 = true;
        if (attr.getProperty().id == 0xe29)
            hasE29 = true;
    assertEquals(true, hasE28);
    assertEquals(true, hasE29);
    // Ensure we can fetch those as custom ones
    MAPIProperty propE28 = MAPIProperty.createCustom(0xe28, Types.ASCII_STRING, "Custom E28");
    MAPIProperty propE29 = MAPIProperty.createCustom(0xe29, Types.ASCII_STRING, "Custom E29");
    assertEquals(MAPIStringAttribute.class, msg.getMessageMAPIAttribute(propE28).getClass());
    assertEquals("Zimbra - Mark Rogers", ((MAPIStringAttribute) msg.getMessageMAPIAttribute(propE28)).getDataString().substring(10));
Also used : MAPIStringAttribute(org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIStringAttribute) MAPIAttribute(org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIAttribute) MAPIProperty(org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty)


MAPIAttribute (org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIAttribute)13 MAPIRtfAttribute (org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIRtfAttribute)5 ByteArrayInputStream ( POIDataSamples (org.apache.poi.POIDataSamples)2 HMEFMessage (org.apache.poi.hmef.HMEFMessage)2 MAPIStringAttribute (org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.MAPIStringAttribute)2 TNEFAttribute (org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.TNEFAttribute)2 MAPIProperty (org.apache.poi.hsmf.datatypes.MAPIProperty)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 File ( FileOutputStream ( InputStream ( OutputStream ( Attachment (org.apache.poi.hmef.Attachment)1 TNEFDateAttribute (org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.TNEFDateAttribute)1 TNEFStringAttribute (org.apache.poi.hmef.attribute.TNEFStringAttribute)1 EmbeddedDocumentExtractor (org.apache.tika.extractor.EmbeddedDocumentExtractor)1