use of org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.TextPropCollection in project poi by apache.
the class HSLFTextParagraph method setPropVal.
* Returns the named TextProp, either by fetching it (if it exists) or
* adding it (if it didn't)
* @param props the TextPropCollection to fetch from / add into
* @param name the name of the TextProp to fetch/add
* @param val the value, null if unset
protected void setPropVal(TextPropCollection props, TextPropCollection masterProps, String name, Integer val) {
TextPropCollection pc = props;
if (getSheet() instanceof MasterSheet && masterProps != null) {
pc = masterProps;
if (val == null) {
// Fetch / Add the TextProp
TextProp tp = pc.addWithName(name);
use of org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.TextPropCollection in project poi by apache.
the class HSLFTextParagraph method updateStyles.
* Update paragraph and character styles - merges them when subsequential styles match
private static void updateStyles(List<HSLFTextParagraph> paragraphs) {
final String rawText = toInternalString(getRawText(paragraphs));
TextHeaderAtom headerAtom = paragraphs.get(0)._headerAtom;
StyleTextPropAtom styleAtom = findStyleAtomPresent(headerAtom, rawText.length());
// Update the text length for its Paragraph and Character stylings
// * reset the length, to the new string's length
// * add on +1 if the last block
TextPropCollection lastPTPC = null, lastRTPC = null, ptpc = null, rtpc = null;
for (HSLFTextParagraph para : paragraphs) {
ptpc = para.getParagraphStyle();
if (!ptpc.equals(lastPTPC)) {
lastPTPC = styleAtom.addParagraphTextPropCollection(0);
for (HSLFTextRun tr : para.getTextRuns()) {
rtpc = tr.getCharacterStyle();
if (!rtpc.equals(lastRTPC)) {
lastRTPC = styleAtom.addCharacterTextPropCollection(0);
int len = tr.getLength();
ptpc.updateTextSize(ptpc.getCharactersCovered() + len);
lastPTPC.updateTextSize(lastPTPC.getCharactersCovered() + len);
lastRTPC.updateTextSize(lastRTPC.getCharactersCovered() + len);
if (lastPTPC == null || lastRTPC == null || ptpc == null || rtpc == null) {
throw new HSLFException("Not all TextPropCollection could be determined.");
ptpc.updateTextSize(ptpc.getCharactersCovered() + 1);
rtpc.updateTextSize(rtpc.getCharactersCovered() + 1);
lastPTPC.updateTextSize(lastPTPC.getCharactersCovered() + 1);
lastRTPC.updateTextSize(lastRTPC.getCharactersCovered() + 1);
* If TextSpecInfoAtom is present, we must update the text size in it,
* otherwise the ppt will be corrupted
for (Record r : paragraphs.get(0).getRecords()) {
if (r instanceof TextSpecInfoAtom) {
((TextSpecInfoAtom) r).setParentSize(rawText.length() + 1);
use of org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.TextPropCollection in project poi by apache.
the class TestTextRun method testChangeTextInRichTextRun.
* Tests to ensure changing the text within rich text runs works
* correctly
public void testChangeTextInRichTextRun() {
HSLFSlide slideOne = ssRich.getSlides().get(0);
List<List<HSLFTextParagraph>> textParass = slideOne.getTextParagraphs();
List<HSLFTextParagraph> trB = textParass.get(1);
assertEquals(3, trB.size());
// We start with 3 text runs, each with their own set of styles,
// but all sharing the same paragraph styles
HSLFTextRun rtrB = trB.get(0).getTextRuns().get(0);
HSLFTextRun rtrC = trB.get(1).getTextRuns().get(0);
HSLFTextRun rtrD = trB.get(2).getTextRuns().get(0);
TextPropCollection tpBP = rtrB.getTextParagraph().getParagraphStyle();
TextPropCollection tpBC = rtrB.getCharacterStyle();
TextPropCollection tpCP = rtrC.getTextParagraph().getParagraphStyle();
TextPropCollection tpCC = rtrC.getCharacterStyle();
TextPropCollection tpDP = rtrD.getTextParagraph().getParagraphStyle();
TextPropCollection tpDC = rtrD.getCharacterStyle();
// Check text and stylings
assertEquals(HSLFTextParagraph.getRawText(trB).substring(0, 30), rtrB.getRawText());
assertEquals(tpBP, tpCP);
assertEquals(tpBP, tpDP);
