use of org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument in project poi by apache.
the class HWPFLister method dumpPapx.
public void dumpPapx(boolean withProperties, boolean withSprms) throws Exception {
if (_doc instanceof HWPFDocument) {
System.out.println("binary PAP pages ");
HWPFDocument doc = (HWPFDocument) _doc;
byte[] mainStream = _doc.getMainStream();
PlexOfCps binTable = new PlexOfCps(doc.getTableStream(), doc.getFileInformationBlock().getFcPlcfbtePapx(), doc.getFileInformationBlock().getLcbPlcfbtePapx(), 4);
List<PAPX> papxs = new ArrayList<PAPX>();
int length = binTable.length();
for (int x = 0; x < length; x++) {
GenericPropertyNode node = binTable.getProperty(x);
int pageNum = LittleEndian.getInt(node.getBytes());
int pageOffset = POIFSConstants.SMALLER_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE * pageNum;
PAPFormattedDiskPage pfkp = new PAPFormattedDiskPage(mainStream, doc.getDataStream(), pageOffset, doc.getTextTable());
System.out.println("* PFKP: " + pfkp);
for (PAPX papx : pfkp.getPAPXs()) {
System.out.println("** " + papx);
if (papx != null && withSprms) {
SprmIterator sprmIt = new SprmIterator(papx.getGrpprl(), 2);
dumpSprms(sprmIt, "*** ");
System.out.println("* Sorted by END");
for (PAPX papx : papxs) {
System.out.println("** " + papx);
if (papx != null && withSprms) {
SprmIterator sprmIt = new SprmIterator(papx.getGrpprl(), 2);
dumpSprms(sprmIt, "*** ");
for (PAPX papx : _doc.getParagraphTable().getParagraphs()) {
if (withProperties) {
Paragraph paragraph = Paragraph.newParagraph(_doc.getOverallRange(), papx);
SprmIterator sprmIt = new SprmIterator(papx.getGrpprl(), 2);
dumpSprms(sprmIt, "\t");
use of org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument in project poi by apache.
the class TestTextPieceTable method testUnicodeParts.
* Check that we do the positions correctly when working with a mix ascii,
* unicode file
public void testUnicodeParts() throws Exception {
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("HeaderFooterUnicode.doc");
TextPieceTable tbl = doc.getTextTable();
// In three bits, split every 512 bytes
assertEquals(3, tbl.getTextPieces().size());
TextPiece tpA = tbl.getTextPieces().get(0);
TextPiece tpB = tbl.getTextPieces().get(1);
TextPiece tpC = tbl.getTextPieces().get(2);
assertEquals(256, tpA.characterLength());
assertEquals(256, tpB.characterLength());
assertEquals(19, tpC.characterLength());
assertEquals(512, tpA.bytesLength());
assertEquals(512, tpB.bytesLength());
assertEquals(38, tpC.bytesLength());
assertEquals(0, tpA.getStart());
assertEquals(256, tpA.getEnd());
assertEquals(256, tpB.getStart());
assertEquals(512, tpB.getEnd());
assertEquals(512, tpC.getStart());
assertEquals(531, tpC.getEnd());
// Save and re-load
HWPFDocument docB = saveAndReload(doc);
tbl = docB.getTextTable();
assertEquals(3, tbl.getTextPieces().size());
tpA = tbl.getTextPieces().get(0);
tpB = tbl.getTextPieces().get(1);
tpC = tbl.getTextPieces().get(2);
assertEquals(256, tpA.characterLength());
assertEquals(256, tpB.characterLength());
assertEquals(19, tpC.characterLength());
assertEquals(512, tpA.bytesLength());
assertEquals(512, tpB.bytesLength());
assertEquals(38, tpC.bytesLength());
assertEquals(0, tpA.getStart());
assertEquals(256, tpA.getEnd());
assertEquals(256, tpB.getStart());
assertEquals(512, tpB.getEnd());
assertEquals(512, tpC.getStart());
assertEquals(531, tpC.getEnd());
use of org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument in project poi by apache.
the class TestTextPieceTable method saveAndReload.
protected HWPFDocument saveAndReload(HWPFDocument doc) throws Exception {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return new HWPFDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()));
use of org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument in project poi by apache.
the class TestTextPieceTable method test56549_CharIndexRange.
public void test56549_CharIndexRange() {
HWPFDocument doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.openSampleFile("ThreeColHeadFoot.doc");
// there is one range from 2048 - 2387
TextPieceTable tbl = doc.getTextTable();
int[][] range = tbl.getCharIndexRanges(0, 0);
assertEquals(0, range.length);
range = tbl.getCharIndexRanges(0, 1);
assertEquals(0, range.length);
range = tbl.getCharIndexRanges(0, 338);
assertEquals(0, range.length);
range = tbl.getCharIndexRanges(0, 339);
assertEquals(0, range.length);
range = tbl.getCharIndexRanges(0, 340);
assertEquals(0, range.length);
range = tbl.getCharIndexRanges(2030, 2048);
assertEquals(0, range.length);
range = tbl.getCharIndexRanges(2030, 2049);
assertEquals(1, range.length);
assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 0, 1 }, range[0]);
range = tbl.getCharIndexRanges(2048, 2049);
assertEquals(1, range.length);
assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 0, 1 }, range[0]);
range = tbl.getCharIndexRanges(2048, 2300);
assertEquals(1, range.length);
assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 0, 252 }, range[0]);
range = tbl.getCharIndexRanges(2049, 2300);
assertEquals(1, range.length);
assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 1, 252 }, range[0]);
range = tbl.getCharIndexRanges(2049, 2300);
assertEquals(1, range.length);
assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 1, 252 }, range[0]);
range = tbl.getCharIndexRanges(2049, 2387);
assertEquals(1, range.length);
assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 1, 339 }, range[0]);
range = tbl.getCharIndexRanges(2049, 2388);
assertEquals(1, range.length);
assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 1, 339 }, range[0]);
range = tbl.getCharIndexRanges(2387, 2388);
assertEquals(1, range.length);
assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 339, 339 }, range[0]);
use of org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument in project poi by apache.
the class TestSprms method testInnerTable.
* Test correct processing of "sprmPItap" (0x6649) and "sprmPFInTable"
* (0x2416)
public void testInnerTable() throws Exception {
InputStream resourceAsStream = POIDataSamples.getDocumentInstance().openResourceAsStream("innertable.doc");
HWPFDocument hwpfDocument = new HWPFDocument(resourceAsStream);
hwpfDocument = reload(hwpfDocument);