assertEquals(tpCP, tpDP);
assertNotEquals(tpBC, tpCC);
assertNotEquals(tpBC, tpDC);
assertNotEquals(tpCC, tpDC);
// Check text in the rich runs
assertEquals("This is the subtitle, in bold\r", rtrB.getRawText());
assertEquals("This bit is blue and italic\r", rtrC.getRawText());
assertEquals("This bit is red (normal)", rtrD.getRawText());
String newBText = "New Subtitle, will still be bold\n";
String newCText = "New blue and italic text\n";
String newDText = "Funky new normal red text";
assertEquals(newBText.replace('\n', '\r'), rtrB.getRawText());
assertEquals(newCText.replace('\n', '\r'), rtrC.getRawText());
assertEquals(newDText.replace('\n', '\r'), rtrD.getRawText());
assertEquals(newBText.replace('\n', '\r') + newCText.replace('\n', '\r') + newDText.replace('\n', '\r'), HSLFTextParagraph.getRawText(trB));
// The styles should have been updated for the new sizes
assertEquals(newBText.length(), tpBC.getCharactersCovered());
assertEquals(newCText.length(), tpCC.getCharactersCovered());
// Last one is always one larger
assertEquals(newDText.length() + 1, tpDC.getCharactersCovered());
// Paragraph style should be sum of text length
assertEquals(newBText.length() + newCText.length() + newDText.length() + 1, tpBP.getCharactersCovered() + tpCP.getCharactersCovered() + tpDP.getCharactersCovered());
// Check stylings still as expected
TextPropCollection ntpBC = rtrB.getCharacterStyle();
TextPropCollection ntpCC = rtrC.getCharacterStyle();
TextPropCollection ntpDC = rtrD.getCharacterStyle();
assertEquals(tpBC.getTextPropList(), ntpBC.getTextPropList());
assertEquals(tpCC.getTextPropList(), ntpCC.getTextPropList());
assertEquals(tpDC.getTextPropList(), ntpDC.getTextPropList());
use of org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.TextPropCollection in project poi by apache.
the class TestNumberedList3 method checkSingleRunWrapper.
private void checkSingleRunWrapper(final int exceptedLength, final EscherTextboxWrapper wrapper) {
final StyleTextPropAtom styleTextPropAtom = wrapper.getStyleTextPropAtom();
final List<TextPropCollection> textProps = styleTextPropAtom.getCharacterStyles();
assertEquals(1, textProps.size());
assertEquals(exceptedLength, textProps.get(0).getCharactersCovered());
use of org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.TextPropCollection in project poi by apache.
the class TestTextRun method testSetTextWhereRich.
* Tests to ensure that setting the text where the text is rich
* sets everything to the same styling
public void testSetTextWhereRich() {
HSLFSlide slideOne = ssRich.getSlides().get(0);
List<List<HSLFTextParagraph>> textParass = slideOne.getTextParagraphs();
List<HSLFTextParagraph> trB = textParass.get(1);
assertEquals(3, trB.size());
HSLFTextRun rtrB = trB.get(0).getTextRuns().get(0);
HSLFTextRun rtrC = trB.get(1).getTextRuns().get(0);
HSLFTextRun rtrD = trB.get(2).getTextRuns().get(0);
TextPropCollection tpBP = rtrB.getTextParagraph().getParagraphStyle();
TextPropCollection tpBC = rtrB.getCharacterStyle();
TextPropCollection tpCP = rtrC.getTextParagraph().getParagraphStyle();
TextPropCollection tpCC = rtrC.getCharacterStyle();
TextPropCollection tpDP = rtrD.getTextParagraph().getParagraphStyle();
TextPropCollection tpDC = rtrD.getCharacterStyle();
// assertEquals(trB.getRawText().substring(0, 30), rtrB.getRawText());
assertEquals(tpBP, tpCP);
assertEquals(tpBP, tpDP);
assertEquals(tpCP, tpDP);
assertNotEquals(tpBC, tpCC);
assertNotEquals(tpBC, tpDC);
assertNotEquals(tpCC, tpDC);
// Change text via normal
HSLFTextParagraph.setText(trB, "Test Foo Test");
// Ensure now have first style
assertEquals(1, trB.get(0).getTextRuns().size());
rtrB = trB.get(0).getTextRuns().get(0);
assertEquals("Test Foo Test", HSLFTextParagraph.getRawText(trB));
assertEquals("Test Foo Test", rtrB.getRawText());
assertEquals(tpBP, rtrB.getTextParagraph().getParagraphStyle());
assertEquals(tpBC, rtrB.getCharacterStyle());